Sexual Health Men :: Anal Sex After Anal Wart Removal?

I had surgery for HPV/anal warts in March 2012, and have since been unable to engage in anal sex. I've seen my doctor several times (another appointment next week) and he says that it's fine for me to have sex, and that I should do some dilation on my own at home. Well, I've been trying to do the dilation, but I can't even get a small anal plug to fully go in. It's as if there's a restriction up there--which can be felt, it's similar to a ring, and it feels like a scar tissue of some sort...

Anyway, I'm just looking to find some people who have had similar experiences, and am looking to hear from people who have had this problem and maybe have had some better results in terms of having sex again. It's really bumming me out. I'm 23 and I feel like this problem is going to linger with me forever.

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Intercourse / Orgasm :: Anal Sex Linked With Anal Cancer

anal sex has been implicated in the development of Non-Cancerous anal HPV and anal warts, which will result in a increased incidence of anal cancer.Treatment of anal HPV-associated disease depends on the diagnosis, location, and size or amount of disease.

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Anal Herpes Vs. Anal Fissure?

I'm kinda freaking out and would like some advice before I head to the doctor in a couple days.  Felt a sore on my anus when wiping and looked and saw what looked like a small cut when checking and thought it was from aggressive wiping or from when I was doing squats at gym.  Couple days later cut is still there maybe bigger, but that may be from irritating it every time I have to wipe.  Do also have what appears to be a hemorrhoid, and itches occasionally though that might just be because I can't stop think about it.  I am sexually active but have always been safe and never shown symptoms anywhere else on body before. 

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HIV Transmission Is Possible With Condoms?

HIV is possible with condoms?

I was with a prostitute 25 days ago ago never before had, in fact it was a very big stupidity and I'm sorry from the bottom I had both oral and vaginal intercourse with condom is not broke, according to what I saw at day 20 did 2 test HIV duo combo both came back negative.

this is conclusive?

You need more evidence?

transmission is possible using condoms?

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Transmission Of Meth During Sex Via Ejaculation?

I have been with my husband for 27 years, he claims he does not use meth but I know he has since we first meth, he quits off and on, but I am afraid he is using more now again. My concern is that he ejaculates inside me, and I am now unable to sleep, I have mood swings and get very angry and have a short temper, my appetite is decreasing etc. is it possible that the meth is in his sperm and is affecting me? I really feel like something's very wrong I feel like I'm "tripping" afterward. I am not a drug user and do not ever want to be but I'm afraid he is putting it in my system.

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Herpes :: Genital HSV 1 Transmission Without Outbreak?

How common is it to transmit genital HSV1 through genital to genital contact only having sex once with no outbreak? I am a female who is worried about transmitting hsv1 genitally to a partner whom I only had sex with once. Any insight in this?

I have had genital hsv1 for 3 years.

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STDs :: Possibilities Of Genital HSV 1 Transmission?

I am a woman in my early twenties. About four months ago, my former partner had a small cold sore on his lip (at the time I didn't realize it was a cold sore), and he preformed oral sex on me.  About a week after this incident, I got a fever and noticed a few painful bumps around the opening of my vagina. I also got a few sores inside my mouth (nothing visible, just painful), but they didn't look like typical lip blisters, so I am not sure if I ever even got oral HSV 1 from the incident. I saw my gynecologist and she preformed a swab of the genital lesions a few days later. It came back positive for HSV 1. I went on valtrex to get rid of the lesions, and they disappeared on my genitals in about a week. Since then, I have had no outbreaks anywhere on my body. Additionally, I am taking 500 mg of valacyclovir every single night. I am now having regular unprotected oral and vaginal sex with a non- herpes partner.  I have not told him about my condition.

How possible is it that I give him HSV 1 if I am without symptoms (valtrex one a day, but no condoms)?

-What is the probability that I spread the virus genital to genital?
-What is the probability that I spread the virus genital to oral?
-What is the probability that I spread the virus oral to genital?
-How does my use of valtrex affect these probabilities?

I am shocked that there is little research about the HSV-1 shedding and transmission rates, because this has become such a common phenomenon. Even though my doctor and OBGYN strongly advise me to tell all future partners about this, I am skeptical to tell my partner that I have genital HSV-1 for many reasons. First and foremost, I know about 60% of people already have the antibodies protecting them against the virus, which means if my partner has it, he can't become re-infected. Also, because I have the virus removed from the site of preference, it is even less likely for me to spread the virus.  Additionally, I am taking a suppressant medication, which cuts shedding rates even more. I am very careful to not have sex during outbreaks. Therefore, I feel that me telling him I have HSV 1 would only cause unnecessary emotional turbulence for a statistically improbable event. Genital herpes is surrounded by all sorts of stigma no matter what kind it is. Chances are, if I tell him I have GHSV 1, all he will process (like any early twenty year old man) is the fact that I herpes. In reality, me disclosing this information would cause more harm than good to the relationship. It would be the equivalent of someone who occasionally gets cold sores to inform any person they ever kiss that they have HSV-1, and we all know that no one really does that.

Any answer to the questions posed above would be great, because there is so little information online about rates of asymptomatic shedding from female to male for GHSV 1.

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Liver :: Hepatitis Transmission Due To Mouth Sores?

Can I get hepatitis due to sucking of breast that could be bleeding not noticeable but may be. Also kindly explain the chances of transmission due to sores in mouth. I have dark greenish light brown combo urine in the mornings but rest of day it is light diluted colorless green due to drinking water, I am taking also b complex tablets.

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Herpes :: Giving Oral And Genital HSV 1 Transmission Risk

I contracted HSV1 genitally 16 months ago from someone who was not aware that cold sores were a manifestation of herpes. I've not been sexually active since, but recently met a guy who I disclosed to because things were clearly going to get more intimate. He's been very understanding and accepting, but obviously nervous too. He was tested after I told him about my situation and definitely does not have anything. Last night I gave him oral, but want reassurance that he will not contract HSV1 through oral sex. Of course today he is super nervous and sees difference on his penis and is generally paranoid. I am going to have a face to face with him, but want to be as knowledgeable as possible and quite frankly its confusing. Some places I read that it can't be transmitted if i give oral because i have it genitally. Other places it seems anything is fair game as far as transmitting. Does anyone have information from a reputable source regarding the safety of my giving oral or the transmission rates of any sexual acts?

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Herpes :: Asymptomatic Transmission Of HSV1 To Monogomous Male Partner

BF of 1.5 years recently had his first OB, culture came back positive (they didn't test for which type)  [I go in Monday to have routine blood work, going to request them add HSV 2] Physician did not treat him for  HSV as his 3 ulcers did not appear to be HSV to the provider. His ulcers were painless however his malaise, fever and chills night sweats for 5 days bout did him in. II have HSV1 since a child. I Have not had an oral outbreak for 5 months. I am very particular and persistently cautious at the first sign of lip tingle, as I  how contagious herpes virus is and outbreaks are frustrating.  Even through all my meticulous behaviors,  he recently contracted HSV1 genital. I am hypothesizing from oral sex 12 days prior while I was menstruating I must of have been shedding oral HSV1 without any OB sign whatsoever. ( generally I break out during menstruration in the past) timeline is the best fit his IgG is neg leading me to believe a brand new infection for him. I am devastated that without an active oral outbreak I spread this to my partner.
Lifestyle, eating and supplement habits to read up on to prevent future genital outbreaks for him?

How often is HSV1 oral shedding asymptomatic?

How likely am I to get it HsV1 genital from him now?

Are there any additional precautions to take the first year beside condom use, no sex during any hint or active breakout?

Over the years will be begin to shed the virus less?

Thank you

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Herpes :: Asymptomatic Gentintal Herpes Transmission To Mouth By Oral Sex?

Recently found out that I have genital herpes. It's scaring me because I'm a lesbian and I feel like I will never be able to have sex again. I have a couple of questions.

I'm in a relationship with a woman, would she contract herpes by giving me oral sex when I don't have an "outbreak"? Can she contract the virus orally?

What's are the risks and probabilities?

Can you have herpes 1 in your genitals or is it only herpes 2 in your genitals. What does this really mean?

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Hemorrhoids Removal :: Will I Be Able To Do Anal Sex Afterwards?

I've been trying to cure my piles pharmacologically for two weeks, but it didn't help. Now, my doctor said that I should remove them using some of non-surgical procedures like rubber banding ligation or photocoagulation. My problem is that I'm a gay bottom and I'm afraid if I will be able to have anal sex after these procedures (how long will I have to wait), and which procedure would be the best for me in my case (I thought about rubber banding ligation). I would appreciate the most answers from people who had one of these kinds procedures and then normally had anal intercourses.

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Hemorrhoids :: Lump After Anal Sex?

I had anal sex for the first time 2 days ago. We used a condom but we skipped the lube part. I'm not sure how far he got as it was painful and we stopped.

The morning after I went to the bathroom for #2 (been a little constipated for the past few days) and there a small amount of blood when I wiped. I also just noticed a pea sized lump just outside the anus. It's pink/purple/skin colored and sensitive to touch. I also feel discomfort when I sit or go to the toilet but it's bearable.

Is this consistent with hemorrhoids?

What can I do about it and when should I see a doctor (I don't have an insurance yet)?

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Anal Fissure Or Hemorrhoids?

So I'm in a spot of bother. But first a brief back story (excuse the pun!):

I live in South Korea and around 3 months ago i had really bad stomach pains, vomiting blood, feeling like death etc. Now, being in a foreign country where English isn't spoken too much i was very scared and went to A&E straight away and pretty much got a whole menagerie of tests including a colon and endoscopy. The doctors had a good look around and found nothing wrong. The vomiting stopped almost as quickly as it began and my stomach pain vanished. 

However, a few weeks later i started passing stool that was very painful and then started seeing a lot of blood. It was everywhere; in my stool, when i wiped and even (and most alarmingly) dripping straight from my anus. This was a very distressing time for me, I couldn't even get intelligible feedback from the doctors (no ones fault i should add!). Anyway, after another round of 'scopys they found I had a Hiatal Hernia! 

- My first question is has anyone else here been diagnosed with a Hiatal Hernia??

So this explained the stomach pain and through my own research/assumption/vague doctor explanation this most probably caused constipation, stress, straining and eventually resulted in blood flowing freely from my back side. The doctors previously couldn't see hemorrhoids or anal fissures. But after one particularly bloody episode I returned to AE and they said, without tests being carried out, i had either internal hemorrhoids or an acute anal fissure.

So my questions are;

-How do you know the difference?

-Without another (expensive) colonoscopy will I be able to tell?

-Do Hemorrhoids exaggerate into (or cause) anal fissures? 

-Are the treatments for each condition different?

-Is this a lifetime issue now I've got it?

I know what you're thinking; why don't i ask a doctor. Well its not that easy (or cheap) and i figured someone here probably had the same questions and got decent answers (in english) they might want to share?

Also, happy(ish) ending; I rarely see blood anymore, except after a particularly hard stool, and only then its when i wipe and no dripping. I put this down to a few things.I started eating a LOT more fiber, i was trying to maintain 35g of the stuff a day which equated to 1 banana, 2 large apples (200g) and 300g of sweet potato (skin on). 3 - 4 litres of water a day too. At the height of my pain i would have a spoonful of olive oil first thing in the morning, followed by a sitz bath and the MAIN thing is squatting while passing, i cannot recommend this last point enough!

I'm actually experiencing a bit of pain at the moment but i'm putting this down to having a couple of weeks off my regime. Alcohol and fried/salty food should be avoided for prolonged periods it seems! Also for those of you that work out, avoid lower back exercises, or at least go light on the weights in that area.

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Bleeding Hemorrhoids After Anal Sex

i am a bisexual boy and i have hemorrhoids and when i have sex with my boyfriend it's so painful(i am a but) and after or during the sex may anus bleeds after sex i usually wash my anus with betadine and after that with shower gel and then i use an anti hemorrhoids suppository i wanna know if it helps and i f i'm doing the right thing after having anal sex?

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STDs :: Anal Gonorrhea?

I had unprotected anal sex (giving and receiving) and caught gonorrhea over a month ago. Had burning on urination and penis discharge especially in the morning. I received treatment and symptoms subsided from the urinary tract. However, I'm suspecting a persistent rectal problem. There is discomfort with bowel movements, and faeces are greenish brown and not solid (abit leafy almost). I live in an extremely homophobic country, so theres no way I can get checked for a possible anal STD without the risk or persecution. Please advise. Should I repeat the treatment for a 3rd time? Is the bacteria becoming resistant?

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Pruritus Ani :: Anal Itching For A While Now

I have been suffering from anal itching for a while now, and have noticed some abnormalities, and i'm really worried. However i am a teen and unable to get to the doctors without asking my parent, which would then mean i'd have to inform them of the reason, and im too embarrassed to do so, further more im unsure whether there are female doctors at my clinic, so i haven't said anything.

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Men :: Can I Orgasm From Anal Stimulation?

How can I orgasim from anal masturbation only. I'm a male

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Yeast Infection In The Anal Area?

Has anyone ever heard of or experienced or is there even such a thing of having a yeast infection in the anal area?

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