While Driving / Speeding - Anxiety Dizziness Vertigo Headache

I was diagnosed with anxiety after getting physical symptoms. My stomach was disturbed my heart beat was high and facing all physical symptoms I check all with physician and test but found nothing after eating Xanax I become normal I told my doctor and he diagnosed with anxiety due to stress . it's all started after I lost my relationship of 5 year the girl left me and marry someone else but now I forget her and move on because I love my life. I was fine for 6 months when I went to physiologist he kept me on lower dose of alp 0.125 mg per day for 5 months around and i felt great and all things gone vertigo and fear and everything. Last 3 weeks back I am feeling lightheaded vertigo dizziness and panic attack while driving and when I accelerate my car I feel like floating and fear and like I am floating in boat due to which I don't drive fast or keep the speed more than 60 km usually i feel when I am on bridges or going down on taper from bridge . please help me I went to doctor again he give me headache medicine and alp 0.125 mg per day for 30 days. Headache medicine is nimesulide when needed . please guide me i was anxious before but never feel anything while driving or any panic attack while driving or speeding my car.

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Anxiety :: Pounding Head Dizziness And Blurred Vision

For almost 6years I have experienced an attack involving a pounding head, dizziness and blurred vision. I am unsure of what this is. It started at the age of nine when I was in Egypt. I was getting food when all of a sudden I felt dizzy and couldn't see clearly (may I just add my vision on a day to day basis is very good) I was unsure of where to walk and couldn't see my family at my table. This same event has been taking place every once in a while, I do not know how often as I have not yet realised that .They usually occur in the morning. I have to take a few minutes to sit down with my head in my hands. I have not talked about this before.I am unsure what to classify this under so I have put it under anxiety as I have also identified some of the symptoms in my day to day life regarding my social life.

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Nervous System :: Head Pressure/dizziness/head Fog

I've been having those 3 symptoms for about 2 months now. I'm a 22yo male, 6 feet tall, 160 lbs.

The head pressure was the first to show up. It feels like if someone is pressing their palm against the top of my head, its very light and 80% its not bad or painful, its just -there-, but sometimes the pressure rises up and it can be quite overwhelming, making me having to stop whatever I'm doing.

Painkillers used to work, now they don't anymore, although I think it's because I started to use them way too much.

Since about 2 weeks ago, I started to have dizziness and head fog. It's like if I'm "typsy" all the time.

This all started a few months after I had to quit my job since I'm preparing myself to live in another country, I'm short on cash and I have arguments about various things related to that almost daily, making me think that this might be an anxiety issue.

3 days ago I had to go to the hospital because my BP spiked up (180/104), and since then the pressure/head fog became 10x worse. I keep catching myself hyperventilating throughout the day, having cold sweats and hot flashes.

Thoughts keep racing in my head that I have a brain tumor and how that would wreck my life even if its a benign one.

Something that makes me feel better is that I'm not having any seizures, nose bleeds or actual real bad headache, its just a weird pressure, which calms me down a bit at the possibility that its a tumor.

Also, sleeping is the only thing that makes the pressure/dizziness go away, although it gets bad again throughout the day. Today I've tried to oversleep a bit to see if it was a sleep deprivation issue and it made the pressure better but the dizziness way worse.

I've already scheduled a cardiologist/neurologist, but I can only go friday so I still have some days to worry myself to death over this.

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Citalopram :: Headache And Dizziness

I'm 26 years old and a week ago I felt a sudden headache in my left part of the head(left Parietal Lobe) and my head fell down suddenly like I was fainted. This lasted not more than 30 seconds and happened twice on the same day. 

Now sometimes I feel a headache in my left part of the head(mainly Parietal Lobe area) and the dizziness never appeared again. 

I'm 175 cm tall, and weight is 70kg 

I'm a software engineer and work almost 10 hours a day with the computer. 

I also do some studies after my work. 

I go on jogging every day. 

I occasionally take liquor and smoke(once per month may be) 

I'm following intermittent fasting( I don't take my breakfast, only lunch and dinner) for about 30 days now. 

I think with my work and studies, the stress is a bit high. 

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42 Years Old With Sudden Dizziness And Headache

I'm a 42 yr old male, while driving 3 weeks ago I suddenly got a feeling I was going to pass out and instantly pulled onto the hard shoulder and let a colleague drive. Since then all was fine until 3 days ago when 3 hours into a drive the same thing happened, I pulled over again and the colleague finished the drive. I was fine the rest of the day and drove back to the hotel later. The following day the same thing happened again on the way back around the same time into the drive. Since then I've been dizzy constantly, when I say dizzy it's more the feeling I'm going to faint and now there is an accompanying headache. I'm very very concerned as a big part of my job is driving and I don't feel confident getting in a car at the moment.

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After Orgasms Nauseous, Dizziness And Headache ?

Why do I feel nauseous, dizziness, headache after an orgasm?Whith sexual encounter or masturbation. Is happening every time that I have an orgasm and is very frustrating. I feel sick after.

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Headache And Dizziness With Neck Pain

Has anyone else experienced weekly headaches that just seem to last no matter how much sleep you get or water you drink? I also have neck pain in which I have already seen both chiropractor and physical therapist for. When I have these headaches, I feel pressure behind my ways so intense I can't stand bright lights. On top of all this I am dizzy, however, my balance is totally fine. I have already been to an ENT specialist and had an MRI, etc. Only thing I haven't moved onto is a neurologist because I already am racking up my medical bills and yes I have health insurance but a crappy one at that! Please help. Has anyone else been experiencing this and if so, what did you do to rid it?

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Pregnancy :: Headache And Tired All The Time With Dizziness

My head hurts I'm dizzy all the time and I'm tired and sleepy... I stay hungry I can eat 1 hour later I'm right back hungry.

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Foggy And Lightheaded With Headache

Ok I saw a million posts about these generalized symptoms so don't want to repeat the stories. However, after thousands of dollars and visit to every possible doctors in existence I still have these symptoms daily. Some days worse than others. Can someone please tell me how they were diagnosed and with what? Also did it ever go away alone and after how long?

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Headache :: Build Up Of Pressure Throughout My Head

I'm a 28 year old female who is currently suffering with a pressure feeling in head. Its like theres a build up of pressure throughout my head and when i move it as though there's a fluid build up. Sometimes there's a sharp pain and im always lightheaded especially when i move about and feel as though im spinning slightly. Its also making me feel really nauseous and when i breathe out its as though it pushes on the pressure. Is this some type of headache or more?

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Head Pressure/ Tension Headache

Basically I have constant pressure in my head that makes me so nauseous and drowsy. It is very uncomfortable makes me wanna just faint. my brain MRI was normal and I went to a neurologist and he gave me muscle relaxant and anti depressants that made me worse. I went to the emergency room and they didn't help they gave me Fioricet (Butalbital, Acetaminophen and caffeine) it helps but doesn't cure the issue. I'm scheduled to see a new neurologist tmw I hope I find a solution Bcse it's been 6 months since I'm suffering with this condition

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Viral Infections :: Tired, Cold, And Headache Several Times A Year, Lasts Days

I sometimes and very suddenly become very tired(unable to sit), cold back, and headache. These symptoms would appear 3 to 4 times a year and last 10 to 11 days and then disappear as quickly as they came. Last year or so they came more often but most of time last only 4 to 5 hours. Blood test reveals nothing.

I might add I have 3 to 4 sinus infections a year and have yellow nail syndrome.

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Alternative Therapies :: Constant Headache / Dizziness And Nausea

I am mildly overweight, have low end of normal blood pressure.  I exercise approximately 5 days a week and walk about 1.5-3 miles a day during work hours --otherwise I have a desk job. I eat primarily whole grains and foods, whole goats milk, and only drink 1-2 times a week and typically not heavily.

I've had a constant headache since September 20, 2015. It started in the middle of the night and increased in severity throughout that month. The pain is at the front of my head varies from a 2-9 typically getting worse throughout the day and into the evening.  Other symptoms include dizziness and nausea, lightheadedness-- sometimes extreme and debilitating.

After 1 month, I went to the doctor who had a MRI done, several blood tests, a nerve block, a hospital DHE treatment, every painkiller and triptan/migraine drug in the book. I went on a course of Phenergan and diclofenac, and also had IV antibiotic in the hospital. I started taking magnesium supplements. I assessed the stressful elements of my life (at home and at work), began meditating, and lowered my overall stress. I did yoga and stretched did neck exercises which both reduced some of the pain. Nothing worked, and they recommended Topamax, but as nothing made a dent before, I decided to question their diagnosis of intractable migraine.

Since then, I had my Nexplanon implant removed (received it July 11th, 2015, removed it November 22, 2015). And started acupuncture. The acupuncture achieved some considerable relief, but after a month of treatment twice a week, I went on a business trip and took charcoal several times during the trip to work with a hangover (I don't drink much). During the end of the trip and the 5 days following it, I didn't have a headache. At the time, I concluded that the acupuncture had worked.

After the headache returned, I started to go through possibilities and took myself off of gluten. After a week, no change in headache. Then I started taking charcoal again after a eureka moment and then went 2 weeks without a headache. Yesterday I forgot to take my charcoal for 28 hours and my headache returned. I'm back on the stuff, and now feel like I'm narrowing in on finding the culprit!

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Random Spells Of Sudden Headache With Dizziness And Nausea?

Little background info, I'm 18 and female and I never usually get headaches, but yesterday morning I woke up with a slight one, the type you usually get when you oversleep. Throughout the day it got a lot worse, to the point where my eyes were watering due to the pain, I could barely stand and barely move and of course had no paracetamol in the house so I had to endure the horrendous pain before my mum was able to get some when she got back from work. It's now day two and the headache is just as bad, the nausea and dizziness comes and goes in random spells but the headache is persistent. Pain relief dulls but doesn't get rid of the pain. 

I haven't had any injury or knock to the head, no ear infection (to cause the dizziness) and the only things that really changed is my sleeping pattern (I usually sleep for around 5/6 hours a day due to insomnia but yesterday I got a full 10 hours sleep only waking up around 3 times during the night which is normal for me). 

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Neurology :: Random Sudden Dizziness And Dull Headache

This usually happens randomly, when I'm sitting down or standing/walking. I get this dull pain in my head and my vision will go black for about 5 to 10 seconds. Along with that I feel dizzy. One time it lasted for about 20 seconds and I couldn't walk until I got my vision back. Not only that but sometimes I'll feel the same dull pain on either side of my head, near my temples, but my vision does not go black.

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Pain That Switches Between My Breasts With Fatigue, Dizziness And Headache

For about a week, i have been feeling really fatigued dizzy and having an on and off headache. But i have also had a pain that switches between my breasts. Do you have any ideas what it can be?

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Azathioprine With Ulcerative Colitis - Headache, Cold Sores, Chesty Cough And Sinus Trouble

I've been on azathioprine for Approx 6 weeks and the last 2 weeks have been hell. My knees feel like they've been shot i'm not sleeping in the nights always have a headache cold sores chesty cough sinus trouble.

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Headache :: Horrible Head Pain - Slight Changes In C5 And C6

I have been experiencing horrible head pain for the past 6 months. I've been to a neurologist and had multiple tests (MRI's/CT scans) performed and everything has come back normal. The only thing that has come up has been "lordosis" in my neck and "slight changes in C5 and C6" in my neck. My headaches started back in May when I was moving out of my apartment and seemed to have strained myself. I have been going to a PT and that has not helped. Additionally, I have had 2 nerve blocks, trigger point injections, and dry needling, none of which have helped. I am scheduled to get botox injections in my neck and lower head to hopefully help. Additionally, I am going to a neck/spine specialist. Both happening next week. Can anyone relate to the pain that I have been having? My pain seems to start in my neck and travel all over my head, on one side of head to the other, behind eyes, behind ears, etc. It feels like a stinging, uncomfortable pain. Someone please help, give suggestions, relate to me!! Feeling desperate and feeling like my head will never get better.

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Migrain? Tension Headache? Terrible Head Pain

For over 2 years I have suffered from terrible headaches. There was no particular trigger that I can think of that began this concurring issue, just waking up one day and never really having it permanently  leave. My symptoms are as follows:-

1. Terrible head pain. The funny thing is, it never stays in one spot for too long. Sometimes I feel it in the back of my skull. At others on the top of my head. Still it will shift from left temple to my forehead. My jaws sometimes get tight, but no clicking noises on opening or closing them.

2. Sometimes lightheadedness comes with these headaches. Not always. Its more like a brain fog after waking up from a nap.

3. Sometimes I wake up with the headaches, other days I wake up feeling great for about 30 minutes.

4. Sometimes there is relief from getting up and moving around. Sometimes moving makes it worse or triggers it. It shows up with rest, or sometimes with physical activity.

There is no great pattern to this. Sometimes doing an action such as going for a jog will take away all the pain and I feel great, and other days it just is too unbearable to exercise. Pain meds don't really do a whole lot in terms of helping me. I have had CAT scans, blood work, PT, and so much more. I really have no idea where to even go from here. The headaches aren't always present, more like 80% of my day. I work out 6 days a week, even if the pain is there or not. It wasn't always that way, the first year of my headaches I didn't want to do anything and gained some unwanted weight, but I came to the conclusion that I can be fat with headaches or in shape with headaches. I work in the military, so half my day is at a computer and the other half is pretty physical. I am 33, male, 5'7" 155 pounds. I love life and would not call myself a victim of depression, although this headache stuff is getting pretty annoying.

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