Radial Nerve Palsy Following Fractured Humerus

I suffered radial nerve palsy following surgery for broken humerus 9 weeks ago. The break area has recovered well but im still completely numb around parts of my elbow,thumb and top of my hand. I have only a slight grip and my elbow bends only at a 90 degree angle-Ive heard some numbing never recovers so could this be part of the reason i cant grip or bend?I know it takes 6-12 months for full recovery but im finding the physio very hard and should i be pushing these areas so much?Both areas are as swollen as they were 9 weeks ago which is another concern. Has anyone been through anything similar?

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Orthopedics :: Radial Head Was Fractured But Not Displaced

I got into an accident and my radial head was fractured but not displaced. After 3 weeks of back-slab I did X ray again and it was partially healed. I did some exercises for a few days but I can't move the arm freely and make it straight. However I have no pain but little bit swelling.

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Humerus Fracture - Limited Hand And Wrist Movement Due To Nerve Damage

I am 2 week into my broken fracture in my humerus just above the elbow

The doctors undertook surgery and after the surgery they did say my nerve was damaged in the process as I had a metal plate inserted to put back the broken bones together if that make sense.

Whilst I understand the fracture will take a while to heal I am real concerned about my nerve injury I can't move my thumb freely, I can't move wrist at all I can bend my fingers but I can't straighten

My splint is tight so I do loosen this and try to do exercise with my hand.

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Orthopedics :: Bone Infection / Nerve Damage After Surgery On My Foot?

6 weeks ago I had foot surgery (modified brostrom procedure to tighten up ligaments near ankle, and a procedure to correct a calcaneonavicular coalition).  I have on incision along my ankle, and another incision on my foot. My cast came off 3 weeks after surgery. 5 weeks after surgery, when I was changing my dressing, I saw some some black stitches from the ankle incision on my gauze pad.  I called the doctor's office, and the medical assistant said that that was normal. After that, I noticed drainage for a few days when I changed the dressing. I called doctor's office back, because my foot was feeling hot and I was having a burning pain. They put me on an antibiotic (keflex). And I was told to stop walking and go back to non weight bearing. They told me not to clean the incision. I have only been on antibiotic for 3 days, and it is a 10 day course. In the evenings, especially when I am in bed, I wake up because there is so much pain in my foot, it feels like a deep stabbing pain that is sharp, and sometimes burning. Is this normal of a skin infection from an incision? Could it be a bone infection? Or nerve damage? How patient should I be with this doctor and doctor's office?

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Stiff Elbow After A Humerus Fracture

My elbow become very stiff after a humerus fracture, especially after elbow immobilization for an extended period of time, I was trying to practice a Six Pack Active Hand Exercises but i can't execute an exercises number : (3) and (4) because i can't bend my fingers more than 90 ; and i can't make a fist .

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Orthopedics :: Why Can't I Straighten My Elbow / Arm

Why cant i straighten my elbow / arm after fall?

6 weeks ago i had a nasty fall on my elbow and my elbow got really bruised and swollen since then my arm got back to normal but i cannot straighten it at all and i am in alot of pain .. i had it xrayed and is not broken .

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Orthopedics :: Elbow - No Bend Or Stretch All The Way

Recently I have noticed that I can't bend my elbow all the way and I assume it's because I worked it too much and didn't stretch. It only hurts a little bit when I try to extend it all the way. Is there any way I can fix it?

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Fractured Humerus Physical Therapy - Pieces Of Bone Moving Feeling

I sustained a spiral fracture of the distal third of my humerus approximately 3 and a half weeks ago. Im currently in a hard functional brace and able to let my arm hang freely at my side. I began PT earlier this week and have a few questions regarding the process. While most of the exercises are focused on maintaining range of motion and are relatively pain free, some do put small amounts of stress on the fracture site and cause discomfort. Every once in awhile I can feel the pieces of bone moving during the exercises. My arm has also swollen up a bit more (specifically my lower arm) since beginning PT. I assume this is normal. I'm more concerned with the movement of the bone. Is this cause for concern? and will excess movement hinder the bone healing process?

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Orthopedics :: Femer Neck Got Fractured, Shortening Of Leg

I had met with an accident and my femur neck got fractured and 3 screws have been put for support. After 3 months of surgery we observed that there is a shortening of leg of 3 cm. (the reason is the hip angle gone up ie Coxa Vara). Is there any solution/remedy for this other than hip replacement?

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Orthopedics :: Broken Humerus - Pain / Healing Time?

Just a little background over the past 5 weeks.

I fell over and broke my left humerus 5 weeks ago yesterday. Initial visit to A&E which resulted in X-rays and put in a collar and cuff for the first 4 days.

I then visited Orthopedics and more X-rays taken and put into a Brace.

I was in the brace until week 4, when it was replaced by a plaster U slab as the brace was causing my arm and hand to be considerably swollen. My U slab had to be changed twice due to it moving constantly in this time and in my opinion not isolating the break.

I had an appointment yesterday at Orthopedics where it was replaced yet again, and told my next appointment is on the 18th of December.

My concerns,

Various different stories told as to healing times.

I am 5 weeks since the break, when will they decide if it needs operating.

I am taking serious pain relief which is barely touching it, and causing sickness.

Its seems like i am being a nuisance asking questions or going back to the hospital, am i being paranoid.

I have managed to take pictures of the X-rays every time they have been taken and week 5 looks the same as day 1.

I know Orthopedic Surgeons undergo the same training. I have a problem that my Surgeon is a lower limb specialist. I have asked to see the Surgeon who specialises in my the area of my break, but only to be told that they are all the same.

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Ulnar Nerve Damage During Blood Sample

I went in for my routine physical two days ago and got blood work done. The nurse drawing my blood completely missed my vein and when she stuck the needle in, my arm felt like it was being electrocuted. I waited a few seconds because I thought it would go away but it didn't. She took the needle out after about ten seconds. Anyway, I'm almost positive she hit my nerve. I have a tingling pain that shoots through my arm when I extend it or put it in certain movements. I don't really feel any pain in my hand. When looking at a diagram, it looks like the ulnar nerve is the one she hit.

Anyways, I have read many posts of people not getting better after years, and some getting better after a few weeks. Is there any way to tell how bad mine is? Are they required to pay for any health costs concerning this issue?

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Eye Disorders :: Ocular Nerve Damage - Reversible?

About two years ago on Christmas due to high blood pressure I lost little pieces of my right eye it hasn't come back Since then the doctor said it's ocular nerve damage does anybody think surgery or anything will make it come back

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Nerve Damage In The Lower Back Cause Pain In The Thigh?

I have nerve damage in my lower back due to four back surgeries. Now I am beginning to have pain deep within my thigh on the same side where my disks were herniated. Anyone experienced this?

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Women - Over Masturbation :: Weak Orgasms, Nerve Damage?

I first started masturbating at age 15 where I would watch porn for a while and orgasm a few times. After I realized that I could go on for hours, over the years I had a few nights (once in a while) where I would orgasm every 30 seconds-3 minutes until I was drenched in sweat and had to stop. At 18, I bought a vibrator and used that for pleasure and my orgasms were always so powerful in the beginning and after a while they'd get weaker. Now, I'm 20 and my orgasms have become very weak. I can go 2-3 months without even trying and when I go for it I expect magic, but all I get are weak ones. Lately, I've been bored out of my mind, orgasming for hours every day for the last 5 days and they're pretty weak, but just pleasurable enough to keep me going. Now I've just done some research and learned that over-masturbation is bad and that I could be causing nerve damage to my clitoris. Even when I go months without they're still weak. Have I ruined my chances of having a powerful orgasm again?

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Neuropathic Pain :: Nerve Damage After Foot Surgery

I had foot surgery 8 weeks ago - quite a major reconstruction that took a few hours.

when the plaster was removed at 6 weeks I was told that I had nerve damage causing partial foot drop and a lot of numbness and pain. I have just had nerve conduction studies and have started on   Gabapentin and physio..

They said either the tourniquet or nerve block has caused it. I can't believe that this can happen, surely they know about these nerves and how to prevent problems.

Has anyone else experienced this and what has the recovery been like. I'm just wondering what my life is going to be like from now on.

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Interstim Device - Nerve Damage From Micro Electrical Shock

I had an Interstim device and the lead was moved during a different surgery. the lead was move into a nerve root in my lower back and I was electrocuted by the device for more than 60 min.  this was over a year ago and I am still in extreme pain every day and have yet to be diagnosed with anything.  will an MRI show nerve damage in my lower back and leg area?

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Sural Nerve Damage And Numbness With Achilles Tendon Surgery

Ten months ago, I had Achilles' tendon lengthening along with foot fusion surgery. Afterwards, 2/3rds of my foot on the outside edge and bottom of my foot has been numb. I kept mentioning it to my doctor, and he would say that it may take up to two years to fully recover from numbness. He even blamed the numbness on the popliteal nerve block that I had for seven days, but the anesthesiologist said that wasn't possible as the numbness started about two inches above my ankle and goes down into my foot.

Finally, I had a nerve conduction study (from my own insistence) that now confirms the injury/permanent damage to the Sural nerve. My surgeon must have nicked the Sural nerve when he did the percutaneous Achilles' tendon lengthening. It causes numbness that radiates down through my 5th metatarsal or little toe. But, 2/3rds of the bottom of my foot is also numb. Could this be from the Sural nerve or may there be other reasons for this numbness? What types of complications might occur with Sural nerve damage? How often does this occur with this type of surgery? This numbness is making it very difficult to walk. I can only walk very short distances at ten months, which is exceedingly frustrating. I am interested in hearing about others' experiences related to numbness and Sural nerve damage.

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Cauda Equina Syndrome :: Nerve Damage Resulting In Weak Right Leg

3 weeks ago I had a muscle spasm in my lower back that shifted the muscles around quite alarmingly - thought my hip had popped out. I went to A&E and they told me I'd had the spasm as a result of my body protecting the horse tail nerves that are around my spine. The only pain I have at the moment runs from my glutes to my calf, in certain stretched positions. It's definitely improving but very slowly, and I know I need to be patient as it can take weeks.

The main issue I have is strength in my right leg. Since this happened I now can't raise myself using my right foot - going to tiptoe. Left leg, fine. Right leg, it's like there's no signal, no strength. And it's freaking me out. Before all this, I was running, going to the gym, cycling - 4-5 days a week.

My question is this - is there anything I can do? Do I need to stretch it (kind of feels taught all the time anyway)? Perhaps I need to massage the areas?

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Bell's Palsy - Non Cerebral :: Botox To Correct The Nerve Damage

In 2003 I had really painful headaches so bad I could hardly put my head on a pillow, pretty scary as I do not suffer from headaches.  Then as I was eating bowl of cereal I kept missing my mouth and realised I couldn't feel my lips or tongue as though I had been given dentist injection.  My sister took me to hospital thinking I was having a stroke, this was the first time I had heard of Bell's palsy and I was given steroids, i was very tired and it was an effort to do anything like eat, speech, it did take three months to go.

february 2014 I got a rash on my stomach which spread to my neck, to my back, to my feet, then to my scalp and then my ears, I was in agony, it was urticaria.  Whilst trying to cope with this I then got Bell's palsy again, possibly due to an immune system at a low.  However it has taken a lot longer to recover this time.  Eighteen months later and I still have a twitchy eye and lopsided smile.  I am now considering Botox, has anyone here used Botox to correct any of the nerve damage left after palsy and if so what are your thoughts?

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