Sphincter Of Oddi Dysfunction After Gallbladder Removal

I had my gallbladder out about 9 years ago now, and have found every time I have opiates like codeine Etc it brings on a SOD attack. Has anyone else experienced this? So I have to avoid anything with opiates in it. Which is awful as I can't have any pain relief during labour and I am due in sept, I'm just wondering if anyone here knows of any of pain relief one can have if they can't have opiates?

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Gallbladder :: Acupuncture Cured The Sphincter Of Oddi Dysfunction

I was struggling with Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction but feeling it was not worth the risk of pancreatitis to go ahead with the endoscopic sphincterotomy and would like to share my success using self-administered acupuncture.

My SOD had two pain styles. My daily pain is very successfully managed (99% pain free days) using 30 mg amitriptyline each night and 10mg Buscopan 3xdaily. Before drugs my daily pain was so bad that I was hardly eating - not a long term strategy.

I also get (used to get) episodic severe night time pain attacks. The upper gastric / chest area pain is extreme (as you'll know if you have SOD) and I used to take 20mg oxycodone. Each morning after an attack I woke with migraine, vomiting and general weakness, needed a day in bed. These night time attacks became worse and more frequent until I started acupuncture.

A GP friend taught me to do acupuncture to myself, the most useful points are GB34 and LR3. I do electroacupuncture weekly as a preventative measure, since March 2012. My night time attacks are now infrequent, very mild indeed, and I can stop them by using manual needling in GB34 only. I don't even have to get out of bed, go straight back to sleep and can get up and go to work as usual in the morning.

This has transformed my experience of this horrible condition.

Happy to discuss further with fellow sufferers or medics. Planning to present a paper at an acupuncture conference soon

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Gallbladder :: Pain From Sphincter Of Oddi

I Have been hospitalized the last two weeks for severe pain caused by SOD. It is mind boggling to me that people in the medical profession can be so ignorant and expect for pain to be textbook. I was reaching out to see if anyone had any good ideas on treatment options. With that being said I have had a sphincterotomy performed several years ago and now I am starting to have more pain and nausea (obvious by my hospital admissions). The only analgesic that is able to help the pain at all is Dilaudid, can't be morphine as this causes more spasms. I had an MRCP tonight, will talk to doctor in the AM and find out results. Please let me know what's worked/not worked for you and any treatments/tests that you have had done. 

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Botox Injections For Sphincter Of Oddi Dysfunction?

My wife has been diagnosed with SOD and has been offered botox injections for it. Has anyone had experience of this or got an information on it.

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Gallbladder :: Give Mineral Water A Try - Pain From Sphincter Of Oddi

If u also have horrible Random pains from sphincter of oddi please just give mineral water a try.. Any brand is fine just make sure it's mineral not seltzer water .. Perrier or any other brand ..

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Metal Stent To Treat Sphincter Of Oddi Dysfunction?

I was wondering if anyone has had a metal stent placement to treat SOD level one at all. I have posted here in the past as I have gone through 5 ERCP since my gallbladder removal summer of 2013. 3 of the 5 had a single plastic stent placement which all worked until the stent either passed on its own, or was removed by my GI doc. The other 2 times I had multiple stents placed intended to stretch the duct open in hopes of staying that way when these were removed. Obviously it didn't stay open as I relapse into the same set of symptoms that I hope to alleviate......stinging pain where the GB was, bloated all the time, the feeling of a softball lodged into the R abdomen, and pain in the back and R shoulder blade. GI doc (who is well respected here at the Univ. of MN) says that the only options left for me are a botox injection, or metal stent. Any opinions out there? Status quo being stent-less right now is not how I want to live the rest of my life. I am 52 and feel way too young to concede this whole thing.

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Possible Sphincter Of Oddi Malfunction

I had my gallbladder removed laparascopically 2.5 years ago. Have had some issues with diarrhea but nothing else. About 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed by my PCP based on my symptoms with gastritis due to Nsaid overuse. Have been on a PPI and Carafate. Not improving at all, in fact getting worse. My ALT liver enzyme was slightly high but otherwise the rest of the blood work was normal.

Went back to see my PCP today and she brought up the subject, based on my symptoms, of possible Sphincter of Oddi malfunction. My symptoms are RUQ pain that comes and goes, yellow stool, stomach bloating and nagging upper back pain between shoulder blades. I have an ultrasound on Friday. After reading about SOD (shudder) I think this might be just the beginning of the saga if I do indeed have it.

Do any of you dear readers have any experience or knowledge in this area?

It is a good thing I am retired because I have been basically sacked out on the couch. I think it would be impossible to work with the degree of discomfort I am having.

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Progesterone To Help Regulate Sphincter Of Oddi Function?

Does anyone out here have any experience with using progesterone to help regulate the function of the Sphincter of Oddi?

My history: I am a healthy and active 132lb, 42 year old female, but I have been having pain in my upper right shoulder, neck and collarbone for three years now that has really curtailed my life and work. I have tried massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, drugs, strength training, chiro, all with no results. Recently a chiro noticed that my gallbladder area was tender and mentioned that gallbladder problems can refer pain up to the right shoulder area through the phrenic nerve. When I started tracking my pain and food I did notice a connection with pain in my shoulder and my right lower ribs as well (which I had been hiding with lots of ibuprofen). An ultrasound, blood work, and HIDA came back normal (at least that's how the doc reads it), but I'm still having pains when I eat oily foods. So now I am thinking I might have problems with the sphincter and with bile backing up creating pressure on the phrenic nerve. Another symptom is that I am now also having pains on my left side which could be the pancreas being impacted, which shares the common duct and sphincter.

So my question stems from the fact that I had a hysterectomy several years back and have only been on estrogen replacement. I've recently found out that progesterone is important for relaxing the Sphincter of Oddi muscles as well as gallbladder function (as well as many other things). When my nutritionist suggested a few months back to use Progonol, a progesterone cream, it did have a positive effect on the pain within two weeks, but it also caused acid reflux (it also loosens the valve between the esophagus and the stomach), so I had to stop taking it and now we are trying to figure out the best way to introduce it back into my body.

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Gallbladder :: Remove The Polyps Without Removing Gallbladder?

I have been diagnosed with multiple polyps in my gallbladder recently. They are all small except one with less than 5mm. I have a symptom recently with pain. My doctor has suggested to remove my gallbladder. But I am wondering if there are any surgery or technique that can take out the polyps without removing the gallbladder or get the polyps for biopsy test to see it is malignant? I really hope to keep my gallbladder as it is a part of body that god created. 


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Lump Popping Out Of Anal Sphincter

About 3 Months ago i experienced some discomfort after going to the toilet (#2's), and noticed i had a small lump just outside my anus. It seemed like it went away, but everytime i go #2's it comes back out. Recently it's gotten a fair bit larger, and i believe there's a second one there too. Today, it seems like the larger one doesn't go back in, so it's constantly outside my anus and constantly hurts because it's chaffing between my bottom.. I haven't noticed any bleeding, and it is usually pain free because it goes back into my anus.

The lumps aren't overly hard, i can put a bit of pressure on them by squeezing, but i haven't tried to pop them or anything like that, afraid what may happen.

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Bowel Disorder :: Sphincter Leakage?

Anyone out there have problems w/ the sphincter? Like "leakage"?

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HIV Prevention :: Penis Against Anal Sphincter

Yesterday, I had an encounter with a guy I don't know very well. He told me he was HIV- and he didn't have any STD. We kissed a lot and engaged in protected anal sex. He ejaculated and removed the condom. It was intact and seemed perfect. 30 minutes later, we began to frottage. He rubbed his penis around my anus and then pushed in against my anal sphincter like he was trying to put it in without condom. I felt the pressure and told him to stop immediately so he did. I'm not sure but 1/3 of his penis glans might get in between my sphincter but definitely not get through it. It was like 2 or 3 seconds. He might have some Pre-ejaculation too. Am I at risk? Should I go for PEP?

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Hemorrhoids :: Painful Bump On My Sphincter

I had a bump on my sphincter and it was slightly painful. It showed up Thursday night after I went to the gym and yesterday it seemed to have popped. The size of the bump has gone down but now there is some blood and clear liquid coming out. I can't see it since it is near the hole (sorry for the image). What could it be?

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Bowel Disorder :: Tear In My Internal Sphincter

I was told yesterday I have a 180 tear in my internal sphincter ,I am going back next week for a meeting with the Dr. & to make plans for repair,has anyone else had this done. How was the recovery?

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Bowel Disorder :: Tense Anal Sphincter

My reoccurring problems The Cycle that I cannot seem to break.

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Weak Sphincter Muscle And Colostomy Reversal

 I have a 38 year old developmentally handicapped son who had emergency abdominal surgery due to Fournier's Gangrene last August which resulted in a temporary transverse colostomy in order to give his rectal area a change to heal. There was infection around his sphincter muscles and that is why the colostomy was done. We are now contemplating have this reversed. The surgeon says that his sphincter muscles are working but not as good as they should and she is afraid she may render him incontinent if she reverses it and he will be unhappy but he cannot be more unhappy than he is right now.His transverse is in a terrible place and we encounter a lot of flange changes as it doesn't stick even with paste, etc. and is bowel is prolapsed which is very upsetting to him. Another option is to move it down lower in his abdomen but we are considering having it reversed and seeing if he can control his muscles. We are believing that we have to try.  Are there others out there with the same issue of weak sphincter muscles who have opted for a reversal?.

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Hemorrhoids :: Bean Sized Lump Around My Anal Sphincter

Hello. Today While showering, I noticed I have a strange bean sized lump around my anal sphincter. The lump moves under my skin when I touch it, and seems to not be stationary. The lump appears to be white in color, although I admittedly have had trouble getting a good look at it.

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Sphincter And Penis Pain - Coccyx Is Pushing My Prostate?

I am a 23 year old male and for the last month and a half my gluteal muscles have been hurting. It was about 3 weeks ago, I noticed that my coccyx has was curved more anteriorly than usual. The day after I noticed that my sphincter started hurting as well as experiencing pain in the inside the tip of my penis and i can also feel pain further inside, close to my prostate. Is it possible that my coccyx is pushing my prostate and caused the pain? I've been stressed for the last 6ish months, but other than that I am pretty healthy. Any ideas what is happening?

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Prostate Cancer :: Bladder Sphincter Inflamed By Radiation

My bladder sphincter is inflamed with the radiation. I have been using Ibuprofen eight hourly to reduce the inflammation for over 24 hours. Yesterday morning when I awoke after sleeping deeply about 3am and this morning about 5am I had very great difficulty starting at all. Other times if I am prompt I get started more easily with a poor flow. I don't know what the options are. I have read of others who have had treatment suspended because of side effects. That is my worst nightmare. Anyone experienced this problem. My rectum is producing excess mucus, otherwise the treatment seems to be going well. I have had 8 treatments of the planned 37. I am very alarmed and do not know what options if any there are. Are there any exercises that might help? 

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