Pimples, Bumps, And Cyst On Shaving My Bikini Area
When i shave my bikini area i get really bad pimples and bumps. I know this is extremely disgusting. I use shaving cream, and a new razor. I tried shaving with the hair like some other sites told me to, but too much hair is left, i simply can't shave like that. The only way i can get rid of all of the hair is if i shave against it. I soak it with warm water for at least 15 minutes, then apply the shaving cream, then use a new razor, and afterwards i'll dry it well and usually apply petroleum jelly and some kind of antibacterial cream to stop the bumps or wipe it with alcohol. My pubic mound is now covered with pimple scars and is discolored, is there anyway i can make my vagina look normal again?
View 1 RepliesAcne :: Bumps On My Butt After Shaving
I shaved my butt and two days later a lot of bumps came. I thought it was scabies but I wasn't sure ! Every time I itch my leg bumps.
View 2 RepliesGenital Herpes? Warts? Small Painless Bumps On Shaft
I have some small, painless, bumps on the shaft of my penis and they do not hurt and do not itch or anything. I do masturbate frequently and one day I just happen to notice that there were some very small bumps on the shaft of my penis. I've always had a few pimple like bumps on my penis for as long as I can remember. They can even be popped. But these new bumps are not the same thing. I haven't had sex in over a year and a half.
View 1 RepliesVulva Area Burning With Bumps
I have been dating my boyfriend for over a year and we both lost our virginity to each other and neither of us, have cheated. However, one month ago, I noticed a line of bumps from my vaginal opening to the lips. They're really small and they worried me a lot at first. However, being with only one man, I figured it couldn't be anything transmitted sexually. But, recently, it's been burning when I go to bathroom, or even when I'm just sitting down. I'm just worried that it's something I can't get rid of. My boyfriend did have a wart on his hand, and I'm just scared it could have transmitted from that?
View 1 RepliesHerpes Or Folliculitis? Bumps Around My Anus Area
I discovered these irritating bumps around my anus area that soon developed into tender ulcers.. so I went to the doctor to have them examined and she told me she couldn't really tell if it was herpes being the fact the bumps were scattered and they are each at the base of a hair follicle... so she swabbed them and sent them off for a lab test and I'm currently waiting for my results by the end of this week... I've never experienced anything like this before and the only symptoms I have is itching and I do believe I can feel my lymph nodes in my groin are swollen... has anyone else ever experienced anything like this and what does it sound like to you?
View 9 RepliesIrritated Cyst Or Herpes? Bumps On Pubic Area
My vagina has been itching for several months now, anywhere from the pubic area to the vaginal opening. I noticed a few bumps on the inside of my lip, right where the bartholin's cyst can be upseated. They were itchy so I took a warm bath with some epsom salt and went to bed. I woke up to pain there and when I looked I saw one of the bumps had popped open and was now very sore to the touch and itches like crazy! None of my previous itching had caused a sore. I'm beginning to panic because I started looking online and of course herpes is the first thing I found. It doesn't seem like herpes based on what I have seen, I have had these little bumps before and they have never ruptured or caused any pain. I'm wondering if it is herpes or if maybe it could be an irritated cyst?
View 6 RepliesInfectious Diseases :: BUMPS/BLISTERS On Bikini Area Tingling YEAST STD?
i had unprotected sex on SUNDAY sept 1(pull out), plus oral and protected a week or two before that.
***note: it happened on burning man, with no shower, little water, a lot of sun, and i knew this guy was drinking a lot and taking drugs and not sleeping for a week. it was the end of the day 2 for me and i took a small amount of MDMA that day.]
5-7 days later i was feeling tenderness and a little tingling burning pain, but thought it was my period, which was unusually heavy as i`m on birth control.
MONDAY sept 9 i knew something was wrong. the tingling got worse and i went to some doctor i knew for blood test and he also gave me DOXYCYCLINE (he s not a gynecologist) i also asked for ACYCLOVIR in case have herpes. i started taking them at 4pm
TUESDAY morning i threw up with yellow stuff and had a lot of green/yellow/brown watery then cottage cheese discharge, which became yellow watery and by the end of the day pink. pain got worse
WEDNESDAY morning i went to free clinic, where they told me most likely it CHLAMYDIA or GONORREA, told me to continue doxy and gave me shot for gonorrea
THURSDAY i noticed the discharge got water and thicker, pain was still there. in the afternoon after a long flight and traveling i noticed red single BUMPS on my skin in my bikini area, between ******* and vagina and above the clitoris, some of the hurt, some itch, not considerably. 7 in total, plus one on the labia, just not sure if that`s a bump. the next day 2 of them had water inside. i immediately texted my friend i knew he has herpes and he said it looked like it 99% and we now can be in relationship ha! i wasn't sleeping all night, googling and googling, pain seemed to increase and the bumps itched a little bit.
FRIDAY i went to my gynecologist and he said it`s not herpes(the culture text will be ready in 10 days), not even STD, but YEAST. He said you are not supposed to be treated without knowing the reason and doxycycline is old and not supposed to be taken for a week but for 2 days. also the std test will show only in 2 weeks after the exposure.
stopped taking meds and taking xre of my yeast now, hoping for the best. and i got my lesson!!
Genital Herpes Simplex :: When To Start Shaving
Still haven't gotten my results... But it doesn't hurt to go to the bathroom anymore. I've been able to wipe fine and haven't even been itchy. Checked for bumps or anything out of the ordinary and from what I can tell there doesn't seem to be anything now. So this is what gives me hope that it is GH, but I was wondering when I can start shaving again if it does happen to be GH?
View 2 RepliesWomen :: Shaving Bikini Area Besides A Razor
What is a better way to shave besides a razor
View 1 RepliesWomen :: Pea-sized Bump After Shaving Bikini Area
I used to shave my bikini area (really badly) and about a year ago I got just 1 bump - the size of a pea - and it's been there forever now and it just won't go away!! There's no white head or anything since it's just the exact colour of my skin, it doesn't hurt at all but it's just a bit embarrassing!! I've tried creams and needles but it's still there... any ideas on what this could be???
View 1 RepliesSkin :: Hive Like Rash On Bikini Line And Inner Thigh Area After Shaving
I shaved with a razor that was a little rusty. I Didn't realize this until after I was done... Ive developed this strange rash...its itchy. Not raised or open sore. Looks somewhat like blotches of birthmarks around my bikini line. Its lighter when my skin is dry. Right out of the shower it turns more red. Outline is a darker red. Inside is lighter shade....?
View 1 RepliesVaginal Health :: Fordyce Spots On Genital Area Will Go Away?
I am a 15 year old female and I recently noticed about 2 days ago that i had what seem to be fordyce spots in my inner genital area. I have never noticed these before. I need help! Is there any way i can get rid of them?? I am currently on minocycline, i don't know if that helps as to why i have them
View 1 RepliesHerpes :: Diagnosed HPV 1 - Why Genital Area Symptoms When Negative HPV 2
So back in October, I had a horrific and painful outbreak of herpes, both near my genital area and my mouth area. I was diagnosed with HPV-1, but not HPV-2 (swab test). I recently got into a relationship and I've told my boyfriend what I had and we had to be careful. Just recently, I finished school and from the stress, I was developing mouth sores, and now all of a sudden, I noticed one bump on the outer area of my vagina (I don't know the actual terminology, but it's on the "hairy" part) that popped up yesterday, thinking it was an ingrown hair because I shaved, but now it's looking more like a blister than anything. It hasn't spread yet and I'm hoping it doesn't. My discharge is a bit more creamy than usual, but there's no burning while urinating or pain near the vagina. It seems normal, just not the bump. The mouth ulcers are nearly gone and I haven't been sick and I don't start my period for another 2 weeks. Last time him and I had sex was this past Sunday and we used protection. My question is, if I'm diagnosed with HPV-1, why am I developing herpes in the genitalia region? Isn't it only supposed to be on the mouth?
View 3 RepliesRed Bumps On Penis
Should I be worried about these bumps? I've been comparing to different penile stds and it doesn't match.
View 1 RepliesSTDs :: Red Bumps On Penis On And Off
Tiny, red bumps appear on shaft of penis on and off again. About a mm in diameter. No pain, no itchiness. I've recently been tested and everything came back negative.
They show up in my pubic area, too. Could they just be clogged pores/ingrown hairs?
They first appeared about 5 months ago. I had protected sex with a girl I didn't know well. She did also performed oral sex on me. First symptoms showed up about 20 days after.
They normally appear for about a week, then disappear. Went to the doctor and got checked for a variety of STDs including herpes -- everything came back normal.
I've been symptom free for about 2 months now, but it looks like they're back. I haven't had sex with anyone since that encounter. Help?
Bumps On Vagina Near My Pantyline
I have two squishy almost gooey bumps on my vagina near my pantyline. They don't hurt and when I pick up the skin where they are I can easily move them around and sometimes not even really feel them. I know they're probably not anything to worry about because they're not particularly big and they've been decreasing even more in size lately, I'm just curious as to what they are.
View 2 RepliesVaginal :: Bumps After Shave
So about a month ago I started getting these bumps on my vaginal lips (around 2-3). It started happening around when I had shaved my bikini line down there, but they were not going away even after all of my hair had grown back so I decided to make an apt. with my Gynecologist. She told me it was because of the razor I had used when shaving that one time and that they would go away. A few weeks have past and those bumps did in fact go away, however a new, and much larger bump is on my lip again. This time it is harder and that worries me. I also did not shave since the first time these bumps started occurring so it makes me think that it is something other than just shaving that is causing these bumps. I read that many people simply get pimples down there and that is what I thought this bump was beginning to be but it is a lot harder than a pimple would be and more sore. I am not sexually active. I have not been in over a year so I am sure that these bumps aren't a result of that.
View 1 RepliesAcne :: Bumps On Inner Thighs
for about 2 years now i have these bumps on my inner thighs that appear a lot and they hurt when i sit down sometimes.they also occasionally itch. sometimes i try popping them when they get as big as a dime and first puss followed by blood comes out of them then they heal but leave a scar.its really embarrassing because my vaginal area is not clear like it should be its all brown and scared from the "bumps" or "pimples" so i can really wear a bathing suit or have sex because it's extremely noticeable.
View 1 RepliesPenis :: Bumps Due To Masturbation?
Can masturbation lead to small bumps or blemishes on the foreskin? I'm 15 and haven't had sex. The small bumps are along where my fingers usually go when I do it. Everything but that area is okay and I'm getting a bit worried because it been there for a while. Can this be because it's dry?
View 14 Replies