Menopause :: Stomach Cramps VS. Uterine Cramps

I'm having a hard time distinguishing between cramps from the intestines/stomach and slight cramps from my "female parts"... Sometimes I think that I have a regular stomach pain, but I'm wondering whether the pains could be slight cramping from my uterus instead? Right now I'm most likely just passed the ovulation and should have my period in about 13 days. Would slight cramping during this time be normal for someone in perimenopause?

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Fatty Liver And Gastritis With Stomach Pains Upper And Lower Abdominal Pains

I been having stomach pains to the point for about 3 months which is really scaring me a lot I went to the hospital I thought I was my appendix but it wasn't they did x-Ray and ct scan and blood work everything come out normal but they told me I have fatty liver I also had h.pylori but don't have h.pylori no more took antibiotics and also have gastritis but still they don't find nothing but I'm still in pain it comes and goes to me it feels like it's air in my stomach it goes everywhere around to my left side to my chest but it doesn't goes away. Lately I been feeling nauseous wanna throw up I just wanna feel normal again as I write this. I have discomfort in my stomach right side I can push down with one finger on my stomach and hold it, it hurts and it feels like it's burning I don't know what to do.

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Menopause :: Risk Of DVT - Cannot Have HRT - Hot Flushes Treatment?

I have the menopause and am at risk of DVT so cannot have HRT. Does anyone know of any treatment for it especially for hot flushes?

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Menopause In 30's - Hot Flashes, Flushes And Anxiety

I'm going nuts with these hot flashes,flushes! anxiety something crazy but have panic disorder,snapping,no desire for sex at all,and dizzy like all throughout the day!!i feel i'm going nuts! more symptoms but jeez im tired! !ive had all these tests to no avail.! all i can think is its perimeno or meno,as i had a hysto at 32 , started feeling crappy about 3 years now!

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Heart Palpitations With Veins Showing On Stomach ?

I currently have some heart palpitation issues , then a vein got slightly bigger and is showing on my right leg and it hurts sometimes , but now this new things shows up. I don't know if those things are related but i don't wanna bug my doctor no more.
Can anyone tell me is this anything to worry about or not?

Veins are being showed on my stomach .. I am very fit 22 year old , i work out /etc.

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Trimethoprim :: Red Rash On My Chest And Palpitations

I was given Trimethoprim (on its own) to treat a water infection and a cough, and about 20 minutes after taking it, my top lip swelled up and my mouth went numb. I also had blotchy, red rash on my chest and palpitations.

Turns out I am actually allergic to Trimethoprim...this was the first time I had ever been prescribed it. A few other people I have spoke to, also said that they have had bad reactions to this medicine.

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Post Menopause Bleeding After Cramps Like Ovulation Cramps

I had what felt like ovulation cramps last week and tonight have vaginal bleeding, fresh blood not old.

I did this in 2012 after my mom died, was checked pap smear, uterine biopsy and I feel those hurt, it was all good, they thought it might of been stress related because it lasted only one day.

My abnormally normal periods were only 1-3 days, they were one coming in, one day of heavy bleeding, and spotting on third day. But every 28 days like clockwork with no issues there. In my 20's I was told I had endometriosis and when they went to do the ultrasound the cyst had went away. I didn't take it any further than that but never had children and never took birth control. Cramps were always very painful, had to curl up in a ball, always had severe back pain with them as well.

Last week they were like that not quite as bad but nearly.

Is this just a fluke you all think? Even menopause I had no symptoms, when I turned 50 it shut off like a faucet never again until 2012, and now.

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Anyone Evaluated For Palpitations During Menopause?

Are there any individuals here who are being evaluated for palpitations during menopause?

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Menopause :: Perimenopause - Heart Palpitations And Anxiety

This has been the worst 3 weeks of my life with these perimenopause symptoms. I'm soon to be 49. I thought my symptoms were getting better. Then on March 8th started having bad stomach cramps and low back pain which lasted 2 1/2 weeks. Then the terrible indigestion started with heart palpitations and then of course major anxiety. My period which has been about every 18 days since December is now late. I live each day in fear and terror of heart palpitations and anxiety. I seriously feel like I might die everyday. This is absolutely no way to live. I feel bad for my poor husband and daughter. I am no wife and mother at this time. My daughter is 21 but I still feel horrible about the state I'm in. Sorry for the vent. Feeling hopeless like this journey will never ever end.

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Coeliac Disease :: Often Stomach Pains After Eating

I have a 8 year old daughter who i have been worried has Coeliac disease for some time now, She was under a doctor in the first two years of her life as she was not growing at the expected rate, they done many tests at the time including a blood test for Celiac which came back negative. in the end it was decided she was just small. She Is still very small and at 8 years old wears age 6 clothing, she complains often of stomach pains after eating. I have also recently noticed that the enamel on her front teeth is not forming properly, is very pitted and looks very brittle. I requested another blood test last year which also came back negative but i'm still not convinced. We do have Celiac in our family, not her immediate family but grandparents.  I don't know if i'm worrying for no reason or if I'm going to cause long term problems for her by not pushing this further.

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Menopause :: Anxiety Causing Heart Palpitations And Increased Blood Pressure

My anxiety has been terrible since peri menopause started about 8 years ago.I am 46 now and the heart palpitations and increased blood pressure is getting to me. I had blood work,had a holiter monitor test for 48 hours and the results were normal.My anxiety is horrible which in turn makes everything else go up, can this really be normal?

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Angina ? Chest Pains During Swimming

I have chest pain after recently swimming, it's not too painful but i have some symptoms of angina, except for the tightness/squeezing feelings in my arms or legs, I only have it in my chest. I only notice it when i take deep breaths or when I'm standing.

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Pleurisy :: Sharp Chest Pains

I woke up in early January with sharp chest pains. I'm young, but of course I did not discount heart ailments. Two ER trips and a Doctor later, after every medical test to my poor body, I have been diagnosed with pleurisy.

I have kids, they are great and understanding and have helped me a lot, but it's been almost 14 weeks. I hurt. This came from nothing, I am extraordinarily healthy, I just hurt.

Today I suppose I'm at my wits end. I am terribly healthy, I should not have this. I have been crying all day.

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Gallbladder Removal Post Surgery Bad Stomach Pains, Couldn't Eat

I had my gallbladder out almost a year ago and a month after surgery i had serious issues. Bad stomach pains, couldn't eat, lost a bunch of weight, woken up in middle of night with HR around 135. Long story short i still have issues but some seem worse. Whole upper abdomen hurts now and causes chest discomfort. I've had too many tests done and no answer. Always constipated too. Most of my pain was on right along whole side now its upper left side too and whole stomach. Some relief when i have bowel movement. Still get woken up with raised HR and sometimes BP and will feel cold, shaky, cold sweat. Had heart checked and its fine. Ideas?

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Sertraline :: Zoloft - Caused Chest Pains

I was taking Zoloft for about 3 weeks or so. I had to go off of it because it caused chest pains. I asked the doctor will I have withdrawals. He said no! I am so sick everyday now. I have nausea so bad. My head hurts, I have to lay down during the day. I feel like I have fever. I don't know what to do? I am busy planning my wedding for August. I can't feel like this everyday. Can please anyone help on what I can do to make myself get better.

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Anxiety :: Enlarged Heart - Chest Pains

I went to urgent care for chest pains I was having the night before. The doctor did an EKG, blood test, and chest X-ray. He went over all the results and said everything was okay. He went over the chest x ray and said my heart was a little bit above average size and said it was no big deal. But I went home and looked that up and it seems like a pretty big deal. Now I can't stop stressing about it and my anxiety has been awful all night and day.

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Asthma :: Inhalers Causing Chest Pains

I have been diagnosed with Bronchial asthma all my life (22 years), My inhalers have not been a bother with me worked perfect helped me so much expect the Blue one which made my Asthma worse. As of lately, I am on a Brown inhaler and all of a sudden when I take it I get really severe chest pains on my lungs and ribs, (Inflamed lungs) which has been caused by taking my inhaler, I have been to the doctors and she just says it's because it's "opening my airways" I have stopped taking them and the pain has gone, but I have to take them because change of weather makes me breathless. I am struggling on what to do. It gets so bad that I have to hold my chest and rub the area to calm the pain.

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Pregnancy :: 8 Weeks - Throwing Up, Backache, Neck Pains, Stomach Pain

I was wondering am I the only who gets sick constantly. Such as throwing up, back ache, neck pains, stomach pains, and always feeling like I can't do anything. I feel so helpless

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High Heart Rate, Chest Pains (For Months)

Hello, I am only in my 20s but I have been experiencing a dull chest pain on the left side of my chest, I have had it for about 2 months.

I am worried that something might be wrong with my heart as my resting heart rate is about 86-105, which of course is very high, I am a light smoker (10 a day) and after having a cigarette it can jump up to 140bpm+

If I do something like run up the stairs, or maybe do a fast walk it can jump up to 110 easily, if I check my heart rate after I get out of bed it will range from 65-75.

This all started a few months ago when I felt really weak one day and fell on my bet, and I couldn't move and had a great chest pain that felt like I was going to die, I was also shaking uncontrollably... I would have rang an ambulance but I couldn't get up...

I have been to the doctors a few time, and they either refuse to do anything because of my age and say that I am fine, or another time they said it might be indigestion (I took some tablets and my heart rate hasn't lowered or the chest pain hasn't stopped)

After begging the doctors to give me an ECG, it came back fine... But I feel they missed something as when they did it I wasn't feeling any chest pain (My heart rate was 90 at the time)

I wish they would give me a full checkup as something is clearly wrong... I am thinking heart failure, why can't they make me run on the spot or put me on a treadmill for 30 seconds so they can see how fast my heart is pumping.

This isn't anxiety, and I have never had a panic attack before... I am just worried that something might be wrong... And no doctor will check me out because of my age, I mean I think I had a heart attack a couple of months ago and now my heart is failing me!

What do I do!!! Where do I go for someone to give me a full checkup, all of the doctors I go to say something different (Some say indigestion, some say anxiety)

Would you guys say I had a heart attack and am now having heart failure? Or am I worrying about nothing, I just wish the doctors would give me a full physical!

Edit My heart rate as of now is 108, and I am having chest pains on the left side as always (Dull ones), my heart rate used to be in the 60s-low 70s... And this is what is making me think I am having heart failure, but the doctors won't take me seriously and won't give me proper checkups. Can it be something other than a problem with my heart?

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