Ocular Migraine? Trouble Focusing, Blind Spot And Zigzag Circles

This has happened a few times and usually it comes and goes. I can have a few in the matter of a couple weeks and then not have it happen for a couple of months and then it rarely appear again. The first time it happened was after a big exam and I started having trouble focusing in class and then gradually a blind spot appeared in my central vision. It then became bright a multi-colored zig zag half circle in my peripheral vision and lasted about twenty minutes before floating out of my peripheral. There was no pain and no other symptoms rather than the visual distortion and I was completely panicked by the whole thing. I have noticed that it comes on during stressful times..and sometimes it will be just random. Because there is no pain I'm wondering if this is possibly an ocular migraine?... as opposed to a migraine aura. The weird thing is, is that I've never had an actual migraine with pain but my mom gets them so maybe family history could come into play. I've seen a NP about this but she was confused by it and just referred me to a neuro and said I would probably need a CT or MRI. She told me that ocular migraines always occur with pain but from what I have researched this isn't true. I currently don't have insurance so I probably won't be going to the neuro. I also take birth control so now I'm freaked out about the whole stroke thing but she assured me that I should continue (young age no other health issues). I was just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this without the pain? and from experience is it dangerous or something to seriously be worried about?

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Nonstop Migraines Every Day For Years

I know people have migraines on occasion, but I seriously feel like I have it nonstop every day for years. Nothing that I try has worked or made them less strong.. Has anyone experienced this and what was your solutions? Also, there is absolutely no doubt that there is pain, but is it somehow possible that I have convinced myself that I have headaches and that is what is causing them (a friend suggested this, kinda makes sense). I hate living like this.

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Migraines :: Headache That Lasts 3+ Years?

For over the past 3 years (starting around July 2010) I have had a constant headache. It is not extremely intense but is dull and always present. Along with this headache I am also constantly fatigued and my head feels very fuzzy, like it's stuck in a cloud. I should also include that I am otherwise in good health, I am a normal weight, I eat properly, get enough sleep, can run around 7-8 miles without stopping, etc.

I have talked to a few doctors, had various tests done including a CAT scan but none of the tests ever gave any results. I was diagnosed with migraines (even though its not plural, it's just one that has never gone away) and given multiple migraine medications. Sumatriptan does not work and actually makes my head hurt significantly worse. No pain medications have any effect on the pain, I have tried many OTC and prescription meds, from aspirin and ibuprofen to stronger stuff like norcos and percocet, but nothing has had any positive effect. I have been prescribed two different antidepressants but they have the unfortunate side effect of making me tired and drowsy, which when added onto my already fatigued state makes it nearly impossible to get out of bed in the morning.

I am writing this because in the past few months my head has been hurting me significantly more and to be honest it is scaring me pretty bad. I have not had much luck with any of the doctors I have seen, they have no idea what is wrong with me and just give me scripts that don't work. I am not too familiar with migraines but I don't seem to fit the symptoms, except that my head hurts. A doctor at UCSF told me that migraines come in cycles but I could not find on the internet someone who had cycles with constant pain lasting many years at a time.

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Headaches / Migraines :: 19 Years, Narcolepsy

I'm 19 years old. Since I was little I have suffered a few things: Firstly, I have narcolepsy, and suffer from sleep paralysis. I also get dizziness and fainting spells (although sometimes I can still see just not move) as well as anemia (which I understand is common). On top of that I get bouts of terrible chest pain on my right side when I can't breathe properly, migraines and at times my heart beats irregularly. I was a premature baby and suffered jaundice when I was young, but that's it really. I have gone to the GP about all these problems, the doctors have been treating them as separate issues and I worry that they may all be linked. When I last said this to my GP he told me I might be a hypochondriac and it's all due to stress, which I don't believe. I don't really want keep having it at the back of my mind, should I just forget it or pursue my case further with a different doctor?

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Ocular/Retinal Migraines For Years

I have never really suffered from headaches during my life until now (i'm 29). There is no family history of migraines.

Out of the blue, after a family function 2 years ago, we got home and I noticed the image out of my right eye was 'cloudy'. I wear glasses so immediately thought my glasses were dirty. I got a shock when taking them off to find it was my eye! I was a bit concerned, then 30mins later I had the worst headache in my life. I had to go to bed early. At some points even the sounds of the TV from downstairs were making me feel sick. It was as if every sound and sense in my body had been amplified. I think there might have been a tiny bit of twitching but can't confirm now as memory of it is a little hazy.

I woke up the next day feeling normal again, and put it down to hangover or just a 'bad headache'. I went back to my daily job (work in IT) and didn't think anything of it. The same thing happened again about a month later, this time not a headache as much, more visual symptoms. After 3-4 hours it passed and I was back to normal again. 

The frequency of them started changing from one every month, then around Jan 2013 one every two weeks, and since around June 2013 one every 7-10 days. 

At this moment in time I am off work due to depression/anxiety (Since Feb 2014) and currently can get them every 2-4 days. Last week I had four in the space of 7 days. 

What I experience now: The 'trigger' feeling that I know one is coming is slightly worrying; I can visibly see my pulse (vein shape) pulsing in my right eye's vision to my heartbeat. This goes on for about 15/30mins, then I start to get spots/lines/an 'arc' shape which will sometimes be there and sometimes now. I will also get moments of no vision in that eye 'black spots appearing over the central vision'.

When I read of people with 'ocular' migraines they note these symptoms usually leave after approx 1 hour followed by a blinding headache. My concern is the aura stays with me the entire course of the migraine - approx 6-9 hours. I believe I have 'retinal' migraines. Difference being I ONLY get the aura in my right eye. If I patch the right eye my vision is normal out of my left for the entire 9 hours. Also my head feels incredibly tight and sometimes will get a throbbing pain just above the tear duct on the right side of my noise. 

I have had my eyes checked and been told the pressure is fine (no risk of glaucoma). Also my blood pressure is normal/high (bearing in mind I do suffer with anxiety/depression).

I am at my wits end trying to work out what triggers them. I have spent months cutting out caffeine/alcohol. It made no difference. I have also tried limiting my use on computers/phones whilst I am off work. No difference. 

The only relief I have found is through exercise. I typically don't do any sort of intense daily exercise, maybe a 20min walk a day and household chores. 

2 Weeks ago, I decided to start an exercise regimen. Did jogging/walking for about 45mins-1hr each day. I went approx 10 days without a migraine (usually it's every 2-3 days at the moment). I am wondering what in the exercise is causing this relief? Could it be hormonal or just a stress reliever?

I don't smoke and don't drink much alcohol any more. I do have a bit of a weak neck - maybe this has something to do with it? My main concern above all else is it's not your typical aura, I only get it in one eye. 

I have also noted that I have never had a migraine before 1PM and after 10PM (apart from one rare occasion at 4AM when I was having a panic attack in bed). Something is happening between approx 2PM-10PM to trigger it, but I don't know what. 

I'm a bit of a hypochondriac at the moment, thinking it's a brain tumour or i'm at risk of stroke. I wanted to get a scan but GP said "if you would have had a brain tumour since 2012 you would know by now" and suggested meds.

Does anybody else here suffer from their 'retinal' migraines, or can offer any support or advice?

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Migraine For 2 Years Following A Very Bad Tonsillitis

I have suffered migraine for 2 years following a very bad tonsillitis.  The symptoms have progressed to the point where I have had to give up my high pressured job and my memory is becoming increasingly and worryingly so bad that I cannot remember what I did a few minutes earlier, names of medications etc.  The main symptoms are a tearing feeling at the top of my head, liquid running down the back of my throat causing me to cough or swallow as well as noise intolerance which at times is unbearable. I saw a neurologist for 6 minutes. I am seriously thinking of ending it all and I have weighed up all the pros and cons.  I cannot take this any longer.  I cannot believe this is just migraine.  I cannot understand why nothing is helping.  My life is all day pain.  If nobody can give me some reason to try something valid then its goodbye.  I have had Gabapentin with moderate  benefit, Candesartan with no benefit, and stopping all the usual painkillers.  Sumatriptan did not help. 

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Optic Neuritis - Fear Of Going Blind

I finally saw the MS specialist today, after months of waiting. His opinion was that my symptoms point to MS, but I will be having a plethora of labs drawn and an MRI. The most frightening thing to me was that he is getting me in to an opthamologist asap because it appears that I have optic neuritis in both eyes. I'm not afraid of MS, but I am afraid of going blind. Someone tell me something to make me feel better, please.

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Eye Care :: Retina Detachment

My eye doctor saw something strange about my retina so she sent to a retinal specialist. After a 3 hour thorough exam he stated to me that sometime ago I had a detached retina and since I didn't notice, it healed itself. He stated that this do not happen often when a retina will heal itself. I have some damage but nothing very serious. There is a tiny blind spot when I look up but that is all. I feel very blessed that it healed because this should blinded me. Does anyone know if this has happened to anyone they know? I do have to be seen by the specialist every 6 weeks for a while. But considering the alternative...I have been blessed.

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Eye Care :: Detached Retina

I fell off a 2nd story Building onto a concrete driveway, my L-1 was compressed 40%, my L-3 and L-4 disk was chruched along with the L-5 and S-1.  My question is:  I hit my head hard landing on the concrete driveway, bleeding and leaving a bump and my vision in my left eye started to have black dots and finally a Detached Retina.

Was this Detached Retina from my Fall?

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Eye Care :: Horseshoe Tear In Retina

A week or so ago I was at my daughter's who happens to work for an eye doctor. I laughing said, I thought it was a hair in my face but there isn't anything there. She said OH Mom that's not good. That evening I started seeing flashes in the corner of my eye. She told me to call her Boss who told me that this was most likely Posterior Vitreous Detachment which is common when you age but told me what to look for if anything changed. Within two days things certainly started changing. He had me come in and I had a horseshoe shaped tear. The next day I had retina surgery that don't let them tell you doesn't hurt, because it does!

Because of this tear, I now have a macular pucker and cataracts I didn't have before. Also I still have flashes and a lot of floaters.

They repaired the tear but I have lost the normal sight in that eye. I have a blurry spot in the center of my vision that looks like when your glasses are dirty. Let light hit my face and oh my goodness! Out of trial and error I realized if I put on my amber sunglasses that it helps cut the glare.

Has anyone had their vision return after developing a Macular Pucker? They say that the floaters should go away in six weeks. I sure hope they are correct.

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Vision / Eye Disorders :: Retina Dry With Weak Nerve

My left eye has weak nerve in retina and the retina also dry and I see in it only 10% (can not distinguish things, I can know there is something here or something maybe is moving ... like this).

Is there any solution specially after stem cells science has been developed?

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Vision / Eye Disorders :: Scarred Retina Can Be Repaired?

I'm partly blind in my right eye due to being hit with a rock 23 years ago I have a scarred retina can it be repaired? My right rye goes to the right do my eye are not straight can this be helped

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Migraine :: Migraine Attacks Are Back / Menopause

I never suffered from migraine attacks until I was in my mid-40's.

They seemed to be linked to the beginning of hormonal changes related to the start of menopause. I would get a pain over my left eye (usually, though right occasionally), with a feeling of nausea and sometimes slight numb feeling on the side of my face. I would turn quite a pale white colour, and also feel very tired, yawning a lot. I would take medication, migraleve tablets and lay down in a darkened room. Usually, I would recover within 24 hours, though I would feel 'worn out' for a few days after the attack.

Since I have discovered by self analysis, that citrus fruits, especially orange juice (which I no longer drink), chocolate and strong coffee all seem to be triggers, which I try to avoid.

For the last five years, I have been clear of migraines, but have now started to get them again. I have passed the menopause but have had a lot of stress in my life recently, so I wonder if this is the cause of the recurrence? My last attack was quite different from the others I have experienced, in that I was feeling fine (though had been really tired the day before for no apparent reason) when I suddenly developed black zigzag lines across my left eye (very frightening at first). These went on for about 10 minutes and then slowly I developed a severe migraine, though this was not over one particular eye, but both. I had feelings of nausea and also felt cold at times. I took Migraleve pink and yellow but the headache is still persisting the next day. I wonder why I developed these other symptoms of visual disturbance. Can stress really do this to your body?!

PS I know there is a family history of migraine.

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Classic Migraine Changed To Silent Migraine In 30's

I had classic migraines through my teenage years which stopped for a couple of years before continuing at on average one every couple of months with the odd instance of a back to back cluster of 3-10 at once. They were always the same 20 minute aura then axe in the head pain and repeated vomiting for 6 hours followed by a 24hr hangover.  Over the years I have tried all preventers with only Epilim and Topiramate working for 18 months. I built up tolerance to Epilim and Topiramate gave me side effects that ended in a blood disorder so cannot take either any more. Beta blockers and antidepressants never worked and Lisinopril was also a short lived waste of time. The only triptan that ever worked was Maxalt rizatriptan but again it lost its effect after 6 months. Something weird has now happened and I wonder if others have had this? I am now 36 and in the last 6 months my migraines have totally changed. I still get the aura but if I take Express Nurofen and an anti sickness tablet straight away or use a heat pack on the back of the neck no pain or sickness comes just 6 hours of extreme tiredness. I always used to throw up any tablets so this is a miracle however the frequency has stepped up to between 5 and 20 a month so it is really impacting on my life. I have had an MRI and all is normal. I have also tried supplements and alternative therapies with no success. Botox and nerve blockers are the next suggestion but will they treat this scenario if there is no pain? Will it stop the aura too and prevent the whole episode? Help!

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Bladder Disorders :: Peeing Every Two Hours For Last Couple Of Days

I been peeing for the past couple of days like two times every two hours what can that be ?

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Anxiety :: Ears Block For A Couple Of Seconds And Rings

Anyone's ears blocks for a couple of seconds and rings it doesn't happen to me much every now and then

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Thyroid Removal? Nodule 3.3cm (left) And Couple Of Small On Right

The large nodule takes up almost all of the left side of the thyroid whereas in the right side there are a couple of small nodules...about .2cm ...Quick questions...is there an alternative to the op? Surgeon has said he will try to save some of the thyroid but it's might not be possible....he said it could be dangerous and we should take it out...no pain, discovered by accident....advice please?

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Sertraline And PTSD - Bouts Of Anxiety For A Couple Of Days

I have PTSD and have been struggling lately. My Dr prescribed me Sertraline about 7 weeks ago. I started on 25mg and have increased to 50mg.

Initially I had a few wobbles but persevered and feel so much better generally. The problem is that I feel pretty good then will suddenly drop and feel anxious for a couple of days. I feel shaky and as if I'm having internal tremors. I felt like this before the tablets too. 

Another problem is that I'm already only a UK size 6. I have bowel disease and struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Now I've dropped half a stone again so only weigh 8 stone and I'm 5 foot 7. 

The last 2 days I've felt 'nervy' again.

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Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Cause Vertigo That Lasts A Couple Of Hours?

I have recently been diagnosed with Meniere's disease because I had a few vertigo attacks, hearing loss, tinnitus, and ear fullness.

However, after much thought I am beginning to doubt that diagnosis. My ETD had been blocked for exactly the same time my symptoms appeared, I know that easily through the valsalva maneuver, my good ear is clear and bad one is blocked. Also, my bad ear does not pop properly after a flight. And my most severe symptoms happen within a few days after flying, which happened twice. I was vertigo free for 6 weeks in between the 2 flights. Another weird thing is I only get vertigo attacks in the morning right after I wake up, as if my horizontal sleeping position had something to do with it.

My questions:

1) Is it possible with ETD to get vertigo (room spinning) or severe dizziness attacks lasting up to a couple of hours?

2) Do any of you ETD sufferers sense that you get more dizzy after you get up from bed?

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