Menopause :: Early Morning Waking

For the past 4 months, I am wide awake at 3:30am without any alarm. I've always been a good sleeper, sleeping until 8am. Now that the time went forward, I wake at 4:30, which is a bit better, but I miss waking at a normal hour. I fall asleep just fine, but wake ready to go way too early. Up until recently, I was waking several times a night. Anyone else have this?

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Menopause :: Stuffy Nose And Sneezing In The Morning

Since my last post about the horrible and scary anxiety/dizzy episode 4 days ago I've felt just so awful! woozy lightheaded, hot and flushed really off & out of kilter...NOW this running stuffy nose & sneezing in the morning! (it's now Spring here but this only happens in the mornings) this too doesn't help with my already woozy head...always blubbering "I've never felt so off n sick n weird before" hubby just says 'you've never been 55 & menopausal before' true, but when is this going to stop, does it all get worse before getting better? I wonder if I can or will survive this? Will I ever feel well & normal again, I'm fast losing hope & positiveness...think I'll dig a big hole & climb in. I've been told to ignore it all, just carry on normally but It's hard to live & carry on normally when you feel so off & 'un-normal' if that's a word...

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Frozen Shoulder :: Sleepless Nights

I had this debilitating condition for fours years first in my left shoulder than in my right. the first 6 months in both shoulders is absolute hell. the pain unbearable, sleepless nights and the incapability of doing anything ´normal´. It feels like it might never pass but it does the process of healing was for both shoulders the same and took just as long but now it´s like it never happened and I can use my arms freely.

As for work yes your employees should take this very serious and realize that it will pass. During the worst period, depending on the work you do, they need to make adjustments to accommodate your injury and specifically jobs that require arm strength or raising your elbow any higher than shoulder height will not be possible for at least 4 - 6 months. but after that slowly your capabilities do come back and most of the pain is gone.

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Angina :: Sleepless Nights For The Past Three Weeks

I have been having sleepless nights for the past three weeks, and having this pain and tightness on my chest. which sometimes affect my arms and shoulders. I don't sleep at night because I feel as if I will have a heart attack. I am 37yrs old male . the pain usually occurs when am not doing anything or under emotional stress. please what should I do and what do you think it is.

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica And GCA :: Unable To Sleep Some Nights

Thank you for answering me.  Are you in Australia? am having problems finding anybody with this disease in Australia. I was diagnosed April 2015 and have been up and down on prednisone, now on 60mg, blood test tomorrow hopefully will be tapered down slowly, all depends on results.

I have Glaucoma and high blood pressure caused by PMR and GCA, suffered many headaches for 9 months, seem to be okay at the moment on 60mg, having trouble sleeping some nights, wide awake which is a bit of a worry.  Now using a steroid drop on one eye because of having a completely red eye for 6 weeks, drop has helped and taken redness away.  No pains in limbs etc at the moment on this high dose of predni. I found my GP knows very little about this problem, though he is willing to listen to me and discuss things, we are finally coming to some understanding, I told him I am contacting Forums to learn what I can about PMR etc.

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Depo-provera :: Migraines, On And Off Nausea, Sleepless Nights

I have also stopped the depo shot. I was on it for about 4-5 years. My last shot was August 2006. I was due for another shot at the end of November but my husband had vasectomy so I didn't get it. It's now March 2007, no period yet. I've been getting a lot of migraines, on and off nausea, sleepless nights. My cousin was on the shot for several years, she said it took her 9 months before she had her first period. This was about 2 years ago, she is pregnant now. I've been experiencing alot of cramping the last two days. Is this a sign that my period is about to start? As I've been reading, it seems like a waiting game. Can anyone tell me what to expect with my periods. How bad will they be?

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Lipitor (Atorvastatin) :: Causing Diabetes, Ankle Pains, Sleepless Nights And Aching Gums

I am a 43 yr old male, I had a massive heart attack in August 2014. I have always been very active in my work but was a heavy smoker, did not have a good diet and did not exercise.

I had my wake up call in August and stopped smoking instantly I completely changed my diet and I am taking daily exercise, that is until the knee pains hit me.

I had a stent put into my artery and was put on many pills at hospital, I had no information about what pills I was on until I started to research the pains. Upon leaving hospital I was informed that I had to attend the cardiac rehab gym and to follow the booklet to increase my exercise to get to 30 mins per day. I could not wait to start after a very emotional shock like I had. I slowly built up to a good 45 min brisk walk twice a day and have been doing this for a few weeks, well until just over a week ago.

I was walking and suddenly felt pains in one knee cap and around it, I slowed the walk down and headed for home. I ice packed it and elevated it but it would not ease. I did not sleep very well that night through discomfort and in the morning the pain was terrible. I had doctors appointments and mentioned the pains and was told it was due to me being new to exercise. After a week of terrible pains in both knees, one worse than the other, numbness in my shin to foot and aches in my ankle. My partner said she had been told at work about statin side effects. I did a lot of research and found page after page of issues with knee pains due to statins. I spoke to my Doctor who said I had 2 options either start lowering my dose or start in a very low dose and build back up to the 80mg I was on. I got the low dose but I have not taken them for the last few days and the pain is starting to ease so much so that I was able to walk around the block yesterday although I suffered with knee cramps for the rest if the evening.

I also have been sent for many blood tests and a glucose test. The Doctor called me yesterday to inform me that I was now diabetic type 2. Luckily I had the Pill hand out in front of my at the time that states that blood sugars increase on Lipitor. My Doctor looked up in his reference book and said you're right! I now have an appointment to see the diabetic nurse. I am not convinced that I am diabetic and I am going to request a re test in a months time after I have been off statins for a month.

Has anyone else been in this situation as I am a little worried about stopping medication but the pain is unbearable and I only seem to be getting information when I search 

my list of side effects on Lipitor so is severe knee and ankle pains, sleepless nights, aching gums

I have started taking COQ10 as I know this is stopped by statins I am also taking vitamin d and b12 plus omega 3,6 & 9 gel capsules

I am very shocked that more information is not given to patients regarding these drugs also the information in the professional field. I called the out of hours doctor over the weekend to find out what pain killers I could take to help the pain, the doctor did not agree that it was the statins she said she had never heard of pains in the knees etc and to take 2 paracetamol and go to bed!

The main points I have been told by every Doctor is to exercise but how can you when you can't bend you legs to even go upstairs due to pain from drugs supposed to help you

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Abdominal Pain :: Upper Left With Back Pain Mainly At Nights

For the last 6 months I've been having quite localized pains in the upper left abdomen just below the ribs, accompanied by nausea and sometimes back pain mainly at nights. I sometimes have wind, but hardly ever heartburn. Two doctors have thought it a gastric problem, but Zantac and Omeprazole don't seem to work. I wondered whether it could be my pancreas, as I've been on Epilim Chrono for 4 years, which can affect pancreas. I've come off this now and am still getting problems, and my amylase is normal, although my liver function tests are elevated. One doctor thought it may be kidney stones and sent me for an ultrasound, which was normal. I was told though that the ultrasound couldn't see the pancreas properly, nor the stomach & bowel linings. I had a stool test for H Pylori which was negative. Any ideas on what this could be, or further tests I could do?

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Penis :: Rough Skin

Hey guys i have this rough skin on the shaft of my penis, it doesn't hurt or itch its just there. I have know idea what it is. It could be from dry masturbation?

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Rough Sex - Bleeding During Intercourse

My girlfriend is 21 yrs old and have been bleeding during our sex (the bleed is not too much) this happened twice. We had rough and deep penetration on may 6 and she bled, we then had our next intercouse on may 27 and i think this time its more gentle but still bled but not too much. What could be the possible reason.

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Penis :: Shaft Swollen After Rough Sex

My penis shaft is swollen and it hurts a little bit I just had rough sex with my girl and now this happened. What does this mean? How can I get the swelling to go down?

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Fluoxetine :: Rough Day 3 After Increased Dose

I'm on day 3 of 40 mg (I did two weeks on 20 first) Day one I was okay but yesterday I felt completely scattered, anxious and couldn't keep it together.  I've just (sort of reluctantly) taken my dose today, day 3.  I've read that the first week of an increase can be rough. Any advice? I've been on lexapro previously for depression and anxiety but my current doctor thinks that I have ocpd (which leads to my dep/anx) so she is trying the fluoxetine. I really really want to be able to function better.

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Dermatology :: Palm Rough Skin

I've had a small patch of rough skin appear on my right palm on and off for a few months now. I applied over the counter cortistone which would get rid of it but it always returns after a few days. 

Here is a picture. Any idea what this is, what is causing it? How to get rid of it?

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Penis :: Rough Skin/ Inflammation

I'm 16 and uncircumcised, but I've noticed some issues with the texture of my penis. The head is really rough and red and looks like it is keratinized (I've gathered that through some research) and the foreskin around it is also red. It is also really sensitive to the touch. I also occasionally get a slight burning sensation after I masturbate (I never do it more than once a day and I usually do it in the shower. *I don't use soap as a lubricant), but it always goes away in less than a half hour.

Recently I have gotten some anti-fungal Lotrimin 1% cream because one of the forums I followed said that it could be antifungal. I have also tried hydrocortisone and calamine cream and no improvement (no worse either).

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Reddish, Rough Facial Skin

Ive always had dry skin on my face, within a minute of washing it I need to moisturize. I have used the same moisturizer (nivea) for years and haven't changed skincare products at all lately. Two days ago I noticed my face went hot and the next morning when washing my face I noticed it felt rough and bumpy. What could have triggered this? Something I ate?? An allergy to something? Its not itchy just a bit hot and has a bumpy appearance if I look up close.

Im taking Vit B Executive Stress (Healtheries) tablets, Magnesium tablets, Noriday birth control tablets.

Only foods Ive eaten out of ordinary and feel could have triggered it is pizza, peppermint tea or blueberries! Am hoping it will go away on its own, not sure what to use as a moisturiser.. bio oil, same nivea soft moisturiser, paw paw ointment?

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Rough Patch Of Skin On My Ankle?

I've had this yellowish-brown patch of rough skin on my right ankle on the left side for a couple years now, i used to think it was just dirt, but I now realize it isnt. I try to scratch it off but it doesn't do anything. It doesn't bother me in anyway other than the fact that I just have no idea what it is.

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Sexual Health - Women :: Bleeding After Rough Sex

so me and my boyfriend had rough sex and it didn't hurt. Then I went to the restroom to pee and I didn't bleed but then 30 minutes later I went again I was bleed kinda a lot and that worries me ! Is it because we had rough sex?

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Women's Health :: Perineum Has Torn After Rough Sex

My husband and I had a rough "session" this morning and we had a bad mishap. my perineum has torn; it is approx 1 to 1 1/2" torn. This has never happened to me and I am quite worried. Its Sunday and my gyn office is not open. It looks deep enough that I may need stitches. I just wanted to know if this has happened to anyone else and if I should purchase liquid band-aid.

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Men's Health :: Dry/Rough Skin On Foreskin Opening

Last night the end of my foreskin went all dry, rough and shriveled up. Rest of the foreskin is smooth as normal.

The skin at the tip of the foreskin mildly red/tender (with white dry skin bits) when my penis is in a flaccid state however during an erection the tenderness and redness is much more pronounced. Pulling the skin back whilst erect is much more painful(although its usually quite painful to do that normally anyway due to my foreskin being very tight during an erection).

This has only happened once before in my life and the doctor said he was convinced it was down to poor hygiene if i hadnt any recent sexual activity other than masturbation. He basically said that I should wash there more often and then prescribed me some cream and it went away a couple days later and did ease all the symptoms while the cream was on tbh (but my paranoia was telling me it would have done on its own anyway). In this case i have been living at someone elses house looking after it while they are on holiday and they have no hot water so havent washed down there in over a week. The obvious answer would be that is the cause but i just wanna make sure.

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