Alcohol Withdrawal :: Nalmefene Side Effects?

Just been prescribed this and am a little worried about taking it as the side effects seem a bit hard. Will I be so ill I won't be able to work

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Alcoholism :: Alcohol Paranoia And OCD

I am a 35 year old woman and really suffer badly with alcohol paranoia.

I also have OCD (worrying all of the time and complete rituals to overcome the anxiety of it) this can sometimes be debilitating. I always worry what we people think of me and always want to be liked by everyone, even though i know that this isn't possible. I have been like this all of my life and i have had OCD since i was a small child.

I can drink alcohol and be fine, but sometimes i get drunk and i have complete black outs the next day. I can't remember conversations i have had, how i got home sometimes and it is really worrying. At the time i feel in control and i drink more, its not until i wake in the night i start to panic and wonder what i said or did. My husband is really supportive and tells me i am being silly but i shouldn't drink so much so i don't have blackouts. I will lie awake for hours worrying and going over conversations that i have had- embarrassing ones from my past and i don't know why i tell people them- i just want them to laugh and enjoy my company but i end up pulling myself down. I don't know why i do this? I don't think i have a drink problem, as i don't crave alcohol and i don't drink everyday only on social occasions but if i have one to many, or if i haven't ate enough in the day, my paranoia is really bad. It gets to the point where i hate myself.

My OCD also gets worse the next day and i can't concentrate on anything. Why am i like this? why do i care so much of what people think of me?

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Alcoholism :: Alcohol Induced Anxiety

What I think is crazy is I only had one drink since like forever and now I cry over anything that is little, my brain feels kinda fuzzy and I refuse to go out to places with a lot of people. I drank alcohol about a week ago and it just started yesterday and it's getting a little bit better

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Alcoholism :: Alcohol Allergy - Hot And Itch

I am 22 and I liked to have a glass of wine once in a while.  However, one day I had about half a glass and started to feel very itchy between my eyebrows.  I chose to ignore it because wine commonly made me go a little rosy and feel hot.  However, the next time I had this same wine (new bottle) I had 2 sips and felt this itching again in the same place.  When I looked in the mirror, my face was becoming red and blotchy, and soon covered my entire face (even my eyelids!).  It felt like it was on fire and was clearly a tad swollen.  It eventually spread to my chest.  I tried to cool the areas with ice and twenty minutes later, my skin was fine. At first I thought this might have been caused by this specific wine since the bottle said it contains sulfites.  I tried to have a glass of wine that boasts absolutely no preservatives, just grapes, but the same thing happened off a couple of sips.  This is not a grape allergy.  I commonly eat grapes and have no problem with them.After a week of avoiding alcohol altogether, which was difficult because it was during the holidays, I wanted to see if beer was also off limits now.  Yes, it is.  I had barely finished the neck when I felt the itching between my eyebrows.  Sure enough, within minutes my face was bright red and hot to the touch.I am not any kind of heavy drinker, but I'm still young and I would like to be able to drink with my friends!  This is very frustrating for me and confusing to say the least.  I'm not sure what to do, and I'm sure a doctor would scoff at me if I came to them with my troubles. I read online that alcohol allergies are rare and rapid onset of any allergy suggests a problem with the adrenals.

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Alcohol Consumption :: Withdrawal - Day One

After many tries at stopping, today I decided enough is enough.  I've felt very alone dealing with this issue, but obviously trying to stop on my own hasn't worked.  I also don't want to go to my doctor because I don't want it on my health record.  I'm hoping talking about it with other people will help this time stick.  So, here's my story.  This is my first time being totally honest and telling it. I'm a 42 year old woman. I've worked up to drinking about 4-5 shots of vodka almost every day. My liver hurts, my face is getting an overall red tone and I've almost really messed up my marriage by picking nasty fights with my husband while drunk and flirting with a friend of his once also while drunk which thank God the friend never told my husband.  I drink when making dinner or when doing art (I"m an artist).  The buzz puts me in a good mood to face the doldrums of housework and gets my creativity flowing, so I'm going to have to figure out how to not do that.  The reason today is hopefully the day is that last night I woke up to find my husband not in the bed.  I thought he was up playing video games.  But in the morning he came back into the bedroom with his pillow and blanket.  I'd forgotten that I got so drunk the previous night that I'd picked a fight with him so bad that he went and slept on the couch.  On so many levels, that about sums up the things that terrify me about what alcohol does.  So, today I'm doing two things I've never done - talking to others about my problem and making a contract with myself.  Here's what my contract says:  

" I, __________, have decided to stop drinking alcohol as of today, July 1, 2015.  I have chosen this goal because, today, I am afraid of alcohol. I am afraid of the damage it has already caused to my body, marriage, friendships and life, of my inability to stop, and of the potential it has to make things much worse. 

If I don’t stop drinking, I WILL lose the things that I treasure most - the love, admiration and friendship of my husband, the roof over my head and the food that he provides, my memory and ability to think clearly, the healthy functioning of my body, my physical beauty, and the ability and motivation to live life to the fullest.

If I stop drinking, I will be vibrantly strong, beautiful and active! I will be proud of myself and able to fulfill my life’s purpose.  Not one more drink.

My husband wants me to be able to drink like a normal person like he does (a few on the weekends) but he doesn't understand that what I really need is to not be around alcohol.  He loves me (well, not so much after last night) but isn't supportive in that way, so that's something else I have to deal with. He thinks I should be able to just decide not to drink and refuses to not have his bottle of Scotch in the kitchen when I've asked repeatedly not to have any alcohol in the house.  In order not to drink his Scotch and to hide how much I drink, I've been keeping a bottle of vodka in my art studio.  Both sides of my family are full of alcoholics.  My mother has turned into the family pariah and my dad hates her because of her drinking.  I don't want to turn into her or their dead marriage!

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Alcohol Consumption :: Tapering Off And Withdrawal Symptoms?

I've been drinking every night for about 3-4 years (not great with dates). It started off as a bottle of wine a night, then a load of beer, then not so much, then more, then not so much and... You know how it goes.

Recently (in the last week) I've cut it down to 4 little bottles of beer per night (330ml, 5% stuff). I've tried to taper off before, with little success, but this time after seeing a counsellor and really exploring why I drink I feel better equipped mentally to follow through with this idea. 

My problem is this... Obviously the thought of the potential withdrawal is paralysingly frightening (as it has been for most of you, I'm guessing), and because of my severe anxiety I am super aware of every little thing my body feels. It's hard for me to distinguish between anxiety symptoms, and withdrawal symptoms. For example: shakiness, headaches, confusion and general 'out of it' feelings... 

I don't want to just say to myself 'oh it's just anxiety, I have nothing to worry about' (WHICH IS WHAT I'VE BEEN TRAINING MY MIND TO DO) if the symptoms COULD be signs of severe withdrawal. Has anyone on here ever dealt with this combination of things? 

I don't really know what I was hoping to accomplish from this post (my minds a little scrambled right now). I think I just need this forum as a distraction and for some hope right now. 

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Alcohol Withdrawal Get Worse Every Time You Try To Stop?

Do withdrawals get worse every time u try to stop?

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Depression :: Sertraline - Withdrawal Effects?

I'm wondering if I can just stop taking my 50mg a day..are there any withdrawals from stopping.

Thing is I've come to the end of my last lot, & cant get to see my gp for another week.!

I've only been on them for 4 weeks.


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Depression :: Delayed Withdrawal Effects Mirtazapine

Just wondered if anyone had experienced delayed WD after tapering off an antidepressant, especially mirtazapine? I don't mean a few days, but feeling great for a few weeks and then suffering WD symptoms. I stopped mirt just over 6 weeks ago after a very slow taper and felt great for the first four weeks. Then a couple of weeks ago, I completely lost my appetite and have dropped lots of weight. No nausea, just having to force every morsel of food down me except for sweets which I can tolerate. I also have severe fatigue and restless legs. I do have stage 3 kidney disease and am awaiting the results of blood tests the doctor got done for me yesterday. All symptoms are indicative of a worsening kidney disease, but they are also WD symptoms. I personally can't believe WD could start suddenly on week five after stopping a drug, but just wondered if anyone else had experienced it?

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Duloxetine :: Side Effects And Withdrawal Symptoms

Hello!  I have just started taking Duloxetine 30mg each morning and have been feeling awful; really dopey, dizzy and sick.  I had no idea of all the potential problems of this drug until I googled-it!  The results (side effects and withdrawal symptoms etc) have scared me so much I have decided to stop after only five days.  Can someone please advise if I will suffer from withdrawal symptoms after such a short time of taking it?

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Lyrica - Opiate Withdrawal Without Side Effects

If you are addicted to painkillers you can get off fluidly with no side effects by taking lyrica! I promise you, I don't give a damn what anyone tells you or what a dr tells you it works! I was taking 16 Norco 10 a day. Was scared of being out and suffered when I was out. I started by accident because I was out and haven't felt as good and focused. They last all day and I started with only 2 a day. I haven't been so happy in my life! Pain free also

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Gabapentin :: For Sleep Disorder - Withdrawal And Side Effects?

My doctor just put me on this today, to help me sleep...I haven't taken it yet, as I get scared with taking new meds. Should I take this medicine? Is there major withdrawals, if I forget? And does it actually work? What symptoms r most common? Sorry for so many questions...I'm just a worry wart. I already went through withdrawal symptoms a few months back, b/c I quit Effexor slowly, and switch chef over to Wellbutrin. I had shocks, shakiness, panic, was scary...and I don't want to start a new med that's going to do the same can someone please help me? Thanks.

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Oxycodone With Alcohol - Effects?

Doctors found a clot in my carotid artery. This caused a few minor stokes, presumably 5 they tell me, called TIA's. These strokes caused 1 gran mal seizure and another seizure where I was doing the funky chicken for 1 1/2 hours, very scary. They gave me an immediate carotid endarterectomy, scraping the plaque out of my artery, 3 to 7% chance I  may have died!!  Mending well, but I still have pre- seizure spasms? I'm on 225mg of lamotrigine twice a day. The strokes and seizures caused numbness and pain in my left hip, taking oxycodone for pain. Doc also giving me 5mg zopiclone to mellow me,taken around noon every day, also take 5mg at night along with 30mg of mirtazapine for sleep Does anyone know the interactions if I have a few beer. If anyone has tried alcohol taking theses meds, what was their reaction.

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Sertraline :: Dose And Effects Of Alcohol?

After several years of on-off depression and anxiety I finally decided to try medication.

I started on 50mg Sertraline about 8 weeks ago. After a few days of horrible physical side effects I started to feel great. But in the last week I have started to feel not-so-great again. This could be due to a week away where I consumed a fair bit of alcohol and cannabis (after being very sensible since starting the Sertraline).

I'm thinking of asking my doctor to up the dose to 100mg.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced Sertraline "wearing off" after a few months, or being affected by alcohol?

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Effects Of Alcohol After Removal Of The Spleen

I was wondering what kind of effects that alcohol has on your body if you have had your spleen removed. Can you still drink alcohol without your spleen?

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Anxiety :: Sertraline With Alcohol Effects?

Just wondering whether I can drink alcohol on sertraline? Iv been 50mg daily for about 2 weeks now. Not intending on getting drunk but just want to see how the effects are on other people first.  

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica Effects Reduced With Alcohol

I had an interesting experience during the 8 weeks I was untreated and misdiagnosed for PMR a year ago. I am a light drinker, but after 4 weeks of debilitating pain in more joints than not, I decided to go out on Cinco de Mayo (Mexican celebration) and try to numb my pain. From 6 pm to 10 pm I consumed the equivalent of 8 oz. of tequila, 4 straight, 4 in margaritas, with mexican food. Came home, still in pain, went to bed. Awoke @ 4 am, no longer significantly intoxicated, got up, and walked around with NO pain. The reduction in inflammation lasted till late the next afternoon. This temporary reduction in pain and inflammation pushed me to search harder for a remedy. I had lost hope. Please check my bio for additional info, if you like. I have since found additional data that  alcohol users have significantly reduced rates of Rheumatoid. I do not suggest alcohol as a remedy, but I have no idea what the mechanism was that suppressed my inflammation. Could this be a path or clue to mitigation of PMR outside of prednisone?? Anyone have any similar experiences? Was it the alcohol, and or maybe the  agave (source plant for tequila)?? It was not drunkenness, there was a definite repression of inflammation. I did not try it again, as I don't like to drink that much. Lower doses (2-3 oz.) did not have the same effect.

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Dosulepin :: Drinking Alcohol - Side Effects?

what are the side effects with these tablets,when drinking beer,or larger,

as i occasionally like 4-5 pints,am i putting myself at risk!

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Alcohol Consumption :: Nalmefene / Selincro Side Effects

I'm now in my 2nd week and am pleased as to how its working, have just had 2 glass wine in 2 weeks, amazing compared to previous 90+ per week units.   I m surprised that it has worked so well to the extent that i never think about alcohol and can easily sit with other people drinking and i have lemonade.  I see a bottle of alcohol as just that, a bottle, nothing else, no craving.  However i am concerned about the side effects   I take my nalmefene at the same time each day approx 6 p.m - after an hour it kicks in and i can be asleep or drowsy or 'strange' for a few hours    What i want to ask is do people have numb feelings in the upper parts of arms ? I have it mostly on the left hand side and some numbness down side of body, i m sure this is just part of the drugs ingredients doing something but its like a grasping numbness for a few hours - ironically a bit like when really hungover.  I also know that you can drink when taking nalmefene / that's the idea but for the next 5 weeks i m staying abstinent before a holiday and will take it and a few drinks per day then.     But numb arms ?  kind of worrying and not sure if this will be ongoing   True what they say that first week of getting used to nalmefene is the worst ...

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