Anxiety :: Paxil Making Me Depressed

I am 17 male and on the medicine paxil for anxiety not depression just anxiety the deal is this is making me depressed is it possible for it to make me have bad thoughts or can that be the anxiety?

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Anxiety :: Klonopin Making Me Severely Depressed

Ive been on klonopin for about ten months now and the for the last two months i've become severely depressed. I've never had depression ever. I've suffered from anxiety attacks and this stuff worked for a while but then started to seem to have negative effects. They've been unbearable. Bad thoughts and hopelessness are a cpl to name a few. I tried two tapers of it and find i can come off it. It's been a nightmare. 1st taper was a quarter of a pill 1mg. Then a few weeks later i stabilized had gotten .5s and started takin em twice a day still at a total of 1 mg and with a pill cutter was taking 6.25 percent off a pill and was having horrible nightmares to the point i was afraid to go to sleep. I dunno *** is happening to me but i feel like im losing my mind.

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Hypothyroidism :: Weight Gain Is Making Me So Depressed

I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism for almost two years and the only change I've seen in my weight is it keeps going up. I've just lost all faith in myself after trying for so long and hard to lose the weight. I hate how I look and I constantly think about it. I'm so so down all the time and I just can't see a way back. I was heavy years ago and lost a lot of weight (over 3 stone) and I felt and looked fantastic. I enjoyed it for a few years before the hypothyroidism. I know people say looks are shallow and unimportant but its important to me.

I just feel so let down by my own body and so bitter towards people who don't have thyroid issues. I don't know how to make myself feel better.

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Depression :: Being Depressed Has Hindered Me From Making Friends

im 21 years old and have been depressed since i was 13. so i went through high school and 3 years of university depressed and havent been able to really make any friends because of this. and now not having friends i feel like keeps me stuck in my room all the time because i dont have anyone to see or do anything with. this all just makes me more depressed...

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Anxiety :: Wellbutrin Making It Worse

I've had anxiety 24-7 for over a year now. I continue to work but it is so hard,because i am a waitress. I've been on wellbutrin and it seems to make it worse. Monday I change over to celexa. Hope this is gonna work for me. Has anyone been on celexa for anxiety and did it work.

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Fluoxetine Making My Anxiety Worse

I can't tell if it's part of the process of taking the medication or it's making it worse. I just had a panic attack and my mind can't think. And it's scaring me beyond normal.

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Contraception :: Cerazette Making Anxiety Worse?

I'm back on Cerazette after being changed to Cerelle which didn't agree with me, however I've noticed over the last couple of months my anxiety is worse, I'm very up and down , sore chest all the time, emotional, and basically want to cry some days for no reason as in feeling really hormonal. I've become over worried, panicky, and I'm worried Cerazette is making my anxiety worse. however if I come off it I have the most horrendous periods when I go dizzy and everything ... Really fed up as can't take the combined pill and I don't want periods either

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Anxiety :: Cancer Phobia Making Me Insane

So I've been on here a lot in the past month. Worried about a lymph node- which has since gone away and it wasn't even a lymph node it was a pimple that ended up being really deep under the skin and went away on its own. Then worried about my stomach and intestines again. I have this gnawing rolling growling but it can't feeling and it feels like there's air in there and I can't get it out but my brain is like no it's probably a tumor. And I've been worried about bowel cancer. I keep checking my movements to see if there's blood in them and I'm like overly looking like is that blood or does that look kinda red or is it okay? Like its bad. I'm 24. No history of bowel cancer or anything in the family. My grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 70 and she beat it and is fine now. I had a full physical and blood test with fasting two and a half months ago. I can't keep going to the doctor but I'm going insane. People are saying if I keep worrying about it it'll happen and it's scaring me.

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Anxiety :: Propranolol Reviews? Anyone?

Just been prescribed 10mg for my physical Symptoms.. Does anyone else take them? I've seen good reviews about these, was just wondering if anyone on here takes them?

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Anxiety :: Coming Off Propranolol?

I really want to get off propranolol but I can't seem to do it without getting horrible withdrawal symptoms like racing heart, sweats, dizziness and breathlessness! Has anyone successfully got off it and if so how did you do it? I have tried tapering my dose I have went from 120mg per day down to 10/20mg a day but this last hurdle is messing with me!

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Propranolol Vs. Anxiety Vs. Blood Pressure

My doctor gave me 10 mg of propranolol for anxiety and she said it was ok to take with my bp. My bp ranges from 95/70 to sometimes 102/70 when my anxiety gets up. My pulse is usually around 75 resting and once I get up and my heart palpitations are bothering me at 75 beats per minute and I feel like I need to get up and move around which is like an akathisia feeling, my heart rate will go over 100, usually 104 -110 when I have to get up and walk around. Should I take 5mg or 2.5 mg just to see how it does since my bp can run low and my resting heart rate is 95/75 - 90/70? I have the sweaty palms and headache also during these times. My Paxil is not working anymore and it's causing this anxiety.

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Anxiety :: Propranolol Worked But Breathing Difficulty

I started taking propranolol last last and it made a huge difference in my anxiety feel like a new person today.. but the only thing is after taking it i feel like i couldn't breath like my airflow was being restricted ?

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Anxiety :: Coming Off Propranolol - By Cutting The Tablet?

I have been on 10mg PROPRANOLOL for a few years for anxiety attacks which would last 4 days of continuous sickness and sweating, also heart palpitations.

I have managed to control this over the past 2 years and very rarely get panic attacks , if i do the sickness and palpitations last a day.

I was taking this medication twice a day, however the beginning of last year i weaned myself down to one tablet a day (10mg) and then eventually stopped taking my tablets all together. i then became very anxious and had to reverse back to 0ne tablet daily. This is with the odd attack.

A year later and having no attacks i would like to try again and wean myself of completely but scared i will revert back to being sick an anxious again. However putting that to one side and thinking positive i would like to stop them.

Can i cut the tablets with a drug cutter and reduce the amount to 5 mg daily and stop.

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Anxiety Increased :: Reaction Between Citalopram And Propranolol

I took the plunge and took the tablets 40mls a day twice a day for around 3 weeks, then due to side effects, reduced to 10 mls twice a day.  

My constant panic attacks are not there anymore, just now and again.  I found that the tablets must of interacted with the citalopram 10mls as I felt really alert of them and couldn't sleep, general anxiety symptoms were increased.  Since reducing I am able sleep, my pulse rate is still up, but not as bad as before.  

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Anxiety Worse In The Mornings - Citalopram And Propranolol

Does anyone else feel like this, I wake up (that's if I have slept of course) and I'm filled with dread.  My husband goes to work very early and I hate him saying he is leaving, my anxiety is dreadful in the morning and sometimes lasts all day, when I go to bed at night I already start worrying about the next day! I am on day 9 of 20mg of citalopram and propranolol so hoping meds will start working soon.  But does anyone fill withdrew due in the morning?

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Propranolol Slowing Down Heart Rate - Causing Further Anxiety

I'm been put on 10mg of propranolol daily for palpitations and pulse rate normal sits between 60-70 BPM and when I take these propranolol I feel like my heart beat is just going to stop which is making my anxiety 100% question is can't my heart just stop beating ? Can I half these tablets down to 5mg? Can't get this shaky constant panicky feeling away..

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Perimenopause :: Anxiety, Super Depressed - Antidepressants

Perimenopausal or crazy? I am 42 years old & have never suffered from depression. Three years ago my family doctor prescribed Yaz. I thought I had lost my mind! Depressed, mopey, anxiety ridden you name it I felt it!! Doctor said here is some antidepressants & it will eventually leave your body. Fast forward to present for the last couple of months around period time I have been feeling super depressed. I cry about everything! I don't want to leave the house, talk to anyone & forget Facebook. I used to be a FB junkie now I go on & cry because everyone else is happy! Went to a ob/gyn she informed me I'm to young for hormone imbalance or menopause. Mind you both my mother & grandmother had a hysterectomies at 19 & 23. So what she was basing her theory that I was to young?? She prescribed me more birth control pills. Last thing I need! I took them for three weeks & of course around period time everything was 100% worse. I'm have two appointments with different ob/gyns hopefully someone can identify with my peri menopause & not just hand me birth control pills or antidepressants!

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Anxiety :: Depressed And Anxious After Smoking Weed

For the past three years, every time I smoke weed, I become extremely anxious and depressed. I always feel worthless, anxious, and extremely sad after I smoke - my mind produces really negative thoughts about my life, beliefs, self- image, as if all that I am and say is worthless. I feel this way even when I smoke around people who I am comfortable with. When I was in high school, I used to smoke weed on a frequent basis and feel so happy, calm and relaxed. All I want is that feeling again. 

Does anyone know how I can feel good again when smoking?

It's strange - even when I THINK about smoking I get that anxious feeling!

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Anxiety :: Propranolol - Consult Doctor If You Start Or Quit Smoking?

I was wondering if anyone has even been on propranolol 40mg once a day for anxiety and stopped smoking and if so did you feel fine!

I want to stop smoking but on the leaflet it says consult your doc if u start or stop smoking.

I did ask my gp but he dismissed the leaflet and just said stop smoking - I kinda didn't trust his answer.

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