Vitamin D Deficiency :: Always Tired, Weak And Suffer With Joint Stiffness And Pain

I'm 52 I went to Doctors because I'm always tired, weak & suffer with joint stiffness & pain. Couldn't find any thing wrong. I had a vitamin d blood test. My result was 40 which is a little low. I have been told to take a supplement 1000 iu. Has anyone else had this kind of reading and what us the best vit d supplement out there to take?

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Vitamin D3 Deficiency :: Muscle Pain (mostly Upper Back And Neck)

I've had some blood work done because I was extremely tired and have been for the last couple of months, muscle pain (mostly upper back and neck), headaches, muscle weakness, being emotional (bursting into tears) mostly because extremely tired. digestive issues etc.

Results came back, only thing wrong is D3 level at 6 ng/ml (minimum should be 30). I was prescribed 25000 UI a week for three months. I also sent a mail with the results to my endocrinologist. She says she doesn't think my symptoms come from a vitamin D deficiency. Now I respect the woman a LOT. She has helped me in many ways in the past and she's been the only one to find what was wrong with me years back when I had severe health issues and every other doctor thought I was just "depressed".

I am though very surprised by her answer. I've read of a lot of people having very similar symptoms with vitamin D deficiency, and for most of them the symptoms just flew away when their vitamin D level went back up.

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Dizzy And Off Balance With Vitamin D Deficiency?

I am 29 year old female and for the past 2 years I have been feeling off balance and sometime dizzy, but mostly off balance.

I have went too 2 different Neurologist, A E.N.T, and A Cardiologist. I have endless blood work, A CT of the brain, and a MRI of the brain. Everything was always NORMAL! Once I was anemic and my b12 was low which is normal now.

This past weekend I was dizzy, and I got scared, I went to the ER which was nothing but a waste of time, they just told me sometimes people get dizzy and that's all.

I went to a doctor I had seen before but not alot she had looked at the blood test that one of the Neurologist had order and found out I was anemic and had a b12 deficiency and re-order blood work so she knew I had been having this problem for quite some time.

I went and did my blood work the next day she called me and told me that everything was back but my VIT-D but everything was ok, she said my b12 was on the low end of normal and she was gonna give me a shot once a week in case my body was just needing more than normal. I said thanks and went on my way at work. I was truly starting to think I was crazy.

The next day while at work, she called me again to tell me my Vit-D was low. It was a 19. And that is why I was getting Dizzy and Off Balance. I can't tell you how happy I was to finally have a answer!
So my questions are:

1.) Did anyone here get dizzy or off balance with a Vitamin D Deficiency?
2.) How long to I feel better? I am taking Vitamin D 50,000 units once a week for 8 weeks then going to re-check...

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Vitamin D Deficiency :: Tired, No Energy, Pale Color, Moody, Bleeding Gums

I found out I was deficient about three weeks ago.After months, almost a year of feeling weak..weaker on one side...tired, no energy, pale color, moody, bleeding gums and sore mouth.Sometimes feeling chilled and yet at night I would sweat more when I slept. All my pain markers have been elevated proving inflammation but I tested negative to R A. I've Been taking 5000 iu's daily of calcium was low too but I'm told I can get extra in my diet. I have also started Salmon and Fish oil supplement. After just one week of supplements I felt a difference. I had realized there were two days I hadn't needed pain medication.then on the 8th day I had forgot my vit D and hadn't realized till that night because I was trying to understand why I was stiff and sore and basically crawled up the stairs. Would one day make that difference? I found since..I'm feeling just as poorly...needing medication for my discomfort, bleeding gums and sore mouth...heaviness in my legs and tired tired tired. Irealize iI was months of being depleted and it will take more than one week to feel 100%...are these symptoms similar to yours as i'd love to hear some comments

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Vitamin B12 Deficiency :: Pain In My Both Calves

i had a vitamin b12 test yesterday. the result recd today is 277. i am having pain in my both calves and i get tired very quickly. please suggest what it is ?

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Vitamin D Deficiency - Pain And Fatigue Are Becoming Unbearable

Had a letter from the rheumatologist to say that I have vitamin D deficiency which I can't understand because I get plenty of sunlight and I have a good diet.Going to GP today to discuss supplements.Rheumatologist also suggests that my GP checks my PTH which I assume is parathyroid hormone.Does anyone have any experience of this.My pain and fatigue are becoming unbearable and if vitamin D supplements could alleviate some of it this would be wonderful,but I Don't want to get my hopes up only to be let down again.

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Vitamin D Deficiency? Pain In My Ribs And Arms

Hi I have been having pain in my ribs and arms and shoulders for 4 months I don't seem to be getting anywhere with doctors I do have vitamin d deficiency and was Just wondering if it's anything to do with that?

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Chronic Pain :: Fibromyalgia Or Vitamin D Deficiency? Or Both?

Okay so I'm feeling really down at the moment due to chronic pain. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia three years ago but can't tolerate all the medications such as gabapentin, pregabalin and amitriptyline so I'm basically just taking solpadol 30/500s and tramadol 50 mg if it gets really bad.  I've now been diagnosed with severe vitamin D deficiency and all they would tell me it was below 20 so I've been started on 60000 units of cholecalciferol per week. I'm now getting sharp pains in my feet which I can only describe as a cross between a bee sting and an electric shock in my heels and feet, and a constant ache of calf muscles and bad bone pain to my shins. Everything is getting me down

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Vitamin D Deficiency - Pain And Weakness In Arms And Legs

Symptoms I been having. ..

*Weakness in arms and legs
*Pain in both legs and arm, worse when walking/working

Also in my feet.

* Frequent bladder
*Random muscle twitching all over the body, especially feet
*Eye sight slightly worse (need glasses now)

A doctor I saw was just at a regular clinic and he did blood work and it came back fine beside that my Vit D level was at 7 which he had the nurse call me and immediately gave a prescription over the phone for V2 vitamin 10,000unit pills and been working on that. Anybody know if my symptoms sound like a legit cause of the vitamin d deficiency? Could it really cause pain and muscle twitching?

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Neck And Shoulder Pain On The Other Side After A C-5 C-6 Fusion

I have been suffering from nerve pain that ran down my left arm and shoulder and fingers from a bulging disc in the C-5- C-6 so i had been taking oxycodone 10-325 but when we decided to do surgery we cut that down to oxycodone 5/325 since that is what the surgeon would be giving me after surgery so i said okay no problem.  I had surgery  on 2/26 of this year, But after surgery come to find out he dropped me to a hydrocodone 7.5/325 and can't understand why the 7.5 hydro's weren't working to take away the pain. I had been having a lil bit of pain on the right shoulder before surgery, but nothing like what i had been having in the left so the surgeon side well "let's hope this will fix this side too" well it didn't. In fact it made the right side worse, I now feel like i have a hot knife twisting at the base of my neck whenever i turn my neck to the right or left, which in turn  runs down into my shoulder blades and into my right shoulder which makes my shoulder feel like someone it trying to tear my shoulder off at the cuff along with weakness in my right arm which i never had before ..  I have also  started to notice a tingling in my right pinky finger and ring finger.  I have told him over and over about this but all he does is get the X-rays and says the fusion is looking fine. and my primary can't do anything since he told her he would treat my pain for 6 weeks and he is refusing to do anything about the pain what so ever. i am to my wits end and any advice would be welcomed.

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Migraine Associated Vertigo MAV - Neck And Shoulder Pain

I'm not on any meds for my MAV, first because the ENt wanted me to take topamax and it scared me to death to try it, when I saw him 2 weeks ago he said he wasn't going to give me any meds cause I seem to be doing better.  I started with this headache on saturday night and still have it today, its like a tension type headache with pain in the shoulders and neck, but the pain is mostly in the front across the forehead going to each side, but with it comes the feeling of moving when I'm sitting or standing.  Is this indicative of MAV?  I feel like a buoy in the water and sometimes a sinking feeling, yesterday it was a falling feeling.  I'm now wondering if I should try some meds.  I also told the ENT I was seeing a psychologist this week and maybe he thought because of my anxiety about all this she might want to start meds.  She works with a psychiatrist I believe so could probably get meds.  she was also I physicians assistant for 20 years at a neurologist office, so I'm hoping she will understand all this.  

So my question is, do you have headaches with neck pain and shoulder pain on both sides?  Is this part of MAV?  Does the dizziness sensations feel different or changing?  Do everyone here take meds for this?  Is there any meds that help with dizziness, headache and anxiety at the same time?  Do you have headache and dizziness for days at time?  

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Frozen Shoulder :: Neck Pain And Stiffness

Since having frozen shoulder, I have also suffered with neck pain and neck stiffness. It's not the same dreadful, unbearable pain that you get in your shoulders and arm, just a dull, persistent ache. Does anyone else have this? I have been told that I have a slight amount of arthritis in my neck, but that this is 'normal' for someone of my age (53). I never had this pain before I had frozen shoulder - there is probably a connection but I'm not sure if it's the frozen shoulder causing the neck pain or if the neck problem may be the cause of my frozen shoulder!

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Frozen Shoulder :: Nerve Pain In Neck And Arm

I have been off work since last September. when one morning I woke up and thought I was going to be paralysed as I was I the most severe pain in my neck, but actually couldn't move. I was given diazepam to relax the muscle spasms. Already on tramadol but also given cocodamol. Saw chiropractor for 6 weeks. Wasn't happy there though. Slowly regained more movement in my neck but the pain was getting worse and my shoulder and arm in excruciating pain. Can't lift arm up or behind my back. Putting certain items of clothing on causes sudden pain that makes me want to scream out and maybe faint sometimes. I hope I don't offend but going to the toilet is a feat. I feel like a fraud to others as you can't see this and it is the most painful thing ever. I have had 5 children and this is worse. I've seen a spine Physio today and being referred for MRI. She seems to think I have now developed frozen shoulder on top of neck problem too. I'm exhausted from it all. Bit nervous. I feel a fraction of the person I was 7 months ago. Thank you for listening to me wittering on about myself.

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Vitamin D Deficiency - Terrible Bone Pain Lasting Months

My doctor told me today I have a severe vitamin D deficiency. I had been to see her because of terrible bone pain lasting months. She told me this could be the cause.

I'm currently taking 20,000 units of vit D for 15 days, then down to 800 for maintenance.

I'm not expecting results straight away, but the problem is, the pain has gotten 10x worse since my first dose today, and it was already pretty bad. I can't find pain as a side effect anywhere so I'm just seriously confused as to why this has happened. I've never felt pain like this before, so I'm assuming it's related to the vit D.

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Vitamin D Deficiency - Severe Pain In Shoulders , Elbows And Hips 

I have recently been made aware that I am vit d deficient , following feeling extremely rough for a considerable period of time . 

Symptoms have included:

severe pain in my shoulders , elbows ,hips 

loss of muscle strength

poor coordination , very wobbly at times

excessive sweats 

fluctuating body temperature - sudden change from comfortable to freezing or the other extreme excessive Heat !!

extreme tiredness

lethargy..... To name a few 

I have found this forum really informative ,and reassuring hearing that with vit d supplements a lot of writers have noticed a big difference in their symptoms.

my question is once diagnosed as vit d deficiency is this something that is prone to drop in the future ?or following a course of supplements does your own immune system usually maintain its levels ? 

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Shaky Hands And Neck, Shoulder And Arm Pain Down Right Side

I have had shaky hands for years and has recently got worse. I woke up with pain in my shoulder which spread to my elbow, wrist and hand. I went to the gp and was given a splint, pain killers and referred to a hand specialist for nerve conduction studies for carpal tunnel. I was also told to go for a massage as the muscles on the right side of my back and shoulder were solid. However, when I went for a massage it only made things worse- I went into a healing crisis (apparently this is a real thing!) and was in agony. I saw an orthopaedic physio privately who thought i may have nerve damage in my thoracic spine, but when I went back to the GP I was told to continue with carpal tunnel diagnosis. The nerve conduction studies came back negative and now I'm being sent for an MRI and referred to neurology. 6 months later I am no closer to knowing what is wrong or how to tackle the impact it is having on my life. 

I am an occupational therapy student too and using dragon software to write my assignments as it is difficult for me to handwrite or type. I am also a painter and crafter and have not been able to do any of the things I enjoy. I am currently on a health and design placement and am looking at spinal injuries and neurological conditions. I thought it would be a great opportunity to look into ways I can help myself as well as other people- Is any one else having issues using their hands? Is anyone using adaptive equipment- its not attractive stuff! ? Maybe there is an element of a task that other people would like a product to help with?

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Severe Vitamin D Deficiency - Fatigue, Depression - Joints / Arm / Legs Pain

I have recently been diagnosed with Vit D deficiency...the level in my blood was under 10 (it was actually at 3) when it should have been at least over 50.  I think it has been this low for at least a year. I didn't get any sunshine at all last year (severe hot flushes so avoided sunshine) without realising the consequences.  My diet has not been ideal either.  After several blood tests to test thyroid, and lots of other things, the locum GP came up with a severe Vitamin D deficiency.

Over the last 6 to 8 months my health has noticeably deteriorated with  severe tiredness, no energy, really bad aches and pains, with severe pain in my joints, disturbed sleep, very depressed, etc. Plus I am pre menopausal and have depression, all of which are being treated separately and fairly successfully.

Anyway a locum GP put me on 20000iu of Vit D daily for two weeks which I finished this week...and now my usual GP has put me on a long term daily maintenance dose of 800iu Vit D (and didn't seem sure why I was on a daily dose of the 20000).

Anyway I had a business trip yesterday, 6 hours total travelling and 6 hours in meeting, and half hour walks to the station and back....and the result on my body has been catastrophic.  Really aching all over, severe pains in my arms and legs, both much more than usual, bad back, and just generally feel awful.  Is this to be expected?  Is this normal with a vit D deficiency.  How long will it be before I start to see any benefits.  The doc mentioned it will be at least another 6 months before my blood levels are tested but I work full time, am a carer at home and really want to start feeling better soon.

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How Do You Cope Frozen Shoulder? Nerve Pain After Neck Injury

how do you cope?  One year ago I fell downstairs (vertigo) fractured my neck and had severe pain in upper left arm, felt like a very bad bruise and a swollen but not broken wrist.  Neck healed, pain in my upper arm remained and could move it but not do up bra etc without severe pain.  Had an injection in my shoulder - made it worse. 11 months on I fell down a shorter flight of stairs (return of vertigo!) on to same bad shoulder/arm.  Now frozen and pain from neck to finger tips all the time and even worse at night.  Can't take oral pain relief tablets has anyone tried pain relief patches?  The pain is so bad I can't do anything and I am getting seriously depressed and being driven to despair, its like being in constant childbirth labour!  constantly having to massage my arm including from elbow to wrist and palm of hand into fingers.  Given conflicting advice by every medical person seen so far.    Seems it is likely multiple problems but still no MRI, xray shows no broken bones in shoulder.  Read most of the discussions, not many triggered by injury unless I have missed those.  Any support groups locally in Cornwall where we could at least cry openly!

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Diuretics :: Bendroflumethiazide Having Trouble Walking And Neck And Shoulder Pain

Have been on bendroflumethiazide for about a year now and the Doctor has taken me off them 3 weeks ago. Have numb and tingling thighs which mean I have trouble walking. I am stumbling along like I am 90+ yrs old. My neck and shoulders are stiff and I have shooting pains in my right eye. Is it correct that you shouldn't take these tablets if you have a stone in your bile duct and also a pending gall bladder removal. Also I have just read that you shouldn't also take them if you have an allergy to sulfa based medication. Is this also correct?

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