Hemorrhoids :: Small Lump Right On The Opening Of My Anus

I have discovered a small lump right on the opening of my anus.

It is about the size of a pea and looks almost blue or black in colour.

It feels exactly the same as a pea - solid behind the skin covering it.

I am extremely worried as I don’t know what it is. It is very sore, especially when passing stools.

Initially it wasn't painful at all and now it is. Yesterday I got it little open using surgical blade and small amount of blood came out.

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Hemorrhoids ? Swollen Anus - Now Pea Sized Lump On Opening

I have had a swollen anus for about 2 months now, it was painful to begin with and then settled down but now there is a little pea-sized lump on the anal opening that is tender. I can push it back in and it usually come out on the toilet along with some swelling. My knickers are wet today, also with slight urge to itch anal area. What could this be? Is it haemorrhoids? How should I treat it?

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Hemorrhoids :: A Lump/cyst Looking Thing On The Opening Of My Anus

I am a 28 year old male. I have a lump/cyst looking thing on the left opening of my anus. It was red in color yesterday and very sore. Today when I got off work, I found that half of it is black. It bleeds very little ( only when wiping) and I am not sure if it leaking some clear fluid or not. It is about the size of a quarter. Is there any diagnosis you could give me. Or possible home remedies to try and fix the problem.

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Tonsil Cyst :: Flesh Coloured Raised Oval Shaped Lump?

9 months ago I saw a small flesh coloured raised oval shaped lump on my right tonsil, went doctors and was told nothing to worry about. Had a few sore throats since then (which I'm prone to), the dentist's last week was told bad decay in right lower molar, asked dentist to check lump as it was still there, again told nothing to worry about. Got home and felt throat a little sore, had a look and noticed the area next to the lump was also swollen a bit, freaked out, back to doctors who now referred to ENT, claiming he couldn't see lump 9 months ago while asking if I'd lost appetite/weight. Anyway then both my kids also came down with sore throat/virus thing, so I thought maybe the second swelling was just tonsillitis... then my uvula felt sore, still does a bit.. throat not that sore now but BOTH lumps still there. The second swelling goes into the bottom of tonsil crypt... I am praying it's somehow connected to tooth decay, or the first lump is maybe a cyst which is somehow draining into the tonsil via the second lump and into the crypt, but googled too much and now so anxious about cancer. Has anyone else had anything like this?

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Spot Like Lump Next To My Anus

I have a small spot like lump next to my anus and I have no idea what it could be. I am so embarrassed to go to my doctor straight away and was wondering if anyone could be of service?

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Penis :: Flesh Coloured Bumps/spots On Shaft - Fordyce Spots?

I have flesh coloured bumps on the shaft of my penis i haven't been sexually active so i have read that it's rare that they are genital warts but i'm still scared, i am hoping that they are just fordyce spots ...

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Lump On My Anus Which Is Extremely Sore

I have a small lump on my anus which is extremely sore. I was hoping to get some advice of a diagnosis and treatment required to get rid if it. I have recently had anal sex. It's almost like a swollen blood vein that has popped out.

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Opening Near Anus - Hemorrhoid Cream?

For the last 1 or 2 days I have had a painful lump on the skin around my anus. It is about a centimetre away from the opening but still on the anus part. It doesn't hurt sitting but on occasion you notice it is there.

I thought it might be a spot, but then started reading about Hemorrhoids.

When I went to the toilet shortly ago after I defecated I wiped and there was quite a lot of dark red blood on the toilet tissue. The pain was sort of gone then, like it had released the pressure. I immediately applied germolene to it as that seemed like the best product to use from the house.

My questions...Do you think that sounds like Hemorrhoids? Is the likelihood it will go away on its own if I drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruit? Should I go out and buy some Hemorrhoid cream from the supermarket?

I have never had this before. I have not had irregular bowel movements, diarrhea or constipation recently although have had IBS symptoms on and off for years now. This lump is in no way connected to the inside of my anus. It felt like the size of a pea, maybe slightly smaller.

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Hemorrhoids :: White Hard Bubble By My Butt Hole

I have this white hard bubble right by my butt hole and it don't hurt and its not a pimple its been there for years it hasn't gotten bigger or anything but I'm worried about it's the size of a pea.

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Women's Health :: Lump Near Vaginal Opening?

I discovered I have a lump never the opening of my vagina. It is very sore and I have had irregular discharge, it's thick and a lot of it.

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Black Lump On Labia Next To Vaginal Opening

About 4 months ago I found a black mark on my labia, next to vaginal opening, it isn't painful, and hasn't changed size or colour during the time I've know it is there. Yesterday a lump appeared next to my clitorus it hurts when touched, is quite firm and is the same colour as surrounding skin. Will it go away? Is there something wrong with me? Please help I am really worried, oh and I am 15, not sure if that helps.

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Sexual Health Women :: A Lump On The Opening Of My Vagina

I often get spots down there due to ingrown hairs and stuff yesterday I noticed a lump on the opening of my vagina its very sore and soiled nothing like I have had before doesn't look like a spot I am going to try get in my doctors this week.

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Vaginal Health :: Small Lump At The Opening Of My Vagina

This is embarrassing but I found a pea sized lump in my vagina. I'm still a virgin and I have my period and have had them for about 3 years and their normal but I first noticed this when I tried to use a tampon but it hurt. And then a few days ago I tried to finger myself (my friend suggested that I shout try it) and I only used one finger and I felt small bumps and it felt like when I tried to use the tampon... But like I said I have never had sex and the pea sized lump freaks me out heaps and I'm not sure if its because I'm a virgin or yeah please help me I'm to scared to see a doctor or tell my mother!!!

Also my hymen doesn't fully cover my vagina "hole" but it looks small but yeah anyways.

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Sexual Health - Women :: Lump Near Urethral Opening

I have a lump near my urethral opening (left side) however it doesn't hurt. it seems on the outside of my skin not inside. when you look at it, it barely noticeable. But once you feel the skin, you feel the lump. I just noticed it, so it wasn't there before. smaller than the size of a dime

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Vaginal / Uterus Health :: Lump At The Opening Of Vagina

I am 26 year old virgin and having vaginal infection, it was swollen and itchy with thick white odorless discharge. I went to gynecologist and told symptoms without any examination cause i was requested her not to do so and she gave me candistat for candida infection treatment. Now the itchiness and discharge is almost gone, swelling is no more but it is reddish pink from inside what i checked by taking images, and I can see a lump kinda thing at the opening. I am afraid if it is some kind of bad lump that need some attention. I can attach the image here.

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Vaginal Health :: Fleshy Lump In Vagina Near The Opening

I have a fleahy lumpy feeling bump on the inside of my vagina its near the vaginal opening not far in, it causes no pain but it worry's me. It just recently appeared or I haven't noticed it. I am not 21 yet spo I can't have a pap but I am sexually active.

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Vaginal Health :: Fleshy Lump Opening Of Vagina

I'm 15 and I have this weird fleshy bump in the entrance of my vagina. I am a virgin, although I do masterbate and know that I have broken my hymen. It doesn't hurt when touched but if I press on it , I feel like I'm gonna pee. Is it my g-spot? It is also visible to the eye. It sort of looks like a bulge.

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STDs :: Lump On My Penis And A Swollen Urethral Opening?

16 year old male here. I have a big lump on my penis just under the neck, on the top of the shaft, and my external urethral meatus appears to be swollen. Whenever I masturbate, the big lump starts to hurt.

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Vaginal Health :: Lump Between My Urethra And Vulva Opening Is

I'm 17 years old and I am not sexual active and I am a virgin. I have an important question about my body, my hymen to be exact. At least I think so. Anyways for years I've always had this lump looking thing between my urethra and the top of my vaginal opening, it's soft, I think it only hurts a little when it's touched with dry skin which is hardly, It's never bothered me but lately I've been wondering if that's even suppose to be there, I urinate fine without pain or burning and I get my period normally too. Now to describe it better, there's my urethra and then connected is the lump that's fairly large, not BIG but if a doctor checked me; its impossible not to see, then it connects inside with my vaginal opening but just the top of it, then I have a normal vaginal opening below it, and I can see what looks like my hymen, looks normal to me there. I've used tampons with no problems and such but I'm thinking if I have sex in the future, it would be painful or impossible to just pass it without rubbing it which would hurt I'm thinking. So about 2 years back I went to the doctors because I was sure I had a yeast infection, they checked me out down there and did a pap smear, I didn't mention the lump because I was there for another reason but the doctor also didn't say anything about it so I had been relieved and thought it must be normal then but when she put the metal thing during the pap smear; I felt it hit the lump and it hurt but then after she pulled out; I felt no pain at all, but then I think about how it would be if I had sex in the future and how it might be a problem, I just can't figure out what it is. I'm thinking of just getting a pelvic exam in general and have my doctor just check that all out to make sure I'm fine but I honestly feel completely alright and just want to know what it is.

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