Undiagnosed Dizziness And Pressure Headaches

I am 21 year old female college student, I have been dealing with these health issues since November 2013. I used to lead a healthy lifestyle, doing great in school, had a job, and participated in school organizations. Also, I was able to exercise everyday and was in the best shape of my life and ate extremely healthy no bread, lots of veggies and grilled chicken. Happier as ever.

Then one day after exercising i began to feel this nauseated off feeling that made me feel as though im not stable. I have never fallen over or fainted (except once when i got my blood drawn to check for this problem). Then gradually over time dizziness is what i began feeling not the room spinning but i feel like i am moving when im not, i feel like i have to second guess where i walk and concentrating on the computer or driving long distances is a challenge. Then started these headaches since April 2014 where i feeling like my head is shaking and pulsing inside. This pulsing and pressure worsens when I am lying down and it takes a while for me to adjust from lying down to standing up i feel woozy when i do. Anyway I have had this constantly everyday. At first it got me really emotional but I have been practicing yoga/meditation everyday as well as acupuncture and massage therapy to help manage the stress and anxiety i was having about the dizziness/head pressure.

Heres the many doctors I have seen:
blood work - all normal according my GP; blood pressure, b12, thyroid is normal

eyes (i wear contacts) - optometrist, ophthalmologist, neuro-opthamologist - all normal; no elevated optic nerve pressure; prescription is the same

ears - saw two ENTS, had vestibular testing done - nothing wrong

finally got an MRI - it showed i have a cavum velum interpositum cyst (3x3.7 cm in sagittal views (side), 3.2x 4 cm axial view); i was most likely born with this - it is hard to say if has grown or always been this size and might be an incidental finding - hard for doctors to say which makes it super frustrating
**NO HYDROCEPHALUS, hemorrhage, midline shift, extra axial collection, or acute intracranial mass effect

i have seen about 3 neurosurgeons all with different opinions

- first was an adult surgeon at the cleveland clinic - said my cyst is very rare; suggest a shunt (but would not want this due to the risky foreign object nature of the device, i would rather an endoscopic procedure)

- second saw a pediatric neurosurgeon; put me on diamox 250 mg twice a day it has been making my head feel better so the doctor is inclined to think its the cyst

- third pediatric neurosurgeon at University of miami; was not convinced the cyst is causing my problems said it was probably incidental and wants me to wait 3-6 months to get another MRI

is anyone going through this.. i'm trying to stay as optimistic as possible. i just hope i do not have to feel like this forever i had to take the semester off of my senior year of college because i wanted to get to the bottom of these problems that have affected my whole life. just want to be normal again.

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Undiagnosed :: Nausea, Headaches And Dizziness

I have been getting headaches accompanied with dizziness and nausea for like 3 months and wondering should I get my parents to take me to the doctor?The headaches last from 2-13 hours Is there anyone that has the same things as me?

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Undiagnosed Dizziness And Blurry Vision

My 15 year old daughter has bn suffering from dizziness blurry vision for nearly 2 months now & has missed a lot of school & is affecting her grades she has days where she just loses her balance every so often each day then there's days where i have 2 help her walk or she holds on benches things she has slowly fallen back on 2 the floor numerous times she has had a ct scan mri test blood test u name it but the doctors have found nothing the doctor said just persist with it she will slowly come good but it hasn't changed in 2 months...

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Undiagnosed :: Dizziness, Headaches And Vision Problems

For the past 8 months I have been suffering from dizziness, slow going at first and was manageable, but I am worried that it was a warning sign as things are getting worse.

When it first started I would get random dizzy attacks when moving my head (feel like the room around me was spinning or I was still moving when I wasn't) I went to the doctors and he explained it could be from my operation and my body getting over the anaesthetic, just a keyhole op to take appendix out. He recommended I wait and if it didn't improve within a month then to go back. I returned a month later as the symptoms hadn't improved and was put on some antibiotics to "relieve" the symptoms. When this didn't work I again returned only to be given a higher dose of them for a further month . I was then told to wait yet another month without them in the hope it would relieve the dizziness completely.

Then it started to get worse. My vision has changed and not become as clear almost a bit cloudy and I see flashing lights sometimes, I have had my eyes tested and even been to the hospital for a detailed eye examination -nothing. Then around 4 weeks ago I began getting migraines with aura and have had one a week since it started and the dizziness has become constant. I notice it really bad when I am still and concentrating and it feels as if everything around me is moving and also when I move then stand still a wave of dizziness comes over me and completely throws me off balance almost as if the ground is moving , I never fall but always feel like I am going to. I returned to the doctors last and have now been asked to get blood tests which are in 2 weeks ad have been referred to a neurologist which I have been told can take up to 8 weeks.

This week it has been extremely bad and has reduced me to tears a number of times as it really frightens me. I have had a constant headache sort of behind my eyes which feels dull and almost like there is pressure in my head, for the past 3 days and painkillers aren't helping. Every time I walk, move, or even am still the dizziness appears. It is affecting my work as I am unable to be at my computer a long time due to my vision. I was told to go back to the doctors should things get worse and plan to go tomorrow evening to out of hours. I really don't think that I can wait 8 weeks for a date to see the neurologist and feel it needs to be done sooner. I have been reading about my symptoms and have no clear steer on the possibility but I am really worried at the possibility of a brain tumor as a family member passed away of this last year.

I think it's important to note that I am 21, and generally eat well and exercise regularly (not as much as of late due to severe dizziness) At the end of last year I suffered from panic attacks, costochondritis and anxiety following the loss of a close family member. Once I went back to work January this year things improved hugely on that front. I understand that anxiety is often linked to dizziness but I am struggling to believe this has stemmed from that. I now only suffer anxiety of fear of these feelings returning.

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Pregnancy :: Headache And Tired All The Time With Dizziness

My head hurts I'm dizzy all the time and I'm tired and sleepy... I stay hungry I can eat 1 hour later I'm right back hungry.

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Unbalanced Feet - Dizziness While Walking And Standing

I have dizziness everyday while walking, standing as well as feeling off balance, unsteady on my feet like I am gonna fall over. I have had my ears checked by an ENT doctor in 2014 and he said I had meniere's disease so he treated it as that but medicine didn't help so went to another ENT doctor in 2015 who said I don't have meniere's disease but have hearing loss in both ears and did a test on my vestibular function which he said was normal so he referred me to a neurologist and I went and had an MRI done which was normal as well. I have had blood work done in November last year and my white blood count was a little high but not concerning and everything else was normal....no diabetes. Also had a stress test done on heart and was normal. I am at my wits end with this cause I don't know what's going on. I plan to see an eye doctor soon. Oh and I was diagnosed with anxiety 4 months ago but this dizziness and off balance feeling has been going on for 2 years now. I am on blood pressure medicine too. don't know what else to do. Does anyone have these same symptoms ?

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Prostate :: Urination - Hard Time At Night Starting A Stream Than Day Time?

Why is it that I can have such a hard time starting a stream when visiting the toilet during the night (after having been asleep for several hours) and have little problem during the daytime when awake and alert? As I see it this has less to do with BPH than with mind/body connections.

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Skin :: Red Bump On Butt Cheek Comes Back From Time To Time

There is a red bump that came up on my butt cheek it looked like a mosquito bite but got a few more around it thought it might of been ringworm bc it looked like a circle I scrubbed the area with bleach, I know that wasn't smart but it went away and let a slight dark spot on the area well the bump comes back from time to time in the same spot what is it? It's a Lil itchy only when I think about it but it's the same as before except it just had a few Little bumps around the middle bump.

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Constant Dizziness - Not Just Episodes Of Dizziness

I've been dizzy and "drunk" feeling since the end if march every day constantly. I don't know what it could be. I haven't gone back to the doc since they told me it was inner ear fluid build up. It came on after some extreme stress in my life started. What should I do? Go back to the doc?

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Undiagnosed :: I Have Lump Behind My Ear

I have lump behind my ear it started out small the size of a pea and move able soft to know it's hard as a rock and it grown and it doesn't move around when I push on it should I be worried.

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Undiagnosed :: Jaw Lump

I have a lump behind my right jaw, directly below my earlobe. This lump has gone from the size of a small pea to about 1&1/2 inches long and about 3/4 to 1 inch wide. There is no pain when the lump is touched but in the last 2-3 weeks I've been having pain on the right when I open my mouth to eat or yawn.

I can not have a CT with contrast because of an allergy that caused anaphylaxis the last time I got the contrast. So...what type of scan would give the Drs the most information about this lump? I was recently in the hospital because of MRSA pneumonia and had a sinus CT minus contrast and while they see something there they can't tell if it's what the Dr. originally said when it was pea sized which was it was just a swollen/infected lymph node because of my CVID well considering I recently had multiple IV antibiotics because of MRSA pneumonia and so I'm just having a hard time believing that it's just an infected lymph node.

I'm asking about the type of scan that would give the best/most information because I'm sick of all the procedures and scans. While hospitalized with mild pneumonia for 1week after Thanksgiving I had a chest and sinus CT w/o contrast and a bronchoscopy.The after Christmas I spent another 3 weeks hospitalized for the more severe MRSA pneumonia and during that stay I again had chest and sinus CTs w/o contrast as well as chest x-rays, a chest MRI,  chest nuclear scan, and 3 more bronchoscopies and with other lung studies coming up I'm really over the tests.

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Undiagnosed Blisters Around Vagina

I have been suffering from painful pus filled blisters around my vagina for last 3 years! It is like a cycle, the skin gets hard, a small blister appears, it turns bigger, swollen, red, itchy and after 5 or so days, it would burst and slowly, the pus and blood would drain causing me enough discomfort to lie down (i cant even sit, forget about walking) for weeks at a time.

I have been tested for Herpes and been told several times its not that. I use Clotrimazole regularly but it does nothing much.

Last week I had this blister develop right on the left vulva and it became big enough to look like a cyst, extremely painful...No amount of pain killers was helping and my GP advised it is vulval abscess and needs to be drained by a GYN. I went to the hospital and the next morning the freak doctor cut me open without any general or local anesthesia at all!I died with pain!!!

I am home now and the pus it still leaking, the wound has not dried yet completely.

The doctors said it is not bartholin cyst, but I don't know what the hell it was and why does it keep recurring...

I have been taking oxytetracycline for almost 3 years now, took fluconazole for 1 year and I am also on thyroxine since last 5 yrs...

If anyone has any idea about what this is and why this might be happening, please let me know.

About the sexual history thing...I have never had intercourse with a stranger..only 2 men in my entire life, both were serious when it happened.In fact since I am always in pain, sex is the last thing on my mind. I am always sitting, so I don't exercise, and my body shape has grown 3 sizes since I do not move.

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Undiagnosed Ankle Pain

For the past 6 month I've been suffering from ankle pain which began after a 300 meter sprint with worn shoes. The pain increases after a short walk of 50 – 100 meters. I can barely climb stairs and can't drive my manual gear car because I can't press the clutch. When I relax the pain slowly dissipates. If I walk more than 200 meters the pain can continue all night. On the outside the ankle seems in order without any redness or swelling. No movement limitation. I am practically handicapped and totally frustrated. I am 29 years old (male), with generally good health and can't believe this is happening to me. I have been to 3 different orthopedists, 2 of whom specialize in foot injuries who defined my pain as "mysterious". I have done X-ray, ultrasound, bone scan and MRI. Every examination I took yielded zero pathological findings. At first the doctors thought it’s an inflammation and I got a cortisone injection which didn’t help, and 2 X 10 days of anti-inflammatory medicine, which also didn't help. I have tried multiple ointments, vitamins and herbs. Tried massaging my foot with warm water, Jacuzzi and such. Nothing helps.  I'm desperate to find out what is causing the pain. Does anybody have any clue of what this might be, or perhaps suggest a new direction of investigation?

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Undiagnosed And Rare Edema

I have had rt thigh, calf and hip edema since 1/14 (8 months). It came on out of nowhere. No injury. Neg for DVT, neg MRI for mass, neg mass on abdominal CT scan. Multiple hypodense, Ill defined nodules were identified on spleen and a few on liver. CT scan of chest identified multiple hilar lymphadenopathy. This prompted bx. Dx: Sarcoidosis. Had 2 unsuccessful rounds of prednisone. Now getting Remicade tx. I feel better overall, but the edema. Has not changed. My sarcoid dr (pulmonologist ) thinks this may be totally unrelated to the sarcoid.

I'm desperate for an answer. Vascular consult was neg. any clues?  

I was originally told this could be a spinal compression issue. I do have a hx of lower back pain/spasms.

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Undiagnosed :: Choking On Own Saliva

Reported to me by a close friend (Male in mid 50's) Recurring Episodes at night since last Spring. Wakes at night. Choking on own Saliva. Cannot swallow his own Saliva. Has been to several gastroenterologists. Has undergone all the tests. They cannot find anything.

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Undiagnosed Abdominal Pain

About a week ago, I was experiencing right upper quad pain. It hurt and burned and radiated to my back and in the middle of my shoulder, I was also feeling pain down toward my navel and was increasingly more uncomfortable. I went to the doctor and he laid me down and pressed on areas  asking me if I hurt,,,at one point when he pressed on the gallbladder areas, I expressed severe pain and then when he pressed on my right lower quad, I actually screamed and wanted to come off the table, tears springing to my eyes.   At that time I was not running a fever,  was eating  a bit and was not "presenting" like it was anything serious, so he sent me home with a prescription for Vicodin and said if the pain gets worse go to the ER.
Now a week later, I am in near constant pain...my upper right quad and my lower right quad  feel like I've been kicked or beat. I am nauseated, I have not gotten sick, I have been running a slight fever of 99.7 and have been having really loose stools with a little mucus in it.. Also, when I do have a BM my right side feel like it is being ripped in two. last night I was trying to eat some baked chicken and I couldn't do it, I also felt two pops in my lower right quad, that made me see stars for a few minute.

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Massive Undiagnosed Aneurysm

I know a worker that suffered a massive undiagnosed aneurysm at work. Can the chemicals she was using trigger this aneurysm? I am suspicious because this sudden, unexpected death was not reported.

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Undiagnosed :: Pain In Ribs After Pneumonia

I had pneumonia in my left lung 3 weeks ago which was very painful. I now have completed antibiotics but still have pain in my lower rib area that is very sharp when I yawn, cough,  laugh or burp. This pain is not getting better. I had an ARNP tell me she does not hear any air movement in my lower lung. I'm curious What may be causing the pain. I never had it before the pneumonia and it doesn't seem to be going away.

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Undiagnosed Electrical Shock In My Brain

I have a question for all of you, I have had these very strange symptoms for the last year, year and a half and I can't tell my primary care doctor because he is treating, or barely treating me for chronic pain due to a pretty bad car accident years ago, (I was holding on to the steering wheel watching this guy drive right into the back of my car and was hit with so much pressure that I clenched up , went forward and when I came back I actually bent the steering wheel in half.  I now have severe pain in my neck and lower back.  After the accident I went to a chiropractor for 3 years 2 x a week, but only got worse.  My PC doc for 8 years told me my pain had more to do with my emotional problems than anything else (I was continually raped by my father and then periodically beaten by my mother for being a ****, starting very early in childhood, also suffered a lot of physical abuse by both, I am really pissed that I have to apologize to the world that this happened to me and that my doctor would blame my pain on this), and always threatened to take me off all my pain meds if I complained about any other pain and symptoms.  At one point 3-4 years ago I had such horrible pain in my lower left leg I thought I had bone cancer, it was the first time he ordered an MRI and when he got the results he sent me to a neurosurgeon immediately who told me if I move the wrong way they will never be able to stop the pain.  When I told my PCP he dismissed it, but never put me down as having chronic pain syndrome anymore, but now he is taking my pain meds away slowly because he say the CDC is making him do it???  Anyway, I dare not tell him anything else cause I can't walk and do much of anything without a lot of pain in my lower back.
But a couple years, 1 1/2, I started to have this weird feeling of "something not right" in my head, I can't really explain it.  Then I got this strong ZAP, like a strong electrical jolt in my brain. It took a while for the sensation to go away, but I ignored it.  I also noticed I was "forgetting how to swallow", weird right?  Since the ZAP wasn't really painful, but if it was I would be too afraid to tell my doctor, especially if it was painful, so I did nothing.  Every few months this would happen again, maybe 4 times total.  Last week, I could "feel" something in my head not right, Like something was going to happen, then I got that powerful zap, like an explosion in my head, and it took a little longer to feel okay again, then I got another one, and felt extremely fatigued after this one, and it took longer to "clear" my head.  My blood pressure has been rather high lately too, in fact I've noticed my blood pressure goes up the more pain I'm in and since he's lowering my medication, my blood pressure had been around 164/90 to 175/90 from around 128-138/80 normally.  My mother died of a brain aneurysm.  I don't know if this is something I should worry about and maybe find another doctor, but then I'm afraid I'll be accused of doctor shopping...

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