Propranolol :: Increasing From 20mg To 40mg

have been taking 20mg propranolol up to three times a day for a while now for anxiety but feel it's not having much effect.  GP said I can increase my morning dose to 40mg - will I notice a difference in the increased dosage?

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Fluoxetine :: 20mg Or 40mg?

This is my 2nd wk on flu and can tell im going to stick with it & haven't had much side effects, i was on sertraline that made me very ill for 4 weeks & doc put me straight away on 20mg flu so i suppose i had some benefit,

I feel alot better but still have the low levels of anxiety as u has took the edge of, im still finding it difficult to go out and socialise again & to go back to work, i think i may be ready for 40 mg as iv come to a stand still?

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Sertraline :: Side Effects Of Increasing Dose?

I'm about to increase my sertraline dosage. The side effects in the first few weeks when I started were pretty bad and I felt really rough at times, mainly with nausea, dizziness etc. I was wondering: will this happen again on increasing the dosage? Or should it be OK now my body is used to the drug? If it's likely I'll get some side effects, how long are they likely to last and how bad might they be?

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Citalopram :: Dose Increased From 20mg To 40mg

I have been on 20mg Citalopram for years. Although lately I feel this has not been working as I have felt low, tearful,tired,unmotivated and generally not right. I have not been going to work and used to love my job even having to do 12hr shifts. I have been sick alot and suffer back and joint pains and being investigated for Rheumatoid Arthritis or some other autoimmune problem. My main concern is my mood ad I just want to be normal and go to work and socialize again. How long does it take to see an improvement it's been a week since dose change? Sorry for long post just had to get how I feel out there.

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Adrenal Insufficiency :: Side Effects Of Long Term Omeprazole 20mg / Vitamin D And Calcium?

Are there any side effect of taking vitamins(e.g. vitamin D+calcium) for long time as 3 months or more.

Does "Omeprazole 20mg" cause any harmful effect in long term use ?

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Anxiety :: Antidepressant - 30 Mg Of seroxat - Side Effects On Increasing Dose

i'm taking 30mg of seroxat the doctor has increased this today by 10mg does anyone know if i will get any side effects?


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Citalopram :: Citapram Dose Upped From 20mg To 40mg

I have been on Citalopram 10mg then 20mg for years for depression and anxiety after being sick then losing my mum. it's now years later and I have been sick again and this time my motivation for life has gone. I use to have goals and dreams now nothing. I been panicky and tearful too. So my doctor upper my Citalopram dosage from 20mg to 40mg. It's day two and I have only slept two hours feel speedy like whiz bit! Will this effect calm down? 


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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Gabapentin - Horrible Side Effects

I was down to 100mg every other day and then OMG felt horrible  headaches and dizziness. finally called doctor after 6 days taking 100 mg everyday. Now I just feel horrible my head is in spins....

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Lipitor Side Effects - Horrible Muscle Tiredness And Aches

I know that it's known that lipitor has the side-effect of muscle tiredness and aches. Has anyone else have to deal with this? Man it's off the hook. I almost am paralyzed fro, lipitor. This horrible and I would like to talk to someone who's been through it. This is a very under-rated affliction IMO. I've been tested and it doesn't look like I have the Rabadolosis<sp? That spelling isn't even close. I was very scared before I realized what was causing this severe problem.. Now I know that lipitor has helped a lot of people, it brought my cholesterol down a bunch very quickly. Frankly i would rather have high cholesterol. I did have a stroke at the end of November, small, deep in the cerebellum. Hence the lipitor.

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Lexapro 40mg To Prozac 20mg - Severe Depression And Anxiety Changed From

Came off Lexapro 40 mg bout week and a half ago and have been on prozac 20mg for 2.5 weeks. Dr upped it today to 40 mg.

First week and a half on prozac 20mg i felt agitated and really really anxious...panicky thoughts, felt like i was going crazy.

But this morning just woke up totally depressed..cried all day pretty much, no motivation, huge brainfog, extremely tired, low concentration, not interested in doing anything- not enough concentration to do anything. Don't feel like eating.

I am wondering if it is too low dose after coming off Lexapro 40 mg...or maybe it just hasn't kicked in yet all....can anyone, from their own experience, shed some light on this....i am feeling completely lost!

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Side Effects :: Amitriptyline With Fluoxetine

I've been on Amitriptyline for 6 months for pain management - lowest dose 10 mg in evening and I am getting on fine after the side effects at the start!

This week I've been started on fluoxetine 20 mg per day for other issues. GP said it might interact with the Amitriptyline but might not so give it a go.

Has anyone else taken these two medicines at the same time? How did you feel?

I've taken fluoxetine before so I'm ready for the crazy initial side effects (off work for 4 weeks so I can get through it!)

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Fluoxetine :: Awful Side Effects... Hang In There

I thought i would just write and share my experiences to give a little hope to those who have just started fluoxetine and are suffering from the awful side effects... Hang in there! i am 6 months in now and i cannot believe how my life has changed, im laughing every day, i love my job im enjoying my wonderful children and my beautiful granddaughter, im moving house and i just feel my old self again, my friends are so happy for me they said i got lost for a while but they have been so supportive, and say that its great to have me back ! something i didn't think would happen 5 months ago believe me i had no motivation and suffered every side effect felt totally disconnected from the world, i have been where you are now! this site has been my life line and people who came through the other side gave me hope.....

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Depression :: Fluoxetine Side Effects - Frequent Panic Attacks

I've been on fluoxetine for 8 weeks. I had experienced frequent panic attacks and my doctor put me on 20mg a day. Initially I had all the usual side effects (although some of these could be the depression) - I lost my appetite and lost a lot of weight, I developed insomnia and had to take sleeping pills, and I just generally felt worse for the first month. Now I'm able to sleep at night without pills, I've stopped losing weight, I don't have panic attacks anymore and I usually feel ok. The only problem is that I've got an issue with grinding my teeth all day. It's starting to become very uncomfortable and annoying. It feels like my jaw is always clicking and popping, and often I have earache or a feeling of fullness in my ears. Is this a side effect that will go away after a while? It's been 8 weeks and I'm starting to think I might want to come off fluoxetine if this jaw pain doesn't go away.

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Anxiety :: Paracetamol With Fluoxetine 20 Mg And Omeprazole 20mg

can I take paracetamol with fluoxetine 20 mg and omeprazole 20mg

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Citalopram :: 20mg To 40mg Citalopram?

I have had a really tough year, and was prescribed citalopram 12 weeks ago, started on 10mg for 2 weeks then 20mg ever since. I haven't been feeling any better, I have been going through a break up so its hard to know what's heartbreak and what's depression but the only thing that's seemed to be improving is anxiety which was taking over my life.

I still wake up most days not wanting to move, feeling hopeless and like I don't want to be here (I wouldn't physically hurt myself) and non stop crying and fear of the future and low self esteem. I used to be so confident and outgoing and happy, my world has crashed in the last year and recently I spoke to my doctor who has raised the dose to 40mg which I have now been taking for 3 days. I feel absolutely worse and again not sure if it's circumstantial. I feel embarrassed In Front of my friends and family as one minute I'll be crying and struggling to breath having a panic attack and the next I'll be laughing and smiling. Has anyone else suffered in the same way? I am hoping that this dosage is what I need but I'm just having teething problems. Right now though I feel very scared and worried it's not going to do the trick if I feel like this.

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Fatty Liver? Horrible Pain On My Right Side Under My Rib Cage

I have already read a lot of good information about fatty liver and other people's symptoms. I am not sure what is going on with me but thought I would see if anyone can relate or help. I was actively working out my abs doing core exercises for a couple of weeks and noticed maybe (trying to remember) a day later, horrible pain on my right side under my rib cage. I was also diagnosed with a fatty liver about a year or so ago. When I was first diagnosed, I had a mild pain (more annoying than painful) and thus underwent an ultrasound. My triglycerides are pretty high and HDL and LDL are a little off but not too bad. Everything else seems pretty good. I haven't really changed my diet since I was diagnosed and do have my starbucks fraps almost daily, but did start a strict exercise with cardio and walking almost everyday.

Getting back to the pain, it started about 5 days ago and yesterday I thought it was going away. It is still there today. I don't know if I strained it, it is my gallbladder, or my fatty liver. I am so afraid of doctors and don't want to go. The pain is more intense when I move my torso to the left and to the right.
Can anyone help or give your opinions as to what could be going on or if they have the same symptoms.

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Fluoxetine - Is Tiredness/lack Of Motivation A Side Effect?

I have suffered with depression for some time. I used to take Citalopram but my Doctor recently changed my prescription to Fluoxetine. I had some very weird side effects at first - very strange thoughts - almost like hallucinations and felt quite 'spaced out'. However, after reading the leaflet, I saw that this can happen and will generally disappear with continued use. So I persevered.

I have been taking it now for about 8 weeks. I did stop for about a week when I was away on holiday. I hurt my back and had to take anti-inflammatory medicine. I was worried about the risk of stomach bleed that this can cause when interacting with fluoxetine so I stopped taking it. This was about 5 weeks ago. I became extremely low with thoughts of harming myself. I resumed the fluoxetine and these thoughts have subsided.

My problem is that I feel constantly tired with no motivation to do anything; I have difficulty concentrating and feel generally lethargic and lacklustre.

Does anyone else feel like this while taking Fluoxetine? I recently had a general health 'MOT' with blood tests for liver/kidney function, thyroid, blood sugar etc so it is unlikely there is a different underlying cause. Or is it just a symptom of my age/state of mind? I am 58, generally fit and active.

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Vivid Dreams - Common Side Effect Of Fluoxetine

I know dreams are a common side effect of fluoxetine, but do they ever settle down?

I seem to be having quite a few vivid and realistic dreams per night, usually about things that are worrying me which then makes me question myself as to whether it was a dream or not!

Has anyone experienced this and did it settle for you? Or is there anything we can do to ease it?

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Ramipril :: Side Effects

I am a 47 year old male (right weight for height) and reasonably fit running three times a week who has recently had to visit the doctor (first time in years) for severe neck pain caused by strenuous gardening work -so called leisure.

However my blood pressure was checked over the past few weeks and has found to be continuously very high ranging 190/115 to 150/90. My GP has decided to put me on ramipril starting with 2.5mg increasing to 5 mg and then 10mg over six weeks. On reading the comments about side effects I am really concerned which has now possibly increased my blood pressure further - really concerned on what to do, should I get a second opinion through my private medical before starting this treatment?

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