Diuretics :: Atenolol And Bendroflumethiazide Overdosing?

For several years now I have been prescribed both Atenolol and Bendroflumethiazide to control high blood pressure. The medication appears to have been successful, as my b.p. is well within acceptable limits, but lately I have noticed some bouts of giddiness and a kind of 'floating on air' sensation, not unlike mild inebriation. This was unnerving, so I went to my doctor and he checked my b.p. as 110/70, which he said was too substantial a drop to accept, so advised me to discontinue the Bendroflumethiazide and return for a re-check in 3 weeks. Perhaps the two drugs working together are simply more than I need? I am aged 62, non-smoker, light drinker, moderately active (10km charity walk recently) and in good general health. It is possible that, with increasing age, my body has self-adjusted and no longer requires such a level of 'help' to sustain a safe b.p. Time will tell, but for now (and perhaps for good) the Bendroflumethiazide is abandoned, as it was apparently making me feel unsteady and occasionally dizzy. I say 'apparently', because presumably the Atenolol could equally be at fault, but we have to start our experiment somewhere.

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Neck And Shoulder Pain On The Other Side After A C-5 C-6 Fusion

I have been suffering from nerve pain that ran down my left arm and shoulder and fingers from a bulging disc in the C-5- C-6 so i had been taking oxycodone 10-325 but when we decided to do surgery we cut that down to oxycodone 5/325 since that is what the surgeon would be giving me after surgery so i said okay no problem.  I had surgery  on 2/26 of this year, But after surgery come to find out he dropped me to a hydrocodone 7.5/325 and can't understand why the 7.5 hydro's weren't working to take away the pain. I had been having a lil bit of pain on the right shoulder before surgery, but nothing like what i had been having in the left so the surgeon side well "let's hope this will fix this side too" well it didn't. In fact it made the right side worse, I now feel like i have a hot knife twisting at the base of my neck whenever i turn my neck to the right or left, which in turn  runs down into my shoulder blades and into my right shoulder which makes my shoulder feel like someone it trying to tear my shoulder off at the cuff along with weakness in my right arm which i never had before ..  I have also  started to notice a tingling in my right pinky finger and ring finger.  I have told him over and over about this but all he does is get the X-rays and says the fusion is looking fine. and my primary can't do anything since he told her he would treat my pain for 6 weeks and he is refusing to do anything about the pain what so ever. i am to my wits end and any advice would be welcomed.

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Migraine Associated Vertigo MAV - Neck And Shoulder Pain

I'm not on any meds for my MAV, first because the ENt wanted me to take topamax and it scared me to death to try it, when I saw him 2 weeks ago he said he wasn't going to give me any meds cause I seem to be doing better.  I started with this headache on saturday night and still have it today, its like a tension type headache with pain in the shoulders and neck, but the pain is mostly in the front across the forehead going to each side, but with it comes the feeling of moving when I'm sitting or standing.  Is this indicative of MAV?  I feel like a buoy in the water and sometimes a sinking feeling, yesterday it was a falling feeling.  I'm now wondering if I should try some meds.  I also told the ENT I was seeing a psychologist this week and maybe he thought because of my anxiety about all this she might want to start meds.  She works with a psychiatrist I believe so could probably get meds.  she was also I physicians assistant for 20 years at a neurologist office, so I'm hoping she will understand all this.  

So my question is, do you have headaches with neck pain and shoulder pain on both sides?  Is this part of MAV?  Does the dizziness sensations feel different or changing?  Do everyone here take meds for this?  Is there any meds that help with dizziness, headache and anxiety at the same time?  Do you have headache and dizziness for days at time?  

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Frozen Shoulder :: Neck Pain And Stiffness

Since having frozen shoulder, I have also suffered with neck pain and neck stiffness. It's not the same dreadful, unbearable pain that you get in your shoulders and arm, just a dull, persistent ache. Does anyone else have this? I have been told that I have a slight amount of arthritis in my neck, but that this is 'normal' for someone of my age (53). I never had this pain before I had frozen shoulder - there is probably a connection but I'm not sure if it's the frozen shoulder causing the neck pain or if the neck problem may be the cause of my frozen shoulder!

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Frozen Shoulder :: Nerve Pain In Neck And Arm

I have been off work since last September. when one morning I woke up and thought I was going to be paralysed as I was I the most severe pain in my neck, but actually couldn't move. I was given diazepam to relax the muscle spasms. Already on tramadol but also given cocodamol. Saw chiropractor for 6 weeks. Wasn't happy there though. Slowly regained more movement in my neck but the pain was getting worse and my shoulder and arm in excruciating pain. Can't lift arm up or behind my back. Putting certain items of clothing on causes sudden pain that makes me want to scream out and maybe faint sometimes. I hope I don't offend but going to the toilet is a feat. I feel like a fraud to others as you can't see this and it is the most painful thing ever. I have had 5 children and this is worse. I've seen a spine Physio today and being referred for MRI. She seems to think I have now developed frozen shoulder on top of neck problem too. I'm exhausted from it all. Bit nervous. I feel a fraction of the person I was 7 months ago. Thank you for listening to me wittering on about myself.

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Shaky Hands And Neck, Shoulder And Arm Pain Down Right Side

I have had shaky hands for years and has recently got worse. I woke up with pain in my shoulder which spread to my elbow, wrist and hand. I went to the gp and was given a splint, pain killers and referred to a hand specialist for nerve conduction studies for carpal tunnel. I was also told to go for a massage as the muscles on the right side of my back and shoulder were solid. However, when I went for a massage it only made things worse- I went into a healing crisis (apparently this is a real thing!) and was in agony. I saw an orthopaedic physio privately who thought i may have nerve damage in my thoracic spine, but when I went back to the GP I was told to continue with carpal tunnel diagnosis. The nerve conduction studies came back negative and now I'm being sent for an MRI and referred to neurology. 6 months later I am no closer to knowing what is wrong or how to tackle the impact it is having on my life. 

I am an occupational therapy student too and using dragon software to write my assignments as it is difficult for me to handwrite or type. I am also a painter and crafter and have not been able to do any of the things I enjoy. I am currently on a health and design placement and am looking at spinal injuries and neurological conditions. I thought it would be a great opportunity to look into ways I can help myself as well as other people- Is any one else having issues using their hands? Is anyone using adaptive equipment- its not attractive stuff! ? Maybe there is an element of a task that other people would like a product to help with?

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Spinal Cord :: Neck Clicking, Crackling. Pop Rocks Sound When Walking After Neck Adjustment

I went to physical therapy for TMJ 4 days ago, I'm 31 years old. While massaging my jaw the physical therapist went on to my neck, and without me knowing out of nowhere cranked my neck super hard and it popped 3 times on the left side. My neck has been stiff on the left ever since with some pain and when I walk I hear loud clicking crackling/pop rocks sounds in my neck right before it meets the shoulders. Did he injure me? anyone else experience this? will it go away.

I was so upset he cracked my neck like that he isn't even a chiropractor but said afterwards when I got upset with him that he knows chiropractor movements.

I've never been to a chiropractor so I don't know how it compares but it seems really hard and forceful when he did it. Its weird that when I move my neck I don't hear the sound, only when walking. Someone please advise me on this.

Also what type of doctor should I see for this issue, i'm going to schedule an appointment tomorrow, but don't know the type of doctor who would be best. My GP just gave me ibuprofen and said it should go away on it's own.

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How Do You Cope Frozen Shoulder? Nerve Pain After Neck Injury

how do you cope?  One year ago I fell downstairs (vertigo) fractured my neck and had severe pain in upper left arm, felt like a very bad bruise and a swollen but not broken wrist.  Neck healed, pain in my upper arm remained and could move it but not do up bra etc without severe pain.  Had an injection in my shoulder - made it worse. 11 months on I fell down a shorter flight of stairs (return of vertigo!) on to same bad shoulder/arm.  Now frozen and pain from neck to finger tips all the time and even worse at night.  Can't take oral pain relief tablets has anyone tried pain relief patches?  The pain is so bad I can't do anything and I am getting seriously depressed and being driven to despair, its like being in constant childbirth labour!  constantly having to massage my arm including from elbow to wrist and palm of hand into fingers.  Given conflicting advice by every medical person seen so far.    Seems it is likely multiple problems but still no MRI, xray shows no broken bones in shoulder.  Read most of the discussions, not many triggered by injury unless I have missed those.  Any support groups locally in Cornwall where we could at least cry openly!

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Vitamin D Deficiency - Neck And Shoulder Pain - Tired And Dizzy

I've been unwell for on and off now for almost a year. I remember phoning off sick a couple of times before feeling tired and 'achy'. I thought I was just being lazy and this was psychosomatic. Then I started getting really ill when I developed a sudden onset of neck/shoulder pain which is still an ongoing problem now although the pain has turned into discomfort/ache which I have learned to manage doing exercise and stretches. I also feel sensitivity on other parts of my body (like invisible bruises.For 6 months I was coping with my neck/shoulder problem (symptoms are crawling/tingling sensation in the arm, sensitivity to touch like its bruised and cold feeling and dull ache on my shoulder blade).

Then gradually I started developing 'flu like symptoms' without cough or cold but with tiredness/fatigue and dizzy headache which are intermittent throughout the day, until 2 weeks later I started getting throbbing ache in my legs and eventually I couldn't sit all day without getting restless legs and crawling/tingling sensation in my legs which caused weakness in my legs and worse when I'm going upstairs - and my knees keeps clicking. I went to my doctors who prescribed me with naproxen. And told me that I had something called Reactive Arthritis, which i thought was a misdiagnosis. Overall I thought that it could be viral related

This time I've been off work for a week when I started to feel better after a week on naproxen. I came back to work for a week feeling like i thought I recovered. Then boom 2 weeks later gradually the flu like symptom came back with extreme tiredness / fatigue and I've been in bed since. I'm still achy all the time regardless. I have no energy to do anything, even showering is a struggle. I've been in bed most of the time, sometimes I try to go out with my husband for a few hours but I come back home absolutely exhausted and the soreness/headache i get is a different level. Most of the time I feel like my body is inflamed.

So i decided to get a second opinion and i went to see another GP who referred me for a blood test. A few days later, my results came through and I have Vitamin D deficiency. Everything else they tested seem fine. I have a better outlook now though after the diagnosis, apparently it will take months for the treatment to take effect. I guess now they found something they will stop investigating further (which worries me a little bit) but i guess its process of elimination so treat one thing at a time. Would be great to hear from others who also has this deficiency and whether the treatment was effective?

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GCA :: Headache, Jaw Claudication, Facial Edema, Neck/shoulder Pain

I was diagnosed with GCA June 29 and put on 50 mg prednisone. Most symptoms (awful headache, jaw claudication, facial edema, neck/shoulder pain, fever, dry cough, ESR 41, CRP 8.9) resolved. I am now on 40 mg prednisone, but continue to have fatigue, mild fever in afternoons, and weakness. Some days I feel almost back to normal, but then I relapse into the fatigue and mild fevers. Is this just what GCA feels like or should I be feeling better? My jaw is also still messed up and feels as if my bite is off.  I read about flares, but not as much about the day to day life with GCA while waiting for it to resolve.

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4cm Sliding Hiatus Hernia - Chest, Neck, Shoulder And Back Pain

Just recently been diagnosed with a 4cm sliding hiatus hernia after suffering for 2 years with horrendous chest, neck, shoulder and back pain! been to A&E a least 5 times this year thinking I was having heart problems! had an endoscopy 4 weeks ago and was diagnosed! so now what? I was sent home with no advice whatsoever. been on all the PPI's for the last 15 years as I suffer with GERD and IBS! I feel bloated all the time, I burp, fart, feel sick and light headed and now I get a pulsating throb from my tummy through my chest into my throat If I eat the wrong thing it feels like I got a tennis ball stuck behind my sternum, really fed up with this now. I won't go the operation route, it's not got a good success rate! so it's maintenance, put the head of my bed on two blocks 8 inches high, given up gluten and dairy and all spicy foods eat 3 hours before I got to bed and have a swig of gaviscon as a nightcap! I take a multivitamin and magnesium supplements. the next step is stop smoking and drinking red wine what else can I do? the omeprazole makes me feel crap, so I've gone back to ranitidine.

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Orthopedics :: Crackling Sound In Neck On Walking

I'm 31 male. Yesterday I went to a Physical Therapist for TMJ treatment. The therapist was massaging my jaw and then moved to my neck to massage that. Without warning he forcefully cranked my neck to the left and it popped really loud three times.

I got upset with him and told him ever to do that again that he wasn't a chiropractor and he responded that he knew chiropractor movements. I've never been to a chiropractor by the way.

Ever since then whenever I walk I hear a loud crackling, like pop rocks sound in my lower neck, right above my shoulders. I don't have pain, though my neck is somewhat stiff now. The sound isn't present when moving the neck at all, left, right, up or down. Just when walking.  

Did he do permanent damage to my neck? Should I seek treatment? What type of doctor should I see? Will the crackling go away or am I stuck with this forever and soon my neck will start to become very painful? I'm freaking out over this and need to know a solution.

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Shoulder Rotator Cuff :: Frozen Shoulder - Constant Pain

I have a 'Frozen Shoulder'.

This was caused by an inoperative Humerus shoulder fracture because the orthopedic surgeon found an infection in my bone during surgery. ( I fell back on 10/6/14) Doctors were baffled how I ended up with an infection since I had no cuts and was in perfect health before I fell.
Surgeon put a drain in and closed me up. I was in a sling for 2 1/2 months and on IV antibiotics for over a month.

Dec 14 I started Physical Therapy, 3xs a week. Along with exercises at home. I have little ROM. Very stiff. Extreme tightness.

I have constant pain from the back of my shoulder to my elbow, bicep. muscles. The little knots are quite painful. I push, squeeze to ease the pain. Massaging the shoulder / arm eases it just for a bit.

Due to the infection that was found in my bone during surgery, three ortho surgeons said they will not operate on my shoulder.
Intensive therapy is all they said I need.

Ortho surgeon will not prescribe pain medication.

My primary care physician prescribed 10mg oxycodone which I cut in half. I only take a full pill when I have physical therapy. Scared what will happen when I run out of pills. Doubt my Dr will refill the prescription. (sad face)

I have tried Aleve, Excedrin, Advil, which doesn't help the pain. I even mixed them with benadryl to sleep. But that didn't help either.

Do to Medicare amount allotted for physical therapy, I can only go a certain amount of times. Which now, I only have a few more visits to go.
Been going to PT for about 3 months and haven't seen any improvement. This is really horrible!

PT said he will teach me what I can do at home and that I could pay $30 a visit if I wanted to.

But personally, I feel it would be wasting my money since I would be paying him just to rub my arm for 10 minutes since I do the same exercises at home. I bought a door pulley and therabands.

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Gabapentin :: For Years - Shoulder Aches And Stiff Neck With Headache

I have been on 100 mg once or twice a day for a long time, originally after a foot operation. Advised to keep on, to help arthritis pain and after effects of hip operations etc. The dose was raised to 300 mg at night and 100 mg twice a day. I always feel rather odd and have muscular convulsions over a long time, before the dose increased. Currently have shoulder aches and stiff neck with headache, put down as tension. Has anyone had similar problems, could it be the gabapentin, - so difficult to tell?

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :: Shoulder Neck And Back Of Head Ache

I feel mostly well but lately my only annoyance has been shoulder neck and back of head ache. This is mainly located at the right side of my body but occasionally spreads to the other side. It's more of a constant dull ache which is relieved temporarily by icing it. Does anyone else get this? Sometimes I feel like the pain is also in my left ear. saw my gp a week or so ago and he didn't seem concerned. I just wondered If anyone else experiences this. Yesterday I felt like it hurt to swallow in my throat but only at the side where im getting the rest of the head pain.

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Propranolol :: Dizziness, Neck And Upper Back Pain, Tingling Gums, Sore Neck Glands

Had stroke 13 years ago. Have suffered anxiety ever since. Mainly dizziness. Recently came off citalopram after 8 years, started on sertraline. Never felt worse in my life......including severe diarrhea. Dr now stopped sertraline and put me on propranolol one week ago. Still feel awful and dizziness possibly worse. Will anything ever work?

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ENT :: Lumps Spread Down My Neck, Ear Pain, Stiff Neck

i have lumps in the back of my neck. It started with one and then spread down my neck. it makes my ear hurt makes my neck very stiff and the pain shoots into my shoulder also there is no marks on my skin showing any bug bites or anything like that. any idea what it could be?

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Neck Pain And A Small Lump In Neck

I have had pain on the left side of my neck for about three years now. About 4 months ago I felt a Marble size bump on the same side as my neck pain. My neck pain does not stop me from doing things. I can move it side to side and up and down etc. The neck pain is more like a pain that doesn't go away but like I said it doesn't stop me from doing things. What could this be? Can anyone help me with this? I have a doctors appointment at the end of September.

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General :: Lower Right Abdominal Swelling, Pain When Walking, Random Sharp Pain

Me: 20 y/o female, 5ft5, 135lbs. (I have been losing some weight so I don't think I am pregnant.)

A week or two ago I was having this weird feeling, like tugging, in my belly button it was accompanied by some sharp pains on and off. A few days ago i noticed that the right side of my tummy, starting in the lower right quarter of my belly button and going about two - three inches down and about the same to the right, maybe a bit further, was swollen. It isn't super noticeable unless you look right in my belly button because I have some tummy fat, but the right is absolutely swollen. It is not a lump, but honestly just feels like fatty tissue or water retention. It isn't very tender, sometimes it feels like there is a bruise but there isn't, there is a spot that seems more tender. I have had this sharp tearing pain but it is very random and hasn't been bed enough for an ER visit. When I walk it hurts but it is very dull.

I have a doctors apt on monday but I am worried that this could be something bad.

I am not sure if this is related but it seems like it is (TMI sort of period stuff below just a heads up...)

I usually have normal/ heavy periods that last about 5-6 days. This time it started off very light, the next day i had about 12 hours of soaking a regular tampon in like an hour and a half (this is really unusual) and then it tapered off that night. The bleeding only lasted 2-3 days and the last bit was this strange copper color as opposed to bright red or brown. This is pretty strange for me.

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