Anxiety :: Wellbutrin Making It Worse

I've had anxiety 24-7 for over a year now. I continue to work but it is so hard,because i am a waitress. I've been on wellbutrin and it seems to make it worse. Monday I change over to celexa. Hope this is gonna work for me. Has anyone been on celexa for anxiety and did it work.

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Contraception :: Cerazette Making Anxiety Worse?

I'm back on Cerazette after being changed to Cerelle which didn't agree with me, however I've noticed over the last couple of months my anxiety is worse, I'm very up and down , sore chest all the time, emotional, and basically want to cry some days for no reason as in feeling really hormonal. I've become over worried, panicky, and I'm worried Cerazette is making my anxiety worse. however if I come off it I have the most horrendous periods when I go dizzy and everything ... Really fed up as can't take the combined pill and I don't want periods either

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Oxytetracycline Is Making My Acne Worse?

I've suffered from bad acne from the age of 18 and previously I have been on a course of Tetralysal combined with the contraceptive pill Dianette which did really work wonders. However they did take about 12 months to work and after a while my skin became almost immune to the Tetralysal. I was off Tetralysal for a while and when I went back on it recently I did notice some difference but I felt that it just wasn't doing enough for me. My GP has now prescribed Oxytetracycline and after only taking it for 2 weeks I have noticed large painful boils on my chest and back (I have not previously suffered with this) and the acne on my face is now more painful and seems to be more red and aggravated.

Is it a case of 'it will get worse before it gets better' and I should wait it out for an improvement? Or is this a sign that Oxytetracycline isn't for me and should I go back to my GP even though it's only been 2 week?

Obviously the worsening of my skin doesn't really do much for my confidence and I do feel that it is getting worse day by day. I'd rather nip this is in the bud now if the medication doesn't work for me before my skin gets much worse.

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Shingles :: Sex Making My Nerve Pain Worse?

This seems like an odd question, but I have looked everywhere and couldn't find any answers, so I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this before?

I have been experiencing a post shingles pain this week, lots of nerve pain, flu like symptoms, headaches and just overall exhaustion, my boyfriend wanted to get intimate and when we did it was like he hit a nerve and it just flared down my leg and it then felt like every nerve attached to my pelvic area was on fire, I made him stop and had to go get a vicodin and some Tylenol which was very painful for me to walk and get. So I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

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Diverticula :: Smoking Making Pain And Bloating Worse

does any one who smokes find that it makes the pain in your tummy worse and get more bloated?

i know it's bad for u but it's easier said than done to give up!

be interested to hear the positives and negatives.

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Mirtazapine Weight Gain Making Depression Worse

I have recently been prescribed Mirtazapine as the Dr says it won't affect my libido or make me gain weight. I have gained even more weight, (recently fought to lose a stone from rapid weight gain from antipsychotics) and feeling very cross. I feel more depressed and my state is becoming angry every day. Has anyone else experienced similar effects. I used to take Fluoxetine which worked wonders but he won't allow me to take it anymore as he says it makes me too hyper.

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Leg Pain Sciatica? 300mg Gabapentin Three Times A Day Making It Worse

It started with a crawling feeling in my left foot, then one day my back started playing up.  I have always suffered a bit of sciatic pain on and off but this started and just didn't go away.  Doc referred me to physio and it has just got worse and worse.  he said i had very sensitive nerves and i am now on 300mg gabapentin three times a day but the pain is just getting worse.  Pressure like pain in lower leg, pins and needles in foot, shooting pains in but,shin,and thigh.  i now have to sit when making dinner and if i stand for any time i have to stand on one leg, (not very attractive)  Docs and physio just keep saying its going to take time but never say what it is prop.  physio just says i have sensative nerves and i am very bendy.

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Anxiety :: Paxil Making Me Depressed

I am 17 male and on the medicine paxil for anxiety not depression just anxiety the deal is this is making me depressed is it possible for it to make me have bad thoughts or can that be the anxiety?

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Propranolol For Anxiety Making Me Depressed

i take this medication for panic attacks but it makes me feel so depressed that i don't want to be on planet earth anymore.

ive suffered depression and anxiety for almost 10 yrs on and off now, i'm only 26 and going out of my mind.

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Anxiety :: Klonopin Making Me Severely Depressed

Ive been on klonopin for about ten months now and the for the last two months i've become severely depressed. I've never had depression ever. I've suffered from anxiety attacks and this stuff worked for a while but then started to seem to have negative effects. They've been unbearable. Bad thoughts and hopelessness are a cpl to name a few. I tried two tapers of it and find i can come off it. It's been a nightmare. 1st taper was a quarter of a pill 1mg. Then a few weeks later i stabilized had gotten .5s and started takin em twice a day still at a total of 1 mg and with a pill cutter was taking 6.25 percent off a pill and was having horrible nightmares to the point i was afraid to go to sleep. I dunno *** is happening to me but i feel like im losing my mind.

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Anxiety :: Cancer Phobia Making Me Insane

So I've been on here a lot in the past month. Worried about a lymph node- which has since gone away and it wasn't even a lymph node it was a pimple that ended up being really deep under the skin and went away on its own. Then worried about my stomach and intestines again. I have this gnawing rolling growling but it can't feeling and it feels like there's air in there and I can't get it out but my brain is like no it's probably a tumor. And I've been worried about bowel cancer. I keep checking my movements to see if there's blood in them and I'm like overly looking like is that blood or does that look kinda red or is it okay? Like its bad. I'm 24. No history of bowel cancer or anything in the family. My grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 70 and she beat it and is fine now. I had a full physical and blood test with fasting two and a half months ago. I can't keep going to the doctor but I'm going insane. People are saying if I keep worrying about it it'll happen and it's scaring me.

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Fluoxetine :: Exacerbate The Symptoms Of Anxiety Initially?

It is 5 days since I started Fluoxetine. I Have been suffering from an acute anxiety state for several weeks. The information with the drug says that it can exacerbate the symptoms of anxiety initially but that this will settle down after a couple of weeks. Has anyone else experienced this? I cannot bear the thought of feeling worse instead of better. I am currently having regular counselling.

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Anxiety :: Paracetamol With Fluoxetine 20 Mg And Omeprazole 20mg

can I take paracetamol with fluoxetine 20 mg and omeprazole 20mg

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Menopause :: Perimenopause - Anxiety Getting Worse

I feel like my anxieties are getting worse at times. It seems when I am anxious my bowls leak out with me not even taking a bowl movement. When I was at the movie with my brothers wife and their kids and my boyfriend seeing Annie around 6pm I started feeling like my heart was racing again and feeling like I was going to pass out or just scream like the other day when I was ran up to someone in the building next door to our building screaming I'm scared my heart was racing then and I felt like I was going to pass out then I felt so weak and when the fire department came in with me to my Apartment I went to the bathroom and I wiped away some stool that leaked out. Could this be because of a heart problem or what because I feel like I am having flu like symptoms tonight or is this part of perimenopause would like to know i feel like putting myself in the hospital.

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Anxiety - Fluoxetine :: Experiencing Tingling (mild Pins And Needles Sensation)

I have been on 20mg Fluoxetine for 6 weeks and the past week I have been experiencing tingling (mild pins and needles sensation) intermittently in my feet, legs and hands. I have had other anxiety related symptoms and this is just adding to my anxiety.

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Citalopram :: Anxiety Is Worse On Increasing Dose?

Hi I thought I had read on here that increasing your dose could be like starting again side effect wise ? I'm looking for explanations to why after a week of increasing to 20 mg my anxiety / and depression appear to be worse ? Anyone else had similar ? I have.a  Family wedding this weekend and am panic stricken / family staying at the house ( I have taken to wandering during the night time insomnia and couch sleeping  to help with the anxiety ) I can't imagine how I'm going to get through it !

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Anxiety Worse In The Mornings - Citalopram And Propranolol

Does anyone else feel like this, I wake up (that's if I have slept of course) and I'm filled with dread.  My husband goes to work very early and I hate him saying he is leaving, my anxiety is dreadful in the morning and sometimes lasts all day, when I go to bed at night I already start worrying about the next day! I am on day 9 of 20mg of citalopram and propranolol so hoping meds will start working soon.  But does anyone fill withdrew due in the morning?

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Eye Making A Clicking Sound And Over Tearing?

I have been getting a clicking noise when I blink my eyes. I was not too worried about it since it has not affected my vision. But recently I have been getting excessive tears in the eye concerned. I think there might be some sticky discharge also, it makes my vision blurry. what should i do please?

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Surboxon Making My Period Stay Away?

I haven't had a period for 3 months could suboxon be to blame ? I've been on Surboxon for 6 months and  haven't had a period for 3 months could suboxon be to blame I took a home pregnancy test that said negative however in the past it took a blood test to determine my past pregnancy.
Also what prescription pain meds,  anti depressant, and sleep  and weight loss medications are safe to take while on Suboxon, if I'm not pregnant of course  my pain management Dr took me off all of these medications I've taken for awhile and I really need them I think she is under educated about suboxon also if I am pregnant is it safe to take Suboxon..

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