Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Estimated Range Has Dropped After Fill Ups?

I have noticed that my estimated range after fill ups has dropped after the last three fill ups. I used to get around 520 miles after fill up. The last three have been in the 480 miles range.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: PHV Range Could Increase Mileage Without Using EV Mode?

I'm just curious...if somebody drives a PHV Prius like a regular Prius (not using the 13 mile pure EV mode range), could they theoretically get better gas mileage by staying in the electric part of the hybrid system indicator?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Drop In Estimated Gas Mileage While In EV Mode

While driving in EV mode I noticed my remaining estimated gas mileage drops. I watch the dash and the EV is constantly light and it doesn't appear the the ICE is coming on. Is this normal?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: How Accurate Is The Estimated Miles Left In Tank

I was wondering how accurate the estimated miles in the tank is? For the next two days I will have a 204 mile commute. The Prius estimates I have 210 miles left. Should I be able to make it?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: EV Mileage Range Down To 9.8 From 12.4

My Plugin is only about 4 months old, but the EV mileage range is now down to 9.8 from 12.4 from the first very first day I charged it overnight. This with HVAC and fan off.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Range Starts Going Way Down

Obviously it seems like range is holding up really well for most of us. But say the theoretical happens and range starts going way down over the next 3-6 years. At what point would you say, for you personally, would it become less likely you would plug in very often, if at all?

For me, in my current life and distances I drive, it would take going down to about 6 miles of range to plug in a lot less. If I got down to 3 or 4, I might not plug in at all.

Again, this is all just theoretical. Hopefully our range never goes that low.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: EV Range Declined Slightly

I got the EV range 13.3 miles after full charge (110V) at the first 3 weeks. From this Tuesday ( it was quite warm here), I noticed that the EV range 13.1 miles after full charge (110V). Wednesday and today was same: 13.1 miles.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Battery Apparently Discharged / No EV Range

I picked up our Prius plug in on Thursday evening, fully charged from the dealership in Oakland. We drove it home, about 4 miles, in EV mode and then plugged it in for the night. In the morning the car was fully charged. At 8:00 a.m. I drove the Prius up hill about 1.5 miles in EV mode to our car pool pick up point and left it parked on the street for the day. Car was parked on up hill slope. I believe all lights were off. When I got back at 5:30 p.m. to drive it home the battery was apparently discharged and there was no charge or EV range when I selected EV mode. I drove home on ICE in hybrid mode.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Can't Determine HV Range Once The Gas Light Starts Flashing

I can't figure out what my HV range is once the gas light starts flashing. The first time it came on, I filled up pretty quickly but the car only took 8 gallons. I know the tank holds 10.6. There has to be a range meter somewhere that I'm missing so I'm not running straight to the gas station as soon as the light starts flashing.

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Prius (Gen 3) :: Is There A Way To Increase The Range Of The Key Fob?

I've got a Gen III Prius with the remote A/C start option and am wondering if there is a way to increase the range of the key fob?

I have to park in the sun all day. My office is on the second floor of my building with a window overlooking the parking lot. I can see my car as I walk out. With summer approaching, I'd like to be able to point my fob at the car from my office, start the A/C, and have the car be somewhat cool by the time I walk down to it.

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Prius PHEV Plug-In :: Using BMS+ To Increase ICE Assist

I have been using a BMS+ with my 4KWH kit for a few weeks now. I want to know if there are any other users out there using a BMS+ with a Engineer Kit. I have found that the BMS+ to increase ICE assist and improve fuel efficiency in highway mode (greater than 70kph). Since most of my driving in is in highway mode I find this device to be very useful.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Scheduled Timer For Plug-in Charge Only Shows Finish Time?

After my 25k service it seems the timer scheduler when the square button is pressed/held flashes at 7am. When i press the H button the hour advances to 12am then closes. I want to start the charge at 12am and finish at 5AM. The timer windows closes when i move the finish hour to 12am and then my regular clock hour changes. It used to be when i pressed/held the timer button the start time would show at 12 am and after setting it would go to the finish hour.

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Ford F-150 (2009-2014) :: Increase Range Of Remote Start - IPod Auto Play Work Intermittently?

So I have had my Platinum for a year now and really love it but there are two things that drive me nuts. First is the range of the romote start, which is the factory installed version. There is no range you pretty much have to right next to the truck for it to work so what is the point? Any way to increase the range?

Second is the audio system, I have the in-dash NAV/Sync system. I use my iPod pretty much all the time. I have it hooked up via USB. Now sometimes when I am listeng to it while driving the turn off the truck do something get back in and stert the truck the iPod does not play, I have to go to the NAV screen and push the USB icon and then it will start to play, other time I just start the truck and it play automatically. I have my system to play automatically but that is not always the case.

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Prius (Gen 3) Fuel :: MPG Increase With Pressure Increase?

What kind of mpg increase one would see if they were to increase the tire pressures from recommended (35 F/33 R psi) to max (44 F/ 42 R). Any stats of tracked?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: PiP Vs V5?

I am about to finish up my graduate studies here in Ohio, after which, my wife and I will be headed back to California. We are in desperate need of a second car, but have decided to wait until we move to get one. My wonderful in laws have said that they are willing to split the cost of a new car with us. With that said, we have already decided that we want to get a Prius, but we can't decide which one. We both really like the V. We love how roomy the car is. This is very important to us because we are going to start a family soon. However, we also like the regular Prius and the PiP. I really like the PiP but am a little concerned about the new batteries, and I am not sure that I want to pay the early adapter premium assuming one is even available. But, only paying half for a PiP sounds rather tempting. Considering all that I just said, if you were in my shoes what car would you get and why?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Shifting In And Out Of EV?

Just wondering, is there a recommended procedure or speed range to shift in or out of EV mode while operating, or should it be done while the car is stopped?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: While Gliding ICS Goes Off

New to the Prius family. Bought a 2014 PIP advanced last week strictly as an economic play. Am noob when it comes to driving techniques, currently average 72 mpg on 90 mi. trips with one charge, so doing better than I expected. I did read up on the Pulse and Glide techniques for the standard Prius and the 'verification' of the glide portion for those is the lack of any power arrows emanating from either the ICS , MG2 or battery on the MID. I have been unable to replicate this on the PIP. In other words, when I am 'gliding' on my PIP, the ICS is off but there always seems to be a green charge indicator flowing back to the batteries from the front wheels.

Keep in mind, my foot is on the accelerator slightly, there is no 'white' bar protruding into the CHG area or the ECO area and I know I am 'gliding/coasting' as no matter how long I am in this sweet spot, even though the charge arrows are active, I DO NOT top up the battery at all, which says to me the car is indeed 'gliding' without the regenerative brakes or ICS in play and it certainly FEELS like I'm gliding as with over-inflated tires (44/42) the PIP seemingly coasts forever. I'm thinking this is a different behavior from a standard Prius in this 'glide' sweet spot, as, at least on my PIP, I can never get the MID to blank out in terms of energy flow. I.E. have you managed a 'pulse and glide' in a PIP getting the all energy flow arrows to disappear .

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Charging With The A/C On

I am thinking of upgrading to a pip. I work in my car and was wondering if I plug it in can I still have the a/c running while it is plugged in or not? i read somewhere that if you turn the car into ready mode the systems won't allow it.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: GPS Is Stuck

We just picked up our PIP and are super excited......except that the GPS is locked on Kentucky? It does not locate us here in Sacramento, CA and the dealer said if we can't get it working, they obviously will be fixing it.

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