Carbimazole :: Cramps And Weight Gain

I have been on these Carbimazole for overactive thyroid drugs for 5 weeks 10mg i am having painful cramps my body,leg arms and across my right chest is this the drug doing this

it is so painful i thought it was a heart attack as my area was so painful

it does pass eventually but scary, by the way i am too putting on the weight.

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Cramps :: Toes, Foot And Calf Muscle

its great to know i'm not going mad thinking i'm unique in this - i get cramp in my toes every single time i go to bed, if i dont try to nip it in the bud within a few minutes it moves to the rest of my foot and then to my calf muscle, i am wondering if i have a circulation problem, i did have Quinine for this and to be honest i noticed a reduction in the amount of times per week i got it then my husband said try an Aspirin which i did and noticed an aspirin in the morning then one at night reduced it even more than the quinine but, after a month of doing this, my cramps have increased to every night again whether i take aspirin or quinine, i am thin, relatively healthy but i am not a drinker of water so wonder if i should try that one next and maybe get hold of some concentrated Magnesium Citrate, i'll do anything to stop this, i even get it come on when driving and putting my foot on the gas pedal occasionally.

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Undiagnosed :: Muscle Cramps With Stinging Pain In My Calf And Legs

For the past couple months I experience sharp, stinging (or maybe burning) pain in my calf, usually right leg but sometimes left too.

I've been walking long distances my whole life and never had cramps before. Been doing some reading and so far symptoms fits cramps.

I have lately been walking really long distances on occasion.

I have the pain happening at night. I wake up with badly aching leg (calf muscle) and need some time time for it to lessen, sometimes I fall asleep seconds later and when I wake up the muscle is stiff and painful. It's also bit painful/sensitive at touch on other days too.

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Convulsive Twitches In Leg Muscles And Painful Cramps

Have suffered since childhood from cramps, mostly in legs but also in hands and arms. Now, in my sixties, suffer much at night with convulsive twitches in leg muscles or actual painful cramps - sometimes reaching my back up to shoulders. Usually accompanied by cold clamminess or hot sweats. When this happens sleep is not possible. Otherwise in good health.

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Statins And Fibrates - Severe Leg Cramps At Night

I have tried all the above.  The cholesterol went down from 9 to 5 but at a price: severe leg cramps at night, muscle pain in legs (and arms?), heat sensation in lower legs, severe constipation, insomnia etc. 

This has been going on for the last 6-7 years.  Want to stop altogether.  I am also on 75mg aspirin which I have to take with Omeprazole to prevent stomach bleed. Otherwise healthy 64yo.   Does anyone have some wise words to share? 

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Quinine For Leg Cramps Works - 200 Mg Tablet Every Other Night

I was having leg cramps in calf and thigh 2 to 3 times nightly. It took 10 to 15 minutes of walking around and massaging for relief. Obviously becoming sleep deprived. My doctor started me on 200 mg quinine nightly, increasing to 300 mg if necessary. Within days my muscle cramps diminished. At the end of one month they were gone. The immediate relief was astonishing. I have been on quinine for over a year now. As a preventive dose, I take one 200 mg tablet every other night which seems to be sufficient. If I get an occasional cramp, I take the tablets every night for a few days.

I tried drinking quinine water (Schweppes tonic carbonated water) as a substitute - but was unable to drink that much carbonated water daily. Wasn't able to try it long enough to see if it would help by itself. It had worked for a friend of mine who wanted me to try it.

I have had no side effects from the quinine. I would highly recommend trying quinine if you are having night cramps.

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Bowel Disorders :: Diarrhea And Abdominal Cramps At Night

Throughout the past weekend I had begun getting abdominal cramps & becoming rather gassy. Yet, I thought nothing of the cramps, believing they just had something to do with my period then. On Saturday night, I had woken up with diarrhea accident & went to the bathroom only to have more yellow very watery stool. I tried to go back to bed, but it just happened again & worse. Sunday I slept in all day, and by the evening I had lost much of my appetite and ate just fruits,yogurt, cheese hotdogs & water. Monday I was relatively fine, I was more sluggish & tired than usual and didn't have an appetite. That whole day I only ate string cheese, salami pieces, butter on toast & ribs. I also drank a bit of milk. I realized that this milk was expired by a day only after I drunken it. I drank allot of milk on Saturday so that may be the issue. Thus, I drank a few glasses of another (non expired) milk carton. While I thought it was gone, it proved me wrong. Last night the same thing happen, yet not as bad.

Could this be due to the expired milk? Could I be lactose intolerant?

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Pregnancy (6 Weeks) :: Heavy Bleeding, Painful Cramps, No Clots

I'm 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I'm experiencing heavy bleeding and really painful cramps but no blood clots. I'm very afraid I may be having a miscarriage. The bleeding has been going on for 4 days now and my cramping started tonight but it's a very sharp constant cramping. Nothing like my period cramps.

There are many websites but non explain on bleeding, cramping but no blood clots... Am I or am I not having a missed miscarriage?

My doctor gave me an apt for 2 weeks from today!!! He knows about the bleeding however not the painful cramping since it started late tonight...

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Muscle Cramps All Over Body, Upper Thigh Cramps So Severe

Cramps so bad in thighs, I can't take the pain anymore

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Night Leg Cramps Increased In Both Legs After Injections For Disc Treatment

I have had injections in my back because i have disc problems. i used to suffer from cramp occasionally but after the above procedure in Oct 2014 the night leg cramps increased in both legs, which leave me limping for a day or so. I have started to massage both my legs with any oil though preferably olive oil or black seed oil and i have noticed a great improvement. i have not suffered from cramps since i started doing this every night.

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Post Menopause Bleeding After Cramps Like Ovulation Cramps

I had what felt like ovulation cramps last week and tonight have vaginal bleeding, fresh blood not old.

I did this in 2012 after my mom died, was checked pap smear, uterine biopsy and I feel those hurt, it was all good, they thought it might of been stress related because it lasted only one day.

My abnormally normal periods were only 1-3 days, they were one coming in, one day of heavy bleeding, and spotting on third day. But every 28 days like clockwork with no issues there. In my 20's I was told I had endometriosis and when they went to do the ultrasound the cyst had went away. I didn't take it any further than that but never had children and never took birth control. Cramps were always very painful, had to curl up in a ball, always had severe back pain with them as well.

Last week they were like that not quite as bad but nearly.

Is this just a fluke you all think? Even menopause I had no symptoms, when I turned 50 it shut off like a faucet never again until 2012, and now.

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Menopause :: Severe Cramps, Bloating And Light Spotting, Night Sweats

I am 45 years old. I had a normal period in Jan and Feb. Then nothing in March, April or May, then in June and July severe cramps, bloating and light spotting. When I urinate there are blood clots but no bleeding. Im also experiencing night sweats. Should I be worried, I don't have an appointment till late August.

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Menopause :: Stomach Cramps VS. Uterine Cramps

I'm having a hard time distinguishing between cramps from the intestines/stomach and slight cramps from my "female parts"... Sometimes I think that I have a regular stomach pain, but I'm wondering whether the pains could be slight cramping from my uterus instead? Right now I'm most likely just passed the ovulation and should have my period in about 13 days. Would slight cramping during this time be normal for someone in perimenopause?

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Bowel /abdominal Cramps - Diarrhea And Constipation At The Same Time?

I'm experiencing some pretty intense abdominal pain and cramping. It began on Sunday, I woke up to these intense cramps (which I can only compare to what I assume contractions feel like), they are bad enough to make me stop whatever I'm doing and have to keel over. They last maybe 30 seconds and they go away. Yesterday, I woke up with the cold sweats, I was clammy, a fever, body aches, still had those cramps, I had pretty bad diarrhea, although I felt like I wasn't...getting it all out. I also don't have much of an appetite.

Is it possible to have diarrhea and constipation at the same time? It's also worth mentioning that a few weeks ago, I decided to continue taking my birth control rather than stopping for the week to get my period, so that I would not have it on a trip I was going on. Could that affect my body this way?

Today I'm feeling a little better, still getting the cramps, I'm trying to drink as much water as possible. I still have diarrhea every time I go to the bathroom, but still I get the sensation that I'm not getting everything out of there. I'm not as clammy and sweaty as yesterday, but I still am a little bit. No body aches though.

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Cramps :: Leg And Foot Cramps

I've suffered from these for years. When I told the GP he prescribed 200mg quinine sulphate but I still had cramps - albeit fewer. so he prescribed 300mg tablets. I still get the cramps, perhaps not as frequently but it's quite distressing.

Leg cramps can be eased by standing on the leg and stretching it. Foot on the leg and stretching it. Foot cramps are quite different, my foot turns inwards and my toes turn position. Nothing but time can resolve it, my husband watches in amazement, as do I. It's quite painful.

A son says that lack of salt can cause cramps, might this be so? We have very low sodium chloride intake.

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Prostate :: Urination - Hard Time At Night Starting A Stream Than Day Time?

Why is it that I can have such a hard time starting a stream when visiting the toilet during the night (after having been asleep for several hours) and have little problem during the daytime when awake and alert? As I see it this has less to do with BPH than with mind/body connections.

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Calf Muscles Going Crazy Painful

does anyone have calf muscles that are constantly going crazy painful and keeping you awake

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Carbimazole :: Best Time Of The Day To Take Them? Graves Disease

I have just been diagnosed with graves disease (and overactive thyroid as a result) and prescribed 3 5mg carbimazole pills a day whilst i wait to see a specialist and have an ECG so i can also be prescribed beta blockers.

My doctor said to take all 3 pills at once but i have read that the effects don't last 24 hours and its better to spread them through the day. Does anyone else take 15mg and do you take them all at once or spread out? In your experience when is the best time(s) of day to take them?

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Arthritis :: Burning Sensation In Both Palms - More Painful At Night

I’m a 49 year old male in good health --- not diabetic and clean blood work including negative for RA Factor, very low CRP and Sed Rate.   Rest of bloodwork (CBC) all looks normal as well.

I’ve been experiencing a pain in both of my palms (more like a burning sensation) that comes and goes during the day but is generally more painful at night. The pain is located below my thumbs in the fleshy area of the palm called the Abductor Pollicis Brevis area.  (I’ve obviously been researching this too much to know all these terms!!)

I’m assuming I must have Osteoarthritis as I have Herberden Nodes on the DIP joints of both little fingers. I also feel stiffness in the PIP joints of the middle fingers of both hands.  

I was concerned this might be rheumatoid arthritis but with my blood work all being normal and I feel great I think it’s likely something else.  

What could be causing this pain in what looks to be the Thenar Eminence area of my palms.   Could this be due to Osteoarthritis or I’ve read about something called Tenosyvitis?

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