Bowel Disorder :: Sphincter Leakage?

Anyone out there have problems w/ the sphincter? Like "leakage"?

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Bowel Disorder :: Tear In My Internal Sphincter

I was told yesterday I have a 180 tear in my internal sphincter ,I am going back next week for a meeting with the Dr. & to make plans for repair,has anyone else had this done. How was the recovery?

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Bowel Disorder :: Anal Fistula Recurrence

So I have had an issue with fissures in the past, due to being on pain meds for pancreatitis for months and cooccurrent constipation. I have already had one surgery to heal the fissure, and it seemed to work. So when I started have that same burning pain when I had a BM I assumed that was what it was. I became really used to it, and it went on for a LONG time. Flash forward to now. I noticed a couple weeks back what looked like pus on my toilet paper when I wiped after urinating, and was freaked out. I pushed on the area near my anus and more pus came out. I assumed my fissure got infected somehow and left it alone. It happened again, this time I was home so I grabbed a hand mirror and looked down there. I saw a bloody spot that was leaking blood slowly about 1 inch from my anus, and I freaked out. I had NO idea what it was, so I googled it and looks like it may be a fistula. It seems to "close up" and go away for a while, then I can smell something and when I go the bathroom I am leaking a little bit of blood/pus from the hole. Seems to happen randomly, its opening doesn't seem to have any correlation with when I have a BM and BM's aren't bloody typically. I have been using anti bacterial soap down there frequently now and I can feel what feels like a ridge under the skin running from the hole to my anus if that makes any sense?

I am completely embarrassed. I am 28 years old and a female, someone who doesn't even leave the house without makeup and this situation is so bad. It smells, I feel like I smell 24/7 (nobody has mentioned it but I feel like I do) and I am almost too embarrassed to go to the doctor. Doesn't help that I am overweight, and though I am meticulously clean (I even use a bidet) I feel like somehow the doctor will judge me as a gross fat girl.

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Lump Popping Out Of Anal Sphincter

About 3 Months ago i experienced some discomfort after going to the toilet (#2's), and noticed i had a small lump just outside my anus. It seemed like it went away, but everytime i go #2's it comes back out. Recently it's gotten a fair bit larger, and i believe there's a second one there too. Today, it seems like the larger one doesn't go back in, so it's constantly outside my anus and constantly hurts because it's chaffing between my bottom.. I haven't noticed any bleeding, and it is usually pain free because it goes back into my anus.

The lumps aren't overly hard, i can put a bit of pressure on them by squeezing, but i haven't tried to pop them or anything like that, afraid what may happen.

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HIV Prevention :: Penis Against Anal Sphincter

Yesterday, I had an encounter with a guy I don't know very well. He told me he was HIV- and he didn't have any STD. We kissed a lot and engaged in protected anal sex. He ejaculated and removed the condom. It was intact and seemed perfect. 30 minutes later, we began to frottage. He rubbed his penis around my anus and then pushed in against my anal sphincter like he was trying to put it in without condom. I felt the pressure and told him to stop immediately so he did. I'm not sure but 1/3 of his penis glans might get in between my sphincter but definitely not get through it. It was like 2 or 3 seconds. He might have some Pre-ejaculation too. Am I at risk? Should I go for PEP?

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Hemorrhoids :: Bean Sized Lump Around My Anal Sphincter

Hello. Today While showering, I noticed I have a strange bean sized lump around my anal sphincter. The lump moves under my skin when I touch it, and seems to not be stationary. The lump appears to be white in color, although I admittedly have had trouble getting a good look at it.

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Sexual Health - Women :: Anal Sphincter Bump After Shaving

I have a bump on my anal sphincter. I have no stds, have never had anal sex, and I have never had a hemorrhoid. I hope I do not have one so I would like more information. It just appeared about a week ago. I did shave down there the night before and had sex that night but its a normal routine so I don't understand why I have it. Could it be a cut from my razor that could have gotten infected because of friction? But its not white. Same color as my skin. Could it be a pimple? I don't see a head anywhere on it. Is it a hemorrhoid? I haven't done anything different that would cause that.

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Colostomy - Weak Anal Sphincter / Sacral Nerve Damage

I have diarrhoea all the time since having my gallbladder removed 30 years ago, i now have sacral nerve damage which has caused my annal sphincter to weaken so i now suffer from incontinence. I have been told i may need a colostomy, does anyone out there have one or faecal incontinence.

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Anal Sphincter Repair / Rectovaginal Fistula - 4th Degree Tear During Pregnancy

Two weeks ago I underwent an anal sphincter repair as well as a rectovaginal fistula repair. I had a fourth degree tear at the birth of my second baby 9 months ago and as a result of this needed this surgery. However a small hole appeared to one side of my back passage and I got this looked at by the registrar in the Hosp and was told it would probably heal on its own and not to come back unless more complications. I was put on antibiotics. Two days later the hole is bigger and there is both fecal matter and thread from surgery coming out of this hole. I am now presuming I have an anal fistula. Has anybody experienced this after an anal sphincter repair?

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Bowel Disorder :: It Hurts To Poo

Since tuesday I woke up and it hurt when I went to the toilet and I managed to go but I think its made it really really sore and I've felt like I really need to go since then but it just hurts too much everytime I try to push. Please don't say to eat fibre because that's not what the problem is, I think it was caused by stress, but now its so sore I don't know what to do it hasn't even felt better over two nights.

please help, should I still eat? I feel like I don't want to eat incase it just builds up, I don't know what to do I'm uncomfortable because I want to go but it hurts to much when I try.

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Bowel Disorder :: Is It Normal To Have Hemorrhoids ?

I'm 19 years old and is it normal to have Hemorrhoids ? ? I noticed a lump at the anal verge like an year ago . So does everyone has it ?

Or does normally hemorrhoidal cannot be seen since they must first swell and become inflamed or develop a clot to cause problems ?

So at first i thought it was normal to have this lump since it didn't cause any problems . Therefore i didn't bother about it . Even now i don't have any problem with it. It doesn't pain or bleed . Although it does itch sometimes. But irritation goes away soon. I'm really worried about it.

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Bowel Disorder :: Bright Red Blood With BM

I'm new here but from what I've read I'm probably far from the first person to post about this. I'm just looking for other peoples advice/experience to help calm my nerves.

About me, I am male and 25 yo average weight/height.

For the past few months I've been having some bowel problems. Starting around October last year I began having on and off issues with some slight indigestion and small amounts of bright red blood when I had a BM. These issues would come and go. I had a small issue similar to this in 2014 and had a colonoscopy performed to check. The test didn't find anything out of the ordinary. In November of last year I had a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy performed due to the recent issues. This test came back saying that I had internal hemorrhoids but nothing else. I didn't do much to treat them and just sort of hoped they'd go away.

The mild issues continued until about late January/early February when I was hit with a week long bout of indigestion, excess gas etc. As these issues continued the bleeding ramped up until I was seeing bright red blood staining the toilet bowel each time I had a BM. It didn't seem like an immense amount of blood but it was enough to tint the water and toilet paper red. Due to these issues I went back to GI doctor around the second week of February. He did an examination with his hand and noted that I had internal hemmies and slight inflammation. He pointed this out as the most likely cause of the bleeding given the results of my previous tests. He recommended I start taking Konsyl fiber supplement and Preparation H suppositories.

After starting with the suppositories the indigestion and excess gas went away as well as the excess blood. My usual BM schedule resumed (1/day). Since then however I still see small streaks of what looks like bright red blood with each BM. Some days are not as bad as others but it seems like there is always a small amount of blood there. I've also had an intense itching sensation down there that would come and go every once in a while. Like I said before for the last 2 months I've been going at the same rate and the stool consistency is normal. I don't seem to have any excessive pain or weight loss.
My main question is for anyone who has had hemorrhoids. Can bleeding last this long? One thing I've noticed is that I seem to have fairly large/hard stools which I think may be causing trouble. I wouldn't call it constipation exactly just that the stools are large/dry and often require some light straining to expel. I also work a desk job and have a 2 hour daily driving commute. I've recently bought a seat cushion for my chair and car with hopes that it will help.

I'm sorry for the wall of text. I want to get past this but I am an extremely anxious person and this bleed issue is ruining me. I'm scheduled for a follow up with my GI in 2 weeks and am getting the sinking feeling that I'm in for another colonoscopy.

P.S. I've also had an abdomen CT scan in early 2015 due to a separate issue. No problems were found.

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Bowel Disorder :: Dark Green Stool

I am a 63 yr. old woman that has had five back surgeries, eight wrist surgeries. A hysterectomy And gallbladder surgery plus several serious stomach surgeries. These are over the past 20 yrs. Back surgeries most recent and gallbladder plus hysterectomy in last couple years. Anyway, that's not why I'm posting. I am posting because in the past week I started having Dark green bowel movements. I'm kind of constipated, but that's the norm for me. I can't think of anything different I'v done . I ate a couple pieces of cake last weekend with green frosting. I had an incident a few days ago where I bent over and had excruciating pain on my left , lower back. But I have a huge bolt there so I contributed it to that. It's a pinching feeling now. I am full of metal from my sacral to my neck. (Huge surgery) like I said, I just started the very dark green(almost black with green in it) stools. Any suggestions as to what can cause this? Thanks in advance for any input on this subject.

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Bowel Disorder :: Involuntary Movements And Leakage

I've been struggling with involuntary movements and leakage as long as I can remember. I'm currently on medications that may cause constipation and it looks like I can not discontinue them until further notice. It's embarrassing and can't really find a cure for it. I've tried many things such as

1. fibre supplements
2. kegel exercises
3. stool hardeners
4. Stool softeners
5. probiotics
6. natural fibres

I've tried most things under the sun and I am currently on the waiting list to see a bowel specialist. Is there anyone who has or had similar experiences?

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Bowel Disorder :: Are Suppositories Safe For Everyday Use?

Are suppositories safe for everyday use? What about more than once a day?

I can't find any good information on this.

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Bowel Disorder :: Budesonide For Ulcerative Colitis

I was diagnosed with moderate-severe ulcerative colitis this week and have been given Budesonide, which I take 3x, to calm my first real (and painful) flare. However, I don't feel like it's working fast enough, as my bowel movements are still as frequent and bloody after my fourth dose.

I put a call into my doctor to discuss dosage, but I was wondering if this medication takes longer because of its slower release than pred? I am new to all of this and would appreciate insight from those that have been there.

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Bowel Disorders :: Thick White Anal Discharge

I've suffered from mucus-coated stools and a light anal discharge for years and years, after having a peri-anal abcscess misdiagnosed as piles at the age of 17. This resulted in having an urgent operation to drain the ruptured abscess. 11 years after this surgery I was diagnosed with a multiple fistula-it was incredibly painful by this time as I had ignored the discharge etc for all those years, but it became unbearable. A year ago I had a fistulectomy, which has healed well. During the surgery they found a lump in my bowel. They took a biopsy and I was told it came back clear. For the last three months the discharge has returned-it's quite runny and not foul smelling, but I know also pass strange, fatty like things from my anus when I pee. It feels like I need to pass wind when I wee and then these bits come out, a couple of lumps of what look like slightly under cooked egg white. I am also still having mucus covered stools with some bright red blood and some darker blood when I wipe.

I really don't want to have to go through more 'camera up the bum' procedures but do you think I should?
Thanks for any help or advice anyone can offer me.

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Bowel Disorders :: Anal Itch Cortisone Suppositories

i just wanted to add something that extremely helped!!!! cortisone suppositories prescribed by GP for 7 days, and this itching was gone!

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Bowel Disorder :: Narrow Stools - Cancer Or Hemorrhoids?

I produce narrow stools for a long period of time now (2 months). I did it once few months ago but it came back to normal, but not now it lasts .
I'm so scared this can be a symptom of colorectal cancer. I'm only 30 and I don't have any family history with this cancer. I know I'm very stressful. I've seen a specialist who told me I had internal hemorrhoids (he did an endoscopy). Do I have to do a colonoscopy ?
It's like play doh stools ...

These narrow stools are driving me crazy.

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