Lithium Overdose - Various Mental And Physical Conditions

I took a large lithium and valium (not my own medication) overdose about 30 years ago, I suffer from various mental and physical conditions and wondered if any of them could be attributed to that? Any insight greatly appreciated.

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STDs :: Anxiety / Depression - Physical And Mental Symptoms

I have now lived with what I think is an STD for the past 4 years and it has completely ruined my life. I have many physical symptoms, but what affects me the most is how it affects me mentally. Extreme depression and anxiety, thoughts of suicide, significant memory loss, complete loss of sex drive, inability to think clearly are some examples. You may be thinking this is depression, but i've been treated for depression over the entire 4 years. All the medications I've taken, all the therapy I've done, none of it has improved anything. Both physical and mental symptoms get better and worse together as if the disease goes dormant, and I feel a lot more like my old self.

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LITHIUM Effects On Depression?

My Psychiatrist wants to prescribe for me as most of the ADs have stopped working.  I would like to know if there is anyone on the Forum who has taken Lithium and what they felt about and how long they were on it.

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Mental Health :: Can You Have CBT While You Are Working?

I have been off work for 6 months because of physical health problems then my antidepressants stopped working. I have been referred to CBT so am waiting for an appointment.

Can you have CBT while you are working?

I am also waiting on OH for work. Would it be better to have OH first before CBT or at the same time/similar time?

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Depression :: Lithium - How Long Does It Takes To Kick In

4 weeks ago I've begun taking lithium but still not feeling any difference- actually, my depression has been very bad lastly. How long did it take for lithium to work for you (in case anyone has actually taken it)?

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Mental Health :: Sharing Visual Hallucinations

Just out of interest, I get the following, although somewhat reduced by my current medication (quetiapine)

1. Flashes, peripheral disturbances;

2. Illusions -- shadows morphing into animals / people;

3. Seeing what I call 'black rats / cats';

4. Spiders on your desk...;

5. 'Throbbing' objects such as keyboards;

6. Seeing people on the street who just vanish into thin air;

7. Seeing people morph into skeletons

8. People faces screaming at your window...

9. People walking into your lounge you know but are dead / or miles away

10. Talking to people who aren't there.

Fortunately my medication stops at about number 6.

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Mental Health :: Lump Behind Ear - Brain Tumor?

I have a small hard lump behind my ear and I'm terrified it's something awful like a brain tumor... Does anyone else have this or know what it could be?

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Mental Health :: Alcohol Dependant - Its Killing Me Slowly

Why is it slowly killing me in so much pain. Yet I still want to drink it?

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Mental Health :: Computer Games Make You Psychotic Or Something?

I love playing computer games and want to know that can games make you psychotic or something? Anyone know anything about it?

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Mental Conditions :: OCD Developed After Puberty?

I recently noticed that some mild OCD I developed before entering high school has gotten worse. While it used to be compulsive list-making about memories it has turned into touching things/thinking things/blinking/breathing/walking either two or four times. If I touch something on one side, I have to touch it on the other. Many rituals have to do with time, and sometimes if I'm reading a page it's more about completing a symmetry task than actually reading. Memories are "things" which can be visualized like I'm currently living in them. This gets worse during times of high stress.

My question is, why did this develop when I was fourteen? I was always a bit sensitive to certain sounds and dirty surfaces, but those mild obsessions are NOTHING like what I experience now. I assume that every ritual is a stress-relief technique and that since my mind's always racing, my brain feels a need to organize things. But I'm not an organized person, and when I'm feeling low, I almost never complete my work. I can obsess over certain past actions for hours and analyze situations to the point where I'm practically making up other people's reactions or pretending I'm inside their head.

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Mental Stress Can Be The Reason Of Hair Fall

i have come across a person who told me that mental stress can be the reason of hair fall. and if i become happy i won't be having unnatural hair loss...

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Venlafaxine Withdrawal - Dizziness, Dry Mouth, Excess Sleepiness, Confusion, Mental Oblivions

I've been on venlafaxine for about 2 years, taking a dose of 150 mg per day. I used to take the generic pills which are cheaper. To be honest I didn't even know there was an 'original' one, named Effexor, until last friday.

When I changed town I continued the treatment with another doctor, and he suggested i came off the drug. I thought I'd try, and for the first month I reduced from 150mg to 75mg. Nothing wrong there. Then I took another step and reduced from 75 to 37,5mg and in the fourth day I collapsed.

I had this breakdown, feeling all kind of weird symptoms: dizziness, dry mouth, excess sleepiness, confusion, mental oblivions (memory lapses), total apathy, total loss of libido. 

I got really scared and tried to go back on my own since I was off town and couldn't talk to the doctor.

I took for 3 days the 150 mg pills but that didn't help. I consulted another doctor and he suggested to take a 107,5 mg dose (75+37,5) for 20 days and then restore the original 150 mg dose afterwards.

It's been 6 days since I started taking this dose and I still feel awful! I feel like I'm not the same anymore!!! It's the strangest thing ever. I had to ask for a job-absent license cause I can't work in these conditions.

One other thing is that a moved from the generic pills to the Effexor (from Pfizer - Wyeth) - the doc suggested that - and I don't know if that is making things worse...

I feel really awkward, useless, like my brain is in slow motion. I've been thinking about going' cold turkey since taking back venlafaxine did not help.

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Lithium And Restless Leg Syndrome?

Has anyone ever had problems with lithium and restless leg syndrome? I can't keep them still. I have been back on lithium about 2 months

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Thyroid Is Underactive Due To Lithium

I have complex PTSD and Bipolar Disorder 1.  I was diagnosed in September 2013 during a manic attack and started medication regime:  Lithium (225+450) and 300 mg Seroquel.  Now, 2 years + later, my Thyroid is underactive due to Lithium and my Psychiatrist wants to change Lithium to something else.

My challenge:  I start a new job next week (after being unemployed for 7 months and really need this job!) and a few weeks ago I went low on my Lithium (skipped a few morning doses and ended up in mixed episodes and had a spider-related psychosis!)

I am really anxious about one day changing my Lithium.  I was wondering how long can I be on it before it will damage my kidneys like it is affecting my thyroid now?

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Kidney Disease :: Lithium Use And CKD

Does anyone have any experience with this topic?  I was told I have stage III kidney disease due to lithium use. Is there a  likelihood  that it can be stopped in this stage because it was caused by a medication, or will it follow the same course of progression as other causes?

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Hyperthyroidism After Coming Off Lithium?

Anyone ever developed Hyperthyroidism after coming off lithium?

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Bipolar Disorder :: Coming Off Lithium

First apologise for spelling and grammar I'm dyslexic.

I first decided to come off lithium because of wanting a child . I was now with a man I'm crazy In Love with and about to be married this summer .
Also found out though blood test the lithium was causing low kidney function to my one kidney.

Coming off was a breeze until a week after my last dose. My chest is so tight with anxiety I feel like I murdered someone and I'm running for life .
Massive sense of guilt & fear and panic. I'm not dealing well with anything.

The only thing that makes me happy and at ease is Richards unconditional love . And planning my wedding . Started a new job and may get fired due to my anxiety and hecticness . I'm all over the place racing thought . Clumsy can't remember anything . I was a fashion designer for many years now I've gone into teaching . And it's my first real course I'll be teaching .

Waiting to see my therapist again in a few weeks but this has had such a domino effect on me . I'm also not sleeping ! Two three hours if I'm lucky .

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Anger Management :: Ya'll Should Look Into Low Dose Lithium

(assuming you don't have hypothyroid, some types of heart problems, or seizures, or a few other things)

Very affordable and probably safe in low doses. Also looks like it prevents Alzheimer if you take it early enough. Lots of promising studies about lithium, but also a lot of myth orotate being better than carbonate.

Lithium reduces how fast your brain can use epinephrine, the intense fight or flight chemical, so that you have a limit on how excited you get. Reduces those adrenaline surges you can get when very angry. You will still have the same opinions and think about the same things, but just won't feel the extreme stuff as extreme and won't think about the bad stuff as long throughout the day.

Carbonate might be easier on your kidneys than orotate, based on one rat study from 1979. Orotate might not be eliminated as fast, based on the same study. Orotate is not better in anyway other than being OTC in low doses, despite the online hype by people who know nothing about chemistry.

120mg of lithium orotate has 5mg of lithium.
120mg of lithium carbonate has 20mg of lithium.
Bipolar people take 100-160mg of lithium, as 600-1000mg of lithium carbonate and need blood tests to get the right blood concentration without overdosing.

A low dose of 5mg per day may prevent or postpone Alzheimers if taken early enough. More than that may be needed for an adult with anger problems. I read a report about someone overdosing from 18 orotate pills.

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Bipolar Disorder :: Seeing A Difference With Lithium

Lately I've been taking lithium (this will be week 3) I finally feel I am sort of seeing a difference. I can actually think now, understand things a little better, and overall I'm feeling good. But I need to know is lithium supposed to make your moods go up and down while you are still getting used to the meds? For examp. last week (which was wk 2) I was completely manic in front of my stupid coworkers. I had no idea until I was sitting on the bus to go home. Also I've been switching moods. Like from depression to mania....

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