Abdominal Pain :: Pelvic Pain, Frequent Urination, Stomach Pain And Back Pain

I have had issues with a frequent urination and a constant pressure on my bladder for over a year now. But since January of this year I have been experiencing extreme pain in my low low abdomen (like groin/cervix area). The pain also resides in my stomach and back. My ribs are sore to touch and I am constantly achy. I have been to the doctors who have done internal exams and say that everything LOOKS ok. I am 20 years old and my periods are regular. The pain is becoming a real problem and I'm becoming increasingly concerned. I have had ultrasounds on my pelvis and kidneys and they were fine. I've been put on meds to stabilise my bladder, but the gynaecologist won't see me for another 4 months. I know there is something further wrong with me - I can't understand why the pain keeps occurring. I don't enjoy having sex due to pain and a constant discomfort and pressure-like feeling. I'm starting to get very depressed as there is no diagnosis being made and all the tablets I am given do nothing.

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Women :: Sharp Unbearable Pain In Lower Stomach/abdominal Pain

Since December 2012 my sister has had severe pain in the left side of her stomach. The doctors have tested everything even when she was admitted into hospital, nothing was found on CT scans, MRI scans and no results from blood tests... She has just had a key hole operation to have a look inside and see what it is but they have said again there is nothing there.

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STD :: Stomach Pain And Rash On Penis

i have rash on the penis (red dots) and they are not painful but have severe stomach pains. any idea what is it? medication?

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Masturbation :: Stomach Pain On Ejaculation

About half a year ago I was masturbating and when I came I tried to hold it in to make the orgasm last longer. I ended up getting bad stomach pains, my stomach started heaving a few times and I felt sick for a few minutes. Since then I was unable to ejaculate fully without feeling sick. This went on for a couple of months where I kind of stopped myself ejaculating properly. During this time I visited my girlfriend in a different state...and I felt very anxious when ejaculating. There was even one point where my stomach started to heave when the tip of my penis was touched.

However when I got back I decided to just cum for real and just see what happened...eventually my stomach got used to it and I was ok and could cum normally. All was fine until last night when I came and the same thing happened again with my stomach and I felt ill for a couple of minutes after and my stomach hurt. I masturbated again tonight and the same thing happened. It's hard to explain but it's just this weird feeling in my stomach where I feel sick and faint whilst I'm cumming. Afterwards I feel fine.

I think most of it is physiological because I am such a bad hypochondriac and I do get anxious at the most stupid times. I looked up on google for anything it might be and there's nothing. Nothing to do with the prostate or anything...which I guess is a relief. But it's still an odd thing to have. Does anyone else get this way? Were you ever diagnosed with something or was it just something you just ignored and got better?

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Pregnant? Pain In Stomach After Anal Sex

had anal sex with girlfriend .. now worried if she will get pregnant.

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Stomach Burning Sensation And Pain

Ever since I was a little kid i've gotten those really intense stomach aches/cramps whenever i'm doing something special. When I was a kid I got them every single morning before school, I used to sit on the floor and almost cry because it hurt so badly but they always passed as soon as I got there. Nowadays I don't get them every time i'm going to school but every time i'm doing something special like going on a date with my boyfriend or travelling somewhere! I get so nauseous, I run to the bathroom several times and I can't eat for the entire day. It has been so bad I was on a date once and I couldn't eat, I had to force myself to and later run to the bathroom where I nearly threw up. I don't get nervous, at least I don't feel nervous.. but maybe that's it? I just think it's weird because I can be super excited about something but those stomach pains ruin everything..

Also lately i've had this weird burning sensation in my stomach, it gets worse when I eat spicy foods or drink coffee or anything else with lots of caffeine like energy drinks. I've never been sensitive to either before in my life. I've been a coffee drinker since age 5. Believe it or not..

But those burning stomach pains they have been there for maybe 2 or 3 months now.. everyday more or less. It's getting really annoying.

Any ideas what either of those things could be? Do I have a sensitive belly or something and how do I treat that?

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Abdominal Pain Below My Stomach After Urinating

i am a lady of late 20s and i'm having a pain just below my stomach (waistline). that pain is very saw like cramps that i can't even stand straight and it's about 45min with that pain. that pain goes up to my rib cage but a little bit under . sometimes when urinating the pain occurs with the last drop of urine.

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Abdominal Pain :: Spasm In My Stomach For Nine Days

I have had a "spasm" in my stomach for nine days. It it located about an inch to the left of my belly button and up a little higher. It feels like a mild labor contraction, though I'm a 48 year old female and not pregnant. It can also be described as a strong "butterfly" feeling. I have tried an anti-spasmodic medication, a muscle relaxer, and anti-inflammatories, though NOTHING relieves it. It spasms about every 10 seconds and lasts for about 1-2 seconds. My doctor couldn't feel a spasm. I've tried massage, heat, castor oil---nothing is helping. Any suggestions as to what it could be or how I can stop it from spasming?

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Stomach, Penis And Anus Pain After Ejaculation

After i ejaculate sometimes i got penis and anus burns and stomach too and need to pee and poop at the same time i pee some but i try to poop its hard for me to poop, i've been ejaculating since 10 yrs now i think way back in 2003 i experience burning sensation after 4 years until now sometimes . i ejaculate every day i've been use to it to help me sleep.

any advice to prevent burning sensation on penis, anus and stomach pain?

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Sharp Pain In Stomach And Rectum/anus

This morning I woke up around 4 am, with very sharp pains in my stomach and rectum/anus. I was laying in bed but as it was too uncomfortable, I had to get up and sit on a chair. After about 30 minutes, the pains started to subside a bit but they were still there. I took some Zantac and some Mylanta and the pains slowly went away. During the day, the pains came back but not as bad as the morning. I could feel the pains in my lower abdomen and in my back this time. As the day went on, the pains almost went away and now, they have gone completely. The pain I had early this morning was like nothing I've ever had before!!

Does anyone know what caused this pain?? I'm definitely not pregnant.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Lower Back And Stomach Pain

I have been having lower back pains and in the stomach area to. And when I get up I get dizzy. Also most times at night when I lay down for bed my chest hurts and it's hard to breathe

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Tremendous Stomach Pain - Feeling Sick All Day

It started one Saturday night when after a long day of doing overtime at work, followed by handing in my degree dissertation, I could not eat very much going to bed and was waking up a lot during the night because I was hungry, but when I tried to eat I couldn't stomach much. I went to the doctors on the Tuesday and she suggested it was just a bug as I was so tired and had very little energy. She took bloods which all came back fine. I felt a little better a week later but still not right but tried to put it at the back of my mind. However, every so often I would have an episode where I was feeling sick and had stomach pains and I could not each much so I lost a lot of weight.

The doctor prescribed me with domperidone in September which helped for a number of months but stomach was still not right.
Fast forward to 4 weeks ago I wasn't feeling too bad and was managing to get on with day to day life with some limitations (because of my stomach issues, I cannot drink alcohol, coffee or fizzy drinks) so I rarely go out. The doctor diagnosed me with stress and anxiety and I have recently started speaking to a therapist through work.

But basically, for the last four weeks I have been feeling sick all day every day with stomach pains a few times a day which prevents me from getting on with day to day life. It started the day after I had sex and the day after that I had my period as well as a cold. These pains do not seem to be getting any better and seems to help when I have something to eat, but I cannot face eating a lot. For example, bananas help but I don't want to have too many a day as they have bloated me in the past.

A couple of nights ago I woke up with a tremendous pain down the left side of my stomach which then moved over into the centre. I still feel sick but feel much better when I am out and about walking for example, but its just a lot of effort to get up and about when sometimes i do not want to get out of bed.

This condition is stopping me from leading a normal active, well life. I am only 24 and cannot seem to lead a normal life in comparison to my friends who can. The docs still say this is down to stress and anxiety but it has to be much more than that. I get the impression that my parents, friends and work colleagues do not understand and the fact that the pain is constant does nothing to lower my stress and anxiety levels as I always have to make sure I take food with me wherever I go and can't go too long without food.

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Menopause :: Stomach Pain (11 Months Peri)

I'm 11 months into peri, with just about every symptom going. For the past few weeks (since my last period) I've been getting really painful stomach pains. Which haven't so bad it's never stopped me doing anything......But for 2days now the pain is quite painful and's it's like a very bad period pain ache....so bad today I'm currently sitting with a hot water bottle on my stomach trying to ease the pain....with not much luck.....is this normal as one of the symptoms? UNFORTUNATELY I had today booked off work to start the Christmas shopping ...that ain't happening UNFORTUNATELY..not at how my stomach is?is it another added symptom added to peri?what do any of u do when or if you have this? Any feedback would be very much appreciated!!. How do u know when u need HRT?im still trying to get familiar with the peri...

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Gallstones? Chronic Diarrhoea And Stomach Pain

Been sick since late September 2015. Have had on and off chronic diarrhoea pain in abdomen,back ribs area and occasionally feeling like a heart attack. That would disappear in a few hours.

I have had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, blood tests, fecal tests, ct scan and pancreas.

Specialist isn't booked till next month. I also basically eat only salad and meat these days.

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Diarrhea For Few Days With Stomach Pain, Cramps And Gas?

I had diarrhea for the past 4 or 5 days and really not feeling well at all. Yesterday i got better and today i thought i should eat Activia and so i ate it and guess what i've got gas pain and it's like crampy to. I went toilet it wasn't watery stools but normal and now i'm feeling really stressed why i ate Activia. Plz can anyone on here tell me is Activia safe to eat and does it it give you cramps..

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Bowel Disorders :: Bad Stomach Pain And Black Stool

Bad stomach ache for 1 week can't eat when I do tummy hurts worse this morning I had a really black stool.

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Anxiety :: Back, Neck And Stomach Pain With Nausea

i have been in so much pain today my back has been sore achy and a heavy feeling felt nauseous all day pains in my stomach and like a burning sensation does anyone else get this 

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Hemorrhoids? Stomach Pain, Constipation And Itch Anus

so I've had an ongoing stomach problem caused by a bug for a few months earlier in the year which now with the right treatment seems to be going/gone.

however the tablets I take have caused me to be severely constipated.

i'm 26, have never suffered with constipation, or piles for that matter but for the last 6 months - 1 year I have had an itchy bottom.

basically when I went to the toilet 3 days ago I was pushing too hard to pass a stool. Afterwards when I wiped I noticed some bright red blood in the tissue.

i went to see my doctor yesterday who said it's probably piles, hasn't given me anything for it except some high fibre drinks to help with the constipation.

i'm worried now that with the previous stomach problems it's something to do with that. My dr never examined me. But Surely I would have pain if a pile had popped and I don't have my, there's also nothing around my anus so I'm presuming they must be inside

i've been to the toilet this morning and there's still some blood when I wipe, how long does this last?. 

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HIV Prevention :: White Tounge With Chest And Stomach Pain

I reserved oral sex over a month ago just oral and now I have chest pain stomach pain in a few places and bloating and gas and white tongue my head hurts sometime I have no other symptom and am afraid it maybe aids/hiv

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