Viral Infections :: On And Off Fever With Sore Throat

I have seasonal allergies, although, this may not be that case, because this year I have not had allergies.

I have had a BAD sore throat, and it really tends to hurt when I swallow. I've taken cough drops, honey, salt water rinses, tylenol and ibuprofen, and even gargled my prescription Lidocaine for numbing, and none of its working. I can't post a picture because I don't know how right now, but my throat is red, but no pus spots, no swollen tonsils, or anything else seems wrong. My sore throat has been accompanied by a fever that comes and goes, and a headache that lasts and day and goes, then comes back, and goes again. Is there anything I can take for what is going on, and can you tell me what I might have?

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Migraines :: Headache That Lasts 3+ Years?

For over the past 3 years (starting around July 2010) I have had a constant headache. It is not extremely intense but is dull and always present. Along with this headache I am also constantly fatigued and my head feels very fuzzy, like it's stuck in a cloud. I should also include that I am otherwise in good health, I am a normal weight, I eat properly, get enough sleep, can run around 7-8 miles without stopping, etc.

I have talked to a few doctors, had various tests done including a CAT scan but none of the tests ever gave any results. I was diagnosed with migraines (even though its not plural, it's just one that has never gone away) and given multiple migraine medications. Sumatriptan does not work and actually makes my head hurt significantly worse. No pain medications have any effect on the pain, I have tried many OTC and prescription meds, from aspirin and ibuprofen to stronger stuff like norcos and percocet, but nothing has had any positive effect. I have been prescribed two different antidepressants but they have the unfortunate side effect of making me tired and drowsy, which when added onto my already fatigued state makes it nearly impossible to get out of bed in the morning.

I am writing this because in the past few months my head has been hurting me significantly more and to be honest it is scaring me pretty bad. I have not had much luck with any of the doctors I have seen, they have no idea what is wrong with me and just give me scripts that don't work. I am not too familiar with migraines but I don't seem to fit the symptoms, except that my head hurts. A doctor at UCSF told me that migraines come in cycles but I could not find on the internet someone who had cycles with constant pain lasting many years at a time.

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Viral Infections :: Severe Cough With Feelings Want To Vomit

I've been suffering this type of cough for a month. I've got doctor medication, but seemed like not very helpful. When I cough after eating, I always feel like want to vomit. That feels totally horrible. The first week when I started to show a cough symptoms, I don't mind it that much as I think it's a seasonal flu. But after a while, it doesn't seem to get away. Is there any clue of what might had invade my body, maybe some kind of virus, or even parasit? Also, I had a bronchitis when I was 17. I am 20 now.

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Viral Infections :: Fever Of 102+ And A Rash That Felt Like A Bruise

My husband woke up with ice cold hands and feet last night and was shivering like crazy with a temp of 99.7. At about 1:30 pm, he came home with a fever of 102+. He also has a rash on his leg that is hot the touch and he says it feels like a bruise.

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Viral Infections :: Strep Throat Twice, Antibiotics Won't Work

I have been diagnosed with strep throat twice i took my antibiotics but i still have constant sore throats and also on my throat wall i have a pretty large lump that really worries me i've had it for some time now it doesn't hurt but looks bad.

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Viral Infections :: Sore Throat (feels Like Something Stuck In There)

I've had a sore throat today that mildly hurts, and feels like somethings stuck in my throat. Looking at it it has red and white bumps in the back of my throat, my tonsils are swollen and look raw? There bright blood red patches along with white stringy spots, it doesn't look like strep, but I have occasionally through the years have had random moments when my throat swells up, I also get sore throats a lot the last couple of months. Anyone know what it is?

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Viral Infections :: Recurring Sore Throat And Fatigue

I'm really worried. I'm an 18 year old male. I'm studying for my final exams and I'm having some serious problems with my health.

I got a strep throat in October. It was treated with antibiotics and it passed and I was severely ill. In December I had appendicitis and they were removed. I then had 3 sore throat and serious fatigue episodes in January March and right now. At the moment my tonsils are inflamed and I'm seriously fatigued and feel run down. I'm waiting on my results of blood tests. My recent esr test was 70mm/ph. I'm getting the rest of the results Wednesday.

Has anyone had problems like this before ? I'm really worried and I have my finals in a few weeks.

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Post Viral Fatigue This Year Following A Bad Virus

I was diagnosed with post viral fatigue this year following a bad virus.   Before that I was pretty healthy, I walked to work everyday and was at the gym a few times a week.  Now, although I have recovered a lot from when it first hit, I still struggle day to day.  Something as small as walking up the stairs knocks me ill, and a few hours out can leave me aching for days.  Even cooking a meal isn't usually an option.

I'm getting frustrated because although I can accept that nights out and shopping centres are out of the question (I'm in my mid twenties, so what I usually did), I'm still working full time, even though this means that most of my time off is spent resting (in pain) to try and keep myself fit for work.  I can't quit my job because we need the money but I'm not coping very well.  My employer is usually good but because there is technically nothing wrong with me (my doctor thinks it will pass, and its not classed as a disability) they won't make any allowances or accommodations, which means that its not unusual for me to work very late nights or six days a week. My performance is suffering and I worry about dismissal.  I want to work part time to give myself more rest (and be better at my job) but I won't be able to pay the bills, and my family don't think this is an option for us.

I've tried going back to the doctors but although she has run blood tests etc, I kind of get the feeling that she doesn't see why I'm bothering her, as she just tells me that recovery can take several months, and it's not quite been six.

It just leaves me frustrated because I feel so guilty about being ill.  Although they tell me to rest and recover, it seems to be as long as I can manage pretty much as I did before.  I know I put too much pressure on myself, but I feel as though I'm doing something wrong by needing help now, even though I've worked my whole life.

Does anyone else feel this way?

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Viral Infections :: Forced Vomiting After A Severe Episode Of Coughing

I'm recovering after a really bad flu. I am still coughing really bad and dry. This morning after a severe episode of coughing i ended up vomitting. Because i had nothing in my stomach i was only spitting and forcing my stomach into vomiting. After it ended i spit a little blood. What can it be and to whom should i address myself?

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Viral Infections :: Fever Broke And I Woke Up Sweating With A Red Rash

Last night I started getting a cold, so I took a shower and went to bed. On the middle of the night my fever broke and I woke up sweating really badly. Well I noticed an itchy sensation by my pubic area and when I looked I had a red rash all on my pubic area up to parts of the hair on my stomach. I even have a small rash on my thigh. It looks like it's only where hair is at. It is like bright red and it feels like it might have something in it, like you can feel the rash. I was hoping you could give me an idea of what it is?

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Viral Infections :: Fever, Suddenly Nauseated And Puking Bile

I've had a sore throat, and an on and off fever for four days.

At one point it got to 102 degrees, but I took fever reducer and a cold bath, and it quickly went away.

And while my fever has come back several times, it hasn't gone over 100.8 since.

So far I hadn't had any stomach pain and never felt dizzy or nauseated, until suddenly just now after eating some tomato soup, I got light headed and puked like a quart of bile, but not my food.

Now My ears burn and they trickled a little bit of clear sticky liquid [pretty sure it was bile], and everything looks a little blurry because my eyes won't stop watering.

I'm pretty sure my fever's gone, but I can't balance well enough to make my way to the thermometer to check for certain.

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Viral Infections :: 3 Years Old Has Mouth Sores, Bad Breath And Temperature

I have a 3 year old girl she has very bad mouth sores bad breath and a temp what could it be

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Hernia :: Sepsis 2 Times In 3 Months, 1 Year Post Op

Is there any research or sites about mesh infections/rejection? I had a ventral repair April 16, 2015 with parietex mesh after a strangulated hernia and had to have a revision 1/11/2016 after the fat and tissue strangulated again. I have not felt well since the first surgery and was basically told I was crazy feeling like I was having recurrent hernias. Post op time 1 I dehisced and ended up with 2 I&Ds and septic. Still have not felt well. 8 weeks after completing antibiotics I got sick again (I have had abdominal pain still, every day- worse after eating). I am inpatient now after a second incidence of sepsis. Lactic acid 3.9, WBC 13100, oxygen sats in 80's and hr 130's on admission. I have no health issues before this and am tired of being sick. The medical team has spent all their time trying to find a new source (day 6 today). All because the CT is negative. I need some help, directions, feedback... Has anyone ever had mesh or intestinal issues like this without a positive CT? I have not had normal GI function in a year...

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Menstruation :: Only Lasted Two Days When It Usually Lasts A Week

My husband and I have been trying to have a baby...And on the day when my period was to begin I had a good amount of brown discharge and when I would whipe it was mixed with some blood , a little bit later that day it stopped, the following day I had some blood like my regular period but it then stopped again and I haven't had it it only lasted two days when it usually lasts a week .

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Sexual Health - Men :: Off Putting Smell After Sex Lasts For Days

Every time I have sex with my girlfriend or masturbate, straight after I come everything smells and it's quite off putting! It then hangs around for days. A previous girlfriend used to get bacterial vaginosis and the smell is similar! Is there anything to stop this for good?

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Pregnancy :: Headache And Tired All The Time With Dizziness

My head hurts I'm dizzy all the time and I'm tired and sleepy... I stay hungry I can eat 1 hour later I'm right back hungry.

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Uterine Fibroid Embolization - How Long The Fever Lasts - 9 Days Post Op

I had it done and I'm now 9 days post op. I just wondered if anyone knew how long the fever lasts it does come and go and I know everyone is different I just wondered.

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Viral Infections :: Cough Syrup Suppresses The Cough?

I am at the end of a cold (2 weeks)and I have a bad chesty cough. I'm up in the night like a cat with a furball.

I saw my doctor who advised to use honey and lemonade, and Vicks vapour rub, but said to stop using the covonia chesty cough syrup, as it suppresses the cough.

Is that correct ? I always believe it contained ingredients to help break down the congestion.

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Sexual Health - Women :: Cramping And Pain In My Lower Abdomen Lasts For Days

My boyfriend and I don't have sex, but will "fool around", and I have noticed after foreplay, I have cramping and pain in my lower abdomen that sometimes lasts a few days. It sometimes feels like a bloating feeling, but it is painful. (I have had problems of painful cramps during my period and my doctor has put me on oral contraceptives.) Is he being too rough, or is there something else that is causing this pain?

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