Eye :: Macular Pucker Surgery Air Bubble Or Argon Gas Bubble?

I had macular pucker surgery in May, 2015...doctor used an air bubble (did not have to lay face down as part of recovery process)...follow ups have all shown that vision has not improved in eye since surgery...doctor is recommending another macular pucker surgery...I'm wondering if use of air bubbles instead of argon gas bubble may not allow as efficient recovery?.

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Skin :: White Spot On My Lip Like Hole

About a week and a few days ago,this white,sort of hole like white spot came on my top lip,like on the fleshy part in the mouth,and its been getting bigger and is painful. This has NEVER happened before and i'm really scared and I just want it to go away.

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Hemorrhoids :: Flesh Coloured Lump At The Opening Of My Anus Hole

I'm 14 i had for about 3 days now!!! I don't know what to do when i sit it hurts but only when i sit it's almost covering my whole anus hole, I'm embarrassed of telling any one, I don't wanna trouble my parents either, should I pop it, what should I put on it, can I use hydrogen peroxide. This lump I have is pea size skin colour unnoticeable even when I poop( I know don't judge) only when I sit down, what are the procedures, how can I avoid this or is it permanent......

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Hemorrhoids :: Spot/lump On My Butt Crack

I've been in a bit of pain for the last 2 days, when I noticed yesterday a spot like lump has appeared just above from my anus, along my butt crack. I've researched online and several medical sites have advised that it should disappear after a few days but itself. But the pain is unbearable when sitting or lying and I'm really starting to worry. Anyone know how to reduce the pain.

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Hemorrhoids :: Butt Pain, No Blood, Throbbing And Fullness Feeling

Can someone give insight? Been to doc, told hemorrhoids. Along with anal tear. Should I move on to a second opinion?

Still lots of pain, no blood any more. Throbbing , fullness feeling. She diagnosed me Monday and gave me some foam that has done nothing.

Been on miralax as well, no improvement.

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Women's Health :: White Hard Lump Near Clitoris

I have had a white hard lump about the size of a small bead on the left side of my clit for a couple months. Now it has gotten bigger softer and painful. So i took some advice off of this site and i popped it and thick white stuff then blood came out. Well now it is even bigger and has a purple spot in the middle. My question is is the reason it got bigger and has the purple make because i popped it and will it go away.

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Pregnancy Hemorrhoids Due To Hard Pushing?

Does everyone get hemorrhoids after giving birth? Someone told me that everyone does because you push so hard... true?

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Hemorrhoids :: Gone But Hard Lump Remains?

I am a healthy 26 year old female and i had my first bout of hemorrhoids about a month ago. they came on suddenly with pain, swelling, and itching. i don't remember being constipated prior to the hemorrhoids but i do sit and drive for long periods of time due to work. i treated the roids myself with sitz baths, apple cider vinegar, and witch hazel. i also paid much closer attention to my diet to ensure being regular with a soft stool. it's about 5 weeks later and i feel as though the hemorrhoids are gone, but i believe i am still dealing with a fissure that will bleed just a little bit after a bm. this fissure is located closer to my perineum. i also have a skin tag on my perineum because roids basically stemmed from that area. i continue to have a sore lump (pea sized or smaller) next to the fissure i'm dealing with. it typically hurts more and swells a bit after i have a bm. i'm nervous this is an abscess but i'm wondering if maybe it's an internal hem that just gets swollen after a bm?

additionally after a bm i have a pain in the anal area but it feels a little higher up and like there is a ball inside my anus. i did research on this as well and believe i found a diagnosis that is really close to what i'm experiencing called levator ani syndrome. does anyone know anything about this and if my roids could have caused this condition? i have muscle relaxers in my medicine cabinet because of a back injury. i find that after i have a bm and this pain increases i take a muscle relaxer and the pain subsides...

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28 Weeks - White Blisters Around Vagina After Hemorrhoids

I'm 28 weeks pregnant and just got hemorrhoids earlier this week as of about three days ago though i noticed some very painful blisters that have lined up along my vagina done research it doesn't look like any of the herpes outbreaks i've come across. all they do is hurt no itch no burning. i was told two days ago i had a severe bladder infection due to microbial parasite. im currently taking antibiotics and using witch hazel wipes. doc said these bumps are nothing to worry about. i disagree with how painful they are. thoughts please?

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Citalopram :: Bubble And Stomach Churning

18 days on cit 20mg , taking at about 7pm , still feel like I'm in a bubble and stomach churning and soooo unsteady on my feet , absolutely no motivation or concentration , feel in a different world , it's awful , they say it's anxiety/depression but can it really make you feel like you are detached from reality and yourself ? Like everything is an impossible task .

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Eye Care :: Vitreous Air Bubble Appears Black?

An air bubble in the eye's vitreous appears black to the viewer. Truth??.

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Vaginal Health :: Hole In Clitoris

I really don't know if the hole is above, on, or right below the clit. I finished shaving and I was checking to see if I truly shaved well and I saw something white coming out my clit and it had some hairs stuck on it. I pulled it out and saw the hole above  or on my clit. This whole situation is to crazy to deal with. The thing that came out was hard and white and there was a little bit of pressure when I pulled it out.

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Penis :: Pee Hole (meatus) Is Red/swollen/uneven

Does anyone know why this could be. I've only recently started retracting my foreskin (I'm 18)- and have noticed my meatus is swollen at the bottom, especially on the left side. It is so swollen that it sticks out. I can't retract my foreskin back far - I think this is because I have a very short frenulum (aka banjo string)- so I was wondering if the aggravation is because my frenulum is pulling the meatus. My meatus doesn't sting or burn although it is very sensitive.

Btw-it's definitely not an std & my penis doesn't have a lot of discharge or strong foul smell.

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Penis :: Swollen Pee Hole And Sore Head

Okay so this is a problem i've had since i can remember. This hasn't been affected by being sexually active so its not a STI/STD. 

The hole in the top of my penis, where i pee from, its swollen. It hurts to touch but DOESN'T hurt to pee from. 

The head of my penis is also slightly red and when i touch it it also stings. Unless my foreskin is pulled back and penis exposed, i can live with it. I have done for many years. But i've decided today im going to get his problem sorted.

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Hysterectomy :: Robotic Assisted Key Hole Surgery - Any Information?

24 year old and yesterday my hysterectomy has been agreed by two gynecology professionals one of them being the surgeon

And I have also had my pre-op assessment and am now just waiting for a date however the surgeon has said he will perform the surgery by robotic assisted key hole surgery.

And I was wondering if anyone else has had this type of hysterectomy and any I formation....

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Macular Hole - Visual Loss Coming And Going? On Jetrea

18 months ago I started getting blurry central vision in both eyes at the same time - it wasn't there all the time but when it was happening I found it very hard to do fine work.

I saw an ophthalmologist who did an OCT and retinal exam and found nothing. He suggested it was neurological so I had an MRI of my brain and orbits but nothing was found to explain the problem.

In the last three months I found that the problem had become permanent in my right eye - I could now see a faint central ring that pulsated with my heartbeat on that side. I went back to the ophthalmologist and he diagnosed a stage one macular hole. He didn't think the previous loss of vision was connected to this. He has advised me to wait and see if it gets worse but I am considering doing the surgery anyway - maybe trying the new drug Jetrea first which is very expensive but which is said to help a small number of patients.

Has anybody had a similar experience - with the visual loss coming and going? Anybody tried or considered trying Jetrea?

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Vagina Loose / Swollen - Looks Like Ground Beef In The Hole

Why is my vagina soo loose and swollen and looks like ground beef, like my vagina is falling apart in the hole and produces white stuff where it looks like chunks are missing. Im only 15. And don't have much sex at all. Maybe like 5-10 times ever.

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Vaginal Health :: Rough / Bumpy Area Above Vagina Hole

This is something I remember having as long as I've been paying attention to my vagina. But, I'm not sure if it's normal that just above the vaginal hole (inside my labia), instead of going in, my vulva (I think that's what it's called) goes out and there are tiny rough lump things.

I have ignored it until now because I assumed that it was normal. It isn't very noticeable or discolored or itchy - but if i rub it or touch it too much it is ever so slightly sore (but that could just be because the vagina is sensitive?).

Also, very occasionally I experience a very faint, not painful burning-type sensation when I pee but I always assume it is because I haven't had a shower in a while and it usually goes after I wash.

Oh, and I get a lot of discharge, too. I think this is normal because it isn't a weird color or anything but it comes out in a big lump sometimes if I haven't gone to the loo to wipe it off in a while. I wear black underwear and it appears white on top of that.

I really don't want to go to the doctor unless completely necessary, but could someone please let me know if I'm going to have to see a doctor or if it is normal? By the way, I'm a complete virgin and haven't ever had any kind of oral, penetration, or anything else, sex. But, I have masturbated.

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Vagina :: White Scaly Rash, Thick White Discharge And Abdominal Pain

I have thick white discharge, lower abdominal pain, and white scaly rash and red pimple like bumps near vagina . I took pics but not sure how to upload. Is this a bad yeast infection (I recently had and medicine didn't work) or is this an std!

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