Cannabis Withdrawal :: High In CBD With Little To No THC Marijuana?

I live in a state that is legal for medical marijuana. To improve my withdrawal I am considering trying some very high in cbd with little to no thc (thc is what makes people high). Does anyone know what effects this could have?

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Cannabis :: Marijuana Abrupt Withdrawal Can Lead To Psychosis?

Our son starting using when he was 11.  We found out when he was 12.  Because he has the right to refuse treatment, he has refused - doesn't see his use as an issue.  He does have all the withdrawal issues if he doesn't use for 2 days.  We went to every drug program - no one had a recovery program for such a young user and no one would provide therapy to him unless he agreed.  He did not agree.   We took him to hospital when he had a melt down but they released him - the child mental health ward does not deal with child addictions We are at the point where we have called the police because they are the only people who can and will mandate therapy at John Howard Society - 3 whooping sessions! Next time we call he gets a criminal record at 13. I don't think jail will stop him from his addiction!!! We have gone for family counselling because as the parents of an addicted child we must have issues.  Which as with most families we do.  Still no one has even talked to my son.  In fact the social worker has advised that we do not encourage him to stop cold turkey as she has seen her caseload double with young teens developing a full blown psychosis trying to do so. We are trying as parents to deal with the emotional issues but how can we best support his physical withdrawal without causing him more harm?  Are there any medications/herbals that are safe to use to help him get over the hard parts and how do we help his withdrawal without making him psychotic? TRying everything possible

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Tramadol (Opiate) Withdrawal - Marijuana Helped Me Coming Off It

I would like to first off say i did not relapse on opiates.  HOWEVER i ended up taking some tramadol after a few surgeries.  I asked for NON OPIATE pain relief afterwards.  That is what he gave me.  I took them did not get high i thought that was great! However a few months later i found myself dependent on it without the high its a stupid drug.  So i gradually cut back..i went back to my doc and told him it was not easy to come off of and could he help me.  He gave me a taper plan to work so i started working it.   I noticed as i reduced my dosage is was worse and worse like usual.. So i do smoke pot from time to time and the last time i got off subs Marijuana really helped me get off.

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Anxiety / Depression :: Leg Pain? Physical Symptom

I have recently been diagnosed as having depression, and my psychiatrist feels my leg pain that I have is being caused by my depression. Does anyone else experience similar problems and has antidepressants helped at all with the physical symptoms ?

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Cannabis :: Anxiety With Marijuana Use

I have been on a rollercoaster ride for months now trying to figure out this anxiety i've been dealing with. So i'm going to share the whole thing. For years i've been a constant drug user started with intense drinking to mdma and LSD every weekend then to uppers (Adderall and Dex) which was a daily bases for almost a year then pain pills to the point where i couldn't take them they made me unhappy and agro. Around the end of my get F***ed up days i was taking mad amounts of E and mushrooms which when it came to frying i was A OK on never had a bad time till one day. At the time i thought i was having a bad trip but now i think it was an anxiety attack. After that night when i tried to fry even if i was happy to and totally down i would have the worst panic attack so i quit taking psychedelics then stopped MDMA cause i always had an attack every time i used anything besides marijuana and occasional drinking and felt just fine (btw i was and still am a constant weed smoker) in november i went to portland and had a 3 day anxiety attack very random i went to the doctors when i got back he said besides some slight thyroid imbalance be has no idea why im anxious. I have been taking Paxil and Klonopin since November and at first it helped i felt i had a bit more control then it got worse again i've been dealing with fainting and awful morning anxiety and my doc keeps upping the dose but i'm still waking up panicked and idk why. Ppl have brought this up to me but i doubt a lot of bad things they say about marijuana but i'm starting to wonder. Could marijuana interfere with my medication prevent me from feeling better or even feed my anxiety??

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Cannabis :: Anxiety Attacks After Marijuana

This year, I started to smoke marijuana. I've smoked it a few times until three days ago. I've smoked too much of it and got a horrible panic attack. I've been sitting on the floor more than two hours thinking I'm going to die. The whole world was rotating and twirling around me and my heart was beating so fast that I thought I have a heart attack. I took a deep breath and told myself everything's gonna be alright. My friend told me: Stay calm, it's just a temporary effect of a drug. It's not dying.

Ok, I've survived. But on the next day, I've got anxiety attack three times. I'm 18 and I've never had any anxiety in my life. But marijuana teached me. Last three days, I've had 7 anxiety attacks. My anxiety attack consists of headache and feeling powerless and crazy.

I want to know just one thing. Are those anxiety attacks going to stop? Are they here because of THC still being in my body? Or am I going to experience them for the rest of my life?

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Anxiety :: Xanax With Marijuana - Had A Seizure

I have a script for both and have been on both for many years.  Some dr.s say it does, some say it doesn't. I'm confused and scared. I would like to know what caused it and no one will give me a straight answer, or show me studies to prove the argument. Please help.

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Marijuana Withdrawals :: Anxiety And Tinnitus Are Through The Roof

I've been smoking for 4 yrs everyday. I quit 2 1/2 weeks ago. My anxiety and tinnitus are through the roof. When will this go away?

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Cannabis Addiction :: Anxiety Caused By Marijuana Abuse

I'm 19 years old and began smoking weed back when I was 16. It all started for fun and the first 2 years of the weed use were pretty normal, you know smoking a few times per month but no dependency or any abuse from the drug. Within time I began smoking more and more until I got to the point of smoking every single day on every single occasion. I began abusing of weed back in October 2012 and kept increasing my drug usage within time. I smoked every single day.. From monday to thursday I would usually smoke every night and on weekends I would smoke all day long. I kept this habit for around 6 months. (Some days I would smoke in the morning and all day long). Anyway, I began feeling paranoid on my last months of using weed. It all changed back in June. I was in the car on a long road trip together with my brother and my mom. My mom was driving and I was not high at all.. I had smoked a little in the morning from that day but nothing to worry about. Anyway, when we were traveling in the car, I began feeling pretty scared about a thought that came in to mind. The thought was about me punching my mom, although I love my mom with my entire life and would never do anything bad to her. I didn't know what a panic attack was at all, I didn't know what the symptoms of anxiety were and didn't know what the hell was happening to me. Anyway, I began to feel very very scared. We got to the hotel and I tried to forget about that scary thought my smoking later on that day. On the next day, the thought was still in my mind and I kept fighting with it until I researched and knew I suffered from a panic attack. I never in life had experienced anything similar to it and never had any type of anxiety issues. Since that experience, I decided to quit smoking pot so I did cold turkey. I also quit smoking cigarette and reducing my alcohol usage. Later on, I began experiencing the withdrawal symptoms. Extreme anxiety, panic attacks every day, and began to feel weird around my parents since I got that scary thought. I coped with it and the symptoms reduce their intensity one month after. I was feeling pretty good a month ago, coping with a little anxiety but everything seemed ok. But two weeks ago my anxiety was raised and worsened again. Now I'm feeling very scared because I'm not sure if I'm still experiencing withdrawals or if I really developed and anxiety disorder because of my weed use abuse. I get anxious every time I remind myself that I'm anxious, I'm scared of feeling this way my entire life and scared of thinking I screwed my life up. Has anyone experienced anything similar to this and cured from it????? Was my anxiety caused by my drug abuse or am I only experiencing withdrawals? Any recommendations? I pray everyday and try to keep myself positive every day. I'm a normal guy.. Some days I feel well but some days are the hell to me. I don't have social anxiety and I keep living my normal life.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Depersonalisation And Anxiety After Smoking Marijuana

I am 19 years old and have been smoking marijuana for a year.  I have now taken a break from smoking weed for the past 2 weeks and  a month ago I had a severe panic attack. I am still somewhat feeling the effects of depersonalisation but they were much more severe a few weeks ago and I have a doctors appointment on the 25th of April. I have never felt panic in my life but on Wednesday over a month ago. I have always felt great when I smoked weed but for some reason this time I felt awful. I had woke up on a March break morning around 11 am and I smoked this good weed that I had never tried before. I always smoke out of bongs and I had smoked right when I woke up so I probably was dehydrated and my blood sugar was low. I know weed lowers blood sugar and it was on an empty stomach. It took about ten minutes and eventually I had tunnel vision, I couldn't look at my tv because the screen was too bright, felt like a mini seizure, heart was racing, sweating, felt like I was choking and I was going to have a heart attack. I realize that you cannot die from a panic attack but it was very uncomfortable. The weird thing is that I have never felt panic at all after smoking weed. I smoked half a bowl of this good weed I had never tried and shortly after I smoked this good regular weed that I am used to. I went to ER and took some tests but I eventually left as I did not want to wait there all day. The first week back to school was frightening but now a month later, school is almost over and I am starting to feel  somewhat normal. Do you think this will just take time for me to completely get over? I have been feeling depersonalisation because things didn't seem real and everything seemed like a dream. I would have to touch myself to see if I was real it seemed and I had bad anxiety ever since. I feel almost normal now but I am wondering if I just need to wait for the weed to get out of my system in order for me to feel normal again. I smoked weed about a week ago and ever since I think I should quit until I figure out my personal life. I have always felt depression even before I started smoking weed. Growing up as a child my mom was an alcoholic and she would give me suicide notes, my brother died when I was 13 and I was attacked by random people near my street a couple years ago which caused some paranoia and increased anxiety about walking outside at night. It's not like weed caused this, I think that it brought out the real me, it brought out my actual problems and I think the herb is just telling me to fix my issues that I have been having for so long. It's been just over a month and I am starting to feel much better. For the longest time my subconscious mind was paying attention to every breath which was hard and annoying to sleep. I still somewhat feel like this but I am starting to accept it and not care. I have a driving test in a couple weeks and I am scared to be honest. The weird thing is, I have always been scared to do new things like driving or getting a job. Even when I was a kid I was afraid to talk to girls, I know this may sound like I am crazy. I have gotten over the fears of talking to girls now though because I am 19 and not 14 any more.  I am hoping to see a psychologist shortly after my doctors appointment which I am hoping to get some clarification and advice to fix my issues. I was also very bullied as a child during elementary school because I was overweight which I think is the reason why I lost a lot of weight and I am now working out daily, mainly running. But, I am very self concious about my body now, I always look in the mirror at my body because I still worry about looking fat and what others think of me. I have always cared about what others think of me which I hate. I think I am getting better at thinking positive now. Another thing is, even before I started smoking weed, I was a very stressed person from school and my personal life. I get in fights with my mom and it stresses me out. She is no longer an alcoholic but it really bothers me even if she has one drink. What I think is weed is not bad for you and cannot harm in very many ways. It can trigger certain things as it had happened to me, but it is physically impossible to die from marijuana. I have smoked weed after my attack and I was fine for the most part. All marijuana does is relax you and increase the serotonin in your brain. It gives you the ability to think more outside the box and it makes you focus on things more which can create a paranoia. Anxiety and depersonalization are in your head. If you think negatively you will react negatively. I want to become a psychologist and I am going to university next year so I know a lot about the mind. I am just wondering if I will get over it and most people say it takes time which I agree with. I will not permanently stop smoking weed but I will definitely cut back drastically.

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Anxiety :: No Withdrawal On Day 4 Without Zoloft

In January I was prescribed 50mg of Zoloft for anxiety. Recently it started making me feel "drugged" and I weaned off with doctor's permission. Sunday was my last dose of the Zoloft and I am going on day 4 with no Zoloft. So far so good. I was wondering if I would have already experienced withdrawals from the meds by day 4? My doctor doesn't seem to think I will suffer major symptoms cause I was on a low dose and not for very long.

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Anxiety :: Xanax Withdrawal Fears

i am prescribed Mirtazapine (Remeron) 30mg for MDD, one at night; xanax, 2 per day by .025 mcg for anxiety and Nytamel(Stilnoct) 5mg per night for sleep. My doc is reducing the xanax by one tablet per day, what withdrawal effects should I expect?

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Anxiety :: Withdrawal From Seroquel And Now Xanax

I started taking 50mg of Seroquel in December for sleep. Shortly after I began to feel as if I couldn't breathe. I went to the ER and they checked me out and told me it was anxiety. So I saw My nurse practitioner and she prescribed Vistaril 50 mg 3x a day. I room it for a week. Still had the same symptoms. I figured out It was The seroquel. I tried to call the nurse but they are never available so I did not do my homework on this med and quit it cold Turkey. Four days later I was so sick I could barely stand up. Migraine head ache nausea, shaky you name it. So I went on 25mg a day. I got I'm touch with my doctor she told me to fast taper off of Vistaril in 6 days then go off the Seroquel because after 2 weeks of being on 25mg I was still sick. So I tapered off Vistaril and went off Seroquel On a Thursday. Still very sick every day. By Sunday I was in a total panic. I went to the ER and they prescribed xanax .5 mg 3x a day. I had enough for 7 days. They told me to city Buspar which I take at 10mg 3x a day in half and take the xanax. Which I did. The panic subsided but I still felt somewhat sick. Now I finished the xanax yesterday. I upped my Buspar back up to 10 mg 3x a day. They told me I would have no withdrawal

. I. Sicker than ever. Fighting not to vomit, heartburn, itchy eyes, panic, neck ache, tremors, headache. What do I do now? Is this going to get worse? How much longer am I going to be sick? My nurse prescribed me lexapro and upped Buspar to to 15mg 3x a day. But I am afraid to take more medicine! The medicine is what is making me sick. I was stable until I lost my Jon and apartment and had a few sleepless nights and then came Seroquel and my life is in ruins! I can't miss work, I have no health insurance and I have been so sick for so long I don't know how much more I can take. I started getting sick Feb 19th and it is now March 27th

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Sertraline :: Zoloft Withdrawal - Get Waves Of Anxiety

I was on 50mg for 5 years and I gain 20 pounds.  I finally decide to stop taking sertraline and I beg my doctor to let me do it. She finally agree and I went from 50mg to 25mg for 2 weeks and 12 mg for 2 weeks and then I was off. I was fine until today 2 MONTHS later. I get waves of anxiety and then it goes away, I  sweat cold and then goes away, my arms tingling and then it goes away.  I am not sure if I should have to go back to Zoloft ?

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Mirtazapine Withdrawal - Anxiety Coming Back

I have been taking 15mg of mirtazapine for 6 months for sleep problems and anxiety.

It has helped me sleep and feel more relaxed. But have struggled with word retrieval and foggy head. I decided to come off it and have been on 7.5 mg for 4 weeks, I have been doing ok but the last three days have had problems sleep waking after 3 hours and my anxiety feels like it coming back! Is this just withdrawal or am I going back my old ways?

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Anxiety :: Antidepressant Withdrawal - Coming Off After 16 Years Of Use

Been on antidepressants for 16 years I've just come of them 3 weeks ago. Feel so sick,how long will I be like this?

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Anxiety :: Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms Just After 3 Days Dose?

Can you get any withdrawal symptoms after 3,days of usage?

I only had 0.50 one night and next 2,days like 0,25.

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Cannabis Withdrawal After 2 Weeks - Severe Anxiety And Panic Attacks

i've stopped smoking for 2 weeks now and the most serious symptom i am facing is anxiety i had two panic attacks so far. Can anxiety be permanent for me now?

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Sjogren's Syndrome? Dry Eyes Are The Only Symptom I Have

I have had dry eyes for about 2 year now (I also had lasik in 2005).  Within the last 4 months my have have gotten really dry.  I have all 4 tear ducts plugged and I am on Restasis.  I also use sclera lenses (more for vision but also helps the dry eye).  My eye dr said he thinks I may have Sjogren's  even though I have never has a Schirmer's test (I am not sure how accurate that would be since i have had lasik anyway). tested positive for ANA 1:80 titer with homogeneous pattern but negative for RF and SSa and SSb.  Should I pursue this further?  Dry eyes are the only symptom I have.

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