Duodenal Ulcer :: 2 Years And Antacid Pill Aren't Working

I have had an ulcer now for almost 2 years, I have been to the doctors around 10 times, I was first given mild antacid pills to take for 1 month, they did nothing, I was then given stronger anti acid pills to take for a month, I saw around 2 days towards the end of the pills of no pain, but then it came right back, so I was then given the same pills to take for 2 months, but they done nothing.

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Duodenal Ulcer :: PPI Side Effects - Dry Throat And Mouth With Metallic Taste

I was given lansoprazole due to a suspected stomach ulcer. I started taking it but was unable to continue to take the lansoprazole as it gave me a worse pain in my stomach than I already had and also a dry throat and mouth. I have now been diagnosed with h.pylori and started with triple therapy - esomeprazole (nexium)/amoxicillin/clarithromycin. The nexium isn't causing any stomach pain but is making my throat and mouth very dry and given me a sore throat and I am also suffering from a very unpleasant metallic taste in my mouth constantly. I went to the doctors again today and was given omeprazole to take instead but now I don't want to take it because I don't feel it will make much difference. Has anyone else had these side effects from the PPI and are there any alternatives I can take to inhibit the acid enough to let the antibiotics do their job?

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Non Ulcer Dyspepsia And PPI :: Metallic Nasty Taste

I will Make this quick cause if i listed all my symptoms I would be here all day. And i'm sure most of u ladies know me from other threads. This vile taste is making me sick to my stomach. I was diagnosed with non ulcer dyspepsia two years ago but the ppi make me sick. Been taking ginger capsules for three days not helping. Please help

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Reflux Oesophagitis And Stomach Ulcer

Im a 25 year old male, I was diagnosed with Gastritis and esophagitis about 6months ago and was put on lansoprozol. I then went for a second camera into my stomach 2 months later and the gastritis had gone but i still had esopagitis and a stomach ulcer had developed.Im currently waiting on my 3rd camera which will take it up to 9 months with all of these problems. I'm currently on omeprazole twice a day and my diet is perfect plus i don't smoke and haven't drank in 9 months.

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Vomiting Of Stomach Acid That Burns - Ulcer?

if i eat after 10.30am in the morning by 8 pm im bloating up with gas in my stomach, it will not pass either direction, it causes nausea after a while and vomiting of some very strong stomach acid that burns my throat. this may last anywhere from a few hours to the early morning of the next day....but i do find that when my stomach is completely empty after vomiting the pain subsides and im fine again....sometimes i get the sweats with the abdominal pain and discomfort.....now if i don't eat at all and fast for the day i have no stomach issues at all....i have questioned whether i have an ulcer but have had no other symptoms of that.....

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Abdominal Pain :: Pelvic Pain, Frequent Urination, Stomach Pain And Back Pain

I have had issues with a frequent urination and a constant pressure on my bladder for over a year now. But since January of this year I have been experiencing extreme pain in my low low abdomen (like groin/cervix area). The pain also resides in my stomach and back. My ribs are sore to touch and I am constantly achy. I have been to the doctors who have done internal exams and say that everything LOOKS ok. I am 20 years old and my periods are regular. The pain is becoming a real problem and I'm becoming increasingly concerned. I have had ultrasounds on my pelvis and kidneys and they were fine. I've been put on meds to stabilise my bladder, but the gynaecologist won't see me for another 4 months. I know there is something further wrong with me - I can't understand why the pain keeps occurring. I don't enjoy having sex due to pain and a constant discomfort and pressure-like feeling. I'm starting to get very depressed as there is no diagnosis being made and all the tablets I am given do nothing.

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Menstruation :: Spotting, Irregular Periods, Cramping, Heartburn, Abdominal Pain

My period is normally a 28 day cycle and it last 7 days. normally it would come on on the 28 of every month. well this year back in march it started switching around and every month it would come on on a earlier day in each month but it would always be a different day. well today is july 29 and this month my period came on on the 1st and went off on the 7th. i started spotting on the 14 and it lasted for two days. at first it was light pink and i have never spotted in my life, but then that 2nd day it was brown when it was stopped. now, i am spotting again today and cramping really bad and has been feeling sick lately and i have had heartburn for a whole week now.

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Reflux Oesophagitis :: Sharp Pain Under My Left Breast Close To My Sternum - Heartburn

I am 36 years old, I am suffering from heartburn regularly with a sharp pain under my left breast close to my sternum. I have been following a low carb diet for 3 months and started cycling regularly. I experience the pain and heartburn while cycling, bending and picking stuff up all the time. I went to the doctor in December last year who had put me on proton pump meds for a month and never had any symptoms. when I finished the course it came back. I do have a bad taste in my mouth all the time and my teeth als feels rough almost.


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Women :: Sharp Unbearable Pain In Lower Stomach/abdominal Pain

Since December 2012 my sister has had severe pain in the left side of her stomach. The doctors have tested everything even when she was admitted into hospital, nothing was found on CT scans, MRI scans and no results from blood tests... She has just had a key hole operation to have a look inside and see what it is but they have said again there is nothing there.

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Having Pain In My Stomach

I've been having pains in my stomach since I was 14 and im 18 now and its gotten worse, when I have sex it hurts after sex it darts to hurt really bad that I can't move and it hard for me to breathe, every morning I use the bathroom below my belly button starts to hurt.. And when i am just hanging out and doing whatever at home or anything it just starts to hurt when i laugh it hurts, At first it was my right side just hurting now its my left side too, I've been going to the doctor, I thinks its my ovaries but no one see it but it feels like it alot, and i've taken an ultrasound and they didn't see anything, now I have to take an upper GI X-ray.. I went to the hospital cause this pain was so bad I couldn't get out of bed.. I don't know what this pain is and no one seem to find what it is either I don't know what to do, I can't take this pain anymore.

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STD :: Stomach Pain And Rash On Penis

i have rash on the penis (red dots) and they are not painful but have severe stomach pains. any idea what is it? medication?

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Masturbation :: Stomach Pain On Ejaculation

About half a year ago I was masturbating and when I came I tried to hold it in to make the orgasm last longer. I ended up getting bad stomach pains, my stomach started heaving a few times and I felt sick for a few minutes. Since then I was unable to ejaculate fully without feeling sick. This went on for a couple of months where I kind of stopped myself ejaculating properly. During this time I visited my girlfriend in a different state...and I felt very anxious when ejaculating. There was even one point where my stomach started to heave when the tip of my penis was touched.

However when I got back I decided to just cum for real and just see what happened...eventually my stomach got used to it and I was ok and could cum normally. All was fine until last night when I came and the same thing happened again with my stomach and I felt ill for a couple of minutes after and my stomach hurt. I masturbated again tonight and the same thing happened. It's hard to explain but it's just this weird feeling in my stomach where I feel sick and faint whilst I'm cumming. Afterwards I feel fine.

I think most of it is physiological because I am such a bad hypochondriac and I do get anxious at the most stupid times. I looked up on google for anything it might be and there's nothing. Nothing to do with the prostate or anything...which I guess is a relief. But it's still an odd thing to have. Does anyone else get this way? Were you ever diagnosed with something or was it just something you just ignored and got better?

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Pregnant? Pain In Stomach After Anal Sex

had anal sex with girlfriend .. now worried if she will get pregnant.

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Stomach Burning Sensation And Pain

Ever since I was a little kid i've gotten those really intense stomach aches/cramps whenever i'm doing something special. When I was a kid I got them every single morning before school, I used to sit on the floor and almost cry because it hurt so badly but they always passed as soon as I got there. Nowadays I don't get them every time i'm going to school but every time i'm doing something special like going on a date with my boyfriend or travelling somewhere! I get so nauseous, I run to the bathroom several times and I can't eat for the entire day. It has been so bad I was on a date once and I couldn't eat, I had to force myself to and later run to the bathroom where I nearly threw up. I don't get nervous, at least I don't feel nervous.. but maybe that's it? I just think it's weird because I can be super excited about something but those stomach pains ruin everything..

Also lately i've had this weird burning sensation in my stomach, it gets worse when I eat spicy foods or drink coffee or anything else with lots of caffeine like energy drinks. I've never been sensitive to either before in my life. I've been a coffee drinker since age 5. Believe it or not..

But those burning stomach pains they have been there for maybe 2 or 3 months now.. everyday more or less. It's getting really annoying.

Any ideas what either of those things could be? Do I have a sensitive belly or something and how do I treat that?

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Abdominal Pain Below My Stomach After Urinating

i am a lady of late 20s and i'm having a pain just below my stomach (waistline). that pain is very saw like cramps that i can't even stand straight and it's about 45min with that pain. that pain goes up to my rib cage but a little bit under . sometimes when urinating the pain occurs with the last drop of urine.

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Blurred Vision After Corneal Ulcer

Two weeks ago my eye began to tear continuously, and I was sensitive to sunlight. The next day my eyes were paining and were red and tearing, and I could not stand the presence of light. Whenever light appeared, I had sharp pain in my right eye and constant tearing. I tried to sleep that night but could not. I went to a local eye doctor who said I had a corneal ulcer due to bacterial infection through contact lens and referred me to a cornea specialist. The specialist prescribed me a number of antibiotic drops such as Vigamox, Amphotericin B etc. Next time I visited( 5 days later), he said the ulcer was healing. He cultured my cornea scraping and it was determined as pseudomonas spp. So I was prescribed ciplox(as it was determined sensitive to ciprofloxacin) and Vigamox. 7 days later, my eye is now almost clear and the pain and redness is gone but my vision is incredibly blurry, as if I am looking through a cloud. At times, my vision seems to be getting better, but then, particularly in the morning, it is blurry. Can anyone tell me how their vision came back during the healing process? Was it a steady progression or uneven? When did the blurriness go completely? How long does the recovery process last? How do I know how much scarring has or will occur?My doctor tells me that he does not know how much scarring I will have or how much of my vision will return, so I am very scared. I am a software developer, and now I can't read anything clearly and all activities have been on hold. This is particularly hard for me as I just can't sit at home all day. Would someone please share his experience or knowledge? Thank you, Sananda.

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Ulcer :: Sneezing Blood From Mouth

My son, who's 23, texted me that he thinks he has an ulcer. I asked why and he said he has been sneezing (from his mouth) blood, burping up blood and has BM's with blood streaks...

He's many states away and his Dad (who he lives with) is telling him it sounds like an ulcer. He said the gagging and burping up blood happens anytime he eats or drinks something. I don't know what his daily habits are, since I'm not there, but I know he does drink. And he's trying to quit smoking by using a vape pen. He's talked in the past about a feeling of having a huge gas bubble in his gut, that moves around and can be very painful. Please help me to know if I should insist he go to the doctor, He has no insurance so he would need to know it sounds serious.

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Abdominal Pain :: Spasm In My Stomach For Nine Days

I have had a "spasm" in my stomach for nine days. It it located about an inch to the left of my belly button and up a little higher. It feels like a mild labor contraction, though I'm a 48 year old female and not pregnant. It can also be described as a strong "butterfly" feeling. I have tried an anti-spasmodic medication, a muscle relaxer, and anti-inflammatories, though NOTHING relieves it. It spasms about every 10 seconds and lasts for about 1-2 seconds. My doctor couldn't feel a spasm. I've tried massage, heat, castor oil---nothing is helping. Any suggestions as to what it could be or how I can stop it from spasming?

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Stomach, Penis And Anus Pain After Ejaculation

After i ejaculate sometimes i got penis and anus burns and stomach too and need to pee and poop at the same time i pee some but i try to poop its hard for me to poop, i've been ejaculating since 10 yrs now i think way back in 2003 i experience burning sensation after 4 years until now sometimes . i ejaculate every day i've been use to it to help me sleep.

any advice to prevent burning sensation on penis, anus and stomach pain?

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