Fluoxetine :: 20mg Or 40mg?

This is my 2nd wk on flu and can tell im going to stick with it & haven't had much side effects, i was on sertraline that made me very ill for 4 weeks & doc put me straight away on 20mg flu so i suppose i had some benefit,

I feel alot better but still have the low levels of anxiety as u has took the edge of, im still finding it difficult to go out and socialise again & to go back to work, i think i may be ready for 40 mg as iv come to a stand still?

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Fluoxetine :: Increasing From 20mg To 40mg - Horrible Side Effects

I'm new to this website just hoping it can keep me more positive while I get through this. I've had generalised anxiety disorder for years now but I've only recently tried medication. I was on 20mg fluoxetine for nearly 8 weeks, the first week and a half was awful with side effects then I just felt the same as I did before taking medication which obviously wasn't as bad as the side effects. I agreed with my doctor to up the dose to 40mg last week after just under 8 weeks because it wasn't really doing much. Since I upped the dose 3 days ago I've been feeling spaced out/drowsy not quite with it nearly all the time which is something I experienced when I first started taking the 20mg and I'm not happy about it I hate feeling like this I'm scared of feeling as bad as before. I was wondering if people could please tell me how long they had side effects after increasing their dose if they had them? And whether 20mg didn't work for you but when 40mg did?

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Adrenal Insufficiency :: Side Effects Of Long Term Omeprazole 20mg / Vitamin D And Calcium?

Are there any side effect of taking vitamins(e.g. vitamin D+calcium) for long time as 3 months or more.

Does "Omeprazole 20mg" cause any harmful effect in long term use ?

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Lexapro 40mg To Prozac 20mg - Severe Depression And Anxiety Changed From

Came off Lexapro 40 mg bout week and a half ago and have been on prozac 20mg for 2.5 weeks. Dr upped it today to 40 mg.

First week and a half on prozac 20mg i felt agitated and really really anxious...panicky often...racing thoughts, felt like i was going crazy.

But this morning just woke up totally depressed..cried all day pretty much, no motivation, huge brainfog, extremely tired, low concentration, not interested in doing anything- not enough concentration to do anything. Don't feel like eating.

I am wondering if it is too low dose after coming off Lexapro 40 mg...or maybe it just hasn't kicked in yet all....can anyone, from their own experience, shed some light on this....i am feeling completely lost!

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Anxiety :: Cyclizine And Omeprazole To Reduce Sickening Of Sertraline

I wasn't keen on trying medication for my anxiety, I ended up back at my gp as my symptoms had increased. I generally have a really poor tolerance to medication and after being prescribed Sertraline 50mg, surprise surprise I was sick as a dog taking it!! I have read that this is a really common side effect and after going back to see my gp yesterday, she first of all halved my dose to 25mg until I build up a tolerance and then I can increase to 50mg when I feel nausea not a problem. She also prescribed Cyclizine (anti sickness) and Omeprazole (gastric) medication to help with the nausea/vomiting. I just take all 3 tablets at the same time in the morning and touch wood, so far I feel ok. It's just a though for anyone struggling with the sickness factor of Sertraline.

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Fluoxetine Making My Anxiety Worse

I can't tell if it's part of the process of taking the medication or it's making it worse. I just had a panic attack and my mind can't think. And it's scaring me beyond normal.

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Fluoxetine :: Exacerbate The Symptoms Of Anxiety Initially?

It is 5 days since I started Fluoxetine. I Have been suffering from an acute anxiety state for several weeks. The information with the drug says that it can exacerbate the symptoms of anxiety initially but that this will settle down after a couple of weeks. Has anyone else experienced this? I cannot bear the thought of feeling worse instead of better. I am currently having regular counselling.

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Anxiety - Fluoxetine :: Experiencing Tingling (mild Pins And Needles Sensation)

I have been on 20mg Fluoxetine for 6 weeks and the past week I have been experiencing tingling (mild pins and needles sensation) intermittently in my feet, legs and hands. I have had other anxiety related symptoms and this is just adding to my anxiety.

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Pleurisy :: Paracetamol And Ibuprofen

I Had been feeling a bit tried for a week and had to go home from work last thursday as had really bad headache,(something i don't really get)

last friday i was out of breath going up the stairs so went to the doctors (i've had pneumonia before so was worried it was back)i had a temp of 38 and was told it wa a viral infection,i was told to take paracetamol and ibuprofen and if not better to go back on Monday.Come monday the breathing was better but i was getting a stabbing pain in my chest which was shooting up my left shoulder and down my arm. i thought something was wrong with my heart.I saw the doctor in the morning he asked what i was doing when i left the doctors and i said i wa going to work, he just started laughing and said you're not you have pleurisy,you have to rest for at least a week.He gave me a prescription for codeine for the pain and said if it got worse go back asap.

Monday night i though i was having a heart attack and tues wasnt any better.wednesday i started to feel very sick aswell so called the docs, they told me to go there asap so i did and was sent for blood tests and also told the sickness was due to the codeine.I was given Naprosyn for the pain and told to go back again on friday if i wasnt better.today is Thursday and im no better so looks like im going back tomo.

I tried to fold a small amount of washing this morning and had to stop as it hurt too much,i'm so fed up now as want to go back to work and get better. i feel that i can't take anymore time off work as i don't feel they give much sympathy. but i can hardly move without feeling like i'm having a heart attack.I'm only 25 and fit and healthy normally i can't understand why i get all the illnesses that older people are meant to get.

I'm so glad there are other people feeling the same and to know that this pain is normal for pleurisy.

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Paracetamol And Codeine Are Addictive?

I have been taking paracetamol with codeine for sinus pain and toothache-more the form. I'm very worried about addiction so will take a single dose of an evening 2-3 days a week. Then I can have weeks and 2-3 months of none. I don't experience withdrawal or addictions when I do not take. Is it ok to use paracetamol & codeine sparingly like this and avoid addiction. Can I have balanced feedbacks please-well weighed up good and not so good experiences.

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Paracetamol With Alcohol - Light Headed And Anxious

Last week I was under the weather so started taking Paracetamol. The problem is that I was a) A bit loose with the guidelines (i.e. 4-6 hours, more like every 2-3) and b) I was taking Lemsip and Sudafed when obviously you are not supposed to take different types of paracetamol.

On Friday I went out for a few drinks (lager & vodka). Since Saturday I have been feeling incredibly anxious (not a normal character trait) and on Sunday had what I can only describe as my first ever panic attack. Since then I have been feeling anxious, sometimes light-headed and heart racing.

Sunday was the lowpoint and it was starting to improve and by Thursday I felt back to normal…so I went to the gym. 30 mins into what was not an overly strenuous routine, I was back to feeling light headed, anxious etc – just sometimes coming over me in waves.

Could this be linked to the over-use of paracetamol combined with the booze or have I maybe something more serious to worry about?

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TKR :: Pain Relief? Paracetamol And Codeine Not Working

I am new to this, but at the moment I'm wishing I had never had this done. I had a TKR done on Friday, the epidural and sedation didn't work so had to have a general. The pain relief I got whilst in hospital was good, came home yesterday and all I've got is paracetamol and codeine, which has no effect at all, slept in 20 minute intervals all night. Our dog had her crucial element ligament done about 17 months ago and she was on better pain relief. I am honestly regretting what I have done, sorry for sounding so negative.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Pain Management - Morphine, Naproxen And Paracetamol

In 2007 I had true frozen shoulder in my left (non-dominant shoulder). After freezing and while waiting for arthroscopic release I spent five months on dihydrocodeine and tramadol and didn't sleep. Nosleep. None. I don't really remember much about 2007, I was 42. I continued working, but like a zombie.

I had the arthroscopic release and was off all pain meds within 2 days – was magic.

Surgery performed by Mr Cameron Hatrick in Sussex on the NHS.

However I had severe muscle wastage and was very unfit, so months and months of physio followed before I regained full movement and fitness.

Exercises I found particularly useful was being able to windmill my arm – simulating swimming movements in addition to the other recommended exercises.

In October 2014 I suspected the onset of frozen shoulder in my right arm. I completed as many of the exercises I did post op last time, as possible and went to gp and physiotherapist.

I maintained mobility much longer but had pain when sleeping and lying down, so disrupted sleep.

In late January I lost all mobility within 2 weeks, much more rapidly than last time, but I assumed it was because I had been keeping the strength and mobility exercises up. Up till this point I was coping with just paracetamol.

I was referred to Mr Hatrick again. In the meantime, while waiting, I was back on the dihydrocodeine, then back on the tramadol too. I also used heat patches – the kind that last 12 hours and you wear on clothing, not skin. Still managing sleep in 2 and 3 hour spells to add up to 6-8 hours a night.

However I felt my whole health was deteriorating with the use of the dihydrocodeine and tramadol, as they made me an idiot and I was in a new job and trying to impress. (Well at least look professional).

When they recruited me in February I explained about my condition and that I was waiting for keyhole surgery and would expect to be back at work in a few days. The new job was great because I could go by train as I had given up driving as could open and close the driver's door or use reverse gear.

Before seeing the consultant, I returned to my GP and he wrote a letter to point out how this was adversely affecting my mental health, recommending the procedure be done quickly. I saw Mr Hatrick on March 30th and had the op on April 1st in Brighton.

However, this time the discharge included notes and graphic images and explained the complications encountered. I did not only have arthroscopic release and manipulation under anaesthetic. As I had inflammation ++, impingement ++ and a thickened bursa, I was given a nerve block and had bone shaved.

I went home, tried the dihydrocodeine and tramadol and suffered. Went to the gp twice, spoke to the gp twice, saw the nurse to have my stitches removed and returned to the hospital for examination by a duty registrar. I saw the physiotherapist for an assessment who looked at my discharge notes and said I had had two real extremes of experiences of easy and complicated. I then had a follow up with Mr Hatrick on day 17, who said in 14 years he had never recommended a steroid injection any sooner than 4-6 months post op as there was a risk of infection. However, he recommended it as urgent and on day 20 I had a steroid injection under x-ray.

Now it is day 22 and I am still suffering and am still off work.

Since day 5 I have been on Morphine, Naproxen and Paracetamol. Since day 17 I have also been on Gabapentin. This cocktail will sometimes mean I get 3 or 4 hours sleep. I certainly have better mobility since the release, but pain is still awful, despite the meds and plenty of ice.

Given up taking one day at a time, I now take every 4-6 hours at a time.

No idea when I will be able to return to work.

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Propranolol :: Increasing From 20mg To 40mg

have been taking 20mg propranolol up to three times a day for a while now for anxiety but feel it's not having much effect.  GP said I can increase my morning dose to 40mg - will I notice a difference in the increased dosage?

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Citalopram :: Dose Increased From 20mg To 40mg

I have been on 20mg Citalopram for years. Although lately I feel this has not been working as I have felt low, tearful,tired,unmotivated and generally not right. I have not been going to work and used to love my job even having to do 12hr shifts. I have been sick alot and suffer back and joint pains and being investigated for Rheumatoid Arthritis or some other autoimmune problem. My main concern is my mood ad I just want to be normal and go to work and socialize again. How long does it take to see an improvement it's been a week since dose change? Sorry for long post just had to get how I feel out there.

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Atorvastatin 20mg With Normal Cholesterol Levels?

my cholesterol is fine but been to ae the nurse and she told me i have to take atorvastatin?

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Citalopram :: Citapram Dose Upped From 20mg To 40mg

I have been on Citalopram 10mg then 20mg for years for depression and anxiety after being sick then losing my mum. it's now years later and I have been sick again and this time my motivation for life has gone. I use to have goals and dreams now nothing. I been panicky and tearful too. So my doctor upper my Citalopram dosage from 20mg to 40mg. It's day two and I have only slept two hours feel speedy like whiz bit! Will this effect calm down? 


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Polymyalgia Rheumatica :: Prednisone 20mg And I Am Feeling Much Better Except Itching

This is my fifth day on the prednisone 20mg and I am feeling much better overall with the exception of feeling hot and itching all over. I know this has been discussed previously but rather than try to find it I just started a new discussion. Do you have any idea if these are related to the disease? I have found one item that is a lifesaver to me and it is one of those neck pillows. My head gets to feeling heavy and my neck and shoulders are aching without it. 

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Sexual Dysfunction :: Food Before Sex After Taking A Cialis 20mg?

how is work can we take food before sex after taking a cialis 20mg?

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