Venlafaxine :: Brain Zaps On A Constant 225 Mg Dose

I'm on venlafaxine 225 mg to treat chemical issues caused by electrical issues in my brain. I have an undiagnosed condition but the consultants have the opinion that I suffered moderate anoxia during an operation. 

I built up to 225 m -2weeks on 75, 4 weeks on 150 and now 9 weeks on 225

I am still suffering from the normal side effects but am now getting brain zaps and dizziness as if I am withdrawing! Can anyone help as I cannot see this side effect anywhere and feel as if I can come off it I couldn't feel any worse!

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Anxiety :: Breathing Issue - Jerking/spasms/shocks In My Chest

I have had the breathing issue for about a month now and I get these weird kind of jerking/spasms/shocks in my chest sometimes and it's even scarier than the breathing issue

Does anyone else have this?

I went to the hospital the other night because I couldn't handle it

They checked blood pressure and heart rate and my blood pressure was a bit high probably just from the stress......

I'm thinking about getting an X-ray

I'm a smoker too so that makes me even more worried

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Undiagnosed :: Brain Fog With Head Pressure - Feeling Detached

I am male and 26 years old. I have been suffering with the symptoms in the title pretty consistently for about 2 and a half years now. I used to have some relief from the symptoms for a day or 2 here and there or maybe a bit of relief for a few hours in the day but recently the symptoms are pretty much constant and I cannot shake them. 

I have an overall mild pressure feeling in the head, its not painful but is just very aggravating and feels really strange. I also have extreme brain fog with this and like a fuzzy head, there is a constant cloud over my brain and I never have any mental clarity or a clear head. My cognitive function is extremely poor now, my short term memory is non existent, its scarily bad. I often feel, detached from reality when the symptoms are bad and suffer from de-realisation, although I think this may be down to some anxiety and depression I experience when the symptoms run me down. I also get random sharp cramping pains in the head, they are quite painful but do not bother me so much as they only usually last a second or 2, it varies on how many I get of these each day but its usually less than 5. It often feels as though my brain is malfunctioning somehow and my cognitive function and senses are all out of whack, its hard to explain. There can sometimes be a build up of these symptoms throughout the day and by the night I can feel like I somehow how the flu without a fever? Like I have the head pressure, completely foggy headed, I feel super unwell, weak, sometimes even start feeling cold. Also have night sweats usually for about 4 or 5 days each month, there doesn't seem to be any sort of pattern to them that I can notice, so not sure if they are relevant. Another thing I have is ringing in ears which is mild but seems to have gotten worse recently if that sounds relevant at all. The main thing that gets me is the odd head pressure/sensation and the utterly life hindering brain fog, my brain feels like it is coated in a dark blanket constantly.

I do suffer from anxiety, I know many of these symptoms can be caused or made worse by these symptoms. I dont doubt that anxiety is a contributing factor and the way I think about they symptoms probably makes them worse but I have come a long long way with my anxiety, I have good control over it, I haven't had a panic attack in a couple of years, I manage to control most of my concious anxiety and stay in a positive mindset. No doubt I still have some subconscious anxiety underlying and I am working on that but I am not convinced this is the route cause of my symptoms. I am in therapy for my anxiety. I do not feel I will ever fully recover while I have these symptoms hanging over me though. 

I have been to the doctor about these symptoms, although I do think I struggle to explain them or put them across very well in the doctors office. I have have blood tests which are all normal. I saw a neurologist couple of years back when this started, had a CT scan which was normal, they put the stabbing pains down to icepick headaches and thought the other symptoms were probably made worse by my anx/depression. Since then I went away and have been on anti depressants etc with no improvement of symptoms. I have also had a few ECGs and a 24hr ECG as I have slow heart rate and low bp so thought maybe the symptoms could be down to low bp and lack of blood to the brain, doctors do not think think this is the case and all my results came back normal. I have recently been back to the neurologist who is referring me for an MRI although he said he is sure there is nothing sinister and thinks the symptoms are probably tension type headaches and made worse by and previous drug use, he only put it down to the drug use when i told him about it though so it seemed like a convenient diagnosis. I forgot to mention I used to take drugs on the weekends socially, cocaine, ketamine and ecstasy on different occasions for a couple of years, I have had periods where I have felt ok since taking these drugs and do not really think they are the cause, I was not an addict this was just one or 2 nights a month at the weekends. So I have an MRI coming up but the neuro thinks it will be clear and obviously I hope it is and I am looking for other answers. 

What could be causing these symptoms? Other than anxiety which i no can be a factor, but I have periods where my anxiety is pretty much non existent but these symptoms still build up out of nowhere and persist. I was thinking maybe some sort of allergy could be a possibility, I have tried cutting out gluten and lactose, this didn't seem to make much difference although I didn't stick to this for very long. I actually did a juice fast for 2 weeks with eating nothing other than fruit and veg juice put through a juicer to see if that would help but it didn't really give me any relief. Are there any other stomach issues that could cause this? I never have diarrhoea or constipation, my stools always float recently though, to the point of not being able to flush them, also whenever I have seen chance medicine doctors they check me out and say they think i have issues with digestion, i don't feel i have these issues but do wonder if there might be something in it. 

Could there be something going on with the blood vessels in my head? Could it be a spine/posture issue? Some sort of epilepsy or electrical activity in my brain? I just have no idea now and am desperate for some relief. If anyone has any ideas or advice I would really appreciate it. 

Oh just to add I am reasonably fit, I try go to the gym a few times a week and I do some weight lifting. I am a normal weight. I have been losing some weight recently which is a concern but I am still in a normal weight range for height and age. 

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Anxiety :: Bug Is Eating My Brain - Derealization

I felt something in my eye I rubbed my eye it went away then I started freaking out thinking it was a bug because my head started hurting now I think the bug is eating my brain lol or something crazy I know and now I have bad derealization which is scaring me.

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Anxiety / Depression :: Brain Fog, Tired And In Zombie-mode

After months of suffering...I am JUST NOW finding out that all my agony MIGHT be chalked up to the debilitating menace that is anxiety and his partner in crime DEPRESSION. So, I have a lot of questions. Please share what you can relate to or have understanding about. I deeply thank you!

Before all my REALLY bad symptoms came about...I was feeling fatigued 24/7 and just overall a little glum. Things weren't terrible, but I just didn't have the UMPH! that ya want. I felt worn out constantly all day long. All the while struggling with LOTS of stress...after persistent stress and no answers from doctors even after multiple tests...I began to have even more debilitating symptoms. I was certain I had some sort of rare disease.Because this has manifested itself So physically. I never thought the source could be emotional and psychological.

1. I am so tired, brain FOGGED, and SUPER spaced out 24/7 with a miserable memory...literally my drive has vanished along with a chunk of my confidence. Can you relate?

2. I have never had a panic attack. THANK GOODNESS. But all this could still be anxiety? I rarely FEEL anxious...this is why I've never suspected anxiety.

3. I often forget what day it is..and other things of that nature. I feel as though the last few months have been a blur...There is no solid boundary between days or months or seasons...they all just mush together into one glob of nonsensical foggy memories. And I forget things that happen throughout my day WAY more than I ever have before. I make silly mistakes. Can you relate?

4. I don't have's ever-present. ALL the time. No relief. sure, when I'm with a friend and we are in a conversation...I'm not entirely focused on the fact that I am in zombie-mode...but it's just always there anyway. can you relate?

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Lactose Intolerance - Diarrhoea, Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Cramps, Brain-fog, Anxiety Attacks

I have just been diagnosed with lactose intolerance. After, literally years of suffering, I finally have an answer to my problems. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has this and what you suffered? I mean, this seemingly little thing has caused me to become bedridden! I ate a diet LOADED with lactose prior to diagnosis and honestly felt like I was dying over the last two years in particular. I had severe diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, brain-fog, anxiety attacks...the list goes on... I had my appendix out in Oct 2013 too, which I can't be sure was related, but it was horrendously painful any way!

The symptoms I had, I put down to various things and was convinced I had parasites, which I don't have. I just could not fathom why I was so ill. I had a food intolerance test and eggs came up positive, so I eliminated them from my diet at the time, but I had little relief as I was still eating a high-lactose diet, not knowing that I was intolerant. 

I have now eliminated all lactose AND eggs from my diet and in one day, I felt better. I had no abdominal pain, no urgency to poo, and no headache - which I have literally, constantly had for years. It's remarkable. I also didn't suffer bad dreams, which is so weird, as I have actually become used to my dreams being bad/negative and it became normal for me. It's such a relief to be able to rest without disruption!

Did or do any of you suffer with really bad symptoms down to lactose intolerance? Also, as I am new to this and have had to overhaul my diet, does anyone have advice on foods I should avoid, etc?


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Dental Health :: Electric Shocks Like Pain Caused From Irritated Tooth Nerve

This started at the age of 19, now 25

My title basically describes my pain for the last five years. I've recently found out in August that my pain could be coming from my teeth. The reason why I found out so late is because doctors have been diagnosing me wrong, when ever I would tell them my symptoms and my college doctor diagnosed me with anxiety and when my psychiatrist gave me Dexedrine, the pain went away, which led me to believe it was anxiety. I took the anxiety meds this whole time and I feel so stupid sometimes that I believed it was anxiety because anxiety doesn't give you the pain I get on the daily basis.

I've gotten a lot of work done in these past two months to receive relief from this excruciating pain. I had three infections, two on the top and one on the lower left side. I was highly against the root canals, I did not want to risk the pain coming back and root canals ....

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Anxiety :: Headaches - Around My Right Eye And Goes To The Back Of My Head

So I've got a headache and took some ibuprofen and it has taken the edge off it a bit but it's still there. It's on one side around my right eye and goes to the back of my head at the bottom. But of course my anxiety is making me worry. Normally I'd say it's just a headache but today I'm thinking its other people things like I'm gonna have a hemorrhage or go crazy I don't know. Especially as the tablets didn't make it go away. Hate anxiety so much!

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Anxiety :: Constant Head Pressure?

Does anyone else experience random head pains sometimes mild sometimes severe, or constant head pressure? Or headaches I feel like I'm the only one I have something going on in my head everyday and it's always one of these three right now I have a head pain on top of my head feels like some things sat on my head I hate it makes me anxious everyday

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Anxiety :: Head Pressure Goes Behind My Eyes

Past week I keep getting this pressure in the back of head and it kind of goes behind my eyes too making Them feel tired. When I get this pressure it makes me head feel heavy and it's a horrible feeling and Then along with that it makes my anxiety go sky high. Anyone else get like this?

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Anxiety :: How To Ease Pressure In Head

Does anyone else suffer with head pressure and is there any way to ease it ?

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Anxiety :: Squeaky Noise In Your Head When Lying Down?

does anyone else hear crackling squeaky noise in your head when lying down? i feel like it's relieving some head pressure after stressing

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Anxiety :: Dizziness And Cold Top Of Head With Headache

So I've been fighting anxiety for about 8 years now, compounded with some pretty unpleasant experiences including having one of my friends die in front of me from heart failure and then having to personally ensure his incineration and bringing his remains home to his family.  I've spent about 7 years of my adult life on military or private military missions overseas in third world countries. The last few months I have been getting a lot of dizziness/lightheadedness when I'm overseas, but almost none when I'm home with my wife. Just recently I was briefing something and the room started spinning and I had to close one eye to concentrate on the slides, this lasted about 90 seconds I think, then another 90 seconds of unsteadiness, after which the top of my head felt cold and achy. I'm just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced something like this?

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Anxiety :: Pounding Head Dizziness And Blurred Vision

For almost 6years I have experienced an attack involving a pounding head, dizziness and blurred vision. I am unsure of what this is. It started at the age of nine when I was in Egypt. I was getting food when all of a sudden I felt dizzy and couldn't see clearly (may I just add my vision on a day to day basis is very good) I was unsure of where to walk and couldn't see my family at my table. This same event has been taking place every once in a while, I do not know how often as I have not yet realised that .They usually occur in the morning. I have to take a few minutes to sit down with my head in my hands. I have not talked about this before.I am unsure what to classify this under so I have put it under anxiety as I have also identified some of the symptoms in my day to day life regarding my social life.

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Anxiety :: Zoloft Stopped Working And Numbness In Head

I am a 20 year old male and i was prescribed 50mg of zoloft. So far i have been taking it for 5 months and it basically got rid of my generalized anxiety disorder. Before i took the medication i have been having weird symptoms from my anxiety such as my whole body being tense from head to toe, my eyes not focusing properly and everything looking unreal or fake around me like i was high. Also it felt like there was a pressure on top of my head like if someone put a blanket on my head. It also felt like the skin on my head was moving and i couldn't just sit still, i had to touch my head all the time or put my sweater hood up.

It all started after i smoked weed about 4 years ago, i had a bad panic attack and ever since then i haven't felt normal. Not even my doctor has answers for me but he did give me zoloft. The zoloft has basically made me feel normal again like i was before i smoked the weed. But i made a huge mistake, Just about 4 days ago i drank alot of alcohol on the weekend and also on the weekend before that. The first couple of times i drank on zoloft nothing happened. But after this weekend i noticed the zoloft has completely stopped working and all my weird anxiety symptoms are coming back, Will the zoloft kick back in soon? did i make it permanently stop working? I am never drinking again for a very very long time. I'm just stressed out that the zoloft will never work again :(. Also the symptoms from my anxiety are so strange, I didn't know anxiety could do all these weird things to the mind and body.

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Stress / Anxiety :: Numbness/Tingling In Vein In My Head

I have always had pretty bad anxiety. Recently, I had an episode of Atrial Fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat) which I think was primarily due to my anxiety.

Anyways, since then (about 4 weeks ago), I have had severe health anxiety, and starting about a week ago, I've had this feeling of impending doom, like I'm about to have a stroke or a heart attack or something.

What happened about a week ago was, ever since my ER visit for my AFib episode, I've been obsessively checking my pulse in the vein on the right side of my head. About a week ago, I started feeling numb/tingling exactly along the length of that vein. While I am assuming it is just due to irritation from me constantly touching it, I would like some reassurance. It has been causing me major anxiety to a point where it's almost disabling.

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Anxiety :: Physical Symptoms - Voices / Pressure In Head

I have been hearing multiple voices threatening my life constantly and tormenting me 24/7 since 1/1/14, but mine goes beyond just voices. I just woke up and began hearing voices. First day the voices made me see demonic face patterns on walls and patterned surfaces. That stopped after the first day. Since then, they have been giving me all kinds of physical torment from pulsating head pains and stomach aches to anything u can possibly name except external cuts or bruises. They can inflict pokes, itches, scratches, and pain of all sorts on any parts of the body including the eyes. I have no idea what this is but it's not just psychological. I have no history of mental illness and am straight as an arrow as far as drugs and alcohol.

I believe this may have started when i recorded myself sleeping about 10 months ago and listened to it for 2 weeks. Then I stopped. I heard voices in the recording of all sorts when amplified. Didn't think much of it. Then on 1/1, i woke up with voices in bed. I am new to paranormal and considered this to be Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP). I am thinking that I may have opened a portal when I head the voices in the recording.

This is so bizarre beyond words.

I am not even religious or christian but the initial story they would play on me was that they were Succubus, Lucifer, and Jehovah. That lasted for 3 days or so and now they just constantly keep saying that they are my demons and they are essentially controlling my body functions to some extent. Their voices are 24/7.

I have so much more to say, but too much to type out. They use the slightest emotional change in me and amplify the side effects into physical symptoms. Like slightest of anxiety you might not normally notice is amplified and i would get physical side effect symptoms as if I was having massive anxiety. They are constantly causing pressure sensations in the head.

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Anxiety :: Side Of Head And Neck Shock, Jolt, And Pain

So I suffer from anxiety. I have not been that anxious. A few days ago I was walking and randomly I got this jolt like shock in my neck and on the side of my head. Ever since then I have had a little pain there and if I turn my head sometimes it does the same thing, It feels like a shock wave and twitch in my head and neck but it is just on one side. Can anxiety cause this?

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Anxiety :: Head Sensations - Scalp Soreness And Sharp Pains

I've been dealing with anxiety for now going on 5 months straight with a little break here and there , but this head sensations are what's driving me crazy , the sensations I get are scalp soreness , sharp pains that move around different parts of my head , this shaky head feeling soreness in the top of my head dull pains in different areas mild headaches back of the head aches , I just want this to all leave me alone , it makes me so sad , I tired of dealing with this .

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