Nutrition :: How Long A Person Can Live With Only 1 Glass Of Milk Daily
How long a person can live with 1 glass of milk daily in the morning and 5 Litres of water during the day and 1.5 hours of exercise and 8 hours job and daily household work.
View 1 RepliesCOPD :: Peak Flow Varies From Person To Person?
Does anyone know how good your peak flow would be even with mild COPD or would it vary from person to person?
View 4 RepliesHemorrhoids - Here's How To Live With Them
I feel it is my duty to share my information that I have gathered on this problem from my pricy doctor and share this information for free.
First do not clean area with soap it is only going to make it worse and more pain full and dry out the area. Most people think that the itching means their dirty so they will use excise amounts of soap actually making the problem worse.
My case was so bad I had to buy a plastic seat cover and sit my butt in the warm water for 15 minutes 2 times a day for 5 weeks. Let me tell how much this relieved the pain. It cost around 35 dollars and is a well worth the money.
Then you must purchase Prax lotion this stuff works amazing and use every time after you use the bathroom. After a 2 days I was able to have a full nights rest.
Then buy Calmol 4: use them for up to 4 times a day. It's very awkward to get used to and this is coming from a guy but I don't know what I would do.
I am telling you if you follow these directions you will be fine in a matter of 2 weeks after the first time of this treatment it was truly amazing felt like my old but again.
I no longer have to use the seat or the lotion. I am just using the Calmol 3-4 times a week once or twice a day and it is proving its effectiveness. It may seem like a lot but if you want to be comfortable and be able to go on trips and not worry then please follow these steps.
Not one to be on a super health kick but I do not eat fast food often but I do have my fare share of Pizza's chinese food and cheese steaks god I love cheese steaks could go for one right now extra hot peppers but anyway I also drink heavy on the weekends I'm talking like black out drunk. I'm not saying its going to work for everyone but this has been working for me for the past year without any blood when I wipe and what not. After a nights of drinking I apply the Calmol 4 and a nice wipe with the lotion and I am back in action. Also try to stay away from the soda.
**** Sorry for the rant but I think it is my duty for spending so much at the butt doctor and it could have been resolved if he told me these steps and I could have saved a bunch of money like in the thousands of dollars. I had to see him once a month costing 600 a visit for almost 8 months. Almost made me go broke.
Pregnancy :: Live Sperm In Precum?
I precum alot but will that contain sperm if i last ejaculated on friday and since then i have urinated 5 times? Would there be live sperm in precum when i had a erection today..?
View 3 RepliesSubstance Abuse :: Cannot Live Without The Klonopin Or A Benzo
I'm extremely scared. I signed myself into inpatient to get off from opiates and I was doing well. When they released me however, they wouldn't release me with the klonopin script that I had brought in. When I signed myself in they never told me the rule of them keeping it. So I got out and my anxiety and panic was so bad without the klonopin I didn't know why to do. Mind you I've been on benzos going on six years now. I've never abused them. I ended up going back on opiates because it eased my anxiety. I've also found some benzos to hold me over but tomorrow I'm out. I've been on the phone for three weeks now and had three appointments with my therapist about getting my script refilled. Well because I signed in to inpatient they first had to get those records. They finally did that and I thought the next week I could get my script and get back on course. Nope! Now because I'm going to intensive outpatient they have to talk to them first. Which would be fine if my therapist didn't only work two days a week and keep putting it on hold. I've went to the er as I was told to do and told them everything. They treated me like I was looking for drugs and wouldn't help me. I've made so many phone calls trying to get help that I feel I'm now out of options. No one is willing to help me now that I've tried to get help for my addiction. I'm terrified I'm going to have a seizure and god knows what else. I cannot fully live without the klonopin or a benzo. Without it I'm laying in the house. In bed or on the couch, afraid to even move as I think I will die. Nothing feels right. I feel like I'm in a dream land. I start to see things that are not there. I feel as I'm walking that the floor is moving with me. I cannot even shower as I don't feel steady. I don't know what to do anymore and I cannot find the help I need. I cannot keep living this way. If anyone has any advice please please let me know. Anything would be greatly appreciated.
View 31 RepliesFibromyalgia :: 15 Percent Chance To Live - Survival Rate
I was recently in a coma and was given a 15 percent chance to live just how serious is that.
View 1 RepliesOrlistat :: Already A Windy Person
I have been prescribed Orlistat and been told i need to take them for 6 months.
I was going to start tomorrow, but i'm a bit nervous cause i'm already a windy person and fear this could make it worse.
Im also not sure what i can eat either, i do follow slimming world, so eat lean meat, veg fruit etc etc but i do use my sins on things like a choc bar or a hot choc or something like that. will eating that make me ill?
I'm so confused by it all, can anyone please advise on a typical day's food please?
Cunnilingus With A Person With Tooth Decay?
i need to know whether one can have oral sex with a person with tooth decay. will this affect the vaginal tract with any infection?
View 1 RepliesCan A Person With Grave's Disease Take Armour?
Can a person with Graves' disease take Armour?
View 6 RepliesDiabetes :: Can A Diabetic Person Have Honey Instead Of Sugar?
Both honey and sugar will affect your blood sugar level, is it true?
View 2 RepliesIf A Schizophrenic Person Stopped Taking Medication?
I was wondering what would happen if a Schizophrenic person stopped taking medication. (Without a doctor's permission.)
View 2 RepliesHIV Prevention :: Cut On Hand From Knife With Blood Of HIV Infected Person
On 16th September 2014 I was cut by a paper cutting knife on my finger and the cut is not deep. There is little blood coming out. 10 minutes before that the same knife cut a person with unknown hiv status and his cut was deeper than me. Am i at the risk of hiv infection? Now i have sore throat, loss of appetite, itchy patch on the upper side of my left ear, cough and headache.
View 5 RepliesCannabis Addiction :: Why Should A Successful Person Quit Smoking Pot?
I'm a 30 year old single guy. According to social criteria I'm a successful person. I have a PhD degree in engineering from a university which is always in top 30 in the world. I started my professional job 20 months ago and during this period I have got two promotions and now I'm a manager. I have lots of friends and people enjoy being around me. I have a very good relationship with my parent and sister. I speak 3 languages and now working on the 4th one. I have traveled a lot and can socialize with anyone from any country on any subject. Financially I'm doing OK but not amazing. I work out 3 times a week and have a athletic body. I'm very energetic and I have told that I'm hyperactive.
I started smoking pot when I was 26 and since then I've been smoking from once to 4 times a week. The weed has really changed my life because since I have been a smoker, my brains works much better and I'm much more concentrated. I can solve more complicated problems and understand engineering facts much better. When I'm high, I always come up with brilliant ideas which motivates me and drives me in life. I'm more artistic when I'm high and enjoy the music to the end.
The only down part of my life is that I haven't had a girlfriend past 3 years. I have dated lots lots of girls but find them either ugly or not bright.
Since 6 months ago I came up with the idea of quitting smoking weed but I'm unable to do that. I have no good reason or no motivation of doing it. I think maybe by being high in past 4 years I have built a fantasy world that not most of the people can understand and enter and that's why I don't have a girlfriend.
Today I came up with the idea of going to a rehab center but then I though if I don't convince myself that I have to quick, if I don't have enough reasons then I will never quit. So I thought to share my story with people and see if they can give me some reasons to quit.
Herpes :: Active Cold Sores, Safe To Kiss An Asymptomatic Person?
I've been getting cold sores for most of my life and have always practiced avoiding all contact with a partner while having an outbreak. However the girl I'm seeing now had a cold sore once and never again since. Knowing what i know about the virus leads me to believe she has it but is asymptomatic.
My question is can I trigger an outbreak by kissing her with an active sore? Or is it "safe"?
You Do Not Die Of Parkinson You Die With It? Confusing
Many professionals and the charity PD uk sat that you do not die of PD you die with it...BUT The world Health Organisation receive statistica from the UK about the Number of Deaths Caused By PD in the UK...PD is one of the leading causes of deaths in the UK... I haved PD and suffer from anxiety but it occurs to me on a regular basis that the lack of knowledge and information that is presented to us by a community of experts that all disagree is causing more confusion not only for the sufferers of pd , the public also find the whole thing a non starter. It is an illness for which there are no clear up to date definition and is therefore just seen an old person's shaking complaint
View 4 RepliesParkinson :: Apomorphine Challenge - Anyone?
i've been asked to do the apomorphine challenge has anyone done this,and with what side effects.
View 1 RepliesDifference Between Parkinson And Parkinsonism?
My father (now 81 yrs) was diagnosed with Parkinsonism some years ago. My understanding is that Parkinsonism is considered to be a "cousin" of full-blown Parkinson's disease. Is it as bad as Parkinson's?
View 2 RepliesDystonia Related To Parkinson?
Is dystonia related to parkinson's?
View 1 RepliesParkinson :: Sinemet Or Requip?
Sinemet has left me unable to handle my property management business. Shaky or disoriented to often. ( get about 3 good hours in am). Locals I know are on requip and seem to do better. Dr. wants me to see a Shrink. I am sure I have some depression and anxiety, but don't want any more meds. I took lexapro for about 2 weeks after a divorce. I thought i was losing my mind. Couldn't concentrate on anything. Scared the heck out of me!
What is the difference between the 2 ( sinemet- requip) and has anyone tried the fisher wallace stimulator?