Hip Replacement :: Pain From Sitting To Standing And Walking

I'm 27, I got ejected out of a car at 17. I broke my hip and shattered my pelvis. My first surgery was to reconstruct my pelvis than a year later I had a total hip replacement. I hurt every single day, the worst pain is from sitting to standing and walking that initial step on my bad hip is excruciating. I don't take pain meds anymore if anyone has any tip for pain relief.

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Knee Replacement :: Why Use Cane On Opposite Side?

I keep seeing instructions to use a cane on the opposite side from the knee that has been replaced. Just wondering why. I have been using my cane in my right hand for years, and my right knee is the wobbly one. Now it looks like I will have to retrain myself to use the cane in the left hand after my surgery?

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Hip Replacement :: How Much Walking?

I have been reading your posts on your walking progress and am amazed at how much some of you are able to do.  I am almost 5 weeks post op and walk every day on my crutches, but it is just up and down the road a few times going a bit further every day.  Compared to some of you I don't think I am nearly doing enough walking, my fitness level was bad before the operation due to not being able to weight bear and walk so that may be why my progress seems slower.  

I was given the physio exercises, which I do every day, but was given no indication of how far I should be walking or if I should go on when I get pain.  Just wondered what your thoughts are on this.

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Walking And Stairs After Total Hip Replacement Advice?

I've had a lot of very useful info from this forum since I joined not so long ago - thank you all very much! I have a couple of questions:

1) Post LTHR op to exercise must I walk outside, or can I walk just inside the house (difficult terrains outside the house)? Has anyone in this situation just walked inside the house and got better?

2) Will I need to move the bed downstairs, or will I be able

to use the stairs? Does the PT practice stairs while still in hospital?

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Hip Replacement :: Intermittent Clunky Sensation On Walking?

Is  it just me or does anyone else experience an intermittent clunky sensation from their new hip one walking?  I'm  5 weeks in with a ceramic on ceramic.  No  other problems and if  this  how it's going to be  I can live with it. I have read that some people with ceramic hips experience clicking. . Just wondered if I describe clicking as clunking!

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8 Weeks TKR :: Pain In Opposite Knee

8 weeks TKR. In the last week my other knee & ankle has become slightly painful. Op knee, fine just a little discomfort when I get up in the morning, soon goes away.

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Hip Replacement :: Uneven Feeling On Walking - Normal? Or Due To Swelling?

Day five almost on the books...I have done all my exercises and walked several times...even outside. my question for those of you with THR experience... when walking, did you feel a bit uneven? Is this normal? Is it from swelling? 

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Partial Knee Replacement - Pain upon Walking After Sitting For 15-20 Minutes

partial knee replacement was done in October. I did all exercises and everything was fine in November - January. Toward the end of February I began experiencing pain upon walking after sitting for 15-20 minutes. I'm limping and it is painful for about 30 steps. It is getting worse. What could this be? My doc is out of town until April.

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Pleural Effusion :: Pleurisy And Pain In Opposite Collarbone

I have had ongoing pain for the past 2 months, worse when breathing in on the right side of my chest. My doctor has diagnosed pleurisy and said it should resolve on its own. I have now developed a very sore collarbone on the opposite (left) side. Could these two symptoms be related? I have health anxiety and am convinced I have terminal breast cancer....silly I know!

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Back Issues :: Post Fusion Pain Opposite Side

I'm three weeks out from l5-s1 fusion. For the last week I'm having the same pain I did ore surgery but on the other side. I'm really getting worried. It's different pain than post surgery pain. It's my right butt cheek and right calf pain. It's there all the time. Like a sharp knife in the muscle pain with tingly numbness. If I don't have a disc to herniate, what could this be? I'm done with pain and surgery. I can't take this any more

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General :: Lower Right Abdominal Swelling, Pain When Walking, Random Sharp Pain

Me: 20 y/o female, 5ft5, 135lbs. (I have been losing some weight so I don't think I am pregnant.)

A week or two ago I was having this weird feeling, like tugging, in my belly button it was accompanied by some sharp pains on and off. A few days ago i noticed that the right side of my tummy, starting in the lower right quarter of my belly button and going about two - three inches down and about the same to the right, maybe a bit further, was swollen. It isn't super noticeable unless you look right in my belly button because I have some tummy fat, but the right is absolutely swollen. It is not a lump, but honestly just feels like fatty tissue or water retention. It isn't very tender, sometimes it feels like there is a bruise but there isn't, there is a spot that seems more tender. I have had this sharp tearing pain but it is very random and hasn't been bed enough for an ER visit. When I walk it hurts but it is very dull.

I have a doctors apt on monday but I am worried that this could be something bad.

I am not sure if this is related but it seems like it is (TMI sort of period stuff below just a heads up...)

I usually have normal/ heavy periods that last about 5-6 days. This time it started off very light, the next day i had about 12 hours of soaking a regular tampon in like an hour and a half (this is really unusual) and then it tapered off that night. The bleeding only lasted 2-3 days and the last bit was this strange copper color as opposed to bright red or brown. This is pretty strange for me.

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Pain In One Leg Only After Jogging (not Walking)

Hey i know someone who has been suffering of pain in one of his legs lately it hurts him when he jogs he usually jogs for more that 2 km everyday with a speed ranging from 12 to 16 km/hour it only hurts him after jogging but no matter for how long he walks he feels no pain it hurt the place upwards ankle for a little time then stops but day after day the pain increase

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Bruising, Swelling And Pain After Walking

So for nearly two years now I have had a growing pain over the ridge of my left foot, I'm almost positive that it is my extensor hallucis longus. The pain is not present when resting, unless I stretch my big toe up towards me, and is much worse if I apply a measure of force against it. Once I start to walk the pain gradually worsens until I cannot put pressure on that particular side of my foot due to it not being able to hold my weight without severe discomfort. The pain emerges the moment I start walking and within an hour maximum it will be at its peak. Once I have stopped walking, the ridge of my foot will be extremely swollen, about as large as a golf ball, dark red and bruised.

I have tried to stay off it for a time, at one point using crutches for a week, applying a bandage, stretching, loosening my laces, wearing different styles of shoes (converse high-tops are my usual preference, but tried trainers, boots and dress shoes too), applying ice to the affected area and also taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicine, all to no avail. As I said, it's been just a few months shy of two years and is gradually getting worse both in pain and swelling/bruising.

Also just a small overview of my physical stature as I assume it could be of some use

23 years of age
Shoe size 11-12 (depending on the style of shoe)
Physical fitness is good.

Could anyone recommend any other course of action before I finally give in and consult my GP, and also confirm my suspicion of tendonitis, or speculate on other conditions it may or may not be?

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica And GCA :: Walking Helps You Get Rid Of The Pain?

How is it that most of you say walking helps you get rid of the pain?  If I walk for 20-30 mins I have pain which takes ages to clear up - sometimes into the next day, or even the day after (and it has since the PMR started).  Exercise is good for you!  OK, I know that, but what do you do if you get more and more pain by doing it?  

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Burning Heel Pain When Lying - Goes Away On Walking

I do not have diabetes, I do not take any meds, and I am not obese.

For the last few years, I have burning pain in my heels when I am lying down for a few hours. When I get up and walk around, it goes away and I have no pain during the day. The problem is I can't sleep because the pain wakes me up.

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Chronic Pain On Walking, Sitting - Disc Protrusion / Bulge

mri 5 weeks ago

L4/L5 broad based posterior disc protrusion contacting transiting nerve roots

L5/S1 disc dehydration mild disc bulge probable annular tear.

Just seen neurosurgeon who says back and leg pain not caused by this where is pain coming from then.

pain burning lower and middle back and buttocks weakness In legs.

Chronic pain on walking,sitting,lying down or twisting please help

Scheduled another mri as soon as possible

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Diuretics :: Bendroflumethiazide Having Trouble Walking And Neck And Shoulder Pain

Have been on bendroflumethiazide for about a year now and the Doctor has taken me off them 3 weeks ago. Have numb and tingling thighs which mean I have trouble walking. I am stumbling along like I am 90+ yrs old. My neck and shoulders are stiff and I have shooting pains in my right eye. Is it correct that you shouldn't take these tablets if you have a stone in your bile duct and also a pending gall bladder removal. Also I have just read that you shouldn't also take them if you have an allergy to sulfa based medication. Is this also correct?

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Heel Pain / Hurt After Standing Or Walking - Patellar Tendinopathy

For several years now both my heels hurt after standing or walking for a little while. After a couple of days rest I am able to walk for maybe 30 mins before it becomes unbearable and standing seems to be worse. I have seen podiatrists, followed stretching plans, bought new shoes according to my gait analysis, customised insoles and the job lot. I was wrongly diagnosed with Achilles Tendonitis and Plantar Fasciitis which were cleared after an MRI and ultrasound scan. No heel spurs or cushion problems etc and back MRI scan has ruled out root nerve issues although a nerve conduction study presented some mild root nerve S1 weakness. A little further info is that my left foot is significantly worse than my right and my left knee has been diagnosed with patellar tendinopathy.

I'm in IT and do spend a lot of time at a desk but get out to the gym a couple of times a week for some light cycling and stretching. I have found that my core is pretty weak and the likely cause of my Patellar Tendonitis. I'm now working on core stability and looking to fix any muscular imbalance.

My consultant is stumped and does not know whats causing the pain so I asked her to rule out Baxters nerve compression which she is looking into.

I would really like to get any help with this as it's been causing me pain for several years and not allowing me to get on with day to day activities as I can't walk or stand for short periods of time.

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Trimethoprim :: Difficulty Walking, Bouts Of Vertigo, Severe Pain In Fingers

Prescribed Trimethoprim for a UTI but after a few days started having difficulty walking, bouts of Vertigo, severe pain in fingers of right hand and thumb on left hand. Very severe pains in left foot just forward of the heel for five days. Swelling of both feet and ankles. Very severe itching around my belt line. The vertigo attacks were very bad and frightening when they occurred. I stopped taking the tablets after taking the first of a second lot. I have had a note added to my medical records informing I have never to be prescribed Trimethoprim ever again.

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