Pregnancy :: Sciatica - Baby Been Pushing My Nerves

My little girl has been pushing on my nerve since i was 11 weeks. (Now 24wks)

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Hemorrhoids :: Gone But Hard Lump Remains?

I am a healthy 26 year old female and i had my first bout of hemorrhoids about a month ago. they came on suddenly with pain, swelling, and itching. i don't remember being constipated prior to the hemorrhoids but i do sit and drive for long periods of time due to work. i treated the roids myself with sitz baths, apple cider vinegar, and witch hazel. i also paid much closer attention to my diet to ensure being regular with a soft stool. it's about 5 weeks later and i feel as though the hemorrhoids are gone, but i believe i am still dealing with a fissure that will bleed just a little bit after a bm. this fissure is located closer to my perineum. i also have a skin tag on my perineum because roids basically stemmed from that area. i continue to have a sore lump (pea sized or smaller) next to the fissure i'm dealing with. it typically hurts more and swells a bit after i have a bm. i'm nervous this is an abscess but i'm wondering if maybe it's an internal hem that just gets swollen after a bm?

additionally after a bm i have a pain in the anal area but it feels a little higher up and like there is a ball inside my anus. i did research on this as well and believe i found a diagnosis that is really close to what i'm experiencing called levator ani syndrome. does anyone know anything about this and if my roids could have caused this condition? i have muscle relaxers in my medicine cabinet because of a back injury. i find that after i have a bm and this pain increases i take a muscle relaxer and the pain subsides...

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Hemorrhoids :: White Hard Bubble By My Butt Hole

I have this white hard bubble right by my butt hole and it don't hurt and its not a pimple its been there for years it hasn't gotten bigger or anything but I'm worried about it's the size of a pea.

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Abortion :: Abort A Baby By Pushing Your Tummy In?

is it possible to abort a child inside of you by pushing your tummy in?

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Sphincter And Penis Pain - Coccyx Is Pushing My Prostate?

I am a 23 year old male and for the last month and a half my gluteal muscles have been hurting. It was about 3 weeks ago, I noticed that my coccyx has was curved more anteriorly than usual. The day after I noticed that my sphincter started hurting as well as experiencing pain in the inside the tip of my penis and i can also feel pain further inside, close to my prostate. Is it possible that my coccyx is pushing my prostate and caused the pain? I've been stressed for the last 6ish months, but other than that I am pretty healthy. Any ideas what is happening?

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Pregnancy :: Hard Breathing At Times

I'll be 20 weeks on Wed. I've been finding it hard to breathe at times. Is that normal?

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Pregnancy :: 27 Weeks And It's Too Hard To Shave

27 weeks and 3 days. I just had the most biggest work out of my life !! I'm so exhausted! I didn't think I would ever finish shaving, I was so close to quitting lmao

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Pregnancy (22 Weeks) :: Uterus Becoming Hard And Hurts

Yesterday I was running (more like a struggled shuffle) across the parking lot and my uterus became rock hard and hurt for about 2 minutes.  I Wasnt in horrible pain but it was weird. Then it happened again today.  Just had adr apt and everything seemed ok. Is this normal?

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Pregnancy - 5 Weeks - Sore And Hard Breast

My boobs have been sore and hard for a week straight since i found out i was pregnant. Now today i wake up and i don't notice any soreness. Im 5 weeks. Should i be worried?

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Pregnancy :: Insomnia- Very Hard Time Falling Asleep

I am 7 weeks along and experiencing insomnia, I'm having a very hard time falling asleep and when I do rest I wake up about once an hour, is anyone else experiencing this problem?

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Pregnancy :: How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids?

Please help

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Pregnancy :: Really Bad Hemorrhoids - Can't Walk And Sit

I'm in my 30th week and this weekend I got really bad hemorrhoids. I couldn't even walk and sit and I'm desperate because I'm doing sitz baths,tucks pad and ice compress and it works one day but the next day I go to the bathroom everything stars again. I don't know what to do... I don't want a surgery !! Does anyone know a very good remedy for this?

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Post Pregnancy Hemorrhoids For Last 2 Years

I am hoping that someone can give me some advice for this ongoing issue I've had. I have had hemorrhoids ever since I was pregnant with my daughter about 2 1/2 years ago. I had a flex sigmoidoscopy 2 weeks ago and they banded 1 internal hemorrhoid. However, I have external piles as well. I have done everything I can to get rid of them but I'm not having much luck. I have been prescribed suppositories and doing those 2x daily, taking miralax to keep my stools soft, fiber pills, water, diet change, sitz bath, and also prescribed a triamcinolone cream that I apply about 5x a day. I'm not having much luck at all. I was hoping that with the banding of the internal hemorrhoid it will help the issue but it hasn't changed anything at all. I feel okay when sitting but after standing for 15 min or longer I start to feel the swelling of the thrombosed hemorrhoids and it's painful and uncomfortable. I went back to the gastroenterologist last week and they said to continue what I was doing and that the hemorrhoid wasn't quite large enough to lance to drain it.

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Pregnancy :: Stool Is Like A Hard Loose Stool

Why does my tummy gets hard (lower left) and like its heavy sometimes? I'm only 18 weeks... Is that something to worry about? And oh my stool is like a hard loose stool too. Is that fine?

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Hemorrhoids :: Internal Hemorrhoids Can Give A Positive FOBT?

Do you know if second degree internal hemorrhoids can give a positive FOBT test if you do not have noticeable blood.

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Hemorrhoids :: Thrombosed Internal Hemorrhoids Not Responding To Injections

My internal hems. are not responding to a doctor's injections. They (3) are not major, but I wish (almost) they would become thrombus so it/they could be cut out. I had that years ago.

The pain is not so great as to cause bleeding, toilet trouble but the pain is there every day for two months.

Putting on ointments in public toilets all the time to cool the pain. Awful. Inconvenient and interferes with daily life.

Gets worse with stress.

Getting desperate, looking online - Venapro. But online wonder-meds never seem to work so I'm sceptical.

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Will It Be Hard To Come Off Diazepam - 2mg Five Day Course

Just started taking this yesterday got 15 2mg tablets only for anxiety and nerve pain caused by neck arthritis, concerned it will be hard to come off them even after this short time.

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Have To Pee Hard After Masturbation

after masterbating I dont pee anymore like the first times you masterbate, I have to force myself to pee after it, and I think there are only few sperms coming out, like almost 1 teaspoon comes out only or maybe half of it. Is there something wrong with me? or am I just being paranoid?

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Cracked A Rib From Coughing Too Hard?

I have had a chronic cough for 4 weeks now and still coughing. Just yesterday after I coughed, my right side rib was hurting alot. It hurts to move, breathe, and cough. The pain also goes to my back on the right side and up to my armpit. Is it possible that I have cracked a rib from coughing too hard?

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