Mirtazapine :: Agitated With No Patience And Feel Angry

I'm on day 10 of mirtazapine 15mg & i feel shocking if i'm being honest. I feel so agitated with no patience & feel so angry at everything, not to mention very low. Everything is just getting on my nerves big time.

Did anyone else get this with this drug & is it normal because i thought it was meant to help calm you down. I'm just so sick of feeling crap everyday.

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Mirtazapine :: Seeing Little Black Floaters, Emotional And Suicidal

I've been on mirtazapine for about 3/4 weeks now. When I first took them I had extreme tiredness.. Song with muscle aches and heart palpitations. After a week or so these symptoms seemed to go (minus the tiredness). These past three days I've been feeling dizzy constantly. Not so much dizzy.. More like off balance, I've also had problems with my visions, such as seeing little black floaters.. I know dizziness is a side effect but I didn't realise symptoms could kick in after two weeks. I've also been feeling more emotional and suicidal and I'm not quite sure why...

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Mirtazapine Making Me Hungry And Gain Weight

I have a question for you all about Mirt, and more specifically, the weight gain that is said to come with Mirt. A lot of you, in your posts, have said that you have experienced the weight gain, and this worries me because I am already quite a big dude. In fact, I am about to start dieting and exercising more to shed weight, so the thought of Mirt causing me to gain, well, it's not a very nice thought.

When you guys say it caused you to gain weight, is that because it made you hungry and therefore you ate more? Does the weight gain happen to everyone? Is there anyone that has been on Mirt that did not gain weight? I am only on 15mg, which I think is the lowest dose. I mean, if it does start to make me extremely hungry, I'll certainly try my best to snack on stuff like fruit or something like that. Of course I have literally on taken one tablet, which started yesterday, so I am curious to hear from the people who have taken the drug for months, even years. If Mirt is going to make me gain weight, after I told the doctor of my plans to lose weight, I am gonna march down there and offer to fight her after her shift finishes.

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Depression :: Mirtazapine Making Me Eat And Sleep All The Time

I've been taking Mirtazapine for a little over two weeks, and apart from making me eat and sleep all the time, it's having no effect. I know it can take a while to work (I've been on a few others before this) but I was wondering if anyone else had experience with it? How long did it take to work for you, if it did?

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Mirtazapine Weight Gain Making Depression Worse

I have recently been prescribed Mirtazapine as the Dr says it won't affect my libido or make me gain weight. I have gained even more weight, (recently fought to lose a stone from rapid weight gain from antipsychotics) and feeling very cross. I feel more depressed and my state is becoming angry every day. Has anyone else experienced similar effects. I used to take Fluoxetine which worked wonders but he won't allow me to take it anymore as he says it makes me too hyper.

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Anxiety :: Getting So Upset And Angry

I'm at my wits end and am sure I'm close to a breakdown. My husband is no help. Everything is or rating the living daylights out of me and I'm getting so upset and angry. I don't know what to do with myself. I've been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and was prescribed medication but it made be sleep. I couldn't function whilst taking them. I've weaned myself off them over the last month and have a Dr appointment scheduled in two weeks but I don't know if I can last that long. I'm considered ending it all but have a family that I don't want to scar. Everything is so hard, each day I don't want to get out of bed because I know there will be a drama that will knock me. My husband is ignorant to it all. He does try, he asks how I am, he tries to help around the house and he works really hard but when I tell him I've had a bad day or I have a moan about something, he thinks it's all about him. He asked me why I'm blaming him all the time. I'm so angry right now, I want to leave but I have nowhere to go and no passport and no spare money. I wish God would just take me. Another reason why I can't end my own life is best cause I won't go to heaven and after living in hell for so long I want to go to paradise one day.

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Adderall Problems :: So Angry And Slamming Doors

My 5 year-old son has been taking adderall for four months now and I can’t stand to watch him suffer this much. We haven’t noticed any changes in his problem but I noticed some really bad behavioral problems that occurred when he started taking this drug. He would just get angry suddenly with no reason at all, he would go around the house slamming doors and this is just not the way a five year old should behave or suffer. I don’t know what to do? Look for another treatment or….? Is there anybody who could relate to this problem?

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Cannabis :: More Angry And Stress (aggression) After Weed

I'm 19 years old and as i was growing up i always had 1 major issue in life. i was always very angry person. i would get mad at every simple and dumb things that aren't even worth getting stressed and mad about. 

over the past few years, i have been in fact smoking weed. it started of on smoking on only occasion and it escalated to a point where i smoke almost everyday of my life if anything a few times a day. and when i smoke, i smoke a lot. i heard from a therapist that smoking weed gets you more aggravated and gets you more nervous than you usually get. i am really not happy with the way i am cause im in a situation of losing the girl i love most and as much as i try and say i will become better i don't. my temper always overcomes me and i don't know how to manage it. what im asking is, does marijuana make someone who already has a bad temper and a bad anger problem even more nervous and more stressed out then they already are? 

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Fluoxetine :: Not Working - Feel Depressed , Angry And Panicky

been taking flu for nearly 4 weeks i have lots of energy but yet i still feel depressed , angry and panicky should it have started to work by now.

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Adderall Side Effects - Mean, Nasty, Irritable, Unreasonable, Angry And Judgemental

I have a friend who is literally a genius. Ever since his abuse of Adderall which he believes inspires him to write at his best. (he is a journalistic writer) His writing though still has quality it is very rare that he writes anything at all. He has been mean, nasty, irritable, unreasonable, angry, judgemental, etc. He has always has cocky tendencies. But I find it so sad that his abuse of this drug has ended many friendships for him and his talent seems to be going to waste. Are these normal side effects of abusing this drug? He isn't ADHD by any means. We are no longer friends to be honest with you but I am concerned. He is 37, lives in one of his relatives basement, and is just down right mean. I have never met anyone as amazing as him, the person before the adderall. And now he hates me for some ridiculous reason that I SHOULD BE MAD AT HIM over. It's almost as if he has lost his mind.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Overly Emotional

I'm 21 weeks pregnant, ftm, i watched ariana grande on tv performing live and started crying BC she's so pretty and skinny and it's not fair. I'm so emotional right Now it's ridiculous, anyone else?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Emotional Eat Everything Stage

I'm 10 weeks pregnant with our first child and I think I've hit the emotional eat everything stage. I can't stop eating I'm like the hungry caterpillar or something, but my husband's in Arizona for work and I'm in Virginia and I just wanted to talk to him so I hop on FB and I see he shared a video about 40 minutes ago so I send him a simple hello message and no response. It just makes me feel like hey pregnant wife should be the first thing you talk to when you get off work considering I'm your wife and pregnant with our baby. I went from so mad that I wanted to punch something to crying am I wrong for feeling this way ?

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Miscarriage :: Emotional Miscarriages, What Can I Do?

I miscarried about four weeks ago. I am still having some spotting and a lot of cramping. My emotions are the hardest part i think. I don't know how to deal with them. I get angry easy, sad easier, and I'm just not happy at all. I was very happy before this happened. I cry whenever I see the pics of the ultrasound in my head. Such a beautiful baby. Just no heart beat. I was 8 weeks along. I'm pretty sure the baby died while i was out milking our cow. I had severe cramping. The next day at the er when i was bleeding the dr said it died within the last 24 hours. I really do blame myself even though logically I know it wasn't my fault. I know the baby was not strong enough or developing properly but I still feel I could have done more to stop it. I don't know how to deal with this loss it hurts a lot still. My heart aches for the child that could have been. What can I do?

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Pregnancy :: Overly Emotional - Crying For Everything

lately i dont know what is going on with me., the other night my husband turned away from me and i felt like my heart broke into a million pieces and i couldnt stop crying. i literally cried all night. i cry for everything., and now i get frustrated really easily. i cant stand anyone. i just wanted to know if it was normal? also my appetite has gone away. everything grosses me out and i end up throwing everything up anyway. help??

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Cerazette - Anxiety, Emotional And Depression

have been on and off Cerazette for last few years and have started with bad anxiety to the point where I stopped taking it but then had horrendous periods and was going dizzy. So I'm scared to come off it but at the same time wondering if it's perimenopause as I'm getting fast heartbeat at night but feel constantly emotional and exhausted and also nervous/ anxious so I'm wondering if anyone else has felt like this on Cerazette?

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Endometriosis :: Cerazette - Emotional And Depressed

I was diagnosed with endometriosis behind uterus Dec 15 had diathermy and put on cerazette Feb 15 however the tablets seem to have been making. Me upset extremely emotional and depressed, the GP has taken me off them for a month. What other options. Are there apart from pill? I'm really worried all the pain will come back as cerazette has kept it all at bay!

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Abuse By Proxy - Emotional Blackmail

This is often called emotional blackmail to A person who has been abusive to you draws in another person who totally sides with them and heaps even more abuse on you They often go to family members or friends or they get attorneys to heap even more abuse on you This happened to me and I did see some of it coming bc I happened upon a book about emotional blackmail But I totally underestimated how abusive other people they went to could be And I was in a very vulnerable situation post accident I want to warn others about this bc it makes things even worse and it puts you in a lot more danger It is like mobbing or a gang where they increase the abuse using their brother or whoever or hire an attorney and lie to the attorney or they may call other authorities on you or even try to claim something criminal Just consider this when you find yourself in an abusive relationship.

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Carbimazole :: Exaggerated Symptoms - Lightheaded And Emotional

I noticed a lump in my neck around 4-5 months ago. I ignored it for a month (stupid I know) and then went to the doctor who suspected thyroid goitre and sent me for blood tests, ultrasound scan and referred me to a specialist. Following a thyroid uptake test the consultant confirmed that I have a multi-nodular toxic thyroid goitre and am hyperthyroid.

When I went to the doctors originally I told them that my only symptom was the lump. However, I now realise that the anxiety / irritability, tiredness / lethargy that I'd put down to being stressed at work are probably actually related to my thyroid. It's also slightly depressing that the weight that I thought I'd lost through my sensible eating efforts is probably thanks to a faulty thyroid gland. It never occurred to me to mention heat intolerance to the doctor either - I thought that was just me.

I started on a lowish (10mg) dose of carbimazole 3 days ago. Since then all of my symptoms have been exaggerated and I have never felt so tired, lightheaded and emotional / weepy.

I found this forum this morning and it's a comfort to see on this forum that I'm not alone and my experience isn't that uncommon. I just wouldn't have expected the medication to have such an effect in this space of time. Nobody warned me!

My husband and I wanted to start trying for a family but the consultant has told me I shouldn't until my thyroid is under control. Early menopause runs in my family. I have been advised that the best course of action is radioiodine treatment as soon as possible or a partial thyroidectomy. The choice is mine. I'm thinking of Radioiodine treatment but am worried about long term impacts.

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Pain Management :: Methadone With Emotional And Stress Issues

I had my long-anticipated consult with a Pain Management doctor yesterday (Monday 1/27) It went reasonably well, though as expected we both have HEAVY accents, with his being Egyptian and my being SOUTHERN=) We had some issues understanding each other, but nothing we can't work through. I was "happy" to find that I had nothing to prove to him because my pain is well documented (partly due to my OCD) through my medical records and subsequent reports on various treatments. He had no interest in repeating any of the modalities that I have already tried with no success. That, too was well documented, including but not limited to Injections, PT, TENS, Biofeedback, Cognitive Therapy, Psychotherapy (counseling). He seemed "baffled" that I am "still standing" with the extensive problems that I have. He said it was most helpful that I have seen specialists in all fields of expertise pertaining to my pain, to rule out the need for further surgeries and treatments.

Now, we go forward with pain management. There is an IRONY here. I have finally found a doctor who will help me to "manage" my pain through medication. However, as of January 2014 my insurance will not cover medication. Believe me, I'm not complaining, as I realize I am fortunate to have insurance period, in today's environment. It just horrifies me to know that I cannot afford most of the medications that a PMD would prescribe for me.

He has no problem prescribing the Fentanyl patch for me, with my gastric/absorption issues. However, without further research into a generic option (which will still be expensive) I don't feel that I can afford that. I used the patch successfully in 2005-2006, but I had excellent insurance with $25 script co-pay. We discussed that Morphine has helped me, but he says that, too is extremely expensive. He suggests Methadone for not only its similarities to Morphine, but also its steady release once established. I must confess I freaked out (just a teeny bit) because I asked him if that was like the drug on "Breaking Bad". Yea...He thought I was silly, too. He chuckled and said "Funny you think I prescribe that".

He suggests that if I can't afford the patch (I can't ) then let's try the Methadone, starting with 5 mg twice daily with the option to increase if necessary. He wants to try one medication at a time (I agree) so that he can determine it's effectiveness vs. multiple meds causing multiple side effects. He explained that he will work with me until I can achieve an acceptable level of pain relief, by seeing me once per month. WHEN, not IF...say hallelujah...we reach success, he will start seeing me every 3 months. I can certainly do THAT.

I have concerns before filling the Methadone script and starting to take it. I'm hopeful that some of you may be able to share your experience. Is it effective for pain relief? Is it sedating or is it mood-elevating? I cannot cope with sedative effects because my career is demanding that I am alert and on my game at all times. I could benefit from my "mood" being elevated, as these past months of "fighting" for help have really dragged me through the depths of Hell. I take medication for anxiety and depression, but they're not magic pills...I guess I will always battle those demons. I just want to be very selective and careful to avoid any pain medication that may exacerbate my emotional issues.

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