Thyroid :: Graves Disease Or Hashimoto's Thyroiditis?

I am very new to this site and extremely grateful that I found it. I was diagnosed with inappropriate sinus tachycardia almost three years ago. I am taking 350 milligrams of metoprolol. My primary doctor ordered new labs since my cardiologist has not requested any in the last 2.5 years. My results are as follows:

TSH - 0.01
Vitamin D - 26
Carbon Dioxide - 18
Free T4 - 1.3
Thyroglobulin Antibodies <1
Thyroid Peroxidase Ab 421

Primary doc originally thought I graves or Hashimoto's, but now wants me to follow up with an endocrinologist. Of course that appointment is 2 months away.

I do not have many symptoms. I do have the feeling of warmth in my shins, but that comes and goes. I have a little muscle weakness. I have been having trouble sleeping through the night, but 2 glasses of wine have been helping.

If I do have either Graves or Hashimoto's is waiting 2 months for a doctor appointment ok? I would think that I need some type of medicine.

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Sjogren's Syndrome And Hashimoto Thyroiditis - Dry Eyes

I was tested for Sjogren's due to my eyes being so dry.  I was negative for SSA and SSB  but my ANA was 1:80 w/ the hemo pattern.  I have read that anything less that 1:100 on an ANA test you can rule out CTD.  The only symptom I have is dry eyes.  Every now and then my feet tingle a little but that has been going on for as long as I can remember.  I do have antithyroid antibodies and have been diagnosed with Hashimoto Thyroiditis.  So with only the ANA being 1:80 and only really symptom dry eyes (mainly the right one).  Do you think I should see a Rheumy Dr?

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Parasite Cleanse? Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Interstitial Cystitis, Heart Palpitations

I suffer from autoimmune thyroiditis, interstitial cystitis, heart palpitations (mostly PVCs and PACs) and Small Intestinal Bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), random inflammations that come and go and lots of debilitating symptoms. The above conditions started around the same time, so they seem to be related somehow. I've seen multiple doctors and specialists, but none of them have been able to identify the root cause of all of these conditions.

I'm thinking of doing a parasite cleanse to see if it helps. I'm kind of hesitant to try it because I've heard that it can cause really bad side effects. Has anyone tried a parasite cleanse for one or more of the above conditions? Did it help?

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ENT :: Jaw, Neck And Ear Pain, And Gland Swollen On One Side

Last night, I abruptly developed constant, fairly severe pain on the left side of my head radiating from my jaw (right in front of my ear) to the point where I could feel it in my left upper teeth, and up the back of my neck to the base of my skull. My left ear also felt full, and my throat was constricted. It continued this way for several hours at work until I got home, took Ibuprofen, and iced it. I also noticed a swollen lump (probably lymph node?) halfway down the left side of my neck, towards the back. The lymph nodes under my jaw on the left also feel swollen. Today, it isn't hurting constantly anymore, but the ear fullness and throat constriction is still present, along with the swelling of the lymph nodes. All of these symptoms are localized to the left side. I have a doctor's appointment in a few days, but until then I was wondering if anyone had experienced something similar?

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa :: Sweat Gland Removed?

I am a 27 year old female who has suffered with HS for more than 5 years, i have been put on alot of different tablets by my GP and Dermatologist, the last meds i was put on was Isotretinoin which i was on for 5 months which was last May, my HS is in my Groin, around the breasts and top of buttocks, my groin being the worst and most painful. On 4th June this year i had a large abscess which needed to be drained, this was done in day surgery, i went to my GP the following day for it to be re-packed and re-dressed. My GP told me that it was looking good and didn't need to be re-packed so he would prescribe me dressings and i could wash it following his instructions and change dressings on a daily basis. My leg has still not healed, the last month i have been to my nurse every other day having it checked and re-dressed, i did about a month and half ago have silver nitrate put on it due to granulation and im having it done again tomorrow, both my GP and Nurse think i have another two abscesses coming underneath my wound and i also have a sinus tract. I have an appointment with the surgeons on 4th September and im going to ask about having my sweat gland in groin area removed. I'm so fed up in last 3 months i have been on antibiotics for 5 weeks not at same time, i have no life, no boyfriend and don't wish to as embarrassed about all my nasty scarring. I am just after some advice about having sweat gland removed, has anyone had this done? have any information about this? or other procedures expect more tablets. thank you

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Growth On Pituitary Gland Causing Vision Problems?

My mother has been recently discovered a small growth on her pituitary gland. Her problems started three months ago with her irregular monthly periods and strange lactation. The tests she did showed significant increase of hormones. Then her doctor arranged CT scan and tumor was discovered. She started to have problems with her vision recently. Could problems with pituitary gland be causing vision problems?

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :: Possible To Recover With Only One Adrenal Gland?

I'm pretty sure i have cfs and i need help please, to cut a long story short i have cushings disease which has led me to have one of my adrenal glands removed, my cortisol levels are ok now but what concerns me is that is it possible to recover from cfs with only one adrenal gland ? i hear so much about how adrenal burn out is a huge thing in recovery so i'm worried that it will hold me back forever.

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MRI - Slightly Prominent (upper Range Of Normal) Pituitary Gland

My MRI report had two findings. I am worried about the second one more than the first, and I'll explain why.

"Slightly prominent (upper range of normal) pituitary gland" is the first and impression was the radiologist recommended a second detailed 3D scan.

Secondly, there was a non-specific finding of an "8mm nodule medial to the internal carotid just outside the skull base, mildly hyperintense" - impression was it was not fully imaged and more detailed scan needed.

That second one worries me.

Could this be cancer? Tumor?

For the first, my family doctor ordered a blood test and my hormone levels were normal so she said its probably just a slightly oversized pituitary.

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Thyroid :: Nodule - Homogeneous Appearance To The Echotexture Of The Thyroid Gland

I had an ultrasound today and it says that there is "a homogeneous appearance to the echotexture of the thyroid gland. Bilateral thyroid nodules are observed. There is evidence of a complex cystic and solid lower pole right thyroid nodule measuring 1.8 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm. Within the left thyroid lobe there is evidence of a hypoechoic midpole left thyroid nodule measuring 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.7 cm. Bilateral thyroid nodules. Dominant nodule is a complex cystic and solid lower pole right thyroid nodule measuring up to 1.8 cm. what does this mean?

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Hypothyroidism And/with Fibromyalgia

Have had hypothyroidism for 10 yrs. 2 yrs ago started with lots of joint/pain/tenderness and extreme tiredness. Had blood tests to check thyroid function - told that my symptoms were because I was on too high a dose of levothyroxine (125mcg). Told to reduce to (100mcg). Done this. Symptoms lot worse now and just been diagnosed as having fibromyalgia but I am so tired etc. and my symptoms are very much like when I was hypo and was awaiting a diagnosis - very dry skin, hair loss etc. (I have no record of my function test results so I cannot gauge what the pattern has been) Anyone else who has hypo and has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia? I cannot help but wonder if my symptoms are more to do with inadequate treatment for hypothyroid than fibromyalgia. Any ideas please?

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Hypothyroidism :: Am I Depressed?

I have been on meds for just over a year now, tsh now down to 0.62 was 69 when diagnosed have made lifestyle changes as in reduced working hours started on 150mg then put down to 100mg now back up to 125 mg I do feel better but still get very tired and anxious about the silliest of things almost paranoid have no self confidence or sex drive (just as well I'm single) have zero interest in a social life and will make any excuse to avoid going out apart from going to work, the mother of ones of my sons friends is hypo and her gp prescribed antidepressants alongside her meds just wondered if anyone has any thoughts on this due to see GP again next week and thinking of asking if I may have a touch of depression.

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Hypothyroidism :: Anion Gap Is Low (3)

I have hypothyroidism and take Synthroid daily. Recent blood work done in Dec. 2015, shows that my anion gap is low (3) - normal range is (5-15 mmol/L) My protein serum is 5.9 within the normal range of 5.6 - 7.9 g/dl and albumin is 3.7 with a range of 3.5 - 4.9 g/dl. These tests did show that I have iron deficiency anemia, and the CBC panel had lots of highs and lows. When I looked back over blood results that I had done a year ago, my anion gap was 7 and I now noticed my Vitamin D level was insufficient (22 ng/ml). Other than the iron deficiency, my doctor hasn't addressed any of these other results. Last years blood tests were done at my request because I had concerns about recurring sinus infections, and I had mentioned to the the doctor that my grandmother, her son and her brother all died of multiple myeloma.  The IgA test done last year was in the normal range (271 mg/dl)  Should I have additional blood work and if so what tests should be done?

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Hypothyroidism At 14 - Levothyroxine Forever

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 14, and since then i have been taking Levothyroxine to help with it. I am wondering, will I need to take levothyroxine forever? Or is there a fix for thyroid problems? I don't see my weight going down at all, or my thyroid level. My doctor has been increasing the dosage of my levothyroxine, and has three times now. I recently got Levothyroxine in 0.137mg dosage, and it smells terrible. My old ones were 0.125mg. Is this a very small change, and will it even do anything?

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Hypothyroidism :: After Having The MMR Vaccine As An Adult

Anyone else develop hypothyroidism soon after having the MMR vaccine as an adult?

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Anyone - Gluten Free And Has Gotten Rid Of Hypothyroidism?

I hear these go hand in hand and wondered if anyone who is following a gluten free diet has actually gotten better thyroid results without the meds?

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Hypothyroidism :: Now Euthyroid - Still With Hypertension

I have been on hypothyroid for long after I had total thyroidectomy in 2008. Recent test indicate that my hypothyroid is now euthyroid and normal. Yet my blood pressure remain very high.  180/100. What medication do you recommend. I am presently on 50mg levothyroxine. I am restless all day.

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Hypothyroidism :: Have Had Seizures For 74 Years

Have had seizures for 74 years. They are under control yet. I feel bad today, so I will try and be back tomorrow.

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Hypothyroidism With Polycystic Ovaries

When I was sixteen, I started to display all of the symptoms of Glandular Fever. Two years went by until the doctors finally diagnosed me with Hypothyroidism. At this point, my thyroid levels were that bad, that I looked bloated, had ballooned to a size 18 and became very ill. As you can imagine, being 5'2 the weight started to affect my back/ joints etc. which just added insult to injury.

The doctors started me on 150 micrograms of Levothyroxine, which was then increased to 200. I went down to a size 10/12 and felt happy, healthy and fit. I had so much energy and found myself wanting to work out once, sometimes twice a day. The positivity came from nowhere, my skin felt great, my hair felt strong and the weight seemed to melt away.

I'm now 22 and I am feeling depressed, tired all of the time, I have no energy to work out and I find myself forgetting things all of the time. I find myself asking how I've ended up back where I started. I'm still on 200 micrograms of thyroxine - but I've now been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovaries.

I just feel like I'm getting nowhere, I'm back to a size 18, I don't feel confident, I just feel like this condition is destroying my life and there's nothing I can do about it. I try to push myself to exercise, but I just don't have the energy. I work full time and by the time I get home I am far too tired to move. I go straight to sleep, sometimes without eating. So how am I putting on weight?

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Hypothyroidism :: Cough And Breathlessness

I feel breathless or more accurately have a sensation of not being able to get my breath properly. I find this very depressing as it all makes me feel afraid.

I have just been diagnosed with multinodular goitre as this was an incidental finding on a CTPA scan report nothing has yet been done by way of blood tests .

However having written that some bloods were taken but by a different speciality. I am awaiting the results. I am also awaiting an appt to see endo surgeon and endo physician. Today is a bad day due to subjective sensation of sob. Also have some neck and shoulder pain and slight irritating cough which comes and goes.

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