Pimples, Bumps, And Cyst On Shaving My Bikini Area

When i shave my bikini area i get really bad pimples and bumps. I know this is extremely disgusting. I use shaving cream, and a new razor. I tried shaving with the hair like some other sites told me to, but too much hair is left, i simply can't shave like that. The only way i can get rid of all of the hair is if i shave against it. I soak it with warm water for at least 15 minutes, then apply the shaving cream, then use a new razor, and afterwards i'll dry it well and usually apply petroleum jelly and some kind of antibacterial cream to stop the bumps or wipe it with alcohol. My pubic mound is now covered with pimple scars and is discolored, is there anyway i can make my vagina look normal again?

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Herpes Or Folliculitis? Bumps Around My Anus Area

I discovered these irritating bumps around my anus area that soon developed into tender ulcers.. so I went to the doctor to have them examined and she told me she couldn't really tell if it was herpes being the fact the bumps were scattered and they are each at the base of a hair follicle... so she swabbed them and sent them off for a lab test and I'm currently waiting for my results by the end of this week... I've never experienced anything like this before and the only symptoms I have is itching and I do believe I can feel my lymph nodes in my groin are swollen... has anyone else ever experienced anything like this and what does it sound like to you?

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Sexual Health - Men :: Pimples In Pubic Area

So i have been getting a lot of pimples in my pubic area by the stem of my penis but no pimples are on my penis and i don't know what to do to get rid of them please tell me how and what to do! and what it is that i have!

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Glands :: Possible Swollen Lymph Node In Pubic Area?

I am a 30 year old female with a healthy lifestyle. For about 6 months I have had a lymph node (I think) in the top left side corner of my pubic area that is swollen for most of the day. It goes down at night and after being awake for a couple hours, it swells up again. Sometimes its more swollen than others and becomes painful to touch. It only happens on the left side.

I recently went to my primary doctor (general internist) for her to check it out but it wasn't swollen at the time (early AM) so she couldn't feel it. She ran a blood test and everything came back normal. She said that they are usually nothing to worry about if I don't have any other unusual symptoms.

I advised her of a condition in my left leg called Fibrous Dysplasia, in which I was born with and have had 4 surgeries for (last one was 5 years ago). She told me that since I don't have regular cuts on my legs, or anywhere else, and that I have no other odd symptoms that it could be caused by the associated inflammation of the problem in my leg.

I dont seem to think that its being caused by the inflammation in my leg because I was born with this condition and have had many many flare ups of inflammation and the swollen node started only 6 months ago.

I do have fairly bad environmental allergies so I am contributing it to that, but again, I've had allergies all my life too.

Also, I developed a problem about 4 years ago with a rash. It only appears on my legs (both) most of the time (about 90%) and sometimes on my arms. The rash shows up as small and large (largest size of a silver dollar) hard, red, and painful lumps. I've gotten a biopsy to confirm that it is a rash from my dermatologist. I also did an elimination diet on my own to try and figure out if they were occurring due to a food intolerance but didn't have any successful results.

With all of this information, would anyone be able to provide me with advice or a next step? Is there some other test that should be run? Could this be something other than a lymph node?

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Penis :: Bumps Around Pubic Region And On Shaft

I am a 17 year old male and i have been experiencing this weird problem for about 6-8 months now. I am very sexually active, and have been very unsafe, so i got STD tested a few weeks ago, but everything came back negative. (what a relief) These bumps don't really go away, and they seem to be spreading like wildfire they started on the pubic area region right above my penis, and spread onto the shaft of my penis, and they just seem to be working there way all around it. They are not pimple like bumps, they are just little bumps, that are squishy, and red. occasionally one will pop from me itching, (there is little or no itching from them) I also have had a spot underbelly of my penis that opens up like a cut everytime i drink beer, can anyone tell me what this is, and it seems if i put hydrocortisone on the cut thingy it goes away but comes right back after i drink. As for the bumps i tested negative for genital herpes so IDK what this is?

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Bumps On My Genital Area :: STD Or Shaving Bumps

a have bumps on my genital area but not my penis. i had sex(protected)one month ago and got oral about two weeks ago. white bumps around there. not my penis though. how can i post a pic so someone could tell me what it might be. i think its cause i shave every week. i had bumps before i had sex but now they're white & i had two boils at different times & i popped them.

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Herpes Or Folliculitis - Scrotum Dry, Irritated And Red

I was naked, she was in active wear shorts. We grinded a lot and then she told me she has herpes. The next day I go training in sweat pants without underwear and thought I started to chafe. It's been 2 weeks and the skin on my scrotum and just above my pelvis seems dry, a little irritated, reddish. No bumps but I get tingles at times, pinching and sometimes a testicle with throb for a second. It doesn't look bad at all but it feels kinda crappy and the timing couldn't be worse. Today I noticed that the smell from my scrotum was kind of sour, dunno if it's from the skin being dry and irritated.

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Vaginal Health :: Herpes? Irritated Bump On Labia Majora

First I want to say that I am only 19 and I have been with the same person for 3 years and 8 months and I have never done anything sexual with anyone else and he has not either. I am pretty sure this isn't herpes from what I've read but I am concerned. Two days ago I became very itchy down there. I looked down and saw what looked like a big zit and with closer observation it looked like a canker sore with a white center. I also have a white to yellowish discharge. I am fighting a sinus infection at the moment so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I was wondering what this could be and what I could do to get rid of it. It itches and hurts a lot.

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Vulva Area Burning With Bumps

I have been dating my boyfriend for over a year and we both lost our virginity to each other and neither of us, have cheated. However, one month ago, I noticed a line of bumps from my vaginal opening to the lips. They're really small and they worried me a lot at first. However, being with only one man, I figured it couldn't be anything transmitted sexually. But, recently, it's been burning when I go to bathroom, or even when I'm just sitting down. I'm just worried that it's something I can't get rid of. My boyfriend did have a wart on his hand, and I'm just scared it could have transmitted from that?

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Infectious Diseases :: BUMPS/BLISTERS On Bikini Area Tingling YEAST STD?

i had unprotected sex on SUNDAY sept 1(pull out), plus oral and protected a week or two before that.

***note: it happened on burning man, with no shower, little water, a lot of sun, and i knew this guy was drinking a lot and taking drugs and not sleeping for a week. it was the end of the day 2 for me and i took a small amount of MDMA that day.]

5-7 days later i was feeling tenderness and a little tingling burning pain, but thought it was my period, which was unusually heavy as i`m on birth control.

MONDAY sept 9 i knew something was wrong. the tingling got worse and i went to some doctor i knew for blood test and he also gave me DOXYCYCLINE (he s not a gynecologist) i also asked for ACYCLOVIR in case have herpes. i started taking them at 4pm

TUESDAY morning i threw up with yellow stuff and had a lot of green/yellow/brown watery then cottage cheese discharge, which became yellow watery and by the end of the day pink. pain got worse

WEDNESDAY morning i went to free clinic, where they told me most likely it CHLAMYDIA or GONORREA, told me to continue doxy and gave me shot for gonorrea

THURSDAY i noticed the discharge got water and thicker, pain was still there. in the afternoon after a long flight and traveling i noticed red single BUMPS on my skin in my bikini area, between ******* and vagina and above the clitoris, some of the hurt, some itch, not considerably. 7 in total, plus one on the labia, just not sure if that`s a bump. the next day 2 of them had water inside. i immediately texted my friend i knew he has herpes and he said it looked like it 99% and we now can be in relationship ha! i wasn't sleeping all night, googling and googling, pain seemed to increase and the bumps itched a little bit.

FRIDAY i went to my gynecologist and he said it`s not herpes(the culture text will be ready in 10 days), not even STD, but YEAST. He said you are not supposed to be treated without knowing the reason and doxycycline is old and not supposed to be taken for a week but for 2 days. also the std test will show only in 2 weeks after the exposure.

stopped taking meds and taking xre of my yeast now, hoping for the best. and i got my lesson!!

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Herpes :: Shedding - Which Area?

Often when I'm about to have an outbreak I feel a warm sensation on my mons pubis in the area that the blisters will usually appear. Can you tell me if the shedding only occurs from this area (where the blisters will be) or also from the vagina as well.

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Herpes :: Bumps Down There - Got My IUD Changed

It all started 3 weeks ago, I went to get my IUD changed (this is my 3rd, all changed at the time they were supposed to be) I didn't have any problems with this one either. I went camping 2 weeks later, still no problems, however it was hot out, so I was sweating a lot. I woke up one morning and I had a burning sensation when I went to pee. I thought maybe it was a uti, I had a bladder infection once before. Anyway it was still hurting two days later so I went to women's health services. (They also did my IUD). So the dr said I have herpes. The thing is, I have been with my husband for 10 years, neither of us have cheated, I have never had an outbreak before. I didn't have a fever or flu symptoms, I had no other symptoms either, I can't tell if I have bumps down there. I don't understand how this could happen.

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Herpes :: Diagnosed HPV 1 - Why Genital Area Symptoms When Negative HPV 2

So back in October, I had a horrific and painful outbreak of herpes, both near my genital area and my mouth area. I was diagnosed with HPV-1, but not HPV-2 (swab test). I recently got into a relationship and I've told my boyfriend what I had and we had to be careful. Just recently, I finished school and from the stress, I was developing mouth sores, and now all of a sudden, I noticed one bump on the outer area of my vagina (I don't know the actual terminology, but it's on the "hairy" part) that popped up yesterday, thinking it was an ingrown hair because I shaved, but now it's looking more like a blister than anything. It hasn't spread yet and I'm hoping it doesn't. My discharge is a bit more creamy than usual, but there's no burning while urinating or pain near the vagina. It seems normal, just not the bump. The mouth ulcers are nearly gone and I haven't been sick and I don't start my period for another 2 weeks. Last time him and I had sex was this past Sunday and we used protection. My question is, if I'm diagnosed with HPV-1, why am I developing herpes in the genitalia region? Isn't it only supposed to be on the mouth?

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STD :: Red Pimple Like Bumps All Over My Thighs, Herpes?

For the last two months now, I have had red pimple like bumps all over my thighs. (Just like pimples on a face, are spread out) They are red, about the size of a pimple, and have white heads. The same puss in pimples comes out but they are harder to pop. About a month ago I got them, popped them, and they all seemed to clear up. Now their back, they are very itchy and painful. There's probably around ten on each thigh, after they pop they bleed and then scab over. I heard other people's questions that it sounds similar too, but it also sounds like herpes. I always pop them and touch the puss, but it never spreads like herpes does. (At least not yet.) herpes or no?! Please help I am 19 year old male and this really worries me!!!!! If it's herpes j have no clue what I am gonna do as I am a first responder!

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How To Differentiate Between Herpes, Cyst And Folliculitis?

How to I differentiate between herpes, cyst and folliculitis?

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Bartholin's Cyst Or Herpes? Difference?

Have any of you ladies experienced a bartholin cyst that could've been questionable for herpes? How to tell the difference? I had some ache down in that area for a month when I would squeeze my legs together while sitting cross legged. Then one week was some slight itching and I looked, on the inside of the opening of vagina on left side was a marble sized like white ulcer, i went in to get it swabbed and it hurt when she swabbed it. The swab came back negative for herpes. It has since been 6 weeks and there is still some healing happening. Blood test for herpes came back negative but tested again and am waiting for results. We're anyone of you thinking herpes when you got your first Barth cyst? ( infected one) I think if it was bartholin cyst it was an infected one

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Herpes, Boil Or Cyst? Lump With Pus

I found a lump that felt like a pimple but on the inside of my skin it was really hard like a boil it got to painful so so I popped it had white pus inside then I squeezed it more it started to bleed now today is starting to just be clear is this a sign for being a boil ....

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Red Bumps On Vagina - Razor Burn Or Herpes?

Alright so I went to the dr two weeks previous to having sex with a new partner and I was clean. I had pretty rough sex with this new partner a week ago and the lubrication wasn't very effective it was pretty painful. then developed a chest cold a few days later which I thought was normal because everyone in my family had been sick at the time. Well a day or two ago (a week after intercourse)I noticed bumps near my vagina. Now I shave so I figured it to be razor bumps. But I also noticed something that looked like a tear at the entrance to my vagina and I assumed it to be from the rough intercourse. At any rate it's probably too soon to tell but there's only three small red bumps and no head to them. They aren't painful to touch but very itchy. The tear is both itchy and slightly painful. I'm headed to the doctor in the next few days because I'm simply freaking out, but if anyone could take a look and give me some advice for ease of mind that would be great.

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STD :: Folliculitis Or Herpes -bumps But No Discharge And Itching

I had unprotected sex Saturday during that night I noticed bumps on my pubic hair region on sunday i went to the ER and they said it doesn't look like herpes it looks more like folliculitis they gave me oral antibiotics to take for it . now its monday 5:30 pm notice the pimples in the bumps went away but the bumps are still there..do i have herpes? no discharge no itching on the penis only the pubic hair region.

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