Sex Anxiety And Fear Of Premature Ejaculation

Suffered from OCD / sleep phobia for many years

Currently taking seroquel & occasionally zopiclone. Also in the past taken clomipramine

Here's the problem

I'm obsessing about sex. Firstly few months ago was worried about being able to perform (get hard)

Managed to get through this, did feel very down though. Now I'm obsessing about premature ejaculation, every time I have sex it's always on my mind to the point now where I can ejaculate too quick. This is causing me horrendous depression & I feel like I'm wasting my days. See I took a clomipramine tablet the other week & this cures premature ejaculation for me but I feel a failure to take it and feel like it will eventually not work. I rationally realise I'm creating the problem but have no control to the point where the problem is created.

All I'm thinking everyday every second is about arriving to soon. My partner is supportive and thinks I haven't got a problem but I feel funny down below. I can last longer by masterbating before sex but have read this is not a long term solution. I feel so anxious and sad that life seems difficult

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Premature Ejaculation - Porn Addict And Masturbation Since Teenage

20 years old. I am still a virgin and unfortunately I have been a porn addicted my entire teenage year and masturbating for many times. I am beginning to have a relationship but I am afraid that I am suffering from PE. So many times that I get aroused when watching porn my fluids keeps coming out then I can't help it when I feel the urges to masturbate . It takes only a full minute or so after being completely aroused. I am terrified of this problem and I hope I don't have it. I am currently cutting back on all porn sites. But How can I be 100% sure that I suffer from PE and If I am, How can I treat this problem? please guide me and I hope.

One thing to mention is that when long time passes without porn or masturbation I can feel my urges stronger and I erectile easily so is this an indication that I don't have PE or that It will take small time just to recover from this issue because I fear that I will ejaculate soon after entering my girlfriend. Or It will be normal to ejaculate easily the first few times only then I will adjust to the feeling?

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Sexual Health Men :: Premature Ejaculation And Sensitivity After Years Of Sex

Problem begun over recent years since I've been with my present partner (female).

We started off with a great sex life together seven years ago. She needs lots of satisfying and I used to satisfy her.

Over recent years I've found that I have started climaxing far too soon after only about 10 thrusts inside her and then afterwards my penis is extremely sensitive on the end which prevents oral sex or further touching. I soon become limp and can't get my erection back.

In order for her to enjoy our sex I now encourage her to continue with her toys after I've ejaculated too soon. It's getting to the stage now where we don't have sex very often as the satisfaction for her isn't there any more. We masturbate alone.

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Sexual Dysfunction :: Generic Viagra Vs Brand Viagra

I can recommend a reputable pharmacy. I've tried both original brand and generic Viagra. There is no difference in effectiveness as far as I can tell between the brand and Generic versions. The real difference is price, no comparison. And this suppliers seem honest and reliable. On the site I've just placed my 3rd order. Viagra from this site is indeed good for male erection problem treatment.

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Mental Conditions :: OCD Developed After Puberty?

I recently noticed that some mild OCD I developed before entering high school has gotten worse. While it used to be compulsive list-making about memories it has turned into touching things/thinking things/blinking/breathing/walking either two or four times. If I touch something on one side, I have to touch it on the other. Many rituals have to do with time, and sometimes if I'm reading a page it's more about completing a symmetry task than actually reading. Memories are "things" which can be visualized like I'm currently living in them. This gets worse during times of high stress.

My question is, why did this develop when I was fourteen? I was always a bit sensitive to certain sounds and dirty surfaces, but those mild obsessions are NOTHING like what I experience now. I assume that every ritual is a stress-relief technique and that since my mind's always racing, my brain feels a need to organize things. But I'm not an organized person, and when I'm feeling low, I almost never complete my work. I can obsess over certain past actions for hours and analyze situations to the point where I'm practically making up other people's reactions or pretending I'm inside their head.

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49 Symptoms Of Menopause, Physical Changes And Conditions

These are very real physical changes and conditions. Some symptoms alarm a woman that she may be suffering from a serious disease. Perhaps you know the more common ones related to menopausal symptoms in this list. But many of these may surprise you, as they have not been typically associated with this normal physiological transformation. 

1. Change in Menstrual Cycle, Cycles may get closer together or farther apart, lighter and shorter in duration or much heavier, lasting longer than one has been accustomed to. Menses may seem to take forever to begin with dark spotting for days until you actually flow, or you might feel like you have your menses every two weeks.

2. Menstrual Flooding can come on with sudden onset and feel like you may hemorrhage to death. Or it can be a gradual build up just when you think your menses will end and you start gushing for days. Flooding commonly accompanies the woman with uterine fibroids as she transits into menopause.

3. Headaches, Migraines, especially before, during or at the end of your menses debilitate and radically interferes with normal functioning.

4. Decreased Motor Coordination, Clumsiness, almost begins to make the woman who experiences this feel like she is a bit spastic, certainly less than graceful during perhaps an already awkward period in her life. 

5. Lethargy, a persistent feeling sluggishness physically and mentally, that seems to negate ones ability to do much. 

6. Physical Exhaustion , and Crushing Crashing Fatigue that can come on so suddenly and grip you into feeling like you will collapse unless you stop this instant.

7. Exacerbation of any Chronic Illness or Existing Condition transpires as hormones decline or deviate from their normal balance.

8. Insomnia, this includes a new or unusual pattern of either difficulty falling asleep, or dropping off to sleep for a few hours and then awakening with the inability to return to sleep.

9. Sleep Disturbances sometimes are from nightmares, night sweats, or just a vague sense of restlessness keeping you up or disrupting your precious revitalizing retreat from this realm of responsibilities.

10. Night Sweats often begin between a woman?s breasts, initially a night or two before her menses, waking her from sleep, later more profoundly disturbing with up to total body saturation, followed by damp or sweat drenched chills.

11. Interference With Dream Recall interrupts the sense of normal sleep, if you are someone accustomed to vivid or at least some detailed memory of your dreamtime. 

12. Muscle Cramps can occur anywhere in the body from legs to back to neck, and sometimes reflects the need for more calcium, or simply that your progesterone levels are too low. 

13. Low Backache often worsens before or during menses, but if your hormones remain at low levels, you can experience it on a regular basis.

14. Gall Bladder Symptoms of pain, spasms and discomfort felt in the right upper abdominal quadrant under the ribs, which may be accompanied by belching, bloating, and intolerance to certain foods reflect the increased liver load with declining hormones. 

15. Frequent Urination, or sensations that mimic urinary infections is a disturbing symptom often unrelieved by actual urination. It is often experienced as the sensation of needing to urinate all the time, even immediately afterwards.

16. Urinary Incontinence, the uncontrollable and spontaneous loss of urine, or the Urge for Incontinence, can occur suddenly or feel continuous, and not only in response to coughing, sneezing, jumping or running. 

17. Hypoglycemic Reactions happen when suddenly your blood sugar crashes and you must have food now.

18. Food Cravings, often for sweets or salty foods, but can include sour or pungent foods. 

19. Increased Appetite, especially at night and after dinner contributes to that unusual and unwanted weight gain.

20. Dark Circles Under Eyes can also be caused by adrenal exhaustion and thyroid dysfunctions, but no amount of sleep seems to eliminate it. 

21. Joint and Muscle Pain, Achy, Sore Joints, Muscles and Tendons, which sometimes develop into actual carpal tunnel syndrome, or give rise to the questioning of other disease possibilities.

22. Increased Tension in Muscles demonstrates itself in those hunched up shoulders as you work or talk about anything uncomfortable, along with promoting lower back pain and a stiff neck.

23. Increased Hair Loss or Thinning anywhere on body, including your head, armpits, pubic area.

24. Increase in Facial Hair especially under your chin, or along your jaw line. It may be defined by generalized hair growth, or a specific and coarse single strand of hair that pokes out, even curls. 

25. Unusually Hair Growth, around Nipples, between Breasts, down your back, places where your hair was finer, less coarse.

26. Acne, quite disturbing to any woman who dealt with this in adolescence and never thought it would recur. 

27. Infertility causes grief in the woman who postponed pregnancy in her earlier years and now wishes to conceive, carry to term a healthy baby, and discovers she is unable to do so. 

28. Loss of Breast Tissue begins with the decrease of progesterone production. Women often feel as though their breast have become empty sacs devoid of their normal fullness, with or without sagging.

29. Breast Soreness/Tenderness/Pain/ Engorgement and swelling, occurs particularly a few days to one week before bleeding actually begins, which usually potentiates complete relief of any pain or swelling.

30. Painful, or tender nipples have been described as this exquisite localized pain only in the nipples and suggests estrogen excess. 

31. Cold Extremities feels quite strange especially in the presence of a hot flash, the combination of which is not impossible.

32. Being Accident Prone, bumping into things, not even realizing it until the bruise reveals itself later and then lacking the ability to recall the causative incident feels perplexing and a little scary at the prospect of something more damaging. 

33. Hot flashes initially may be described as mild to severe flushes of heat waves, and for some women these evolve into intense outbreaks of sudden heat with sweating and turning bright red all over. 

34. Loss of Sexual Energy, our Libido, can be marked by a gradual or sudden disinterest in sex, to the development of an actual aversion. 

35. Painful Sex often described as if one?s vagina would tear open at the point of penetration along with feelings of abrasion during intercourse.

36. Vaginal Dryness, Irritation, sometimes accompanied by a consistent unusual discharge - typically odor free, negates a woman?s ability to be sexually active, or able to enjoy or be comfortable in her body.

37. Dizziness, feeling lightheaded and the loss of physical balance, and even a bit wobbling at times, requires pause in movement to prevent falling over or deepening into vertigo or feeling faint.

38. Ringing in the Ears, Tinnitus, can be experienced as a pulsing sensation, a whooshing sound, an almost musical or buzzing sound with a fuzzy sensation.

39. Abdominal Bloating comes on suddenly often after eating, or seems to be all the time, and can be visibly evident making you feel that you look like you are pregnant. 

40. Weight Gain disturbs most women, particularly when it seems to happen over a couple of days, settles in the waist, buttocks and thighs, promoting a visceral thickening from the waist down, the classic middle-aged figure.

41. Fluid Retention, Edema, commonly with swelling in the legs and ankles, though not limited to this area and it is unrelieved by urination.

42. Palpitations or Heart Racing usually comes on suddenly, without warning or provocation, and dissipates spontaneously. The experience can be so wild and intense that a woman may become alarmed and wonder if she is having a heart attack. 

43. Irregularities in your Heart Rate may feel more like your heart has just done a flip-flop or skipped a beat.

44. Constipation/Diarrhea, intermittent or alternating, results from declining hormone levels, which increase the demands on liver function and alters intestinal motility.

45. Tendency towards Candidiasis can increase, even if you have no prior known history ? and if you do, it may worsen.

46. Gastrointestinal Distress, Increased Flatulence, Unrelieved Gas pains, Indigestion, Nausea all can reflect intestinal changes due to hormonal imbalances.

47. Slow Digestion often goes along with the bloat ? what previously took four to five hours to digest, now seems to take all night. It seems worse in the evenings.

48. Lack of Appetite may be experienced as more of a lack of interest in food, going to the frig and standing there with the door open and staring blankly. Feeling completely uninspired, you busy yourself with something else and forget that you need to eat.

49. Changes in Body Odor especially disturbing when it seems to focus in the groin area, but can be anywhere on the body.

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Lithium Overdose - Various Mental And Physical Conditions

I took a large lithium and valium (not my own medication) overdose about 30 years ago, I suffer from various mental and physical conditions and wondered if any of them could be attributed to that? Any insight greatly appreciated.

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Premature And Uncomfortable Ejaculations

Up until a few years ago I never had any trouble with either erectile problems, last long and enjoyed healthy orgasms. Then about 2 plus years ago right after going through a breakup I came down with the most terrible burning in my penis especially when urinating, geese was like peeing hot battery acid out. I thought could I have gotten something from the ex even though we practiced safe sex. Went to the drs, did the following. Urine culture, swab,blood work, gave me a shot and put me on some super strong antibiotics. Tests all came back clean. Meanwhile continues to take the antibiotics and no improvement after 7-10 days.

Back to the drs and he did all the same tests again, blood, urine culture to see if he possibly missed something the first time around. Again everything came back clean. The Dr put me on yet more antibiotics and another couple shots,lol. After about a month or more it eventually went away. That was one very long month or burning. Never felt so miserable in my life.

Afterwards i noticed that when engaging in sex I came very fast and upon ejaculating felt like it didn't want to come out more like someone forgot to open the valve and then I would ejaculate and kinda burns and not much comes out.No real pressure.

Went to a urologist where he also checked and cultured for everything. Again everything came back clean. He performed a procedure where they put a scope up you to have a look see as he thought maybe a urethral stricture. No blockages or narrowing of urethra. Only thing he did notice was I didn't seem to void all the way as I still had some urine in my bladder. Prescribed something call Flomax as he really didn't know and was just guessing not a very good urologists to be honest.

Terrible side effects from the Flomax and had to stop taking the meds. Needless to say I am still suffering from the premature ejaculations and uncomfortable feeling ejaculations.

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Spinal Cord Conditions/Disorders :: Can I Exercise With Sciatica?

I've been dealing with severe sciatica pain that radiates from my lower back down to my calf. It sometimes gets so bad I cannot move. I've been seeing a chiropractor for the past two weeks and we've discovered I have a tilted pelvis and curvature of the spine; aside from my dx, the adjustments don't seem to be helping.

My question is, should I still be exercising with this pain or is it worsening the pressure and inflammation of the nerve?

**I am a gymnast and athlete so I spend a lot of time at the gym do hardcore lifting and HIIT. My chiro said to focus on stretching but it hurts so bad I can barely manage it.

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Mens Conditions :: Will Hormone Therapy Help In Facial Hair Growth?

I am 36 years male with very little facial hair. Will Bio Identical Hormone Therapy help in facial hair growth.

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Premature Ventricular Contractions Due To Emotions/hormones?

I have had blood work and an EKG that determined I have nothing of concern (spoken to a number of doctors...)

But when I get scared/nervous/highly stressed out, I feel like a fish is flopping in my chest! They don't really last long and they don't occur every single time I am experience high emotions (but often), I get maybe 3-4 in a row at worst (beat, beat, skip, beat, beat, skip, ...etc). I have had a doc listen to it when I was very nervous during an appointment and she blew it off as changes in my blood pressure as I became nervous and adrenalin. When I relax, they go away.

Of course, sometimes the cycle goes: Nervousness, pvcs, more nervous because of pvcs, more pvcs...

I have also noticed during ovulation they occur and during menstruation, particularly when I am resting. I have also found other triggers like drinking alcohol (big huge no-no!), too much caffeine, being overtired, and too much carbs. I also noticed sometimes certain positions can create them (again, sometimes but not always), shifting my position makes them go away during those times.
Side note: I have never felt lightheaded, breathless, or any pain during these occurrences. Also, I do have an anxiety disorder but not on any meds by choice (trying to get pregnant).

My question is, what can I do besides avoiding triggers to ease them? I am afraid that if I get SUPER scared or whatever my heart will just stop (ok, that's exaggerated.. but still they are scary..)!

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Premature Ventricular Contractions - Can't Sleep At Night

I'm a 40 year old female who has dealt with palpitations and set my whole life. I had a successful catheter ablation back in 1999. I have always had a run of pvcs from time to time, but this time for about 6 months or so, they are constant. I even have runs of pvcs that will last literally 30 seconds only to straighten out for a second, and start up again. I can't sleep at night, because they are constant. I am miserable just waiting on them to pop back up. I work a full time high stress job. Not sure how much more I can take.

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Premature Puberty :: Breasts And Pubic Hair At 7

i went through premature puberty, but my mom ignored it. I started showing breasts and pubic hair at 7. i had my first period at 9 and a half. i achieved my adult height by 12 years. i still fit into clothes i had at 12. my breast size, height hasn't changed since i was 12. i'm 25 years now and my 6 year old daughter is showing signs of premature puberty. i know how harrowing the experience is and i will help her fight this. mothers and parents in general, don't ignore this, help your children!

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Mens Conditions :: Rough Sandpaper Like Facial Skin Since I Started Shaving

I am a 19 year old teenager. I have problems with my skin on my face. it is very rough and rugged and not smooth. This problem has started after i have started shaving.I get reactions on my face when i shave. I get marks and these small dots appear on my face, which i don't know what they are. I don't smoke or drink or have bad habits. This problem has been a problem for sometime but i thought it would go away but is hasn't. I usually shave 1 a week due to this problem and there is no difference the problem still remains the same. I don't like my appearance of my skin as it rugged and looks very rough like sandpaper. What is the problem and do you know how i can cure/decrease it. Attached below in the link is some pictures of the condition of my face.

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Mens Conditions :: Groin And Left Testicle Went Numb - Related To Hernia?

my husband has a hernia and last night his groin and left testicle went numb. are these things related what could cause the numbness?

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Cardiovascular :: Premature Beats - Heart Stopping And Restarting Itself?

I have premature beats, a bit of tachycardia, and valve problems in upper and lower chambers and a distorted aorta.  Recently (only at night - so that may be the reason), I am woken up by a huge breath and my chest is being thrown forward - well thats what it seems like?  Could this be the heart stopping and restarting or perhaps just sleep apnea?

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Pregnant Without Ejaculation - Pre Ejaculation

So yesterday my boyfriend and I were messing around a bit. I still had my undergarments on, and he was grinding against me (his penis was out). He didn't climax, but my panties kept snagging and I think he might've accidentally penetrated me a bit. I've never had sex though, so I have no idea whether he did or not. Would I have definitely been able to tell? Also he hadn't ejaculated in awhile, so his pre-ejaculation fluid couldn't have had any sperm, right? (I'm not even sure that there was any pre-ejaculation fluid.)

I know the likelihood is not high at all, I'm just scared. I'm really young and I can't talk to my parents about this without my life turning upside down. Is there any chance at all of me getting pregnant? Should I scrape together money for a morning-after pill?

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Premature Breast Cancer? Small, Painful Lump Found In Right Breast

I'm in my mid teens, and earlier on this evening, i noticed that my right breast slightly ached, so i checked it out myself and found a lump, which is not visible on the surface of the skin. The lump is located on the left hand side of the right breast, directly next to and underneath the nipple. The nipple on my left breast is flat, which i got checked out earlier in the year by my doctor. The lump inside my breast feels unmovable, possibly quite large, and aches even when its not touched.

I am also two weeks late for my period, which hasn't occurred before.

I need to get this checker out, however, beforehand, i would like some advice on whether or not it could be premature breast cancer, and whether or not it can be treated. I have also read up on the possible link between breast cancer and infertility.

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Viagra - Trying To Conceive

trying for our second baby we have a 10yr old is viagra no helping us conceive??

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