Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Zero Charge With Set Timer - Charging Not Completed Due To Connector

I received a message similar to this when I started my car up this morning. I am paraphrasing because I don't remember the exact wording. I had set the timer to charge from 4am-7am and entered my car at 7am to this message and 0 charge. Did I just plug it in correctly or what does this mean? I've never had an issue until today.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Charging Timer Permanent Settings?

First week with my new Advanced and I love it. Can't wait until I get plates and my Green HOV sticker. I use the car for my daily commute and have a very regular schedule. Is there any way to make a permanent setting of the charge start time? It's a bit of a pain to have to set it every time I get home. I have RTFM but haven't found any way to do this?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Any Way To Disable Cabin Air Filter Timer?

Every day for the last four years the timer on the air filter drives me crazy. It insists on switching from filter to outside air after three minutes, which sucks back in all the Diesel fumes and dust I just finished filtering. I would very much like to disable the timer. I'm not afraid of cutting wires.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Delay Needed To Press Built In Timer?

The timer built into the Prius needs to be pressed each time a delay is needed ? Is this correct ?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: A/C And Heater With EV Charge?

Does the A/C and heater run only with Ice? Or is it able to run on EV alone?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: IPad Won't Charge When Plugged Into USB

Why won't the iPad charge when plugged into the USB port in the center console ? My iPhone charges and auto plays but the iPad will only auto play.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: What Should Be The Heat And Charge Level

If the following variables are true:

-Extremely cold day out (highs in the single digits)

-Will be hauling around people that like a very warm car

-Will be in a lot of stops and go traffic

Is the best practice to charge only to about 2/3 or 3/4 of the way full (according to the battery graphic on the HSI)? My thinking is the ICE will be running a lot while stopped at stop lights and waiting in traffic. And I might as well have somewhere for all that extra energy to go. I know we are kind of splitting hairs here, but I wanted to think about this situation before it actually came up.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Decline In EV Every Day After Full Charge?

Really starting to get a little frustrated and would love input.....
Owned our PIP for almost a month now. First week, fully charged EV miles were showing around 13.7. 2nd Week, around 12.2, 3rd week, 10.5 and now this week it's gone from 9.6 to 9.1???

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Keeps On Switching Out Of EV Mode Before Charge Is Used Up?

I just purchased a '12 PIP advanced a couple days ago. Love it so far, but I'm confused about why it keeps on switching out of EV mode before the charge is used up. My commute is 6 miles, so I assumed that I would be able to get to my office with no problem, using only electric. Without accelerating quickly or going above 62 mph, the car still switches into hybrid mode numerous times, for no apparent reason, resulting in an average of about 90 mpg by the time I get to work, still with a lot of juice left in the battery.

Why this is happening? My dreams of going for months without filling up with gas are starting to fade away.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Should Charge Daily Or When Needed?

I know I am unusual but most days I drive about 3-4 miles. I can get 2-3 days out of a charge. Should I plug in every night or just when needed? Does it use more kWh to plug in every day?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Does ICE Charge Battery When Idling In EV Mode?

I have noticed this, and thought it strange. I don’t see the charging arrows in the display.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Won't Charge - No Fault Codes On Torque

Edit (3/2/13): Problem identified. The timer was incorrectly and inadvertently set, so charging wouldn't start. See this post below.

Three times in the past two weeks, my PiP has refused to take a charge. It happened twice on Chargepoint chargers. The second time, I plugged in and the charger displayed "Vehicle refused charge" or something similar. Tried 10 times with the same result. Then it charged fine at home, and on 240v the next day.

This morning, it won't charge at home on 110. Plug in, the brick clicks, it draws about 200 ma for a couple of seconds, and then zero. Totally repeatable.
No fault codes on Torque. The dealer had it earlier this week and couldn't make it happen or see any fault codes either. The first time it happened the charging cable was off the ground, so I suspected a bent pin, but they all look fine.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: No Complete Charge - Battery Not Working?

On my last few charge cycles, the PiP's battery has not been charging completely. Even when I get the "charge complete" message, the top part of the battery indicator remains unfilled and I'm only getting 14.1 estimated range.

For comparison, last month I used to get 15.2 to 15.6 of estimated EV, when the battery icon filled completely after each charge. I always use the charge timer to set charging to finish 10-20 minutes before I need to drive the car.

My M-F routine:

- car finishes charging at 8:30 (13.8-14.1 estimated EV)

- I drive 8 miles to work at 8:20-8:30 (5-7 estimated EV remain, depending on traffic)

- I set charge timer to finish at 6:30 (13.8-14.1 estimated EV)

- I drive 8 miles to home at 6:30-6:45 (5-7 estimated EV remain, depending on traffic)

My weekend routine is obviously different, more driving, more charing, and not using the charge timer. Could it be because i'm not using all the EV so the battery is being lazy and not feeling like charging more than I need? Are there any known side effects of mixing 110V and 220V charging?

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Battery Charge Stacking While Parked

I had been running on EV then parked in the cold to wait for the wife. Turning on the heater started the ICE (of course). It charged the battery about 0.6% then stopped charging, ICE still running. So I switched to HV and it restarted charging about 0.3% and then stopped charging. So I switched back to EV for a few seconds than back to HV and the charging resumed another 0.3%. Once the coolant temperature reaches 130 degrees the ICE stops. Nice heat until the coolant gets down to 118 degrees and the ICE starts again. Back in EV and the battery is charging and the HV/EV switching continues to add more charge. Until time to leave I picked up about 5% SOC, kept warm. Not good for mpg but 5% SOC is nice.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Full Charge Is Lower (8.1) In Summer Than Winter

I live in NJ and in summer I am getting a full charge of 8.1 miles. In winter i used to get almost 11 miles. I thought in summer the charge will be even more?.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Battery Depletes Quickly From Full Charge Even When Not In EV Mode

I don't plug my PiP in often due to the cost of electricity here, but what I have noticed that when it has a full charge, around 13Miles, it will quickly drop down to 7-8, even when not using EV. Meaning, I start up car, turn off EV and the motor gets warm. Engine shuts off and I drive normally using the ICE. Over the course of a few miles, I'd say about 10, that EV range slowly drops down to 7-8 and then maintains itself around there. Pretty much the whole time I would have been using the ICE to maintain ~70MPH on the highway, not climbing, just flat.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Loud Humming Noise From Right Rear Wheel Well Area After Charge Complete

Happened to go down to garage to get something from pip about 3 hours after charge was complete and noticed loud hum coming from right rear wheel well area.

We had not had any lightning storms, electrical interruptions or anything odd; house is on whole house surge protection, and 240v evse has been working fine.

Hum disappeared when car was booted up in ev for a moment and then turned off. Hasn't come back on in an hour.

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: Warm-up Time Before Turning On The Fan?

When trying to get the most out of EV mode first thing in the morning, what's your experience on how long the car needs to run before turning on the heater? It's disheartening to see that solid MPG line suddenly plummet when I put the heat on!

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Prius Plug-in 2012-15 :: HV Battery Capacity Decreasing Over Time?

Back in 2012 when I first bought my PIP, the battery charge level as indicated by range was 17-18 miles. The energy to fill the battery has been consistently ~2.5-2.7 kwh.

Earlier this year it dropped to about 15 miles. And just recently it's dropped to about 13.5 miles. The weather has gotten cooler in the last few weeks here in SF, so I don't know how much of this is seasonal as I haven't been keeping track that closely.

I expect to see charge capacity loss over time for the main LiON battery and would like to know what to expect and if my PIP is typical. How much further decrease should I expect in the next couple years? Is your PIP doing better or worse than mine?

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