Menopause :: 17 Months Period Free Now Got A Period!

56 and my last period was 17 months ago. I remember as  I was away on holiday and it was really heavy but nothing since. It's been really lovely not having to worry about pads and tampons. Then about 2 weeks ago got really tender breasts like I used to but not the old low feeling etc. Yesterday a period started , at the moment not heavy more spotting really. Am guessing I need to go to GP but am thinking this might just be a last hooray so to speak. Anyone got any thoughts on this? 

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Menopause :: Hot Flashes During Your Period?

Is this possible? My period just started today. It's been an awful day (month, really) with horrible indigestion, horrible cramps, and for the past hour or so I feel an intense heat rising in my face and spreading through my neck and chest, then it goes away. I've been wondering if I'm getting hot flashes because this is fairly new. But also, can they happen now...while I start my period?

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Menopause :: Getting Antisocial In A Short Period Of Time

I'm in the menopausal stage of my life and it sucks. Suppose I just want to know i'm not crazy by hearing from others in the same boat.

I just can't believe how much i've changed in such a short period of time. I use to be so social and always having visitors. Now I never want to go out, just getting to work is a mission. My friends rarely visit as I just don't encourage it anymore. They all think Its because I have a new man in my life but it's not even that as I just need to be on my own a lot of the time. Lucky for me my new man is so understanding and gives me the space I need. How long is this going to go on for. Would really like to be me again and will I turn back into the old me or is this it. Omg Im starting to realise why its called "The change of Life".

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Menopause :: Significant Hair Loss During This Period In Their Life?

After 5 weeks of waiting, i finally received a letter in the post yesterday fromt he Hospital regarding my MRI scan. It states in the letter that everything was normal APART from "a incidental 14mm calcified, extra axial lesion in the left frontal region, probably menigioma". It goes on to say "no further action will be required but a copy of the letter will go to visiting neurosurgeon for further clarification in this regard".

i've just googled menigioma and it comes up with brain tumor - should i be worried about this do you think? :-( i honestly didn't expect the letter to say this as i have waited over 5 weeks for these results. Can anyone advise? thanks

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Menopause :: Sinus Congestion/ Headcold 1week Before Period

Does anyone else suffer from sinus type problems during menstrual cycle.

I have been keeping a diary and have noticed that about a week before my period is due I start suffering sinus problems eg stuffy nose, blocked ears, congestion and fuzzy headed sometimes dizzyfish.

I keep explaining to my Dr that this keeps happening but he is not convinced there is a link. I'm sorry but my diary says otherwise.

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Peri Menopause/menopause :: Trying To Conceive

I'm 42 and recently had blood work to check my hormones. My GYN said my labs suggested post menopause. I have yet to stop having a monthly. My periods are starting to range from 30-45 days but I've yet to skip a month. My husband and I were considering trying one last time to have another baby. Very confused

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Post Menopause Bleeding After Cramps Like Ovulation Cramps

I had what felt like ovulation cramps last week and tonight have vaginal bleeding, fresh blood not old.

I did this in 2012 after my mom died, was checked pap smear, uterine biopsy and I feel those hurt, it was all good, they thought it might of been stress related because it lasted only one day.

My abnormally normal periods were only 1-3 days, they were one coming in, one day of heavy bleeding, and spotting on third day. But every 28 days like clockwork with no issues there. In my 20's I was told I had endometriosis and when they went to do the ultrasound the cyst had went away. I didn't take it any further than that but never had children and never took birth control. Cramps were always very painful, had to curl up in a ball, always had severe back pain with them as well.

Last week they were like that not quite as bad but nearly.

Is this just a fluke you all think? Even menopause I had no symptoms, when I turned 50 it shut off like a faucet never again until 2012, and now.

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Women's Health :: No Period In 1 Year

I'm 17, and I got my period when I was about 13. It would come fairly regularly, but I never really tracked it to the day. About 2 years ago my periods became further apart, every two or so months, but I never really payed attention. I now haven't had my period in over a year, and am beginning to get quite worried. I have been to a doctor (about 6months ago) and had blood and hormone tests, all of which came back fine. My doctor said to come back if I still hadn't had it in a year, which I plan to do as soon as I can get an appointment. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on why it might be? I am a virgin, eat completely healthy, exercise every day, am at the middle of healthy weight range for my age/height, and have never been on any birth control. My doctor said he thought it unlikely to be cysts but I'm not ruling it out (just crossing my fingers that it's not). I haven't been too worried as its quite convenient with my very active lifestyle, but i realize I need to get it sorted out.

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Women's Health :: 1st Period In A Year

I had my period was June 2015. I have now taken my period for the first time since then, and it has been going on for 3 weeks and doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon. I am 24 years old and have went to my doctor about this, but they said it was normal. Honestly I don't think it is normal but I might be wrong. Has anyone experienced anything like this and know what could be wrong? I do have Crohn's disease but I don't think it has anything to do with that.

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Menstrual Cycle :: Its Been A Year And A Half Since I Have Had A Period?

I was quite late to start my periods- 16 and they lasted for roughly a year or so very irregular.  They went away to costa rica and by the time i returned about 3 months later and i had turned 17 my periods had stopped. I haven't had my periods since, i have however been to the doctors several times, they have taken my blood and seem to have found no symptoms- they just told me they will return soon. One said it was because i was too thin, i am quite slim but no more than some of my friends and i eat a lot. It took quite a bit of effort but recently gained a little weight- i travel quite a bit (asia, south and central America, af) and was wondering if it was possible i have some kind of parasite. I'm 19 almost 20- there must be something up.

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Menstrual Cycle :: 22 Year Old - I Have Period Pains When I'm Not Due

I recently went to my doctor because pretty much since I started my period at 14, I've experience really bad cramps. The issue however is not that, my problem is that throughout the month regardless if I am due or not I get period cramps, or what I can only explain as "period cramps" as that is the closest thing it feels like, its defiantly within that region. I was tested for any STD's or ovarian cancer which all came back clear and then sent to hospital for an ultra sound to see if I had ovarian cysts or anything like that, again it all came back clear. I've had regular smear tests as well and I've never had any irregularities. So now I'm really confused and although I guess relieved that its none of the above, I'm now left pretty anxious and confused as I still have no idea what is happening. I've a pretty high pain threshold but these are really uncomfortable and sore and I cant just ignore the issue. I don't get discharge, blood or anything, just a sudden shooting pain in that area and it lasts a couple of seconds, and then goes. It can happen at anytime of the month and I'm really scared at what it is. Anyone have any ideas or experienced the same thing? I just want to put a name to its scary face that i have created!

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Women's Health :: No Period In Over A Year After Tubal Ligation

I am 24 years old and have 2 daughters. After my second daughter I had a tubal ligation during my second c secsection and even then I only bled for about 2 weeks right when I had her. I haven't had a period since then and she will be 2 in Feb 2016. I do experience mood swings and bloating, even back pain like I had when I was menstrual. Even with diet change I cannot lose weight. I had my thyroid checked, even got tested for diabetes and the doctors don't know anything except the absence of my period isn't normal. Has anyone experienced this? What can I do?

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Women's Health :: 16 And After Birth Control No Period For 1 Year

My name is Marielle and I am a sixteen year old female. I started birth control about two years ago due to severe cramps and stopped after about one year when they ended. Since that year, I have not had cramps or my period. I cannot remember if I stopped menstruating while weaning off of my daily birth control pill (or forgetting to take more like), but I have become somewhat worried. I have not consulted a doctor about this yet, but plan to soon. However, if anyone could help me to see if I should be more worried or stop worrying, that would be great. I am very nervous about there being something wrong and a possibility of me becoming sterile. Although this may seem a bit out of proportion, it is still a very present and scary nagging thought in my head.

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome :: Absent Period For One Year

Any advice to shift weight, bring back periods or tell me how I can tell if and when I might ovulate.

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Post Viral Fatigue This Year Following A Bad Virus

I was diagnosed with post viral fatigue this year following a bad virus.   Before that I was pretty healthy, I walked to work everyday and was at the gym a few times a week.  Now, although I have recovered a lot from when it first hit, I still struggle day to day.  Something as small as walking up the stairs knocks me ill, and a few hours out can leave me aching for days.  Even cooking a meal isn't usually an option.

I'm getting frustrated because although I can accept that nights out and shopping centres are out of the question (I'm in my mid twenties, so what I usually did), I'm still working full time, even though this means that most of my time off is spent resting (in pain) to try and keep myself fit for work.  I can't quit my job because we need the money but I'm not coping very well.  My employer is usually good but because there is technically nothing wrong with me (my doctor thinks it will pass, and its not classed as a disability) they won't make any allowances or accommodations, which means that its not unusual for me to work very late nights or six days a week. My performance is suffering and I worry about dismissal.  I want to work part time to give myself more rest (and be better at my job) but I won't be able to pay the bills, and my family don't think this is an option for us.

I've tried going back to the doctors but although she has run blood tests etc, I kind of get the feeling that she doesn't see why I'm bothering her, as she just tells me that recovery can take several months, and it's not quite been six.

It just leaves me frustrated because I feel so guilty about being ill.  Although they tell me to rest and recover, it seems to be as long as I can manage pretty much as I did before.  I know I put too much pressure on myself, but I feel as though I'm doing something wrong by needing help now, even though I've worked my whole life.

Does anyone else feel this way?

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Hernia :: Sepsis 2 Times In 3 Months, 1 Year Post Op

Is there any research or sites about mesh infections/rejection? I had a ventral repair April 16, 2015 with parietex mesh after a strangulated hernia and had to have a revision 1/11/2016 after the fat and tissue strangulated again. I have not felt well since the first surgery and was basically told I was crazy feeling like I was having recurrent hernias. Post op time 1 I dehisced and ended up with 2 I&Ds and septic. Still have not felt well. 8 weeks after completing antibiotics I got sick again (I have had abdominal pain still, every day- worse after eating). I am inpatient now after a second incidence of sepsis. Lactic acid 3.9, WBC 13100, oxygen sats in 80's and hr 130's on admission. I have no health issues before this and am tired of being sick. The medical team has spent all their time trying to find a new source (day 6 today). All because the CT is negative. I need some help, directions, feedback... Has anyone ever had mesh or intestinal issues like this without a positive CT? I have not had normal GI function in a year...

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Birth Control :: Month Long Period After Year And A Half Of Nexplanon

I had the Nexplanon 3 year birth control implant put in February of 2013 when i was 16 years old. Up until early-mid June, I had not had any periods. Now, I have had my period on and off for almost an entire month. It is mostly spotting but enough to require the use of tampons and refrain from sexual activity. I have been pretty emotional lately and was up last night with bad cramps. Nothing in my daily schedule or eating habits has changed therefore I do not understand what could be causing this. ALSO, I have been experiencing extreme fatigue. Does anyone have ideas as to why this is occurring? I would hate to have the implant removed because this is the first time it has given me problems so far and I'm not even sure it is the cause.

*I have had the same boyfriend for 10 months so i do not think STD's would be of any relevance*

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Transitioning To A Shoe (11 Year-old Daughter - Post Flat Foot Surgery)

It's been awhile since I've posted. My daughter had flat-foot surgery on her left foot on Dec 17, 2014 (subtalar arthroereisis and gastroc recession). Had this same surgery on the right foot and calf a year to the day in 2013 as well, with excellent results. As an aside, prior to surgery in 2013, her right foot was more troublesome than the left, but the left was an issue as well. Last time, she was at about 80% healed by April. We were very happy about that.

On the one hand, she's coming along nicely with this recent surgery. She goes to PT twice a week, doesn't mention any pain during the day in the walking boot, is in good spirits, and takes the boot off at home and meanders around without it, barefoot. I would think that this would hurt (I kinda cringe when I see her doing it) but she insists she's okay. She has a slight limp, but I figure technically, it's still kind of early yet.

What has me a little concerned is that she isn't tolerating a shoe. When we last saw the surgeon about three weeks ago, he said it was fine for her to start transitioning to a shoe. Yet here we are three weeks later, and she still prefers to wear the walking boot. Says that her heel hurts when it's in a shoe (how it doesn't hurt when she walks barefoot at home: I have no idea.

She is required to wear tennis shoes at school, and she's been wearing New Balance for years now. When I look at last year's calendar and reflect on the surgery for her other foot, I recall that she was further along in the process. She was already wearing shoes at this point. Walking slowly yes, but was wearing shoes.

I wondered...should I maybe go up 1/2 a size? Maybe her old shoe is too snug in the heel now, or there may still be some swelling? Should I got up 1/2 size AND go wider?

She's having an orthotic made for the left foot, and maybe that will help. She has some school events (field trips) coming up at the end of April and also in May and I was hoping she'd be easily walking on her own before then, and able to participate.

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30's And Having My Menopause

I'm 36 and have recently had a blood test at doctors to check for menopause, came back that my estrogen is non existent! I have a very long list of symptoms that made me convinvce the doctor to do the test. She told me if I can cope with the symptoms it would be best as she didn't agree with issuing HRT due to the risks, what are the main risks? Google is a good place to assure yourself your dying (maybe a bit extreme lol) but all I seem to find is contradicting risks and benefits, I was wondering if anyone else has any experience with taking HRT at such a young age and what exactly the "risks" are, I am so depressed at feeling like I do and I just want to "feel myself again" it seams so long since I felt like me

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