Perimenopause 42 :: Mood Swings, Anxiety And Loss Of Libido

I'm almost 42 and have not been feeling right great for a few months. I'm on the pill so can't say much about periods but waking up in night feeling roasting but my skin is cold except for face. Worst thing is mood swings... I feel irritable all the time. At night when I can't sleep and dog snoring for example drives me crazy. Bloated too which feels awful. And digestive issues. Also feel quite anxious which is odd because I haven't felt like that before and loss of libido.

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Menopause :: Tired, Cranky, Irritable, Can't Sleep, Irregular Periods, Loss Of Appetite

Is this normal? Tired, cranky, irritable, can't think clearly, can't sleep, hot and cold, irregular periods, loss of appetite, anxiety, depression...I woke up one day and all the sudden I became some totally different this normal? Just venting...want to feel normal again

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Depression With Severe Anxiety - Can't Sleep At All

Hi. For 6 weeks I've been going downhill with severe anxiety and depression. My questions is, how many of you have really, really severe anxiety with your depression? For me it is almost the worst because I can't sleep, at all, not even during the day. So I'm on tranquilisers at night. I literally feel terrified for my life, like I'm on death row. I just can't see it getting better, because I had a major breakdown 3 years ago which took over a year to recover from and at least then I wasn't already taking medication so the docs had a range of options. Now I'm already on Lexapro (since 3 years ago) and now the tranquilizers which i hate taking but otherwise I can't sleep at all. So where to go now? I know I analyse it all too much and should just have faith but I can't. i feel like my life is over. I have a lovely son and family and feel like everything is lost. For me, this is the biggest disaster that ever could've happened to me, having another breakdown. the last one was so awful I feel like I barely got out alive. And worst of all I'm haunted my memories not only of that breakdown but of my sister who took her own life 10 years ago due to mental health problems. I'm so, so terrified that I'll end up the same. It is hell.

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Menopause - Perimenopause - Does HRT Help Anxiety / Depression?

I am really suffering at the moment and I'm into  day 35 of an anxiety/depression dip.  I have been suffering this on and off for over ten years.  The closer I get to the end the dips seem to be lasting longer and coming more frequent.  I really don't know how much longer I can hang on.  My quality of life at the moment is very very poor.  I am starting to consider HRT as I've really had enough of this horrible roller coaster.  I was hoping to hear from some ladies who have tried HRT  and it has turned their lives around or offer experiences from other ladies.  I have a doctor who will prescribe bioidentical hormones which I would prefer to the synthetic ones.  I just have to make a decision.  I so wish I didn't have to and wish I could sail through this like other ladies.  Last year I had 7 periods and its 3 months since my last one.  I'm just wondering if you can take HRT with this scenario. 

I really need the strength to keep going.

Have cried all day today as it's all becoming to hard.

I would love to wake in the morning and it has lifted.

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Menopause (46) :: Headaches, Anxiety, Depression, Acid Reflux And Hypersensitive

Severe pressure headaches, anxiety and depression.Tinnitus,weak legs, balance problems, acid reflux, hyper sensitive,can't get any sleep 😕

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Venlafaxine :: HRT - Loss Of Libido And No Sex Drive

I am 58 years old been Venlafaxine for 8 years and have no period for 4 years it really helps my hot flashes, mood but I'm worried about several things . My sexual desires are zero and haven't had sex for a few years my husband is very understanding but it takes it toll. I have no motivation I feel very foggy a lot and sometimes could less about life in general. I would very much like to come off Venlafaxine very much but scared.

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Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) - Loss Of Libido

My gf went to have her Mirena replaced by a new on in December 2014. She had no issues during the first one. The first one had grown stuck and it was a VERY painful experience to remove it.

After having the new one fitted, its been more than a year now where she has ZERO interest in sex. Before that she was normally the one initiating it at least once a day! Now we've barely had any sex in a year.

So after much convincing and offering to pay for a follow up from my side, she went back to the OBGYN in September. He did a bunch of tests and checks and says everything is normal, the Mirena can't possibly cause it. I just have a hard time believing its not the Mirena as the problems started exactly when the new one was fitted.

For the sake of completeness I should mention that during her checkup the OB GYN picked up that she has high blood pressure and cholesterol. He referred the results to her GP who now has her on medication and the matter seems to be under control, except that she's fainted twice in 4 months from low BP.

Should we spend the money on seeing another OBGYN for a second opinion, or is the first guy correct that it can't possibly be that? My idea is to remove the damn thing and see what happens for a few months, if things do improve I will consider getting a vasectomy. Opinions?

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Penis :: Pain In Coccyx Area (Prostate) - Erectile Dysfunction - Loss Of Libido

I am having some troubles since a while and I don't know what's happening, I am a 35 year old male and these are the symptoms I got:

- Loss of sex drive/desire and erectile dysfunctioning(I tried some pills like Cialis or viagra, it does help but the sex drive is not there all the time)

- Pain in my left lower back when sitting which irradiates in the thigh, testicles and groin

- Kind of throbbing pain around the coccyx (Prostate?)

- Last week and while defecating, I pushed a bit and I got a severe pain in my lower abdomen. I was sweating and felt very bad for about 10mn

- Numbness or slight loss of sensation in my hands and feet (More in the right side)

- Strange sensation in the rear of my neck or the low back of my skull

- Kind of lost interest in everything in life and I feel depressed and tired all the time also with a permanent slight headache.

I checked my PSA and got a cystoscopy 2 or three years ago but nothing was revealed. I also got a Varicocele embolization because we thought that was the reason of this uncomfort but it is even worst now.

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Thyroid :: Hashimoto's - Hair Loss, Depression, Anger, Memory Loss And Weight Gain

I am a 25 year old female and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease probably around 2012 or so. I take 75MCG every morning and I do blood tests about once or twice a year to make sure my levels are stable. What I need help with are symptoms. My boyfriend has been very supportive, he was the reason I went to get the initial blood test because he said my symptoms reminded him of Graves Disease and it worried him. Well, I went to the doctor and got the tests done and he told me I had Hashimotos. Since then, my boyfriend has told me that he hasn't seen any improvement in my symptoms, in fact he thinks they've gotten worse. I have looked at a lot of different lists of symptoms that people with Hashimoto's Disease can experience and I experience a lot of them. I'll list the ones I experience the most and a little bit of a description to each so maybe someone can help me with what I need to do to feel better because honestly it makes me miserable.

-Hair Loss - Every time I brush or wash my hair there is always tons of hair in the brush or tub. It's everywhere all the time, I shed like the cats.

- Depression - I don't know if it is actually depression, but a lot of the time I feel like I'm just not good enough to be around anyone. I'll find myself crying at ridiculous moments with absolutely no reason for it. I also find myself thinking that people I know (and can acknowledge even when I'm feeling this way) love and care for me, and yet I still think they don't care about me and will abandon me at the drop of the hat, which breaks me down mentally.

- Stress - This is probably one of my worst symptoms. I am always stressed out about something, even ridiculous things that shouldn't be stressing me out. One of the biggest things I stress about is what I mentioned with the depression. I feel like my friends and loved ones are going to abandon me at any minute, which scares me and results in me lashing out at them in ways that if I can't control it soon enough may result in them actually leaving, which terrifies me and just puts me into a never ending loop of stress and depression.

- Anger - I can't seem to rationalize other people's behaviors. Completely normal behaviors that don't normally bother me result in me lashing out and screaming at people and saying things that I don't mean to say.

- Memory Loss - This is a really bad symptom. I forget things very quickly. If I don't actively keep it in my mind, I won't remember it. A perfect example, when I was still in college I was walking through town with some people and when we were going back to the dorms I made a comment about a truck I saw. I used to see it all the time and hadn't seen it in a while so I made the comment. The people I was with looked at me really confused and just flatly stated "You said the exact same thing when we walked by it on the way out" and I honestly don't remember seeing it at any point that day. In fact I didn't remember seeing it for around 5 months, and yet they claimed that I made the exact same comment I just had, earlier that day. It really messes with my head when people tell me that I did or said something and I can't remember doing it to save my life.

- Weight - Before I started taking synthroid I weighed 110 lbs, after I started taking it I gained like 30 lbs and I can't lose it. I'm stuck between 135 and 140 (I'm about 5'6" tall)

- Headaches - I get headaches on a daily basis. Sometimes they're really bad but generally they're just a slight discomfort in my frontal lobe area.

- Sleep - It takes me forever to fall asleep and even when I do I can't stay asleep and then I feel exhausted all day when I wake up, as if I never slept at all.

Another thing I've noticed and that is that sometimes I feel like I can't swallow properly, I always feel like I have to yawn to get a lung full of oxygen, and my nails curl downward along the curve of the tip of my fingers on like 3/5 fingers.

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Menopause :: Spotting In Meno Because Of Estrace?

I'm 55 and have been officially in menopause for about 4 years. My only difficulty has been severe vaginal dryness and atrophy (ugh, what a repellent word. Imagine if men referred to their penises as "Atrophic?").

I tried ignoring it. Tried some natural lubrications but those only worked at "the outer edges" (ahem) of the problem. I eat a very healthy diet, exercise, blah, blah, blah. In other words, I try. I really do.

So dutifully I tried Estrace cream: 4 grams a nite for 2 weeks. Then 2 grams a nite for 2 weeks. Then I was supposed to use it 2 times a week.

I had just arrived at the 2x a week when voila: spotting. It was just some pink (not much) when I wiped after peeing. Oh, at and the start just 1 suspicious itty bitty teeny tiny drop of blood, bright and alarmingly red.

Although the vaginal dryness was much improved, my breasts were swollen and tender (as if premenstrual) and I felt crampy and uncharacteristically irritable.

So, off to the gyno. Who today did a sonogram. Says my endometrium lining is "a bit thick" and next I must have an endometrial biopsy.

Have had 3 of them during the perimeno years when I was having random periods. And it really hurts. Now, with the atrophy and dryness, I'm terrified of the procedure.

And even more terrified of the possible results.

Has anyone out there ever had spotting on Estrace?

If so, when you stopped using it did it go away?

I avoid medication anytime humanly possible. Never much even bother to take aspirin for a headache. I'm very "natural" and prefer to keep it that way. But I did the Estrace because I was so miserable and my quality of life was diminished. Sex became out of the question, libido was gone and all I anticipated from a part of my body that I'd always delighted in....was pain. So I went against my own usual style and gave the Estrace a shot.

Now I'm frightened and anxious and wondering if any of you out there have been thru anything similar; and if so, what happened?

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Menopause 61 With Prolapsed Uterus And Spotting

I am 61 yrs. old and have had a prolapsed uterus for two yrs. now. I had to put off getting anything done with it because of serious back problems that turned into four huge surgeries(sagittal imbalance) I was bent over at a 45 degree angle for two yrs. anyway, all this time my uterus kept getting worse and now I am in recovery from my fourth back surgery and I noticed blood in my underwear. I think it's coming from the uterus, that is now protruding almost all the way out. I have to push it back inside . I so have an appt. with a urogynecologist Oct.14th. But until then just wondering if anyone had any insight on this. Of Course I am through menopause. I haven't seen any blood for about a week now. But I have a bad discharge(yellowish color). That's been going on for around three weeks, I have had several UTI's in the past six mo. I just know that my cousin had uterus cancer and her first symptoms was one little drop of blood. So I am a little scared about the blood. (Or spotting).

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Menopause :: Dark Brown Almost Black Spotting

I am 50 years old and been having 2 periods a month for the last year hot sweats mood swings the lot but over the last 3 days have had bad period pain bloated tummy and very dark almost black spotting ,is this normal for menopause.

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Menopause :: Spotting - Ovaries Removed Two Weeks

I am 51 and have this spotting which can go on and off for a few weeks, it happened in December and seem to right itself for a couple of months and then went six weeks before next period. I had ovaries removed two weeks ago due to family history. I have had a few vaginal ultrasounds running up to this and smear and uterus biopsy quite recently which were fine. The spotting is still here after operation, i know that some bleeding is expected after op. I still have uterus and believe the lack of hormones now may have unsettled it abit. Went to doctor, she wasn't that helpful but said would contact gynaecologist. I felt really well after op but this spotting is getting me down, i keep thinking has my smear given a false negative as i believe that can happen. I have just got over a stomach issue with peri and was hoping to get through it without any more worries.

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Menopause :: Can't Sleep Due To Hot Flashes For Last 9 Years

I have had hot flashes day and night for the last 9 years, had no sleep in 9 years either as the hot flushes wake me up. I have spent hundreds of pounds on herbal remedies but none work. I cannot have hrt as my dad died of breast cancer at the age of 58 so doctor won't put me on it.

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Menopause :: Severe Cramps, Bloating And Light Spotting, Night Sweats

I am 45 years old. I had a normal period in Jan and Feb. Then nothing in March, April or May, then in June and July severe cramps, bloating and light spotting. When I urinate there are blood clots but no bleeding. Im also experiencing night sweats. Should I be worried, I don't have an appointment till late August.

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Depression :: Cannot Sleep Without Sleeping Tablets

i can not sleep without sleeping tablets, I worried about being depended on them. When I was first found out I had depression I had not slept through the night for 4 weeks. I always had 8 hours straight all my life. I would wake up 5 times a night. I went away in December and the doctor gave me sleeping tablets as the time zone change of 7 hours really effect me. When I was away I run out of sleeping tablets and brought over the counter ones. Since being back I have taken them and have slept through, but last night I didn't take them as I wanted to see if my body was getting back to normal or if it's the tablets. I woke up 5 times last night. I feel I need sleep and without tablets I'm not. I need them to be able to get through work as I struggle more without sleep, and im struggling with sleep as it is. I don't want to have to rely on them, but don't know what to do?

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Depression :: Mirtazapine Making Me Eat And Sleep All The Time

I've been taking Mirtazapine for a little over two weeks, and apart from making me eat and sleep all the time, it's having no effect. I know it can take a while to work (I've been on a few others before this) but I was wondering if anyone else had experience with it? How long did it take to work for you, if it did?

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Trouble Sleeping For No Reason? Depression? Sleep Therapy?

I have some, well a lot of trouble sleeping, i get into bed around 10pm with no t.v or anything so my mind is not pre occupied and stopping me from nodding off but come 4 am I'm still wide awake laying there somewhat tired? Sometimes I'm not tired at all and sometimes I feel like death warmed up..

Around a year ago I used to be able to get in bed whenever I was tired put some tele on, set the timer and just drop off but now, nothing.

Had a consultation with my Gp, at first he said it could be stress at my age or due to me growing, so he just suggested buying some over the counter sleeping pills, so that's what I did, took them for two months, sometimes even taking 2/3 times as much as I should just hoping for a few hours sleep, but they had no effect on me at all, So I went back and he gave some prescription sleeping pills, I forget the name it's been a while. 

Well long story short they didn't work either and I'm in no position to pay for sleep therapy? 

I drink no forms of caffeine in the day, I only drink water. I exercise at least an hour a day without fail?

Anyone have some similar issue? and if so what can I do to get some sleep, It's really getting me down in the day because I can't function properly, simple things like reading become an issue and i get somewhat emotional and angry with myself, so as you can imagine that also impacts the next night's sleep.
-Ellis... P.s It's 5 Am and I'm not leaving bed as i'll have to get up soon to go to work but I've not even had 10 minutes sleep

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Depression :: No Sleep - Over The Counter Sleeping Tablets/medicine?

So it's gone 6:00 am and i've had No sleep all night! Now I just wait half an hour till my babies get up!

Anyone know of strong/good over the counter sleeping tablets/medicine/anything?

Have tried a few but don't remember all the names?

Have tried kalms, night nurse and couple others.

Doctor said he won't give me sleeping tablets, At least for the time being.

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