Alcohol Poisoning :: I Can't Tolerate It - Why?

i'm 18, I've always liked a drink, or 2, or 3. I've had a few bad experiences with Alcohol before I was legal to drink it. Since turning 18 I go out 2-3 times a week, not long before Christmas I collapsed in a club and was hospitalised through alcohol excess, I had alcohol poisoning quite badly. A few days later I was drinking again, just over a month prior to this I collapsed in a different club and again was rushed to hospital via ambulance. The next day I was drinking.

Now, I can't seem to drink as much as I use to, last night I was carried out of a club by 4 security guards after not being able to walk and passing out, thing is, I only remember drinking about 4 drinks, the first time I was hospitalised my readings were greater than the point I should have died, I was very very lucky, so I didnt drink as much last night, yet last night I passed out, again. It's effecting my Social life, in loosing friends and respect, also I have been barred from 2 clubs, I'm getting a bad name. Am I just 18 and young? Or can my body not handle alcohol anymore? I really need answers, people are worried and I want to know why my body just gives up after the consumption of alcohol.

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Thyroid :: Can't Tolerate - Synthroid, Armour And Cytomel

2 1/2 years ago my hypothyroid meds (90 mcg synthroid) started to make me feel extremely hyper, but my blood tests came back looking good. I was finally diagnosed as having Adrenal Fatigue (after seeing 13 doctors and 18 months later) and was taken off my thyroid meds totally for a about 6+ months to heal my adrenals.

My saliva test says my adrenals are much better (still not 100%). I tried to then go on Armour, but continued with anxiety, neck pain, headache all day on right side, depression…the usual.

I am now chopping up the meds and take small doses of 12.5 Synthroid and 1.25 Cytomel twice a day - morning and afternoon - for about 3 weeks but I still feel hyper…and tired and anxious, depressed. If I take more T3 I start to get really anxious.

I went on the above combination after I first tried just Cytomel alone at 1.25 and went through the roof after about 3 days, so I stopped.

We are trying the above combination thinking the Armour we tried earlier was the wrong ratio of T4/T3 (75/25%). According an online chart, my current med routine of synthroid/cytomel = a ratio of 90/10%.

I am still feeling extremely tired, anxious, no appetite, no energy, dizzy, feel like I'm not here, and depressed. Was considering changing the T4/T3 ratio to perhaps 50/50%. Anyone ever try this?

NOTE--best week ever: A few months ago, we tried switching from 15 Armour only to 12 Synthroid only for 1 week. Just to try something different. After 1 week of no progress we switched back to about 7.5 Armour for a few days--then upping to 15. And WOW, I had the GREATEST week in the last 2 years ever, then it started to decline again the next week while keeping Armour at about 15.

I was also off Gluten for 3 months with no noticeable improvements.

I keep thinking this has to have something to do with my Adrenals. As I said my saliva test came back much better - the doctor said I was 80% back to normal. I'm thinking that's not close enough?? I need to be 90% before I can tolerate the meds?? 95%?? I don't know!!

Has anyone had experience with this? Were you eventually able to take your thyroid meds again? How were you able to do it?

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Oesophageal Achalasia / Spasm :: Can Only Tolerate Liquids At Present

I have had swallowing problems, oesophagus pain, burning in chest feeling as though food is getting stuck and an awful sensation of a lump in my throat for the last four years. I was wrongly diagnosed with GERD and treated with PPIs. My symptoms have gradually got worse and after three attempts managed the manometry and twenty four hour pH test following this I have been recently diagnosed with achalasia. I feel so unwell and life is feeling unbearable I can only tolerate liquids at present and my symptoms seem to have deteriorated since diagnosis feels like everything sticking in my throat an awful taste the lump has got worse and feels like I can't feel my throat properly and my swallow feels weak. All my symptoms are bringing on the most awful feeling of anxiety and I just don't know where to turn no one understands how bad this feels. Has anyone else had this terrible sensation of a lump and at the same time a sort of lack of sensation in the throat.

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Gout First Episode - Apply Heat, Cold Or Both?

I've had this nasty gout episode for four days now and I am reading conflicting information, perhaps a few of you with some experience can help. First, is it better to apply heat, cold or both? Second, will walking around and staying active even through the pain make it worse, better or stay the same? Third, is there any prescription out there that works without any nasty side effects? And lastly, knowing that I have gout, is it really necessary to see a doctor?

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Heat / Temperature Related?

I have had several MDs tell me to not eat spicy or gas producing vegetables, whoever I can eat those with no problem. What sets my IBS off is becoming physically hot, through exercise, environment, or thermally hot food. And paradoxically if I become cold and then move to warmer environment rapidly or warm to extremely environment. Emotional upset can also set it off. And It can last for hours in bathroom. The only thing that stops it for me is the Medicine Donnatal. I've tried Imodium (.it might slow me down two days after episode, maybe), also Bentyl, so what more helpful for than Imodium. Does anyone else have heat related IBS and what are your management strategies?

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Heat Intolerance - Cool Surfaces Help

In 2014 while on holiday in Spain, my ankles and feet swelled very badly, since then anytime it gets warm this happens and they become very painful. My GP has prescribed tablets for two weeks to help with this discomfort. Yesterday i went for a walk and my hands swelled especially my fingers. They felt very tight and my right fingers in particular were tingling for up to an hour when i came home.

I never suffered this before 2014, and am wondering is this a symptom of MS heat intolerance. They ache very badly and by the end if the day the swelling and pain is very uncomfortable. I feel cool surfaces help with the discomfort.

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Undiagnosed Symptoms :: Cramp And Heat Sensation In Back Of Lower Leg

for about a week i have had periodic "heat flashes" in the back of my right leg from the foot to the back of the knee.  Not painful, but odd sensation like hot compress being applied.  happens 8-10 times a day when i am sitting or standing.  Had a severe leg cramp, charlie horse, about 1 1/2 weeks ago so thought symptoms might be related.  went to my MD who told me no danger of blood clot (would be very severe pain, swelling, hot to touch).  said probably related to leg cramp and advised me to do more walking (i sit in an office chair all day) and to  do exercises consisting of pushing left down down as far as it will go for 5 seconds, then arching up for 5 seconds, for 10 times.  She likely due to spasms and  that hot flash is due to when blood vessels stop dilating (???). I will try this recommendation for one week and will let you know, but I am not very confident that this will work.This discussion is related to Strange feeling of heat in my leg.

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Levothyroxine Sodium :: Heat Rash, Allergies, Hay Fever Symptoms

I have been taking Levothyroxine for about 8 months now and since then I seem to be suffering from increasing allergies. I already suffered with Hay Fever during the months of May and June but suddenly I started being allergic to my rabbits. I knew I was allergic to their hay but not the rabbits themselves. The doctor gave me an inhaler for when I needed to use it if I inhaled some of the rabbit fur as I found I was struggling to breath. I then started to be very sneezy at night and in the mornings sometimes sneezing up to about 15 times which is quite wearing. Then my skin started to start feeling really itchy all the time. I went to the doctor and he said that it should not be down to the levothyroxine and prescribed me some antihistamines to take to see if that settled the allergies. I am now getting a heat rash which seems to appear when I exert some energy. I am not talking about a great deal of energy though just a brisk walk or so and the rash starts on my chest and raises up past my ears. Today the rash was even on my legs and my fingers swelled so much that I had to quickly remove my jewellery. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Thyroid :: Normal TSH But High Free T4 - Palpitation, Tremor, Intolerance To Heat

i am malaysian recently did my blood test and found out that my TSH within the normal range (1.8) but my free T4 was 26.33 (12-22). free T3 was not done. i am experiencing all the symptoms related to the hyperthyroidism such as palpitation, tremor, intolerance to heat, weight loss(from 78kg to 65kg), always hungry, muscle weakness.i went and visit my endo, he said since the TSH reading normal, so you are not having hyper and he discharged me. but i can realise that i am having all the symptoms of hyper. can anyone help me?what i should do after this?

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Alcoholism Induced Dementia

My father in law has always been an alcoholic. Over the past couple of years, his drinking got out of control and his behavior was increasingly strange. My mother in law left him several times, but returned with his promises to cut back on the booze. Right around this past Christmas, we managed to keep him sober for several days, long enough to see that his behavior problems were not the result of being drunk. He was diagnosed with alcohol induced dementia.

Since then, we've been on a roller coaster of good and bad days, but the bad days are now the norm. He lives with my MIL, who is younger than him and in good health. He does a lot of screaming at her, says he hates her and wants her to die. He says he wants a divorce and wants to move to be near his favorite drinking spot. Usually these fits are preceded by his request to go out for a drink, which she denies.

A few months ago, my FIL figured out he could walk to a somewhat close area of restaurants and liquor stores. He will provoke my MIL until she gets fed up and leaves for a break, then he starts the long walk to get a drink. MIL used to follow him in her car and go into the liquor stores and restaurants ahead of him and ask that he not be served alcohol. This would lead to him calling her and screaming at her. Now she just lets him go but refuses to pick him up and drive him home after he has his drinks. Once, she wasn't home when he arrived from a drinking binge so he took all of her clothes and threw them in the back yard. He tried to dismantle her computer and threw away any food in the house that he saw as "hers." We are very concerned for his safety, obviously, and for MIL's emotional and mental well being.

Lately MIL is at her breaking point. She wants to leave. FIL is very demanding, verbally abusive. We try to give MIL a break by taking FIL shopping, going over for meals, taking the kids to see him, etc. He can't live on his own because he can't manage his meds (yesterday he took two days of his blood pressure, antipsychotic, and antianxiety meds because he kicked MIL out of the house and she wasn't there to help him). He does OK cooking for himself but can't pay bills, no longer can drive, needs help shopping, and is just starting to have issues with managing his own hygiene. His short term memory is bad. He will call each of us in the family over and over again, especially when he's been drinking. He seems to want to have MIL around to entertain him and drive him places, but then drives her away so he can attempt to drink. He has fallen more than once -- one time, he fell while walking home from the liquor store and a passing driver called an ambulance.

FIL is not bad enough to qualify for any services, even home care. He flat out refuses to cooperate with any sort of caregiver or adult day care. He thinks the doctors are wrong about the dementia and insists he can take care of himself. Every attempt at getting help for him has been a dead end, from social services to Alz. support groups. MIL is working on getting POA and conservatorship so she can control his access to money. She is thinking of getting FIL his own small place (which he wants), managing his finances, and giving him a small allowance that we all know he will quickly spend on booze (he averages $30 a day on "lunch" when he is alone and walks to restaurants). We feel like we can't control him and have no options and just have to wait for him to decline further or land himself in the hospital. MIL will have to go back to work, at least part time, to be able to afford to support him as well as have her own place.

Does anyone who's been through this have any ideas on options for us? FIL can't live with any of us because we have kids, jobs, etc. and aren't around to monitor him. I also can't have him behaving and talking the way he does around my kids -- it's bad enough what they see and hear when we visit. My in laws' income is limited to social security (less than 2500/mo total), plus my MIL has about $60,000 in a retirement fund. They don't own their home.

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Alcoholism :: Beer Addiction

It's been about a year now that we've moved to Germany. At first I would try one beer a night 2-4 times a week.  Slowly it's gotten worse to the point that every night I now drink at least 4 half liters (17oz each) every single night and I can't remember the last time I didn't drink. It seems like everyday I wake up and promise myself I won't drink today but I just can't not drink.... The beer is just so damn good I can't get enough of it; and it's super cheap too.
It hasn't caused any problems with my family or daily routine aside from me being tired all the time.

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Alcoholism :: Alcohol Paranoia And OCD

I am a 35 year old woman and really suffer badly with alcohol paranoia.

I also have OCD (worrying all of the time and complete rituals to overcome the anxiety of it) this can sometimes be debilitating. I always worry what we people think of me and always want to be liked by everyone, even though i know that this isn't possible. I have been like this all of my life and i have had OCD since i was a small child.

I can drink alcohol and be fine, but sometimes i get drunk and i have complete black outs the next day. I can't remember conversations i have had, how i got home sometimes and it is really worrying. At the time i feel in control and i drink more, its not until i wake in the night i start to panic and wonder what i said or did. My husband is really supportive and tells me i am being silly but i shouldn't drink so much so i don't have blackouts. I will lie awake for hours worrying and going over conversations that i have had- embarrassing ones from my past and i don't know why i tell people them- i just want them to laugh and enjoy my company but i end up pulling myself down. I don't know why i do this? I don't think i have a drink problem, as i don't crave alcohol and i don't drink everyday only on social occasions but if i have one to many, or if i haven't ate enough in the day, my paranoia is really bad. It gets to the point where i hate myself.

My OCD also gets worse the next day and i can't concentrate on anything. Why am i like this? why do i care so much of what people think of me?

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Alcoholism :: How To Withdraw From NORCO And LYRICA

Diagnos w/ Fybro myalgia, 2012.



I desire to get off the NORCO, LYRICA. and manage my fybro thru CHIRO, ACUPUNCTURE ,MASSAGE.

Did the herbs work with detox? Anyone else go this route after deciding to get off the mind altering drugs? I started detox today, I have only had 5, NORCO today! That's real big for me.. usually by now 8 hours into my day I'm on 10. Loving a chance at my life again without the drugs.

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Dementia :: Memory Loss With Alcoholism

I am a 61 years old male alcoholic and my memory is very bad. Is this normal?

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Alcoholism (liver) And Predictable Lifespan

When someone is has been heavily drinking for years.and has already had a triple liver by pass, and relapses off and on, She is in her early 50s and has regular check ups to check the status of her liver (say every 3 weeks) she has diplayed signs of liver failure like yellowing of the whites of eyes and spider-vains becoming more common and prominent on the skin. My question is; How soon would a doctor usually tell the patient she has "X" number or years to live, say 1 or 2? or would they not mention that till it gets down to months?

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Alcoholism :: Fear Of Doing Something Wrong After Drinking

Every time I drink alcohol I always wake up and fear that I have done and said something horrible. My friends all say that I am quite and a good drunk and always assure me that i did nothing wrong. Even when I don't do anything wrong I convince myself that I did. I make up things in my head and then I can't tell if it's an actual memory or a made up thought in my head. It scares the sh*t out of me. I get anxious and depressed after drinking. I feel like a total loser. I feel like I am an awful person. i do not drink a whole lot but i do black out even after small amounts of alcohol. i know i shouldn't drink but you know how social events are. im normally shy and quiet when sober im very responsible and may have a little social anxiety. i still worry about things i think i might have done a year ago but nothing has ever come of it so really i should probably just drop it but im having a hard time.  am i the only crazy person out there?

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Alcoholism :: Bad Withdrawal Effects Of Alcohol

I get a feeling that something is standing right in the middle of my chest, sometimes i catch myself involuntarily reach to my chest with my hand like i'm wiping something of the middle of my chest. It almost feels like there is a bloon in the middle of my chest and it is getting ready to explode. And my breathing is very difficult like i am smothering. i have to keep taking in deep breaths to get that feeling of satisfaction that i am breathing. Sometimes i catch myself staring at anything while the thoughts are racing through my mind, thoughts of death or trying to figure out what is wrong with me. There is profound weakness in my limbs Severe shortness of breath, tunnel vision, numb/tingling in the arms.

i looked down at my hand and it was jerking involuntarily. And sometimes i get thoughts that if someone was to notice or ask me what is wrong i feel that i will lose my mind. So i try my best to hide it. I have noticed that while driving in a car it can become unbearable. Alos i get a feeling of pressure in my skull like my brain is going to explode. Last Night all i wanted to do was go to sleep and wake up feeling better but every time i tried to sleep i would wake not breathing gasping for air. At one point i felt hopeless and that i would fall on my face dead. I believe this to be withdraw from all the drinking that i have been doing. I was in the er a few days ago for this and my bp was high and heart racing. At times is feels as if i am going to lose all control of my body and i will go in to convulsions at any moment. The breathing thing started as a young kidd. Im not to good at explaing this so i did my best. My heart goes out to all the people that goes through this.

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Alcoholism :: Alcohol Induced Anxiety

What I think is crazy is I only had one drink since like forever and now I cry over anything that is little, my brain feels kinda fuzzy and I refuse to go out to places with a lot of people. I drank alcohol about a week ago and it just started yesterday and it's getting a little bit better

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Alcoholism :: Alcohol Allergy - Hot And Itch

I am 22 and I liked to have a glass of wine once in a while.  However, one day I had about half a glass and started to feel very itchy between my eyebrows.  I chose to ignore it because wine commonly made me go a little rosy and feel hot.  However, the next time I had this same wine (new bottle) I had 2 sips and felt this itching again in the same place.  When I looked in the mirror, my face was becoming red and blotchy, and soon covered my entire face (even my eyelids!).  It felt like it was on fire and was clearly a tad swollen.  It eventually spread to my chest.  I tried to cool the areas with ice and twenty minutes later, my skin was fine. At first I thought this might have been caused by this specific wine since the bottle said it contains sulfites.  I tried to have a glass of wine that boasts absolutely no preservatives, just grapes, but the same thing happened off a couple of sips.  This is not a grape allergy.  I commonly eat grapes and have no problem with them.After a week of avoiding alcohol altogether, which was difficult because it was during the holidays, I wanted to see if beer was also off limits now.  Yes, it is.  I had barely finished the neck when I felt the itching between my eyebrows.  Sure enough, within minutes my face was bright red and hot to the touch.I am not any kind of heavy drinker, but I'm still young and I would like to be able to drink with my friends!  This is very frustrating for me and confusing to say the least.  I'm not sure what to do, and I'm sure a doctor would scoff at me if I came to them with my troubles. I read online that alcohol allergies are rare and rapid onset of any allergy suggests a problem with the adrenals.

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