Osteomyelitis In Right Arm Bone (Humerus)

In early January of this year (2008) I was working out at the gym one day with weights. I heard a "pop" in my upper right arm. Did not think much of it. Continued working out with weights for another 3 days. One night a terrible throbbing pain started in my upper right arm. It was bad. I knew it was not a "normal" pain. I went to my family doctor and had xrays. Everything came back normal. The pain continued. It was terrible. I went back to my family doctor the next week. By this time, I had terrible pain in my arm, and lost some range of motion in my shoulder. My doctor sent me for an ultrasound. It showed that I had a Shoulder Impingement/Frozen Shoulder. I thought, at the time, that this was the most terrible thing in the world. Boy, was I wrong. I began physio on my arm, took anti-inflammatories and painkillers. My ROOM came back, shoulder got better. I was still having terrible pain in my arm. That same "throbbing, pulsating" pain. I was not sleeping at this point. I went to see a few sports and rehabilitation doctors. I got a cortizone shot in my shoulder for the pain. Did not work. I requested another ultrasound from my doctor. It showed that I had a partial bicep tear. I thought that that was the cause of all my problems in the first place. So I began treating that. I had another cortisone shot in my bicep. It made things worse. I was a terrible mess. On painkillers, NSAIDS, anti-depressants, etc. I was at my "witts-end". On another last ditch attempt visit with my family doctor, he prescribed me antibiotics because he believed that I had an infection. My arm was swollen, sore to the touch, very painful, I had a fever, etc. The antibiotics worked. My swelling went down, the pain started to go away, I started to feel like myself again. I thought I was cured. In the meanwhile I had a bone scan. It came back "not normal". My pain doctor who made me have the bone scan told me to go to the hospital right away because he thought that I had cancer in my bone. At this point I was feeling better after being on antibiotics for only a few days. I was devastated. I could barely even believe it - in fact - I did not believe it. I was admitted to the hospital where I had numerous testing done. MRI, CT Scans, Xrays, bloodwork, etc. I was being treated for a bone infection and was on intravenous meds for 4 days. On my fifth day in the hospital, my doctor changed her diagnosis and told me out of the blue that she believed that I had cancer in my arm bone. Either Lymphoma or Sarcoma. Needless to say - I was in a state of shock. I was sent for a biopsy of my arm bone. I had to wait approximately 3 weeks from the date I was told that I had cancer until the day I received the results from the biopsy. I was told that I did not have cancer and had chronic Osteomyelitis. I was so happy to hear this news. I just went to go see an infectious disease doctor today. She told me that the damage to my humerus was bad and that it would not be "the same"anymore. I can't do any weightlifting anymore. I am on oral antibiotics for at least three months. I have a Staph bacteria that somehow nested in my arm bone. I am just thankful that it is not cancer. I do hope though that my infection goes away and NEVER comes back and that the damage to my humerus does not affect my every day to day life.

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Broken Humerus Healed Crooked

I fractured my Humerus back in February playing hockey, not exactly sure how it happened that night is pretty foggy for me. It took a long time to heal but that is not the issue.

My concern is how crooked the bone is when my arm is hanging at my side. When my elbow is bent 90 degrees the bone is almost completely straight, but the second it's at my side it's pretty far off. I can feel it when I touch my arm. Should I be concerned with it? The doctor wasn't at all saying it will be fine and said I am free to go and no need for any more appointments.

Any risks from having the bone healed crooked mid-shaft?

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Broken Humerus Spiral Fracture

On January 31, I fell on ice walking my dogs and fractured my surgical neck of my arm and have a very large spiral fracture down my humorous. Initially the pain was pretty bad, I struggled with sleeping, but after day seven it started feeling a little less painful. But then I met with orthopedic again and he put me in a plastic brace to help align the bone and now the pain is almost unbelievable. The only thing I am taking is Tylenol because any kind of opiate makes me very nauseous, and I have a history stomach ulcer so I cannot take Ibuprofen. This whole ordeal has been a huge struggle for me to go from a very active person to sitting in the recliner all day long. I am alone also most of the days because my husband has to go to work. It's been really hard for me not to become overwhelmingly depressed. I'm dealing with the guilt of not being able to go to work as I am a supervisor of a program. In addition I have four animals that are being neglected because I don't have the energy and stamina to do anything with them. Not being able to be self-sufficient is also extremely saddening to me. It is hard for me to see the future when when the orthopedic is saying it will be at least six weeks before I will start seeing some changes. I have tried to keep my mind occupied with things but all I want to do is get better. How has other folks dealt with the pain, the lack of independence and the feeling of being cooped up?

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Broken Humerus - Pain During Workout After 2.5 Years

I met an accident around 2.5 years ago and broke my left arm humerus. So I had a surgery and "they" fixed it using a humerus plate. After that, I took ample rest and finally my left arm is all good, not 100% but still up to acceptable level ( I do half my job using left hand and the remaining with right, as in throwing ball with left and writing using right hand). A couple of months ago, I started exercising so as to lose some weight, and it finally led me to join a gym. At first it was hard to get in routine with all these gym workouts, but in no time, I got used to it. Now comes the main issue. Since last month, while gymming, my left humerus has started to cause me pain. It occurs only when I am working out using my arms. It never happened before. This worries me now. Apart from work out, I never feel any pain there. Also, the pain is not something that can make me cry, but something, that makes me stop from whatever I am doing. I am uploading a copy of my X-ray as well.

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Orthopedics :: Broken Humerus - Pain / Healing Time?

Just a little background over the past 5 weeks.

I fell over and broke my left humerus 5 weeks ago yesterday. Initial visit to A&E which resulted in X-rays and put in a collar and cuff for the first 4 days.

I then visited Orthopedics and more X-rays taken and put into a Brace.

I was in the brace until week 4, when it was replaced by a plaster U slab as the brace was causing my arm and hand to be considerably swollen. My U slab had to be changed twice due to it moving constantly in this time and in my opinion not isolating the break.

I had an appointment yesterday at Orthopedics where it was replaced yet again, and told my next appointment is on the 18th of December.

My concerns,

Various different stories told as to healing times.

I am 5 weeks since the break, when will they decide if it needs operating.

I am taking serious pain relief which is barely touching it, and causing sickness.

Its seems like i am being a nuisance asking questions or going back to the hospital, am i being paranoid.

I have managed to take pictures of the X-rays every time they have been taken and week 5 looks the same as day 1.

I know Orthopedic Surgeons undergo the same training. I have a problem that my Surgeon is a lower limb specialist. I have asked to see the Surgeon who specialises in my the area of my break, but only to be told that they are all the same.

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Failed Humerus Heal At 88 - Profound Osteoporosis Bone Fixation?

My mom is 88. In August of 2012 she fell and broke her left humerus. Our first Dr. did an external fixation and we administered a bone stimulator conscientiously for 3 1/2 months, a half hour every night. After about six months the external fixation became progressively loose.

We obtained a new orthopedic surgeon who deemed that another surgery would be necessary. He did an internal fixation with synthetic bone graft. After about a year that has failed. Now we have total failure of the arm …. (looks like two elbows), x rays reveal floating screws, wire wrap coming undone from the plate, and most recently painful surges from the shoulder all the way to the tips of her fingers.

Her bones are obviously very osteoporotic. Our Dr. has suggested another surgery with a longer plate. I worry about another surgery (T.I.A. and clotting) and after two failures why would a third be successful?

Is there any new technology regarding 'profound osteoporosis bone fixation'?

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Fractured Humerus Physical Therapy - Pieces Of Bone Moving Feeling

I sustained a spiral fracture of the distal third of my humerus approximately 3 and a half weeks ago. Im currently in a hard functional brace and able to let my arm hang freely at my side. I began PT earlier this week and have a few questions regarding the process. While most of the exercises are focused on maintaining range of motion and are relatively pain free, some do put small amounts of stress on the fracture site and cause discomfort. Every once in awhile I can feel the pieces of bone moving during the exercises. My arm has also swollen up a bit more (specifically my lower arm) since beginning PT. I assume this is normal. I'm more concerned with the movement of the bone. Is this cause for concern? and will excess movement hinder the bone healing process?

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Broken Humerus (3 Spots) - Lots Of Pain After Plate And Screws (3 Weeks Post Op)

3 weeks I broke my humerus in 3 spots and had surgery to have a plate and screws installed after that I was sent home with a one week prescription to pain meds and I ran out last week so this past week has been hell, lots of pain. I see the surgeon in 2 days any chance he'll prescribe me more meds for the pain or do I gotta live like this for who knows how long?

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Pinky Toe - Broken 5th Metatarsal Bone Itch

I dislocated my fifth toe (pinky) completely - it was shooting at a 90° angle - and I went to the ER. He numbed it, gave me Norco for pain and put it back in place. I had an xray while there and they thought there was no brake and just a dislocated toe. So they sent me home and said buddy tape and rest when I can, no specific instructions given.. Three days later the hosp called and said I did indeed have a fracture in my fifth metatarsal bone. They did not explain further, basically said if I want to come get a post op boot/shoe I could and that was the extent of it. I have continued to go on and work daily, I am a hairdresser and I stand for hours at a time. I still cannot put weight on it and it still has shooting pain from time to time. Recently it had started to itch inside the bone, not from the shoe or buddy tape but a deeper itch, wondering if that meant it was healing? It's been exactly a week ago when I did this. Should I follow up with an orthopedic Dr on my own since the ER didn't think it was necessary to refer me to anyone or quit being a baby and just let it heal on its own?

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Jones Fracture :: Broken 5th Metatarsal - Bone Shift?

I have broken my 5th metatarsal bone in 2 spots close together, it was not displaced but if it shifts its a whole chunk of bone. In emergency i had xrays and was told its a bad break that does not usually heal properly and that i need surgery. I went 4 days later to fracture clinic and they said th3y want to call it a "jones fracture" but that because its broke completely in 2 places its tricky. The previous x ray showed luckily it was not displaced and i kept the air cast and told to go back for x ray in 4 weeks. One dr said to basically not to move and non weight bearing and another said i can use my heal. The goal is to not let the bone shift and hopefully avoid surgery. They left me very confused. Its been almost 2 weeks and i get pain off and on. When i elevate my foot the pain stops and as soon as i would begin to lower it i get very sharp burning like pressure on top of my foot around the break. It gets swollen after i crutch around for even just going across the street to corner store but it relaxes when i lay down and elevate. Since this pa8n has been happening its now swelling more on top at the break but its hard and very tender..sometimes hot and red but it calms down. I do not do much but i have 2 kids, one which has a lot of medical issues and actually was ambulanced to children's hospital the day after i broke it. I'm completely on my own and my son has a ton of upcoming appointments which is travelling an hour away on a cpl busses and through a busy train station..just a lot of walking and all i have are crutches. I guess my questions are..am I doing too much and making it more likely for the bone to shift..has anyone experienced a non displaced break and then have it shift and need surgery? Is there a way to tell myself if i've shifted the bone? Has anyone experienced the same kind of pain?? I read this is one of the hardest and longest fractures to heal but all the info is sooo different from everyone i'm confused.

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Foot / Ankle :: Broken Calcaneus Bone Right Foot 2 Screws Put In

I had broken my right calcaneus the doctor put 2 screws in. I'm at 8 weeks just started putting weight on it and walking with 1 crutch. Started doing stretching exercises. My question is I'm having pain in my foot now that I have started walking with 1 crutch. Very uncomfortable walking with boot so I changed to my tennis shoes with gel inserts.how long does it take before I can walk with little or no pain. Does anybody know.

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Vaginal Health :: Small Ridge Of Bone On Entrance, Pubic Bone?

My vagina opening is wide enough to fit a tampon, which i've done on many occasions however, anything larger than this and it doesn't seem to stretch anymore. The actual skin can stretch fine and does but at the opening is a small ridge of bone. Once you reach past this bit of bone, inside the vagina it can stretch fine, it's just that one ridge, i can put my finger round it and hook it but I can't actually move the bone (obviously)So my problem is just that when I come to having sex, nothing will fit. I think this bone is the pubic bone which is just sunk down too far. I can also feel it right behind my clitoris and urethra opening like everything has been squashed down into one small area. It doesnt come very far up on my front 'mound' but comes too far down underneath in my vaginal area.Is this normal? Has anyone experienced this? What should I do?

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Bone / Joint :: Pain After Bone Spur/arthritis Surgery On Shoulder

I had surgery on June 14, 2011 to remove a bone spur on my left clavicle and to remove arthritis near (but not in) my shoulder joint.  It was the worse experience of my life. I was in constant agonizing pain for 2.5 months. Just for the record, I've had two ulnar nerve surgeries on my left AND right elbows and never even needed pain medication. This shoulder surgery apparently did not relieve any of my pain. I still have a dull aching pain through out the day starting in my neck (left side) to my shoulder, and down my bicep to my elbow.  I still can not sleep at night, and through out the day while working my shoulder/arm/ neck is killing me. I continue to take an Naproxin and continue to rotate heat and ice. I did physical therapy for the first two months after surgery. My concern is that had arthroscopic surgery, and there was NO rotator damage so why is my shoulder still in pain? My shoulder pops when I do try to rotate it.. and often when I simply reach outward for something..I'm in excruciating pain. I'm a baker, so I am constantly lifting a 34-50lb metal mixing bowl and have to reach many times through out the day. There really is no way to not do my job duties and still retain my job. Any ideas why I'm still having this problem?

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Bone On Bone - Partial Knee Replacement After Microfracture Surgery?

I am a 47 year old female. I had Microfracture Knee surgery on January 12, 2016 and it was not a success. My doctor said that I am still bone on bone and will need a partial knee replacement. He uses the Oxford Partial Knee and says it is the best one to go with. I was able to get a Synvisc injection on May 12, 2016. My doctor and I are both hopeful that this will give me some time to make this big decision. I have had a really hard time recovering from the microfracture surgery. I was on crutches for five weeks and my knee got stuck in a bent position. I was in therapy for three months and I still cannot walk with a straight knee. The thought of undergoing another surgery is so scary.  I just want to be normal again and do all the things that I used to do before.

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Osteoporosis And Osteopenia :: Bone Density Vs. Bone Quality

I found a paper recently that contained some insights that might be worth thinking about." Studies of Osteoporosis (OP) and drug treatments have challenged the concept that denser bone means stronger bone. Bone strength, or resistance to fracture, is not easily measured by routine DXA as it is a function of both density and quality".

(Cleveland Clinic, Angelo Licata 2009).

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Menopause :: Premarin .03 Mg Can Be Cut Into Half .015 Mg?

I have been reading up on Premarin and I see the lowest dose is .03 mg is it possible to cut that in half .15mg and will it help hot flashes? I need help with menopause symptoms I am in full menopause have not had a period since age of 45 and am now 52 and in full menopause. Not sleeping, hot flashes...... Am kinda of scared of taking this but need help I also have Graves' disease.

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How To Get Rid Of Fluid Caused By Humerus Break

My husband humerus was broken six weeks ago on left arm.  Doctor is trying to heal with brace.  He has stopped wearing the sling, and his hand and arm are extremely swollen.  Is that normal? What can he do to reduce the swelling.  How long before the brace comes off?

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Stiff Elbow After A Humerus Fracture

My elbow become very stiff after a humerus fracture, especially after elbow immobilization for an extended period of time, I was trying to practice a Six Pack Active Hand Exercises but i can't execute an exercises number : (3) and (4) because i can't bend my fingers more than 90 ; and i can't make a fist .

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Physiotherapy To Get A Good ROM After Humerus Fracture?

On January the 19th I broke my humerus - transverse fracture, slightly not aligned -(I'm 23). I had a surgery after a couple of days with percutaneous fixation with wires, then I was put in a sling for over a month. About two weeks ago I removed the wires in day surgery and was told to try and remove the sling and make some pendulum exercise with my arm.

At the moment I've recovered the elbow movement nearly at 100%, but I can't raise my arm nor move it anywhere. In a couple of days I'll have another X Ray, then an orthopedic examination.

I think and hope the doctor will tell me to start physiotherapy... I'd like to ask you how much time I will need to recover a good range of movement for ordinary life activities (like driving, wearing normally, running)

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