Possible Sphincter Of Oddi Malfunction

I had my gallbladder removed laparascopically 2.5 years ago. Have had some issues with diarrhea but nothing else. About 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed by my PCP based on my symptoms with gastritis due to Nsaid overuse. Have been on a PPI and Carafate. Not improving at all, in fact getting worse. My ALT liver enzyme was slightly high but otherwise the rest of the blood work was normal.

Went back to see my PCP today and she brought up the subject, based on my symptoms, of possible Sphincter of Oddi malfunction. My symptoms are RUQ pain that comes and goes, yellow stool, stomach bloating and nagging upper back pain between shoulder blades. I have an ultrasound on Friday. After reading about SOD (shudder) I think this might be just the beginning of the saga if I do indeed have it.

Do any of you dear readers have any experience or knowledge in this area?

It is a good thing I am retired because I have been basically sacked out on the couch. I think it would be impossible to work with the degree of discomfort I am having.

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Gallbladder :: Pain From Sphincter Of Oddi

I Have been hospitalized the last two weeks for severe pain caused by SOD. It is mind boggling to me that people in the medical profession can be so ignorant and expect for pain to be textbook. I was reaching out to see if anyone had any good ideas on treatment options. With that being said I have had a sphincterotomy performed several years ago and now I am starting to have more pain and nausea (obvious by my hospital admissions). The only analgesic that is able to help the pain at all is Dilaudid, can't be morphine as this causes more spasms. I had an MRCP tonight, will talk to doctor in the AM and find out results. Please let me know what's worked/not worked for you and any treatments/tests that you have had done. 

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Gallbladder :: Sphincter Of Oddi Dysfunction

I had botox injection into my ampulla yesterday for the treatment of SOD 3. I am in so much pain today. please does anyone have similar symptoms. if pains could kill I would be dead by now.

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Sphincter Of Oddi Dysfunction After Gallbladder Removal

I had my gallbladder out about 9 years ago now, and have found every time I have opiates like codeine Etc it brings on a SOD attack. Has anyone else experienced this? So I have to avoid anything with opiates in it. Which is awful as I can't have any pain relief during labour and I am due in sept, I'm just wondering if anyone here knows of any of pain relief one can have if they can't have opiates?

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Botox Injections For Sphincter Of Oddi Dysfunction?

My wife has been diagnosed with SOD and has been offered botox injections for it. Has anyone had experience of this or got an information on it.

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Gallbladder :: Acupuncture Cured The Sphincter Of Oddi Dysfunction

I was struggling with Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction but feeling it was not worth the risk of pancreatitis to go ahead with the endoscopic sphincterotomy and would like to share my success using self-administered acupuncture.

My SOD had two pain styles. My daily pain is very successfully managed (99% pain free days) using 30 mg amitriptyline each night and 10mg Buscopan 3xdaily. Before drugs my daily pain was so bad that I was hardly eating - not a long term strategy.

I also get (used to get) episodic severe night time pain attacks. The upper gastric / chest area pain is extreme (as you'll know if you have SOD) and I used to take 20mg oxycodone. Each morning after an attack I woke with migraine, vomiting and general weakness, needed a day in bed. These night time attacks became worse and more frequent until I started acupuncture.

A GP friend taught me to do acupuncture to myself, the most useful points are GB34 and LR3. I do electroacupuncture weekly as a preventative measure, since March 2012. My night time attacks are now infrequent, very mild indeed, and I can stop them by using manual needling in GB34 only. I don't even have to get out of bed, go straight back to sleep and can get up and go to work as usual in the morning.

This has transformed my experience of this horrible condition.

Happy to discuss further with fellow sufferers or medics. Planning to present a paper at an acupuncture conference soon

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Metal Stent To Treat Sphincter Of Oddi Dysfunction?

I was wondering if anyone has had a metal stent placement to treat SOD level one at all. I have posted here in the past as I have gone through 5 ERCP since my gallbladder removal summer of 2013. 3 of the 5 had a single plastic stent placement which all worked until the stent either passed on its own, or was removed by my GI doc. The other 2 times I had multiple stents placed intended to stretch the duct open in hopes of staying that way when these were removed. Obviously it didn't stay open as I relapse into the same set of symptoms that I hope to alleviate......stinging pain where the GB was, bloated all the time, the feeling of a softball lodged into the R abdomen, and pain in the back and R shoulder blade. GI doc (who is well respected here at the Univ. of MN) says that the only options left for me are a botox injection, or metal stent. Any opinions out there? Status quo being stent-less right now is not how I want to live the rest of my life. I am 52 and feel way too young to concede this whole thing.

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Gallbladder :: Give Mineral Water A Try - Pain From Sphincter Of Oddi

If u also have horrible Random pains from sphincter of oddi please just give mineral water a try.. Any brand is fine just make sure it's mineral not seltzer water .. Perrier or any other brand ..

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Lipitor To Regulate Your Cardiovascular System

Generic lipitor is a cardiovascular medication that effectively monitors your blood flow to heart so that you do not become a victim of stroke or a heart attack. atorvastatin prevents the lipids from sticking to the walls of arteries and ensures you a healthy heart and long life.

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Menstruation :: Primolut N To Delay Periods Rather Regulate? Wedding

I wanted to ask that if i want to delay my periods then how i use Primolut N..because it is also used to regulate periods.

I am asking this question because my wedding is on 9th August.an i don't have any idea what to do because my period's date is 4th.

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Birth Control :: Nuvaring To Regulate Periods And Clear Up Skin?

Hi im 23 years old and i started nuvaring in november. I never considered birth control but i was told it would keep my period regular and clear up my skin. december i got my normal period but January i was 6 days late. when i actually got my period i was skeptical about going back on the nuvaring since it left me almost a week thinking i was pregnant. I don't like irregular periods which is y i didnt go on birth control before so i stayed off the nuvaring. Now this month i got my period two weeks early, and just had it two weeks ago.

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Progesterone Can Cause Cervical Erosion / Ectropion?

Was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this or has experience with it?

I am not pregnant or on the pill. I am 45 years old & have been told that low progesterone can cause it....anyone else

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Infertility :: No Periods - Progesterone And Depo Not Working

I got my first period kind of late (17 yr old) and it was immediately irregular. Back then my doctor told me "not to worry about it" when I asked her about how it would affect my ability to get pregnant later on. She said we should wait to worry about it til I was trying to get pregnant. Now that time has come.

I was on the depo shot for about 3 years at the beginning of my relationship with my fiancee, but then he noticed my sex drive was down, so I went to the doctor and she suggested I switch my bc to the patch. I was on the patch for probably about a year and decided in May 2013 to stop. I was testing to see if my period would come back, because even on the patch/ depo I never got it.

I got my period for one week in June, and then it never came back. I have taken a crazy amount of pregnancy tests because we never used any other form of birth control...like literally, not even the "pull and pray"

Finally, I decided that in February 2014 to go see the doctor because me and my fiance want to start a family right after we get married. They prescribed progesterone to try and "jump start" my period and ran a bunch of blood test (like my thyroid and blood sugar levels) which all came back normal.

The progesterone did start my period, which lasted a week. Then it was off for a week, then came back for another week. But now, over a month later, I have nothing. Not even a hint. The doctor today said it was time to start talking fertility issues, so I am going back next month.

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Trying To Conceive :: Progesterone Suppositories To Avoid Miscarriage

I have had 2 miscarriages in the last 7 months, my doctor believes that is an issue with low progesterone. I am currently 3dpo, my doctor wants me to wait until I get a bfp to start my progesterone suppositories, but I keep reading that if I wait that long it might be to late. Should I begin the progesterone suppositories now or wait until my bfp like my doctor advised me to?

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Cerazette - Positive Experience - Progesterone Only Contraceptive Pill

Just wanted to provide information for people thinking about or just starting cerazette mainly because all I could find were people's horror stories before starting it so thought I'd add a positive review of the pill. It's a progesterone only contraceptive pill.

I started it just under a year ago and have loved it. I originally went on it due to a very long menstrual cycle. My bleeding was totally normally - rarely very heavy, no period pain and lasting between 5 and 7 days. But my cycle as a whole was quite erratic and very long on average over the course of a year - my average cycle length over a year was 37 days. The doctors found nothing wrong after blood tests etc so said not to worry and if I wanted it more controlled to go on the pill. So I did.

I started it on day 1 of my cycle back in november 2013 and that is the last normal period I have had. I've had a couple of days of very light spotting each month and 2 periods (both of which were very light and only about 3 days in length) in almost a year.

Many people talk about weight gain and I have not changed my diet or exercise routine at all and my weight has fluctuated by about a kilo. So really my weight hasn't changed. I have not suffered any depressive moods or mood swings. Though before starting cerazette my only symptom of an upcoming period was tender breasts and I still get that occasionally.

I've also not had any headaches or an increase in acne. Being 24 I still get the occasional spot but they've not gotten worse or more prevalent since starting cerazette.

Overall I'm really happy with cerazette as I've also not gotten pregnant over this past year which is particularly delightful as I do not want a child at the moment. It is also the only method of birth control me and my boyfriend have been using since March.

If you have any questions about it let me know, it can be really daunting searching the internet and reading people's experiences on cerazette as some of them are horrific but here is a positive one. Its worked exactly how I wanted it to except instead of making my periods regular, got rid of them which is even better!

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Hormone Replacement Therapy :: Benefits Of Estradiol And Progesterone?

I'm new to hormone therapy and just today started 1 mg estradiol once daily and low dose progesterone. I am 28 and my last blood work shows that my hormones are very low. I have been basically going through menopause..although my cycle had remained somewhat normal until this last month.. I have experienced weight loss.. and I have trouble keeping weight on..mood swings and hot flashes are present..and a General just not feeling well is the biggest complaint I have .. I would like to ask if anyone could explain to me what I can expect from the treatment? What benefits might i see as a result of taking these two medications..

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Birth Control :: Depo Provera Affect On Progesterone Test

How does depo provera affect progesterone test readings?

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Menopause :: Hormone Therapy - Estriol Gel And Oral Progesterone - Legs Heaviness

I am a 54 yr-old who started hormone therapy (estriol gel and oral progesterone) 3 weeks ago. Within 24 hrs, I experienced leg heaviness which worsened over the week. My obgyn said she'd never heard of this side effect. After being off for a week, I've resumed w/the oral progesterone and an estrogen patch. The heavy leg sensation never ceased, but is now back full force. My legs feel leaden! After much research on the internet, I am unclear as to the danger of this side effect, and if it may subside over time.

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Want To Have A Baby With 20% Kidney Function

Falling pregnant after having a transplant for 25 years and 20% kidney function. What r the risks?

I have recently got engaged and my fianc and I would love nothing more than to have a child, however my renal specialist has advised my against falling pregnant due to the risks and it may send me into renal failure.

Does anyone have any info on this or any similar experience with this?

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