Pregnancy :: Heartburn, Nausea But No Vomiting (6 Weeks)

I am 6 weeks pregnant! I have heartburn a lot but no vomiting. This is my first pregnancy! Do some women just not get sick? I'll get nauseous but no vomiting!

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Nausea :: Burping Before And After Vomiting

When I feel vomit coming up I run to the toilet/bucket and it feels like vomit is coming up I get watery mouth and try to steady my breathing ready for vomit and then I burp like I burp at least 2-4 times (long slow weird sounding burps) before vomit actually comes up, it's almost like the burp is replacing a "gag" but I still do gag As Well and after I vomit I'll burp more and vomit more the most I've burped in one go before throwing up/in between vomits was tonight and I burped at least 7 long slow weird almost frog sounding burps before actually vomiting what does this weird burping while throwing up mean?

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General :: Nausea And Vomiting - Gallbladder Taken Out But Nothing Works

I'm a 19 year old female. In May 2013 I gradually started to become nauseous. It got worse and by June 2013 I was throwing up almost daily. I saw a gastroenterologist who (in November 2013) found celiac disease through an upper endoscopy. I started eating gluten free but the nausea and vomiting continued. Since then, he's done a gastric emptying test, results were normal. I had a HIDA scan of my gallbladder which showed it didn't contract normally. I then had an ultrasound of my gallbladder, which showed tons of stones. Last month, I got my gallbladder taken out. (because my gastroenterologist was sure that was the cause of nausea and vomiting) The first couple days after surgery I felt no nausea, but by the 4th day post surgery, I had the exact same nausea and vomiting I had before. Does anybody have ANY idea what could be causing this? Or what tests I could ask my gastroenterologist to run when I see him next? And before anybody asks, I'm not pregnant.

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Venlafaxine :: Side Effects - Bad Nausea Sometimes With Vomiting

I've recently been put on venlafaxine 75 mg to help with my anxiety panic disorder with agoraphobia. i already take 400mg quetiapine daily for bipolar disorder. since starting the venlafaxine i've had really bad nausea sometimes with vomiting, vivid dreams, and hot n cold flushes ...

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Menstruation :: Diarrhea, Nausea And Vomiting During My Menstrual Cycle

I am 43 years old. I had a tubal at the age of 22. The last few months during my period, I have been getting diarrhea, very nauseated and usually end up vomiting. Why is this happening to me now when it never did when I was younger?

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Nausea, Vomiting, Burning In My Stomach

I'm 20 years old and been dealing with really bad acid reflux for about 6 years now. For about a year now i've been on the depo provera shot which has seemed to slow down my flare ups. When this all started i would get sick every time i started my period for me in the morning as soon as i get up. Since the depo shot i've been getting sick every three months right before my next shot. These flare up usually lasted about a week and a half at most(which really sucks cuz it affects my life in every way imaginable). My symptoms when im sick is usually nausea, vomiting, burning in my stomach, burning in my throat, fatigue, sharp lower pains, and sometimes it gets so bad because i'm scared to get sick i have panic attacks. When i was 14 doctors found an ulcer cover 90% of my stomach. That was seen doing a endoscopy. I was still having issues shortly after leaving the hospital, so talked with my doctor and had a laparoscopy scheduled. Did that and they found i had built up scar tissue on my female parts cant remember every detail as its been a long time ago and i'm always sick when they finally want to try something. So anyways they also found a cyst near my belly button. It seemed as if their findings was not a big deal. So down the road still getting sick i had my appendix removed, and that didn't change a thing. I've had numerous ultra sounds, x rays, blood test, cat scans and i'm probably forgetting more. I'm just hoping someone will have a possible answer since i been too more doctor i can count on both my hands and toes and that haven't a clue.. Just to put it out there i am not a liquor drinker, i smoke cigarettes and marijuana. I also do not drink caffeine anymore for the past 3 years basically. !

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Kidney Stones? Nausea / Vomiting - Upper Back Pain Waves

I have had an achy upper back pain for a few days now. I was attributing it to having slept funny, but now I am thinking it was a warning sign I missed. I woke up at 2am with horrible nausea and sharp pain in my upper left back. It comes in waves and was so severe it brought tears to my eyes. I have had kidney pain from infection in the past and while different I think this pain may be kidney related too. I am trying to find some way to get comfortable enough to sleep since it is the middle of the night and I don't want to wake two sleeping babies and drag them to the ER. I tried calling the nurse helpline provided by my insurance company, but he just told me to try a heating pad and some Tylenol.
I have a lot of prescription pain meds in my medicine cabinet because I have had 2 c sections and another surgery within the last couple years and I hate taking pain meds... I took an oxycodone.  That along with a vibrating massage mat under my back seems to be helping with the pain for the moment, but the nausea is even worse now. Any suggestions for that? I just need to make it to morning so I can go to an urgent care clinic. There is no one to watch the babies right now and of course o would get sick on Sunday when my primary care doc is closed.

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Lactose Intolerance - Diarrhoea, Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Cramps, Brain-fog, Anxiety Attacks

I have just been diagnosed with lactose intolerance. After, literally years of suffering, I finally have an answer to my problems. I was just wondering if anyone else out there has this and what you suffered? I mean, this seemingly little thing has caused me to become bedridden! I ate a diet LOADED with lactose prior to diagnosis and honestly felt like I was dying over the last two years in particular. I had severe diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, brain-fog, anxiety attacks...the list goes on... I had my appendix out in Oct 2013 too, which I can't be sure was related, but it was horrendously painful any way!

The symptoms I had, I put down to various things and was convinced I had parasites, which I don't have. I just could not fathom why I was so ill. I had a food intolerance test and eggs came up positive, so I eliminated them from my diet at the time, but I had little relief as I was still eating a high-lactose diet, not knowing that I was intolerant. 

I have now eliminated all lactose AND eggs from my diet and in one day, I felt better. I had no abdominal pain, no urgency to poo, and no headache - which I have literally, constantly had for years. It's remarkable. I also didn't suffer bad dreams, which is so weird, as I have actually become used to my dreams being bad/negative and it became normal for me. It's such a relief to be able to rest without disruption!

Did or do any of you suffer with really bad symptoms down to lactose intolerance? Also, as I am new to this and have had to overhaul my diet, does anyone have advice on foods I should avoid, etc?


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Pregnancy :: Vomiting And Diarrhea After Prenatals

Ever since i  started taking new prenatals (stillman valley  prenatals from walmart  ) I've been puking & right after I get the runs . It's just so disgusting and I want to make it stop , any chance that it might be the prenatals ?

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Pregnancy :: Diarrhea And Vomiting - 36 Weeks

I m 36 week pregnant. And having diarrhea and vomiting . feeling so uncomfortable. Anyone experiencing same situation ? Any solution ?

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Anxiety :: How To Ease Pressure In Head

Does anyone else suffer with head pressure and is there any way to ease it ?

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Tramadol Help Ease Methadone Withdrawal ?

will tramadol help ease my methadone withdrawal

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica :: Anything To Ease The Pain Of Bursitis?

I was diagnosed with this condition a few years ago in my left hip. I was given a steroid injection in my thigh and to be truthful, I completely forgot about the pain. I still get niggly pain, but nothing I can't cope with. In January this year, I was diagnosed with it in my right hip and was given a steroid injection in March. It worked for a couple of days, but after that, the pain is worse than before. I am due a follow up in September. Painkillers don't seem to help at all.  Any other sufferers out there?

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Passing Kidney Stones With Ease - My Experience

Bit of background; I'm 26 years old, male, live a relatively healthy, active lifestyle apart from not drinking enough water (paying for that now).

About 5 months ago I kept experiencing a dull ache in my groin area, it usually subsided within about 30 minutes so I thought nothing of it. Anyway, one night I got up to go to the toilet and the pain in my groin suddenly hit me like a brick to the face. I was doubled over and can honestly say I have never ever experienced such severe pain in my life. First thought was that my appendix had burst. My girlfriend called an ambulance and I ended up in A&E. The doctor came in and immediately said 'kidney stones', I shuddered. They gave me some pain killers (suppositories unfortunately as the pain was making me vomit). They took my blood and sent the results up to the lab. About 45 minutes later a nurse came in and asked me to do a urine sample. I was still in quite a bit of pain and hadn't drunk anything since the previous night but I complied. Well, all that came out was essentially pure blood, it looked very 'bitty' and I thought something was seriously wrong (apologies for delving into detail so much, I just think it helps to know everything). The nurse came in and said that didn't look too good so she sent it off for testing. They hooked me up ready to take an IV drip just in case I had to stay in. 

When the doctor returned he told me that I didn't have kidney stones but had a mild kidney infection. They sent me on my way with a pack of codeine and some antibiotics. I took a week off work and just rested. By the end of the week I was back to normal. 

Two weeks ago I was on holiday in Florida doing the usual touristy thing, Disney, Universal etc. Due to my hatred of bland water I hadn't been drinking that much and given the 40+ degree heat we were experiencing, that probably wasn't the best idea. At the end of week one I was lounging in the jacuzzi at the hotel, when the ache in my groin reappeared, it took me by surprise as I hadn't had any pain since being in hospital. I took some painkillers and thought nothing of it. Later on while out to dinner I went to the toilet and noticed some blood in my urine (I'm a bit of a worrier so immediately I was on red alert). I got my girlfriend and told her we needed to go to see a Doc the next day. After seeing the Doctor and paying $140 for the privilege (no NHS out there and they don't accept health insurance so you have to foot the bill initially), the doctor gave me some antibiotics and told me that my urine sample showed no signs of bacteria which would indicate and infection - she believed it to be kidney stones but a CT scan would cost me £400 so I declined. 

I didn't believe her, I had faith in the NHS and thought she was just trying to get more money out of me. I took the tablets and kept up with some pain killers and started to drink a lot of water. Things seemed to go fine. 

Two days after arriving back in the UK the blood in my urine came back and I felt aching in my groin and my abdomen and had lower back pain. I went to see my Doctor and he again said kidney stones. I explained about having a kidney infection and going to A&E and the pain etc and he said that it sounded to him like I actually passed a stone while I was in A&E. He said it's no excuse but it's not uncommon to be misdiagnosed. He booked me in for an ultra sound with the hospital but said it could be a few weeks. GREAT!!

I went home and started drinking water like a madman. I'd previously gone from drinking roughly 1 litre of liquid a day to suddenly drinking 2.5/3 litres of water. I was determined to flush these stones out (if indeed that was what I had). I reduced my sodium intake, I reduced my dairy intake and started eating a bit better and just drinking as much as I could. I began researching all about kidney stones and what fellow sufferers have gone through and found out that you should produce 2/3 litres of urine a day to prevent stones - before the last three weeks I'd have never produced anywhere near that. I was drinking so much water that I started getting heartburn. I'd occasionally see a tinge of blood in my urine but it was becoming less and less. On Monday morning I was reading something on a thread about a herbel remedy for kidney stones. Normally I've never given much credence to herbal homeopathic remedies but since there is very little you can do with kidney stones but flush them out, I figured it'd be worth a go. It's called Berberis Vulgaris and you take it three times a day, you let the little pill rest under your tongue until it dissolves. It's made from plant extract and helps to break down kidney stones. The lady I spoke to on the phone from the homeopathic website said that it's good for you kidneys anyway and that it works with some people and not with others. There are zero side effects and I thought, why not?! I ordered some and began taking them the next day when they arrived. 

Now this seems like one hell of a coincidence but on Wednesday afternoon at work I went toilet. Immediately afterwards I felt a sharp shooting/burning sensation in my penis and an urge to urinate again. I quickly remembered reading that this pain usually means you're about to pass a stone. I grabbed a bottle of water and sunk it and waited for my bladder to fill. About 15 minutes later I went to the toilet and out popped a 3mm stone. I was elated. Later that same day another stone popped out, about 2mm. Just now, another one popped out, about 1mm. 

My personal belief is that these herbal tablets helped break down this stone into little passable grains instead of one big stone. I felt zero pain at all and all my previous symptoms seem to have vanished. 

I would strongly recommend these to anybody - worst case scenario, it doesn't work. You don't lose anything if that happens. I honestly believe that taking these little pills coupled with increasing my water intake helped break the stones down so I could pass them. 

I'm now on a mission to never have stones again. Fingers crossed.

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Plant Based Diet Could Help To Ease Menopause Issues?

Do you think plant based diet could help to ease these peri and menopause issues? In some resources, this says so? Have anyone relate to this, perhaps who is vegetarian?

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Lengthening The Achilles Muscle To Ease Tightness - Cerebral Palsy

I have heard a lot about lengthening the Achilles muscle to ease tightness in order to help kids who have cerebral palsy. My grand daughter finds her physiotherapy sessions so stressful and painful that she's not getting the benefit she needs and I am wondering if anyone has tried this surgery and can tell me has it helped? Any information will be greatly appreciated as it is heartbreaking to see a little one in so much pain and not able to do things a normal child can.

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Spinal Cord :: Bulging Disc In Neck - How To Ease Pain?

My brother is on disability. He has a bulging disk in his neck that is making him dizzy. He has fallen several times because of this and frequently has to sit down. His insurance company won't cover the surgery. Is there anything I can do or something he can do to ease the pain? It makes me so sad that he is in such pain and can't afford to get help.

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Pregnancy :: Nausea - Cant Get Anything Done

I am always nauseous. What can I do so I can feel better?I feel like I cant get anything done.

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Pregnancy :: How To Get Rid Of Nausea?

These past few days I have been feeling extremely nauseous all day I didn't feel half as sick with my first born but I am constantly sick threw this pregnancy, is it normal? What can I do to get rid of the nausea?

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