Just Started Taking Citalopram - Feel Panicky And Dizzy

Iv started citalopram yesterday 20mg but the dr only told me to start with half to start with. I am 22. Never been on any tablets like this before so I am really scared. I constantly feel dizzy like I'm going to die and pass out and sick and feel like someone is standing on my head. Does anyone know when the side effects will go? And are these tablets any good? When you start seeing results? I know the dr told me to only start taking half but I already feel panicky and dizzy. 

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Mirtazapine :: Agitated With No Patience And Feel Angry

I'm on day 10 of mirtazapine 15mg & i feel shocking if i'm being honest. I feel so agitated with no patience & feel so angry at everything, not to mention very low. Everything is just getting on my nerves big time.

Did anyone else get this with this drug & is it normal because i thought it was meant to help calm you down. I'm just so sick of feeling crap everyday.

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Fluoxetine :: Depressed With Suicidal Thoughts

I'm 19 and was diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks about 3 weeks ago and i got prescribed klonopin. anyways a week after i was diagnosed with depression i started feeling very down and not myself like i didn't even want to get up from bed or take showers or go out i just layed there and cried most of the time and had suicidal thoughts. so i finally decided to see a doctor and was diagnosed with depression and given fluoxetine 20mg i been on it for about 4 days, but this medicine is making me feel really out of it and for the past two days i have woken up feeling very agitated and fidgety and sometimes i don't even feel like myself i've heard this is called depersonalization and it feels awful i also feel like i've gotten more angrier with the medication, things annoy me more easily. sometimes i just sit there and i just wanna scream. overall i think my anxiety has gone away its just the depression now and it sucks i just wanna feel like myself again and i'm scared i never will.

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Fluoxetine :: Feel Empty And Hopeless

im 16 and have been on flu 20 mg for 6 weeks. i feel as though im able to act more normally on this stuff, but inside i still feel empty and hopeless. Does fluoxetine help these crushing feelings or is it aimed at just reducing the symptoms like crying, tiredness, lack of concentration? losing faith at the moment, wondering if you had any useful comments?

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Fluoxetine Has Stopped Working

I am on week 8 on 20mg of flu. I was feeling EXCELLENT back to my old self even forgot I felt sad at one point..I thought it was all over.......5 days ago I started getting anxiety again, feeling depressed and the "doom" feelings again. Has this happened to anyone? Should I ask Dr to up dose is that the only solution?

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Fluoxetine :: 40 Mg (12 Weeks) Stopped Working

I have been on flu 40 mg for 12 weeks now and it seems that in the last week I have been feeling worse again.

It's a strange feeling but I feel indifferent to myself and seem to not care at the moment about my actions and thinking that what I do is not a problem?

I was just wondering is it possible with depression to still have days when you feel down and want to give up?

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Fluoxetine :: Prozac Has Stopped Working After 2 Months

I have been on Prozac 4 months and 2 of them were better and now I'm going back to the way I was before. What do I do now? I'm so miserable and don't understand why this is happening plus I'm pregnant.

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Anxiety :: Panicky And Tingly

I keep getting panicky and feeling very unreal, and also my outer 2 fingers on each hand get really tingly and can't feel them so well, and I think my heart is racing and about to just stop. even though I know these are irrational fears how can I go about dealing with them? also should i get my heart checked out by the doctor just to put my mind at ease?

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Anxiety :: Dizzy Spells And Feeling Panicky

I am not sure what is wrong with me and I don't know where else to turn.

I have clinical depression with high daily levels of stress and anxiety (excluding panic attacks). I do not have any energy or motivation to exercise and am eating a very unhealthy diet which I have tried to correct some many times and have failed.

Every day for nearly a week now, I have been having these dizzy spells when walking down the street, I feel as though I am going to collapse and have to walk slowly, keep stopping and holding onto something for support as well as feeling panicky and having a high temperature at the same time and I am not sure why this is. I am also terrified of dying and keep thinking that I will end up being buried alive or something, I cannot get my head around that I am going to die one day, the thought of it terrifies me so much.

I also feel under a lot of pressure from work and from my Access course and trying to decide on what career path to choose and putting a lot of pressure on myself.

I have asthma and get out of breath a lot and also have mild tinnitus (ringing of the ears).

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Vestibular Neuritis - Lightheaded And Panicky

It all started when I had a 'funny turn' at work back in November 2013. I'll never forget that day as I haven't felt the same since. I thought I was having a panic attack as I just felt wrong. Strange not really here sort of panicky feeling so I went home and went to bed. I woke up to an even worse fuzzy vision panic feeling and had to lie on the floor while calling nhs emergency number as I didn't have a clue what was happening to me. I calmed down eventually and made my first visit to the doctors who said it was a panic attack and prescribed diazepam. At the time I didn't want to take medication as I felt so unusual. I knew something wasn't quite right. I continued feeling extremely anxious panicky and off balance for weeks on end along with continuous tearful visits to the doctors explaining that my vision was disturbed and my eyes were flickering along with pressure inside my ears. Eventually after about 8 weeks of hell I got an appointment with a balance clinic who did testing and confirmed right ear damage and confirmed vestibular neuritis. I am just posting to see if anyone has experienced the same symptoms as me as when I read posts about VN it seems that I can never find the same symptoms as mine which scares me to death ) : here goes: - I can't think straight, avoid people because I feel I can't hold a conversation because I'm sort of panicky and don't feel like the old me, I have moments of real panic that come out of the blue because I just don't feel right, very small things stress me out like even just someone at the door! I know it sounds silly but I'm just a panicked mess having to put on a front to everyone. The worse symptom at the minute which has gone on for a long while is a pressure in my chest/back that doesn't go. I've read somewhere it's muscle strain due to my balance but I just don't know what to believe anymore. My thoughts are just different since I've had this, I don't know where my old personality has gone. It's like I'm hyper aware that I'm not right. Anyone's advice would be much appreciated, I've had this since November 2013 and I am doing gaze stability exercises 5 times a day. I'm having good and bad times but generally feel a nervous wreck. It's so draining. Alcohol doesn't even relax me anymore, it just makes me more lightheaded and panicky. Sorry for such a long moany post but no one can understand why I have been so weird for months. 

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Anxiety :: Getting So Upset And Angry

I'm at my wits end and am sure I'm close to a breakdown. My husband is no help. Everything is or rating the living daylights out of me and I'm getting so upset and angry. I don't know what to do with myself. I've been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and was prescribed medication but it made be sleep. I couldn't function whilst taking them. I've weaned myself off them over the last month and have a Dr appointment scheduled in two weeks but I don't know if I can last that long. I'm considered ending it all but have a family that I don't want to scar. Everything is so hard, each day I don't want to get out of bed because I know there will be a drama that will knock me. My husband is ignorant to it all. He does try, he asks how I am, he tries to help around the house and he works really hard but when I tell him I've had a bad day or I have a moan about something, he thinks it's all about him. He asked me why I'm blaming him all the time. I'm so angry right now, I want to leave but I have nowhere to go and no passport and no spare money. I wish God would just take me. Another reason why I can't end my own life is best cause I won't go to heaven and after living in hell for so long I want to go to paradise one day.

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Mirtazapine :: Making Me Emotional And Angry

I have been on Mit for a long time now. I was on Prozac but it didn't work. I was on 30mg a day, before bed. Now im on 45 mg a day before bed.

I don't sleep properly still. I've been diagnosed with severe depression.

The drug makes me very very angry at the slightest thing.

I go nuts and throw things, swear at friends and family.

Things I would never normally do.

However, there has been one upside.

4 days ago, I felt happy. After 4 months of not feeling a single emotion except anger and pain, I felt happy. I cried, I was so shocked.

I had forgotten what happiness felt like. And when I felt it, I didn't know what to do. It almost hurt. So I just cried.

But the point is that I was happy. For the first time in months. Keep taking the pills. They make you feel something.

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Adderall Problems :: So Angry And Slamming Doors

My 5 year-old son has been taking adderall for four months now and I can’t stand to watch him suffer this much. We haven’t noticed any changes in his problem but I noticed some really bad behavioral problems that occurred when he started taking this drug. He would just get angry suddenly with no reason at all, he would go around the house slamming doors and this is just not the way a five year old should behave or suffer. I don’t know what to do? Look for another treatment or….? Is there anybody who could relate to this problem?

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Cannabis :: More Angry And Stress (aggression) After Weed

I'm 19 years old and as i was growing up i always had 1 major issue in life. i was always very angry person. i would get mad at every simple and dumb things that aren't even worth getting stressed and mad about. 

over the past few years, i have been in fact smoking weed. it started of on smoking on only occasion and it escalated to a point where i smoke almost everyday of my life if anything a few times a day. and when i smoke, i smoke a lot. i heard from a therapist that smoking weed gets you more aggravated and gets you more nervous than you usually get. i am really not happy with the way i am cause im in a situation of losing the girl i love most and as much as i try and say i will become better i don't. my temper always overcomes me and i don't know how to manage it. what im asking is, does marijuana make someone who already has a bad temper and a bad anger problem even more nervous and more stressed out then they already are? 

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Depression :: Depressed, Got Better, Depressed Again


Yes, I was one of those annoying people who all the teachers liked.

Once, one of my professors even told me I was one of the "golden children" of my year. I suppose I worked so hard to get good grades because all my life I had been encouraged and enabled to do my best. I was used to success. In college I even overcame my shyness and gained a lot of good friends and a handful of real, true friends who I deeply care for. I had a part-time job in my fiend that I worked between classes, and I was looking forward to continuing my upward climb to success.

So when I lost my out-of-college job because the company had a financial catastrophe that made it impossible for them to hire me, I figured, "Hey, I'll just get another job and move on with my life. No big."

But almost a year later I still didn't have a job, and because I'm inherently introverted I had lost touch with most of my friends because they were all too far away to see in person and I'm terrible at keeping up with social media. I was living at home with my parents, sleeping in the spare bed in my sisters' room, and slowly realizing that all the people who were "Looking forward to seeing me succeed in the future" were going to be direly disappointed in me.


New Year 2013 brought on odd feelings. I still had hope that things would improve, but they consistently didn't. I lost a few big freelance clients that I was counting on because I made a few dumb mistakes, and that made things worse. I started crying in the bathroom for "no reason," not understanding why I was feeling so down and out when I still had potential, I just wasn't living up to it yet.

Fast forward a few months and I had basically given up on myself. I believed I was a loser, someone who had let down the many people who had trusted me with their wisdom and advice. I wasn't one of the "golden children," I was a pathetic fake who couldn't even call someone on the phone without feeling incredibly anxious, much less actually interview for a job. All the confidence I'd gained in college was gone and I felt even less sure of myself than I did in high school.

It was like the "real me" got locked in a room somewhere and I couldn't find her.

My mom noticed I was moody and finally confronted me about it, but instead of helping it only made me feel like she was even more disappointed in me and fed my unconfidence even more. Then, one day, after my mom got angry at me once again for being unable to communicate my real thoughts because I was so confused myself, my dad came out and let me sit there and cry until I had composed myself enough to speak. He was calm enough to keep me relatively calm and we discovered that the depression was probably coming from a few different sources. I was feeling lonely without my friends. I was back in my childhood home and reverting to the unconfident person I used to be. I was disappointed in myself and projecting imagined feelings of disappointment from others onto myself. I never got out of the house so I felt isolated. I wasn't making a steady income and that was stressing me out. Etc.

I decided to stop freelancing full time and get a job so I could at least get out of the house, make a steady income, and be around people. But after several interviews that were just awful because I either didn't have enough qualifications for that particular job or because I was having an off day and feeling really socially awkward, I didn't get any of the jobs.


I revamped my hope. But then it got crushed.

I'm still not as bad as I was last year, but I'm starting to feel like randomly crying again and sometimes my skin feels like it's going to wriggle off with how much I just want to get out of my house. I'm so afraid that I'm going to delve back into self-loathing-ville again, and I know that I sabotage myself when I'm like that. I so do not want to lost this tiny bit of momentum I've achieved, but I can't make things move faster. I can't get a job any faster, I can't get a car until I have money from a job, I can't get a job sometimes because I don't already have a car, I'm stuck, I'm stuck, I'm going crazy.


I know a lot of people around my age are going through things like this but for my particular situation does anyone know how to help me push through until things improve? I'm getting so tired of feeling so bad and I'm losing my energy trying to keep going. My parents are enabling me to stay home and do nothing but I don't want to stay home and do nothing! I want to get a job and be independent and have autonomy and start becoming who I used to be again so I can be a confident, awesome person! AAH!

Also, right now I'm not feeling so bad so I have a sense of humor, but in an hour or so I might be curled up in the bathroom crying into a towel so no one will hear me. I got on this forum in the first place because my skin was feeling antsy and I wanted to get away so badly and I wanted to know if other people felt the same way. Crazy mood swings, anyone?

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Adderall Side Effects - Mean, Nasty, Irritable, Unreasonable, Angry And Judgemental

I have a friend who is literally a genius. Ever since his abuse of Adderall which he believes inspires him to write at his best. (he is a journalistic writer) His writing though still has quality it is very rare that he writes anything at all. He has been mean, nasty, irritable, unreasonable, angry, judgemental, etc. He has always has cocky tendencies. But I find it so sad that his abuse of this drug has ended many friendships for him and his talent seems to be going to waste. Are these normal side effects of abusing this drug? He isn't ADHD by any means. We are no longer friends to be honest with you but I am concerned. He is 37, lives in one of his relatives basement, and is just down right mean. I have never met anyone as amazing as him, the person before the adderall. And now he hates me for some ridiculous reason that I SHOULD BE MAD AT HIM over. It's almost as if he has lost his mind.

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Depressed And Don't Know Why

So I really didn't know where or how else to express this but this seems like a good place. To be honest, I have a great life. I absolutely love my job, have amazing friends and my home life is wonderful. I'm not to happy about being a little overweight but guess what? I'm hitting the gym and have already lost 5 lbs. In the money department I'm doing okay, could always be better but I'm paying my bills and saving where I can.

Yesterday I woke up exhilarated and ready to take on the world. I had a great day at work and a good work out. This morning I woke up completely depressed and bummed out. I have no idea why this happening. I honestly have no reason to be upset or depressed yet I just wanted to crawl into a hole or be invisible all day long and just had this feeling of depressed all day long, even as I'm writing this.

This seems to happen to me a lot! Sometimes it's like the example above and sometimes it can be multiple times a day. I'll go for a couple hours feeling blessed and happy and then out of nowhere it goes away and I'm depressed and feel like I want to disappear. This can go back and forth several times in a day sometimes.

I'm not sure if I'm just nuts or if this is normal. Anyways, I figured I'd put up a post and see what you all have to say. If you're the same way, if you've gotten any good advice. Thanks for taking the time to read though.

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Hypothyroidism :: Am I Depressed?

I have been on meds for just over a year now, tsh now down to 0.62 was 69 when diagnosed have made lifestyle changes as in reduced working hours started on 150mg then put down to 100mg now back up to 125 mg I do feel better but still get very tired and anxious about the silliest of things almost paranoid have no self confidence or sex drive (just as well I'm single) have zero interest in a social life and will make any excuse to avoid going out apart from going to work, the mother of ones of my sons friends is hypo and her gp prescribed antidepressants alongside her meds just wondered if anyone has any thoughts on this due to see GP again next week and thinking of asking if I may have a touch of depression.

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Depressed After Break Up

This friend I had she stayed with me and my boyfriend for a week and a half because she broke up with her boyfriend. She really hurt me badly. She told me and my boyfriend that she needed a break from her boyfriend and then she starts calling him and going back to his place to spend quality time with him. She does not keep to her word she said she was going to go out for Easter with me and my boyfriend and her young son then she changes it and says that she is going to spend Easter with her boyfriend and son. This girl does not know what she wants. She leaves him every time they fight and then she gets back together with him. 

My boyfriend and i heard her say that she was back with her boyfriend so yesterday we asked her to leave 

She told me all i do is tell stories which i do not and she called me a bitch. 

We opened our place to this girl and her son and it hurts me so much i could not even sleep at all last night. I was crying, I was angry and hurt and this is the second time she hurt me because last year she harassed me over the phone and said verbally abusive stuff to me last year in texts messages to me to where i had to take her to court 

After all that i have done and been good to her she treats me and my boyfriend like dirt and it hurts 

It hurts so much The her boyfriend goes to the same mental health facility me and my boyfriend goes too and I don't want to go back there at all while he is there because he has caused me pain too and my boyfriend does not like that 

I have been crying all night and just so angry i don't understand why she does this to me and my boyfriend 

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