Sharp Pains During Eating After Endoscopy

i had an endoscopy on Monday afternoon and ever since I've been having these sharp pains during and after eating. Is this normal? The pain sometimes radiates to my back or over my whole chest area making me panic and think I'm having a heart attack. I have a heavy set girl and keep thinking I'm going to die!

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Pleurisy :: Sharp Chest Pains

I woke up in early January with sharp chest pains. I'm young, but of course I did not discount heart ailments. Two ER trips and a Doctor later, after every medical test to my poor body, I have been diagnosed with pleurisy.

I have kids, they are great and understanding and have helped me a lot, but it's been almost 14 weeks. I hurt. This came from nothing, I am extraordinarily healthy, I just hurt.

Today I suppose I'm at my wits end. I am terribly healthy, I should not have this. I have been crying all day.

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Skin :: Flat Painless Stuff On Back Of Head ( Scalp )

I am worrying about this now. I have had it for about a month and it doesn't go away . It does not get bigger too. It causes hair loss on that small tiny area.

during the first week i got it  , it was painful when i touched it. After a few days , the pain subside and it does not hurt at all till now. It does not cause any discomfort or anything. 
Am on 3rd days of doing heat compress and applying acne med on it. Does not seem to make the cyst go away.
- seems flat , smooth to touch , painless , skin coloured , round in shape , 8mm in diameter.

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Pregnancy (34 Weeks) :: Sharp Uncomfortable Pains Down Below

I am currently 34 weeks pregnant and i'm feeling sharp uncomfortable pains down below even when i'm in bed. They happen at random times so they are not regular. What do you think am i in early labour or baby is engaging?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Vagina Is Sore, Not Sharp Pains (35 Weeks)

This might be TMI, but my vagina has been very sore. I thought it might be a UTI,  but my vagina is sore, not sharp pains. Feels like someone hit it with a bat a few weeks ago and I'm still recovering lol its only sore when I walk (well when I waddle). I'm 35 weeks. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Double Knee Replacement :: 13 Weeks And Sharp Pains Down Shins

I just went to the doctor who was very happy with my flexion and bending. He told me I don't even need PT any longer and to keep walking, swimming and doing whatever it is I've been doing. The last time I was measured I was about 120-122 in both knees. I had double knee replacement. My gait is good. I do not limp. This last week I have walked, stood and climbed steps more and at night have really paid the price. I had two nights where I really was unable to sleep because of the aching and pains going down the shins from the knees. I've iced and used heat but unhappy about this. The next day was difficult to walk. I'm feeling like one step forward two steps back. My husband says this is just "part of the healing process" and to just keep going. It's depressing, though. I'm tired of being in pain and want to move on with my life and be able to walk 1-2 miles without being incapacitated the next day. I was also told that I would just need Tylenol or Aleve at this point for pain but.....doesn't put a dent in the night pain. Anyone else experienced this?

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Anxiety :: Dizzy Spells / Sensations

I've been trying to control my anxiety and doing well but I keep getting weird dizzy sensations not where the room is spinning more like I'm moving when I'm not and it's scaring me I feel like I'm going to faint because of it I don't know whether it's pregnancy related or anxiety or something serious it's making me worry and causing me to have anxiety when I'm trying to get on with things but I have a lot going on at the moment and my heads a bit all all over I don't know where that is it as well? Like stress related anyone else experience it I'm eating and drinking fine etc I don't take no medication I'm 27 weeks pregnant

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Health Anxiety :: Sensations And Sore Feeling In Chest

I'm just sitting around thinking about my situation..worrying about my health all the time has taken a toll on my body..i'm always achy and sore everywhere..back pain neck shoulders..i just wanna be my age..young and energetic..i have improved a lot from the first time i got my panic attack..nowadays i don't get panic attack anymore..but i'm still very worried and i still do get sensations and sore feeling in my this really normal for anxiety? will i ever be normal again..i have done 5 ecgs,why can't i trust the fact that my heart is fine.

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Neurology :: Popping Sensation In Head Followed By A Sharp Pain

My husband occasionally gets a popping sensation in his head followed by a sharp pain. Today it happened in the lower back part of his head, above his neck. The pain woke him up. What could cause this?

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Anxiety Or Real Heart Pains?

Anyone ever had heart pains or aches with their anxiety? Feels so real mine do and doctors say its anxiety related but I'm so sure they are real. Had bloods and 3 ecgs done all were fine though they were done 3 months ago. It's ruining my life and constantly scared I'm going to die, its started to affect my relationship with my kids 3 yr old boy and 10 month old girl. I'm 28 years old not overweight eat healthy and do only little bit of exercise walking mainly, don't have any family or friends around as moved in January away for partners work.

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Anxiety :: Enlarged Heart - Chest Pains

I went to urgent care for chest pains I was having the night before. The doctor did an EKG, blood test, and chest X-ray. He went over all the results and said everything was okay. He went over the chest x ray and said my heart was a little bit above average size and said it was no big deal. But I went home and looked that up and it seems like a pretty big deal. Now I can't stop stressing about it and my anxiety has been awful all night and day.

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Fatty Liver And Gastritis With Stomach Pains Upper And Lower Abdominal Pains

I been having stomach pains to the point for about 3 months which is really scaring me a lot I went to the hospital I thought I was my appendix but it wasn't they did x-Ray and ct scan and blood work everything come out normal but they told me I have fatty liver I also had h.pylori but don't have h.pylori no more took antibiotics and also have gastritis but still they don't find nothing but I'm still in pain it comes and goes to me it feels like it's air in my stomach it goes everywhere around to my left side to my chest but it doesn't goes away. Lately I been feeling nauseous wanna throw up I just wanna feel normal again as I write this. I have discomfort in my stomach right side I can push down with one finger on my stomach and hold it, it hurts and it feels like it's burning I don't know what to do.

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Atorvastatin And Amlodipine - Nausea, Muscle Pains, Kidney Pains And Total Lack Of Energy

MY GP recently prescribed Atorvastatin to deal with high(ish) cholesterol. I have been taking Amlodipine, Losartan and Bezafibrate without any problems but in the past 3 weeks since starting the statins I feel like crap - Nausea, muscle pains, kidney pains and total lack of energy.

The blurb with the statins indicated there could be problems with Amlodipine but I started taking them.

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Anxiety :: Headaches - Around My Right Eye And Goes To The Back Of My Head

So I've got a headache and took some ibuprofen and it has taken the edge off it a bit but it's still there. It's on one side around my right eye and goes to the back of my head at the bottom. But of course my anxiety is making me worry. Normally I'd say it's just a headache but today I'm thinking its other people things like I'm gonna have a hemorrhage or go crazy I don't know. Especially as the tablets didn't make it go away. Hate anxiety so much!

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Anxiety :: Constant Head Pressure?

Does anyone else experience random head pains sometimes mild sometimes severe, or constant head pressure? Or headaches I feel like I'm the only one I have something going on in my head everyday and it's always one of these three right now I have a head pain on top of my head feels like some things sat on my head I hate it makes me anxious everyday

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Anxiety :: Head Pressure Goes Behind My Eyes

Past week I keep getting this pressure in the back of head and it kind of goes behind my eyes too making Them feel tired. When I get this pressure it makes me head feel heavy and it's a horrible feeling and Then along with that it makes my anxiety go sky high. Anyone else get like this?

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Anxiety :: How To Ease Pressure In Head

Does anyone else suffer with head pressure and is there any way to ease it ?

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Anxiety :: Squeaky Noise In Your Head When Lying Down?

does anyone else hear crackling squeaky noise in your head when lying down? i feel like it's relieving some head pressure after stressing

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Anxiety :: Dizziness And Cold Top Of Head With Headache

So I've been fighting anxiety for about 8 years now, compounded with some pretty unpleasant experiences including having one of my friends die in front of me from heart failure and then having to personally ensure his incineration and bringing his remains home to his family.  I've spent about 7 years of my adult life on military or private military missions overseas in third world countries. The last few months I have been getting a lot of dizziness/lightheadedness when I'm overseas, but almost none when I'm home with my wife. Just recently I was briefing something and the room started spinning and I had to close one eye to concentrate on the slides, this lasted about 90 seconds I think, then another 90 seconds of unsteadiness, after which the top of my head felt cold and achy. I'm just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced something like this?

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