STDs Gay :: Gonorrhea Reinfection (anal Sex)

I met my boyfriend this summer, and after a while we decided to have anal sex. We went unprotected and after some days I had a clear discharge. It went like that about two weeks before I got tested. I did a full test for STDs and gonorrhea came back positive, my partner had it all negative.

Our doctor prescribed only for me an injection of ceftriaxone 250mg and 10 days of longamicine. My partner didn't take anything.

After some weeks we had sex again and I got reinfected, I had burning coming back again, a yeast infection, and dicharges, and a very painful testicule and very itchy at the same time. My doctor gave me the same treatment as before and my  boyfriend took it too.

After two weeks, I had clear discharge coming back again and we didn't have sex at all since the last incident. No itching, no pain, just a clear discharge which sometime is white. My doctor gave me this time Cipro 500 mg for 5 days to clear everything, but it didn't stop at all.

I want to go for a test again but would the results be accurate after 2 weeks of the last treatment (with Cipro) or should I wait longer ?

I am really concerned about those last discharges as it might cause big damages.

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STDs :: Can Gonorrhea Present Itself Before 24 Hours?

Can Gonorrhea present itself before 24 hours?

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STDs :: Prostatitis Developed After Gonorrhea

Few years ago, i was diagnosed with gonorrhea and I was left untreated for 1.5 months.

Later, my symptom of gonorrhea has gone. However, symptoms of prostatitis developed and lasted till now (its almost
3 years). I have taken so many antibiotics for a year. But finally they seemed useless to my pain of prostatitis (so i quit it). Now the symptoms are mild. But it really bothers me. I have thought to suicide, because I think i am still contagious of STD. I am afraid gonorrhea is hiding in my prostate, causing prostatitis.

I have done so many tests (PCR of semen, prostatic fluid). They came back neg. However, I wonder if these tests are false neg (because the false neg reports made me left untreated my problem of gonorrhea. I am afraid i would pass STD to my gf...I am afraid i could not father a child..these problems annoy me so much..Sometimes i would think its better to die rather than suffer..can someone professional or experienced help me?

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STDs :: Gonorrhea - Unprotected Oral From CSW

I'm very anxious, I am a male, after receiving unprotected oral sex from a female sex worker:

What is  the likelihood of getting gonorrhea particularly if this female had throat/oral gonorrhea ?

My symptoms are itching penile head and a sore throat / loss of voice

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STDs :: Gonorrhea After Fellatio (oral) Symptoms?

I received fellatio 11 days ago, and after about 2 days, intermittently, I would feel a slight sting at the end of my penis, and then  in the last few days, it has become a bit worse when I urinate.. Not unbearable, mind you, but very noticeable..

I also noticed tonight a little bit of white discharge.

I have researched symptoms to death, and I cannot seem to find any answers to questions like:

If you have burning when urinating (as some people are asymptomatic) does it burn

a) every time you urinate?

b) if you aren't drinking enough water, and maybe it is more acidic? (Sometimes it doesn't sting at all, I mean, until this morning, I was 24 hours without symptoms

c) for the duration of the pee? (for me it just happens at the end, and for a little bit after)

If there is discharge, is it constant, or could it perhaps just happen a few times a day?

Every site also says that it should be treated ASAP to avoid complications.. exactly how long does this mean? It causes problems after 2 weeks? 2 months? None give a time frame.

A doctor prescribed me 250mg Ciprofloxacin 3x a day.. I am on day 3, but it seems to be getting worse..

- Even though the clap is indicated for this, many sites also say that due to resistant strains, this stuff is pretty useless..

And the big question - is it possible to have a strain, which is simply not treatable, for the rest of my life? (or is just just a matter of bombarding my body with more and stronger medications until it goes away?

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STDs :: White Fluid Discharge From Penis - Gonorrhea?

I had unprotected sex and i was tested for HIV for three months mark and at 10 th month mark results showed up negative.But after that i felt itching in anus white fluid discharge from penis still i can see white fluid comes out.I have read that symptoms are that of gonorrhea still i have not been tested yet im scared my knee joints are paining loosing my hair also.

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STDs :: Gonorrhea With Throat Infection - Antibiotics Will Cover Both?

I was diagnosed with gonorrhea by a urine test. The doctor gave an injection/shot and some antibiotics. I am afraid that I also have this bacteria is also in my throat. I want to know if the shot and the antibiotics will kill the bacteria in all my body or if need more antibiotics or another kind?

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STDs :: Gonorrhea Or Chlamydia - Pain And Burning While Urination

i'm having right testicle and vas deferens pain from 2 months. i went to the doctor he had given me antibiotics.

after taking the medicine for 1 week, now i'm feeling Burning during urination, this used to happen some time in past to months occasionally but now it always burn while i urinate.

my left lower pains a lot. occasionally i'm getting blood stool also.

i'm not getting any type of discharge from my penis

Is this gonorrhea or chlamydia.

kindly let me know what type of urine test should i have to get.

i'm already on antibiotics, if get tested will the test negative because of antibiotics.

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STDs :: Gonorrhea/Chlamydia? Testicle Pain, Urge To Urinate And Watery Ejaculate

I keep on urinating and I have some random pains in my pubic area, hips, testicles. The pain is very mild, like just pushing your thumb on your hipbone.

I keep on urinating, especially after drinking to glasses of water. In less than five minutes I have the urge to urinate. No pain and no discharge but my ejaculate is watery.

I also have this sore throat, my throat feels rough when I swallow on nothing but it doesn't hurt when I swallow food.

Is it possible that I got this from a handjob I got from a prostitute more than a week ago?

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STDs Risk In Anal Massage

I went for a massage at a Mumbai based Massage parlour. She gave me a very non sexual massage except that every now and then kept massaging the outside of my anus as well. Its been two days and I have a swollen lymph node on my perineum and tenderness on both my lower buttocks. The masseuse was fully clothed and I didn't touch her genitals or the other way round except the anal massage as mentioned above. Please advise. Also its v painful and I find difficulty in sitting.

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STDs :: Risk After Anal Rimming

I recently had protected sex with an escort(I am quite sure the condom is not broken). During the process i rimmed her anal for few mins. After couple of days i am having throat infection and slight fever. Could this be because of any STD ? What are the chances of me contacting any STD through this action ? Is it possible that I might have contacted any serious STDs like HIV etc. I am quite sure that she didn't have any rashes , sores or any kind in her anal, she was pretty clean. I don't have nausea , vomiting or stomach ache. Please advise me what i should be doing , i don't want to pass something serious to my family.

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STDs :: Vaginal And Anal Chlamydia? Both Will Be Cured?

During one of my sexual encounters, the guy I was with slipped up and stuck his penis in my butt by accident. I ended up becoming infected vaginally with chlamydia and I had tested positive for herpes 1. I don't know if he was the one that infected me, but would I have also gotten it in my butt then as well if he was infected? I took doxycycline for 7 days, 2 times a day and cured myself of chlamydia vaginally. Would that have cured it in my butt as well if I had become infected there?

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STDs :: Unprotected Oral And Anal Sex - Headache And Sore Throat

I'm 20 years I've CP and I wanted to have sex with a girl

I went to a hooker

I had protected sex with her. But unprotected oral sex for both anal and vagina... Now I've headache and sore throat. Gives me goosebumps really scared

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Sexual Health Men :: Anal Sex After Anal Wart Removal?

I had surgery for HPV/anal warts in March 2012, and have since been unable to engage in anal sex. I've seen my doctor several times (another appointment next week) and he says that it's fine for me to have sex, and that I should do some dilation on my own at home. Well, I've been trying to do the dilation, but I can't even get a small anal plug to fully go in. It's as if there's a restriction up there--which can be felt, it's similar to a ring, and it feels like a scar tissue of some sort...

Anyway, I'm just looking to find some people who have had similar experiences, and am looking to hear from people who have had this problem and maybe have had some better results in terms of having sex again. It's really bumming me out. I'm 23 and I feel like this problem is going to linger with me forever.

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Intercourse / Orgasm :: Anal Sex Linked With Anal Cancer

anal sex has been implicated in the development of Non-Cancerous anal HPV and anal warts, which will result in a increased incidence of anal cancer.Treatment of anal HPV-associated disease depends on the diagnosis, location, and size or amount of disease.

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Anal Herpes Vs. Anal Fissure?

I'm kinda freaking out and would like some advice before I head to the doctor in a couple days.  Felt a sore on my anus when wiping and looked and saw what looked like a small cut when checking and thought it was from aggressive wiping or from when I was doing squats at gym.  Couple days later cut is still there maybe bigger, but that may be from irritating it every time I have to wipe.  Do also have what appears to be a hemorrhoid, and itches occasionally though that might just be because I can't stop think about it.  I am sexually active but have always been safe and never shown symptoms anywhere else on body before. 

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Correlation Of HIV And Gonorrhea?

I was  recently diagnosed with Gonorrhea, the doctor gave me antibiotics. I was also got tested for HIV and the result was negative. But right now, I am terrified because CDC links gonorrhea and hiv co-infection. I don't exactly when I got the gonorrhea, but I believe maybe within 2 months only, and I got treated. My question is, was there a chance that I might have been exposed to HIV as well? assuming the person who gave me gonorrhea was also co-infected with HIV? I am very terrified now as the negative result I got from HIV was too soon, and the test might have not picked up. Please advise on this as I'm really scared. The past 3 months I only performed unprotected oral sex, no orgasm inside my mouth, but there could have been cuts and I didn't notice. I had done oral sex with different persons lately. What are the chances of me getting the HIV as well?

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Advice On Chlamydia And Gonorrhea?

I have a girlfriend, about a month ago I had sex outside my relationship with an escort.  The condom broke. I was worried about chlamydia and gonorrhea immediately. Although I never got any kind of burning sensation or coloured discharge.

few days after the encounter I saw my GP and asked him for treatment, without testing. A positive test result cold potentially have devastating effect and word would get out believe it or not. So the doctor gave me a course of azithromycin for 5 days along with a course of doxycycline for a week.

Two weeks after that I found our that the medicine he gave me does not cure gonorrhea only chlamydia. Also at the same time I was told by my girlfriend that she thinks she has a yeast infection. to be on the safe side I treated her and myself again with cefixime 400 for 1 week and 1 gram of azithromycin on the first day followed by 500mg the second day.

We are now a week on from that treatment, and I still have doubts about myself. My girlfriend's "yeast infection" has cleared up almost completely. But for me I have a weird feeling in my penis, almost like a slight itchiness inside. Also I feel as if there is always a drop left that I need to squeeze out, and when I do squeeze it I get the teeniest drop of clear fluid that comes out, also my testicles feel itchy (not sure if this is related). At first I just thought it was my mind overthinking and me worrying that was doing this... but now I'm quite sure that things are not normal

I dont want this to ruin our relationship as we have two children together, and I need any treatment to happen in secret. I can get my hands on any medication that is required quite easily.

1- What do I do about myself? Is there any additional meds I need to take? Do I need the intramusclar injection of Ceftriaxone??

2- Do I need to do anything about my girlfriend? especially since I cant tell her what has happened for the sake of our kids!! Is she fine if she is symptom free? Could she be cured with the course of antibiotics I gave her?  Please note she also took anti fungal meds at the same time.

Would really appreciate any advice I could get.

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Gonorrhea :: Have I Infected My Girlfriend?

month of Feb 2014 i have sex with my ex girlfriend month of March 2014 i have white discharge every morning, pain in urinating and itchy sensation go to urologist and he said i have gonorrhea without any test, he describe me an injection and medicine 2x a day for 1 week. the symptoms gone and after a month its there again, then my doctor describe again a medicine, then symptoms are gone again then few months its there again. few months without taking anymore medicine the symptoms are gone. i thought i have no gonorrhea. then

month of May 2015 i have a girlfriend we always have sex, he had no symptoms of gonorrhea in past months until when we 8 months {month of January 2016} we have sex and a day after we sex she said she's pain while and after urinating and itchy inside of her vagina. (note: she have 2 ex boyfriend that she have sex with before we. 1st relationship; they both virgin, 2nd: the guy is virgin)

*and i have no other sexual partner, im loyal to her
*i have no symptoms of gonorrhea for almost 2 years

Question:1. have i infected her? my gonorrhea is still there?

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