GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Pedal Went Soft?

We were headed home the clutch pedal went soft... Ok, I thought it's either the clutch master or slave. I get it home and replace the master and after bleeding I had good pedal feel.

Great I thought, I got lucky and it was only the master. Drive it around for a bit and get on the highway and just as I was about to downshift the pedal went flat to the floor again.

Well after pumping the pedal until it had good feel again I got it home and bleed it a couple more times just to make sure I got all the air out. Drove it again. Same thing, after a little while the pedal gets soft again.

Now before I go and replace the slave is it possible I have a faulty master? Having issues after replacing the master?

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Pedal Trim Is Coming Off?

Noticed the other day my clutch pedal trim is coming off... What did you do to fix it?

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Pedal Is Soft At First And Then Gets Harder

I keep finding air every time i bleed my clutch. I am not losing fluid but i can not figure out whats causing my problems. The pedal is soft at first and then gets harder and it sometimes needs pumped before i change gears or to even get into gear. I am afraid its the slave but i also just may have air in the system.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Replaced - No Pressure In Pedal

I just replaced my clutch and have put everything back together, and bled my clutch line, but I have absolutely no pressure still in my pedal. I read that u need to make sure your brake fluid reservoir is filled to the max, but following the clutch line, I dont see it going to the reservoir? I also read that the master cylinder is behind the clutch pedal, does the master cylinder hold any fluid that maybe I lost during the bleeding? I'm at a loss right now.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Pedal Stuck In Place - Could Not Put It In Gear

So last night I was driving home from work, and at a red light while i was waiting to go i had my clutch down when light turned green i tried to go and noticed i could not put it in gear and that my clutch pedal was stuck in place. i didn't know what to do so I checked my shifter plate everything looked fine so went to look at the pedal and i pulled it forward and it came lose. I started it up everything was fine and back to order. This morning going to work same thing happened again, I don't know what is going on and what could be the cause?

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Pedal Dropped To The Floor At The Stop

Coming to a stop, clutch pedal just lost all pressure. I can bring it back up, but even the slightest touch will send it to the floor again. I get the brake warning light on the dash. What could be causing this?

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: 2003 - Zero Resistance When Clutch Pedal Pushed

My clutch has been feeling very strange lately, and has had a mind of its own. I have looked underneath myself, and have even taken it in to two transmission speacialists and they can't figure it out. The master cylinder isn't leaking, and the slave cylinder is fine as well.

Here's what is going on with my clutch...

- I will push in the pedal, and there will be ZERO resistance until about 1 inch from hitting the floor, then all the pressure is there, and I am able to shift. However, sometimes I won't even be able to put it into gear because the clutch won't engage.
- Then I will pump the pedal, and slowly I will gain a little more room on the draw of the clutch, and it will feel fine. All the way to the point where a few days later it will be driving like new.
- Then it will start feeling funky again a few days later and the cycle starts over.

I drive a 2003 GTI 20th AE.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Pedal Goes From Being Soft To Very Hard When Close To Disengaging

I have an Imola 20th and recently i have been having some problems with my clutch. The pedal goes from being soft to very hard when its close to disengaging. It also engages very heavily when I go to let it out. This only started happening recently when temperatures started to drop if this has any effect on a clutch. Also, I replaced a shift fork two months ago and was curious if there was possibly anything going on with seals around the slave cylinder.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Barely Able To Move The Shifter / Clutch Pedal Fell To Floor

The transmission is a Six-speed MQ350 transmission in an MKIV 337 GTI.

I was driving last week and ran over a large snow chunk, heard it hit the underside of my car. A mile down the road my foot is resting on the clutch pedal at a stop light, and the clutch slowly went to the floor. It was still drivable, barely. The clutch came about an inch off the floorboard, but still caught. So i pull into the parking lot ahead of me, and was barely able to move the shifter left to right nor would the shifter go into gear. There were no fluids coming from under the car, nor could i see anything that looked wrong. I turned off, back on again. nothing. I then pulled the clutch pedal up from the floor and it went back to normal. Everything seems normal now, but the shifter seemed a little sticky yesterday from left to right.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Started Acting Strange / Pedal Felt Softer

Recently my clutch started acting strange, the pedal felt softer and eventually after I pressed it in it stayed on the floor. After pumping it, everything went back to normal. Next day, still same thing, no pressure in the clutch pedal. I checked the brake fluid and it's full. There is also no sign of any leak. Took the car to the mechanic, he recommended changing the master cylinder. I changed it but still nothing. I tried bleeding the slave but every time I bleed it, it has air in it. So I'm stuck and don't know what should I do next. I think it might be my slave cylinder but I don't have a place or tools to do it myself. I'm pretty sure the entire tranny needs to be pulled out to remove the cylinder. I also read that most people change the clutch when they replace the slave.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Pedal Operates Properly But Squeaking Noise Coming Within Cabin

So your clutch pedal operates properly, the clutch engages with no issues, but this annoying squeak, snap, crackle, and pop noise keeps coming from the clutch pedal within the cabin.

Could it be your clutch master cylinder? CMC is not leaking in the engine bay and the driver footwell. Not the CMC.

Could it be your clutch switch that's used to control revs and cruise control? Removed it and clutch pedal still made noises when pressing and releasing the pedal. Not the CS.

Could it be the over-center spring that sits behind the clutch pedal assembly? How could it be? It's just a spring. Springs that compress in that orientation don't make snap, crackle, and pop noises.

What most people fail to realize is the noise is coming from the pedal assembly, but it's not the pedal structure or the pedal. It's the pivot point where it mates with the clutch pedal mounting bracket. At the pivot point are two bushings (one on each side of the pedal structure) that wears out over time creating these noises.

Please look up the part number for these bushings. They look like the following at this link but these are aftermarket upgrades for BMW's.[URL] ....

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: RPMs Stick At 2000 - Goes Down Very Slowly

1.8t.. When the car is in neutral or the clutch is pushed in if i rev the engine to 2000 rpm's then it sticks and VERY slowly goes down. anything past 2000 RPMs it doesn't stick tho and goes right down? What could be causing this? I have already cleaned my throttle body out and it did nothing.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Won't Return - Could Not Put It Into Gear

Today I went to start my car and let it warm up and everything worked fine and it started regularly but when I went to go drive the car and put the clutch in the pedal didn't return and I could not put it into gear, need to identify the problem.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: 2004 - Clutch Won't Go Into Any Gear

My wife was driving home and was exiting the freeway, downshifted and then no response from the clutch or gearbox. It would move left to right but not go into any gear with the car on. No real pressure in the clutch pedal either. With the car off you are able to find all the gears but when you start the car in gear with the clutch down it just jumps forward and dies. No smoke or burning smells either way and the pedal does come up by itself. Pushed the car into the driveway and its goin to the shop tomorrow morning.

With the search button so far: master/ slave cylinder, full clutch problem, air in brake/clutch lines, shifter linkage bracket

I don't think it's the slave cylinder as the pedal is NOT stuck to the floor, but I am not handy with cars, only motorcycles. First thing I checked was the linkage bracket, which seemed to be fine and as I stated, I was able to get in gear while car was off. Brake fluid was almost full but i know that doesnt rule out air in the lines.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Grinding When Go Into Second Gear

So I am pretty sure its my clutch that is the problem, here's what happens: When I go into second gear, it doesn't really grind.. but its tough to get it into gear and its only with second gear. sometimes it will go right in and others i have to double clutch. when i double clutch it goes in smooth every time. now I don't think it would be syncros because I am pretty sure if it was that it would do it every time I shift? It only does it while its cold or hasn't been drove in awhile.. but after i drive it around its fine so I am pretty sure its the clutch. Second thing, what is an upgraded clutch that is good for these 6 speed transmissions?

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Is Starting To Slip

Noticed recently that my clutch is starting to slip. It only seems to happen when I'm cruising in 6th and floor it. When the boost spikes, the revs will shoot up ~750 rpm and then settle back down before the car starts to pull. It is chipped Unitronic Stage 2 with some other bolt-ons.

What I'm wondering is, should I just drive it like this until it really starts to go, or should I replace it now? And what are my options for a new clutch? I don't want to big turbo this car, so the most it could get is a few more bolt-ons. I'd like a stock feeling clutch.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: No Clutch When Going To Put Car In Gear / Just Grinding

I just put a stage 1 clutch in my 20th anniversary. When i was taking the transmission out, i dropped the hydraulic clutch line and all of the fluid spilled out. I got the whole thing done, and bled the clutch line and topped off the reservoir. I started the car and the clutch pedal had, what felt like the right amount of pressure. More than the stock, but not significantly. When i went to put it in gear, its like there is no clutch, just grinding and it doesn't go in to anywhere. I can cycle through the gears with the car off and like i said, the clutch has the right pressure and everything.

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Pedal Cover Came Off?

Can't manage to get it back on. Who knows the trick?

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GTI 337/20th Anniversary :: Clutch Was Extremely Light When Shifted

I just bought a 2005 GLI and when i test drove it the Clutch was extremely light when I shifted, I have never drove a gli before. Now after researching and further driving i think the clutch is going out. am i right? if so, should i bother putting in a new stock clutch kit or should i go stage one etc...

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