Vaginal Shave To See The Chicken Pox?

I am 17 years old and have chicken pox. There's nothing unusual although I do have a couple on my vagina. Is it possible I still shave down there as I'd like to see what's going on?

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Vaginal Health :: Small Bumps Around Vaginal Opening?

Today I noticed a cluster of small bumps around the bottom of the opening of my vagina, they're kind of red. I am sexually active with my boyfriend and I'm slightly worried he could have given me an std. We have oral sex too though and there's nothing wrong with my mouth.. We have sex a lot so maybe it could just be irritation.. I'm not sure but I'm scared. I have pictures but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post them.

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STDs :: Small Bumps On/Near Vaginal Opening

I'm a 28 y/o heterosexual female. I am confused as to the nature of small, flesh-colored bumps I have near the opening of my vagina and am hoping someone can shed light on what these can potentially be. Firstly, please note that I have made a gynecologist appointment for Friday morning (1/8). I'm sure we're all familiar with the agony of waiting for an appointment, and then waiting some more to receive test results, so I'm hoping that describing the ailment here will help me narrow down the possible causes and relieve some anxiety.

Please bear with me--there are several variables to my situation, including my having the Mirena IUD placed, as well as developing a yeast infection post-placement (common when changing birth control methods, as the disruption in hormone levels affects the pH of the vagina).

Timeline and Facts:
I recently began a monogamous relationship in mid-November, 2015. My male partner and I used condoms in the beginning, but stopped once he was screened for STDs (including HIV and an HSV blood antibody test) and got a clean bill of health. I had been tested in August, 2015 and my results were all negative (my tests included the standard screening, plus an HSV blood antibody test). To date, all of my Pap Smears have been normal.

On 12/27/15, I noticed mild irritation near my vaginal opening, but believed that was due to either 1) frequent intercourse the previous two days, or 2) the beginning of a genital pimple. I've had a genital pimple before, which I learned to recognize by its white head, individual presentation, and rapid disappearance after treatment with a hot compress. When I've developed a genital pimple in the past, it was after either masturbation or intercourse wherein I didn't clean myself thoroughly enough and some remaining fluid clogged my pores. Because I'd been having frequent intercourse 12/25 - 12/26, I thought perhaps I was getting another pimple, and so I treated the area with a hot compress.

On 12/28/15, I visited my gynecologist to have the Mirena IUD placed. Placement, although somewhat painful, went well and fairly quickly. I had some spotting and cramping for three days afterward (to be expected after an IUD placement), but nothing alarming. During the IUD placement appointment, I asked the nurse to draw blood for STD screening, as I hadn't been tested since August and wanted to be sure I was still healthy. I was tested for HIV, HSV 1 & 2 (blood antibody test), Syphilis, and Hepatitis A, B, & C. All results were negative. I was not tested for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HPV, or Trichomonas because the nurse did not perform a pelvic exam or swab.

My partner and I waited two days after the IUD placement to have sex (12/30), and we were careful not to be aggressive, as an IUD can sometimes be expelled from the uterus. The morning after having sex (12/31), I noticed that my vagina was somewhat sore and inflamed. I believed this to be related to the IUD placement coupled with having sex shortly thereafter. However, the soreness and inflammation continued and grew more intense, and by 1/1 I was also experiencing itchiness on and around my labia. Having had yeast infections before, I used a hand mirror to view my vulva. My labia were red and inflamed and I saw some white discharge. On 1/2 I treated myself at home by drinking fresh lemon juice and eating yogurt with live bacteria cultures. My symptoms improved overnight, and while I was happy to have physical relief, I decided to also treat with a Monistat suppository on 1/4 to be sure that the infection was gone.

On 1/4, while inspecting my vulva again prior to inserting the suppository, I noticed two small, smooth, flesh-colored, slightly raised bumps on my labia minora, immediately outside of my vaginal opening (the vaginal opening itself was still slightly inflamed). The bumps don't appear to have any kind of head on them, aren't open sores, and have no pain, discomfort, or itching associated with them. My previous soreness and itchiness had been located higher on the vulva, between the folds of the labia and closer to the urethra--so I was surprised to find bumps, as I hadn't had any pain or itching near my vaginal opening. Today (1/6), the bumps are still present, even after my yeast infection symptoms have disappeared.

I am confused as to what these bumps could be. I've always tested negative for HSV 1 & 2 (including my most recent testing on 12/28), and I had the Gardasil HPV vaccine as a teenager, before I became sexually active. I know that Gardasil protects against the cancer-causing strains of HPV, as well as 90% of the wart-causing strains. I suppose this could be warts caused by one of the strains not covered by Gardasil--how soon after exposure would warts appear, if this is the case?

To add even MORE information: my male partner's last relationship lasted ten years, was monogamous, and ended in June, 2015. He had not been screened for STDs in four years, which is why I asked him to be tested in early December 2015 when our relationship was getting more serious.

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Vaginal Pimples And Bumps Inside My Vagina Lips

A few days ago, my boyfriend and I had (rough) protected sex which left my vagina very sore especially around the outside. Upon returning from the gym today, I noticed a few bumps inside my vagina lips / right around my vagina hole. I haven't worked out in a while and I will be getting my period in the next two to three days, so could it just be acne? I looked at images of possible stds but did not find anything that looked like what I have. They are very small, not too sore to touch, red pimple like bumps.

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Vaginal Health :: Little Bumps Between My Thighs And Labia - Itchy

I had this little bumps between my thigh a labia and It kinda feels irritated not itchy just uncomfortable nothing popped or came out of it it's just irritated it's appeared about 4 weeks ago after I shaved and hasnt gone away its felt more irritated after I shaved again yesterday my mom said it's prob a ingrown hair but i can't see a hair in it I'm scared help What does this sound like..

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Vaginal Health :: Itchy Bumps Up My Thighs To Vagina

I am not sexually active but I spent last night w my boyfriend, he didn't even touch me here but I was woken up several times during the night due to a few small itchy bumps up from my knee to my vagina on my inner thigh. When at my vagina there are many more and it's more itchy. I also just started my cycle so could that be it?

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Vaginal Health :: Bumps Filled With Pus On My Vagina Lips

Over the past 3 days I have noticed a cluster of small bumps that look like they are filled with puss on my vagina lips I can't even tough them they are so painful or even walk properly as they rub on my underwear I am also getting a lot of discharge

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Vaginal Health :: White Bumps And Itchiness In Vagina?

I've been actively seeking help on this problem as I'm so worried and confused. I'm 18 years old and in a monogamous relationship with a guy I've been dating for 4 years. We've never ever had previous partners, and we both lost our virginity to each other. I've never been concerned about STD's before, but a recent event has me worried. We had sex about a week and a half before the date I'm posting this (1/22), and yesterday evening I started noticing an itching/rash-like pain in my vagina. It doesn't hurt when I urinate, it only hurts to the touch. There's no abnormal discharge, either, and I know I'm not pregnant. However, I did take a flashlight and a mirror up there and noticed very small bumps-- some had white heads and some were pink-- in my vagina.. Are these normal? What are they? I have never had a yeast infection before so I'm not sure if this is what I have.

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Sexual Health :: Small Bumps Near Vaginal Opening

Last night I noticed I had a few small bumps near the vaginal opening. They're not painful unless I touch them then it becomes a burning sensation and it'll cause burning when I pee. I have checked photos of genital warts and herpes and none seem to match.

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Vaginal Health :: Is It Herpes Or Folliculitis? Bumps On My Labia

I have been with my current boyfriend now for 4 years. I have never had any symptoms of herpes, not even a cold sore on my mouth. My boyfriend has also been clean. About 6 days ago I noticed a two small bumps on my labia majora right in the hairline then there was another small bump down on my labia minora again in the hairline and on the same side as the one on the upper part of the labia. I of course began freaking out. I've never had a STD scare before and I immediately thought the worst. The bumps were slightly itchy, red, and it looked as though they had a white, almost puss filled, kind of top. I went to the health clinic 2 days later, the soonest I could get in, and the nurse told me it didn't look like any herpes case she had seen before, but she swabbed me to do a culture just in case. I'm still waiting for the results and the waiting is driving me insane. I've read every article I can find on herpes and how I could possibly have contracted it since both me and my boyfriend have been faithful to each other, and before I was with him I was with the same man for 5 years who I know was clean. I know it is possible for the disease to lay dormant for years, but still it just seems odd that it would wait this long to appear and my current boyfriend has not had any bumps or cold sores since we’ve been together.
I stumbled upon the condition folliculitis and I’m wondering if it could possibly be that. I do shave down there regularly. I’ve had razor burn before but nothing like this. Currently the two bumps that were on my labia majora have turned into a hard lump underneath the skin and the one on my labia minora has also turned into a lump under the skin. I’ve never had a cyst or boils before so I’m not really sure what I’m looking at. There is no puss coming out of anything, but they are painful when irritated. I am able to go without underpants once I am home, but during the day I have been wearing cotton underwear and I sit at a desk. I think this irritates the one on my labia majora because of where it is located so it is normally sore.
I have no other symptoms of herpes. No burning urination, swollen lymph nodes, or any sickness. I’m also not in a great deal of pain or anything like that. I’m just really unsure of what is going on and the symptoms of both herpes and folliculitis sound so similar. Folliculitis makes more sense to me, but then again that’s because I really don’t want to have herpes. There is one other issue I’m having that I can’t find online at all. It’s kind of hard to explain, but there is a white area in the fold of my skin that is above my clitoris. It’s not puss and it doesn’t hurt. I cannot find any pictures or descriptions of this online. I’m not sure if it could be caused from the large hard lump that is near it on my labia majora or not.
I’m not able to find out my results for at least another 4 days and I’m going to make a appointment with my gyno for next week as well, but I’m looking for any opinions or advice as I’m currently driving myself crazy with wondering and researching.

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Vaginal Health :: Itchy With Small Painless Bumps On Labia

A few days ago my boyfriend and i went to the beach. I left my suit on all day after swimming, and we walked everywhere. I'm pretty sure there was sand in my suit also. We had sex that night like most nights. The next morning my vagina was sore- externally not internally. It's been about 3 days, and now it feels like there a little cut right where the lips meet at the top, and it is extremely sore right outside the bottom of my vaginal opening. When i pee, the urine hits my vagina and it burns like crazy! I also have about 10 small bumps that are beneath the skin, they almost feel like zits, but are not painful at all. Those also didn't show up until yesterday. My boyfriend has been my only sexual partner for over 6 months, and before that i had sex once over a year ago. So i doubt it's an STD. This is the first problem I've had down there so if it's something obvious.

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Vaginal Health :: Thick White Discharge / Red Bumps Around My Vulva

I have a thick white discharge and two red bumps around my vagina.. it itches on occasion. Nd it is very uncomfortable to wipe and to wash..

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Vaginal Health :: Itchy Bumps On Inner Labia/ Clear Watery Discharge

about a month ago i noticed two or three small red bumps on my inner labia near the entrance of my vagina. the itching seemed to go away after a bit but the bumps were still there. in the past week the itching has returned and i have noticed a clear, watery discharge. I'm very worried! My boyfriend has been out of the country for nearly a year (in which time i have not been sexually active). I have an appointment set up with my gynecologist but i will need to wait 2 more weeks for that.

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Bumps On My Genital Area :: STD Or Shaving Bumps

a have bumps on my genital area but not my penis. i had sex(protected)one month ago and got oral about two weeks ago. white bumps around there. not my penis though. how can i post a pic so someone could tell me what it might be. i think its cause i shave every week. i had bumps before i had sex but now they're white & i had two boils at different times & i popped them.

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Pregnancy :: Can You Shave?

Can you shave? Can you reach or is that the least of your concern

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How To Shave During Pregnancy?

I am now 25wks and just wondering if anyone else is having any difficulty grooming themselves? ? My belly is super huge, but the bending position is so uncomfortable now! What are u all doing about this? I'm beginning to feel self conscious before it gets too outta hand . I don't want my hubby to be grossed out by it lol.

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Is It Okay To Shave Your Butt?

I'm just wondering is it okay to shave your butt?

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When And How To Shave My Penis And Balls?

I was wondering whether I should shave my pubes and if so how to do it properly ....

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Pregnancy :: I Can Shave My Vagina?

I'm 18 weeks pregnant and I wanted to know if I can shave my vagina or not anymore ??

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