Post Menopause Bleeding After Cramps Like Ovulation Cramps

I had what felt like ovulation cramps last week and tonight have vaginal bleeding, fresh blood not old.

I did this in 2012 after my mom died, was checked pap smear, uterine biopsy and I feel those hurt, it was all good, they thought it might of been stress related because it lasted only one day.

My abnormally normal periods were only 1-3 days, they were one coming in, one day of heavy bleeding, and spotting on third day. But every 28 days like clockwork with no issues there. In my 20's I was told I had endometriosis and when they went to do the ultrasound the cyst had went away. I didn't take it any further than that but never had children and never took birth control. Cramps were always very painful, had to curl up in a ball, always had severe back pain with them as well.

Last week they were like that not quite as bad but nearly.

Is this just a fluke you all think? Even menopause I had no symptoms, when I turned 50 it shut off like a faucet never again until 2012, and now.

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Menopause :: Stomach Cramps VS. Uterine Cramps

I'm having a hard time distinguishing between cramps from the intestines/stomach and slight cramps from my "female parts"... Sometimes I think that I have a regular stomach pain, but I'm wondering whether the pains could be slight cramping from my uterus instead? Right now I'm most likely just passed the ovulation and should have my period in about 13 days. Would slight cramping during this time be normal for someone in perimenopause?

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Horse Riding ?

Hello, I am a 48 year old woman who was diagnosed with LS four months ago, having been suffering with increasing symptoms for over a year.  I started menopause early, aged 43 and as a result of a routine blood test for this also discovered that I have an underactive thyroid so take levothyroxine daily.  I've been managing the LS reasonably successfully in terms of daily comfort and sex life but as you can tell from the title of this post, I am an equestrian and this is where my real problem lies at the moment.  I have two horses and until several months ago rode at least 6 times a week.  As my symptoms were progressing and before diagnosis I tried everything to relieve the pain - vaseline, feminine pads, gel filled saddle savers etc.  If I space my rides and only go for a light hack I'm fairly ok, but any serious riding and I'm wrecked afterwards.  I have just purchased some cycling shorts with what was described as a 'perineal relief' pad in the gusset area - hoping I could put these on just before riding and take them off again if they help.  I have also gone so far as talking to a saddler (male, so that was fairly embarrassing) about the possibility of using a gel pad with a hole in the middle on top of my saddle.  He is having a think, but there are lots of ergonomic issues with balancing on top of a horse which also have to be considered.   Does anyone else here manage to ride (or even cycle) successfully using remedial padding or accessories of any description or am I facing a life without horses?

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Menopause :: Stomach Cramps, Hot Flushes, Pains In Chest And Palpitations

i think I've been peri for a few months now, even though blood test says I'm not! , I've had hot flushes, pains in chest and palpitations, first doc said menopause, 2nd said acid reflux for which I'm now been treated, but I know this can be linked to peri as well.

my new symptoms are stomach cramps like I get when I'm due on, but it's mid cycle, my periods have been regular so far, is this how it all begins? 

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Menopause :: Severe Cramps, Bloating And Light Spotting, Night Sweats

I am 45 years old. I had a normal period in Jan and Feb. Then nothing in March, April or May, then in June and July severe cramps, bloating and light spotting. When I urinate there are blood clots but no bleeding. Im also experiencing night sweats. Should I be worried, I don't have an appointment till late August.

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Menopause :: Migraine, Aura, Cramps, Dry Eyes, Twitches And Mood Swings

I have been reading over the time on this site some scared and desperate lovely ladies in need of reassurance. I know because i have been there and i just want to reach out a reassuring hand and say it probably is the start of menopause, of course get it checked out but don't feel you are alone and going mad! Here is some of my awful symptoms!



Panic attacks


Food cravings



Migraine auras

Leg cramps

Nose and gum bleeds


Hot sweats

Brain fog

Heavy clotty periods

Irregular periods

Eye twitches

Mood swings

Sensitive teeth

Brittle nails

Watery eyes

Dry eyes

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Carbimazole :: Painful Leg Cramps (not The Usual Night Time Calf Cramps)

I was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and I have been taking Carbimazole since Aug 6, 2010, since yesterday I have been experiencing painful leg cramps (not the usual night time calf cramps) that begin just above my right knee and travel down to my foot sometimes 5 or so in quick succession - this is really painful :? and I wondered if anybody else has these or should I go back and see my GP?

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Muscle Cramps All Over Body, Upper Thigh Cramps So Severe

Cramps so bad in thighs, I can't take the pain anymore

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Cramps :: Leg And Foot Cramps

I've suffered from these for years. When I told the GP he prescribed 200mg quinine sulphate but I still had cramps - albeit fewer. so he prescribed 300mg tablets. I still get the cramps, perhaps not as frequently but it's quite distressing.

Leg cramps can be eased by standing on the leg and stretching it. Foot on the leg and stretching it. Foot cramps are quite different, my foot turns inwards and my toes turn position. Nothing but time can resolve it, my husband watches in amazement, as do I. It's quite painful.

A son says that lack of salt can cause cramps, might this be so? We have very low sodium chloride intake.

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Menopause :: Period - One Year Post-menopause

Three weeks ago, to my great surprise, I started to bleed after one year. The 2-3 weeks preceding this, my breasts were so sore, I was bloated and I has the typical "stringy" discharge that I used to get before my period. I was really not expecting another period but the bleeding was heavy and lasted for just over a week.

I saw my doctor a few days ago and she that she is obliged to send me for an ultrasound and possible biopsy if the lining looks thick. She said she is not worried but I am freaking out.

Can anyone share a similar experience? I read on one website that it is actually possible to ovulate and have a period after you stop menstruating for a year. I have not had any spotting - just this one "period". Of course, everything I have read says how abnormal it is to bleed after menopause and now I'm scared that there is something serious going on. My ultrasound is booked for two days from now.

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Peri Menopause/menopause :: Trying To Conceive

I'm 42 and recently had blood work to check my hormones. My GYN said my labs suggested post menopause. I have yet to stop having a monthly. My periods are starting to range from 30-45 days but I've yet to skip a month. My husband and I were considering trying one last time to have another baby. Very confused

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Cramps :: Leg Cramps From One Leg To Other

They can happen Anywhere from toes to tendons in foot to upper thigh anywhere.

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Periods Cramps After Sex

So my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time and since it was a heated moment there wasn't protection involved. About an 1 1/2 later, I started to have pretty bad "period cramps". I usually have bad period cramps and heavy periods and my period is due very soon. What do these cramps mean? Are they just regular period cramps? (My period app says I should be getting my period today)

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Cramps :: Overuse Of Muscles

They started a week ago, two days after a very strenuous run and arm workout. I don't run a lot and the exercise really wore me out and my quads were sore for a couple days. Then I started getting cramps in my left forearm and left anterior calf muscle (above the ankle). They come multiple times in the day simultaneously for about 5-10 seconds then fade away together as well. I've tried every home remedy(massaging, hot bath, stretches) and none have affected the frequency or intensity of the cramps.

I visited a primary care doctor who drew blood to check my electrolyte levels and gave my head a ct scan, both came back normal and they wrote me a script for Flexeril which helps me sleep but does not relieve the cramping.

The next day I visited a neurologist who gave me an EEG to confirm I was not experiencing partial seizures. He then put me through some basic strength tests and confirmed I wasn't experiencing strength loss in my affected limbs and said he didn't think He referred me to another neurologist who specializes in muscles to "make myself feel better" who I'm seeing Friday.

I've been able to rule out some scarier stuff with the CT scan and the fact that I haven't been feeling any weakness (other than soreness), or other symptoms other than the cramps themselves. Maybe it's a slipped disc? That's the only thing I've read that makes sense. This seems like too long a period for something as simple as an overworked muscle

Long story short, all the doctors I've seen haven't found anything other than overuse of muscles and long cramping. I'm hoping anyone who has experienced something similar or knows someone who has can provide any advice or insight into what's going on. Thanks!

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Am I Pregnant? :: Light Cramps But Nothing Like My PMS

I was expected to get my Period 2 days ago . My periods are very regular. always on time ! They are always heavy and dark red and I get these unbearable cramps. 2 days ago when I was suppose to get my period I ended up dribbling brown spots of blood. Side note: my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on my days of ovulation and he did ejaculate inside of me (unprotected)...

I thought since it was the first day that my cycle should have started I assumed it would get heavier within in a few hours .. It didn't. I've been spotting a light red blood for almost 2 full days.

Its not enough blood to fill a pad or tampon but when I go to urinate (which I've been doing like crazy recently) there will be a bit more blood then what's on my pad .

My breasts are tender. I've been having light cramps but nothing like my PMS ones. I'm extremely tired all the time and have no interest in food as I'm constantly nauseated . and I found that my nipples got a bit bigger. Could I be pregnant?

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Cramps :: Cured By Quinine

I was getting severe leg cramps several times a week. Since being prescribed one quinine tablet before going to bed, they have completely disappeared. The cramps were sometimes in my calf muscles but mainly in my ankles, feet and the muscle at the side of my leg.

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No Treatment From Cramps - Tried Everything Over Last 20 Years

i realise people are trying to be helpful but when it is said "i promise you or i guarantee you the cramps will stop if you take xyz...." i just tune out.  i have seen several specialists over the last 15-20 years without relief and last chance trying a muscle expert in the next couple of weeks.  started a diary of the amounts and types of cramps experiencing to give the doc a little picture of my life.  at 65 i can unhappily say i will not be here for a long time if i cannot get relief and a decent night's sleep.  at the moment i am lucky if i can get an 1 1/2 at a time before i am up under the shower or using a powerful hairdryer to heat the muscles into relaxing.  i am not depressed and have attempted throughout my life to put troubles behind and move forward positively.  Our children are all grown up and happy with their own family.   If this is my reality of life now my husband understands exactly how i feel and my desperation to find relief and peace.

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Breast Pain And Getting Cramps

I'm a young teen. I recently been having a problem with my period. Which I never had before. I never get cramps or bloated. I am a few days late of this month. Earlier this month, I had sexual inter course for the first time. My partner did not go inside all the way. He pulled out before he ejaculated. So no sperm entered my uterus. From the beginning of when we started and when we ended, was from 3 to 5 minutes. It happened very quickly. Why is he reason why I am haven't had my period? Why do my breast start to hurt and I'm suddenly getting cramps, yet I have never gotten them before?

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Pregnancy :: Butt Cramps

I'm not sure if that's a pregnancy symptom but I've been getting them

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