Cabbage Juice Helps Reducing Acid Reflux And Gastritis (due To H Pylori)

Wanted to share with everyone here that cabbage juice does indeed help in healing gastritis! I did it for a week and it worked for me! I am not cured completely, but I am much much better than I was. Last 2 days I have had no stomach pains, acid reflux is almost gone (added advantage that I didn't expect) except for a bit of post nasal drip and feeling almost normal. Fingers crossed and hope to heal completely soon!

Just to give you a small background, I had acid reflux (silent reflux) starting last Oct (2014). I had never had acid reflux in my entire life, I am 28yrs old. Not once. And then this suddenly started. I have reflux day in day out. I panicked and underwent terrible stress. I tried all sorts of natural remedies. Nothing worked. I was scared of taking PPI after reading about side effects on the internet. A naturopath misdiagnosed me with candida (I think they over diagnose candida infections) and put me on an anti candida diet. I lost more than 20 lbs (which I didn't need to) and felt worse after 2 months on the diet. I looked thin, was terribly sick and I thought my life was over. Sometime during this period, I guess I developed the gastritis as well although blood tests and stool test for h pylori kept coming back negative. 

I needed a break. I went home to India. Went to my family doctor, got myself checked by a GI. Had ultrasounds, CT scans (they thought it was my gallbladder initially), blood work and gastroscopy. Ultimately they diagnosed me with gastritis due to H Pylori (positive through gastroscopy), acid reflux (LPR) and vitamin D deficiency.

I took the triple therapy for H Pylori and and PPI's. I took injections and soft gels for the Vitamin D. I guess the pylori is gone as I started feeling better after taking antibiotics but the gastritis was still there. So i continued the PPIs and switched to a low fat diet. No milk and dairy except lots of homemade yoghurt. I started feeling better but not completely. I would still have lot of bad days and few good days.

Last week I decided to do the cabbage juice. I did 4 cups of cabbage & carrot juice a day for 6 days and I can make out a huge difference now!I havent had stomach pains in 3 days, not even after eating. i even went out to a nearby restaurant and had a buffet, Nothing, no pain, very few burps. Also, the acid reflux suddenly came down. I am happy to report I am almost feeling normal. 

I am not cured completely but I wish I had continued the cabbage juice for another week. But I couldn't drink it anymore

The cabbage juice did cause me to feel a bit tired and crappy (maybe because it is known to affect the thyroid) and caused some gas. But I persisted. I thought if I continue to feel worse I would give up the treatment but after 3 days I started to slowly feel better. Now I am left with a bit of post nasal drip sometimes in the afternoon(reminding me of the reflux but much better than before). But other than that, mostly feeling better. Will wait for a week and update again on the forum!

So guys, go ahead and try this if you think you can tolerate drinking cabbage juice and if you do not have any thyroid issues!

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Rhinitis :: Nasonex Nasal Spray Causing Stomach Ulcers, Gastritis?

i have been suffering with headaches and the doc said i have rhinitis, so gave me nasonex nasal spray which i used for several months which eased my symptoms, although then suddenly started getting stomach problems, like gastritis i could not eat felt really unwell for weeks doc said i prob have an ulcer but was unlikely to be the spray that had caused it  and put me on omeprazole which eased my symptoms after a few months i stopped the nasal spray, however i started the nasal spray again as i was having headaches and straight away got these bad pains like acid reflux gerd ulcer type pains, im sure its the steroid spray has any one else had any experience like this many thanks

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Cure Gastritis, Yeast Infections, Candida With Caprylic Acid

I have had great success calming my gastritis , which can be troublesome from time to time , coconut oil , taken on a spoon , up to 5 tablespoons per day , has greatly eased a recent flare up of my gastritis , which i never had prior to a helicobacter infection , , just wanted to pass this info on , hope it helps other sufferers , i do watch what i eat and i have been quite well , but every so often , my stomach is very painful with gastritis , coconut oil seems the most reasonable way to help relieve the problem , read up on yeast infections ,candida , as well as gastritis , buy a good quality oil try Holland and Barrett

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Can Cranberry Juice Cure UTI?

Recently, questions like can the UTI be cured by cranberry juice or can cranberry juice cure UTI were posted on the internet and searched by netizen constantly. But can the UTI be cured by the cranberry juice?

Cranberry is a small sour red berry that grows on a small bush and is used in cooking. So the cranberry juice is a juice of the sour red berry. But In 2010 a study conducted by the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts showed that the ingredients in cranberry juice named condensed tannins limit the ability of E. coli bacteria to cling to other bacteria.

However, the study conducted in Massachusetts also showed that without other bacteria, E. coli's ability to grow and reproduce is limited. Therefore, the conclusion of the research is cranberry juice helps prevent UTI but cannot cure the UTI.

Since the cranberry juice can only prevent the UTIs for people, how to cure the UTI if one gets this condition? One herbal medicine named diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is highly recommended.

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Weight Problems :: To Juice, Or Not To Juice?

I am seriously looking at beginning Jason Vale's "7lb in 7 days" Juicing plan, so much so I have already downloaded the book on my Kindle (as this is more than half price of buying the book) and am 40% through it. I am not totally "sold" on the idea, not because I don't think this is a good idea but mainly because I am not sure I can have the determination to stick to it!

I love my food. I have no other pleasure in life (don't drink/smoke/buy bags or shoes/have nails done or spoil myself with Spa Days or clothes shopping and as I have children, I find I don't go out much either!). Throughout my entire life, food has been a treat, a pleasure, a celebration, a commiseration - any event has always been celebrated or commemorated round the dinner table or with some kind of "treat")

Thought it may help/motivate me if I kept a mini "blog" on here (??) as to how, why and what happens as this may (or may not - probably the latter!) help anyone else who is thinking of doing it and doesn't know what to expect.

90% of the girls at work have done it and one member of my family is currently doing it (she is now on Phase 2 and 3 of the plan) and they all swear by it!

This is by no means my "quick fix" and I am fully aware and totally understand that this is a "health change" which is the reasons I am doing it but to lose a few pounds in the process can only be a bonus. Don't get me wrong, I NEED to lose about 4-5 STONE but my main draw to this Plan is the health benefits. Yes, I am over weight, Yes I have high blood pressure, Yes I have high cholesterol, No my blood sugars are not too high (thank God) and Yes I do have heart disease, stroke and diabetes in my family plus Cancer on all sides.

I am now 45 years old and need to kick my butt in order to stay alive long enough to see my kids married and to be around long enough to enjoy my life - because I sure ain't at the moment!

I feel lethargic, have a huge "can't be bothered" attitude, have absolutely no energy or interest in anything, do Zero activities and would much rather sit on the sofa watching a chick flick than walking briskly round the park with my dog/kids! I admit, I am LAZY.

Now, the thought of starting this process is VERY appealing and I am all for it with renewed determination every time I have just finished a Spaghetti Bolognese with Garlic Bread!

But, can I do it - YES I CAN!

Watch this space!

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Can Gastritis Cause Nausea?

Some years ago I Poisoned and had nausea and because of a special stress I sense that I have nausea all times. For example, When I want travel or use bus and visit new places alone then I am nauseated and it is so hard for me. I visited a Psychiatrist and he Prescribed some pills like Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Alprazolam and...I used these Pills and I'm better but when I discontinued these pills my behaviors backed too many years ago. What is my Sickness? Recently, I visited another doctor and did Urea breath test and Doctor told me I have Gastritis but can it my Sickness? If it is my Sickness then why when I use  Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Alprazolam then I'm better? Can Gastritis cause nausea?

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Chronic Gastritis :: Constipation And Lump In Anus

I'm 21 and no stranger to digestive issues. I suffer from anxiety and depression which I think helps contribute to those problems.

I was just recently diagnosed with Chronic Gastritis after an upper scope was done. I was also diagnosed with IBS about a year ago which is my main issue.

So lets skip to my more recent problem-

My IBS fluctuates from Diarrhea to Constipation. Mostly constipation anymore...

I get constipated for weeks. Just recently though I've noticed it getting worse and me pressing harder and harder to get it out. I knew that wasn't a good idea when I started doing that, but it's easy to strain. I know this is gross, but I developed severe itching down there about 3 weeks ago and naturally started thinking it was a hemorrhoid (internal). The only thing that would make me go for a little while was preparation H suppositories. So I used those and ignored it. There's still pain up there when I sit down. I still don't know what it is. I felt up inside and felt a lump about the size of a golf ball (maybe smaller) about an 1.5" up. This really scares me and makes me extremely depressed going through all the things in my head it could be.
What do I do?

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Why You Need To Treat Hemorrhoids

This post is simply me sharing my story so other people may not make the same mistake as I did. I am a 27 y/o male. I first noticed hemorrhoid issues when I was 20, just an occasional flare up for a week or 2 out of the year, no big deal. Each year it continued to flare up more and more. Until for the past year or so every time I would have a bowel movement there would be bleeding sometimes just a couple drops in the water sometimes blood sprayed all over. Still I did not seek treatment besides trying not to strain. Then an unrelated health issue sent me to my Doc, in the course of this he did all the blood tests known to man I think. My consistent bleeding for over a year had made me anemic with a hemoglobin of only 8.3, two weeks later hemoglobin of 8.0 and an extremely low testosterone level as well which was caused by the chronic anemia. The hematologist had me immediately scheduled for an appointment with a surgeon. Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, and a Banding. The banding at first didn't seem to bad, luckily I was knocked out for the colonoscopy so I wasn't awake for the banding. However, the next week was constant pain, and the first two days were nearly unbearable. I've never had a problem with hemorrhoids that seem to remain outside the body until after this procedure not sure if the banding or colonoscopy could have worsened that condition. However 2 weeks after the banding I still have hemorrhoids and the symptoms were worse than ever: pain, itching, burning. Well I had already decided unless the bleeding was extreme again I WOULD NOT go back for another dr visit. I tried sitz bath (which for me over the years have always seemed to provide quick relief BUT then cause worse inflammation in a few hours). I tried ACV on cotton balls, painful and after a week didn't notice any improvement. During this entire time I had also converted to a high fiber diet. After the ACV I continued high fiber diet, using a stacker to put my feet on when I'm having a bowel movement, and using tucks witch hazel in the morning and before bed. With those I finally am symptom free. However, I am going to keep doing these thing forever because it seems to me that hemorrhoids, once they get out of control, will never go away completely. You just have to treat them and manage them and you will remain symptom free but if you go back to the same old habits. They will come back same as before. I am still on an iron supplement and taking testosterone shots as well.

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Taking Lansoprazole As A Barrier Against Aspirin-induced Gastritis

After my CABG 2 years ago I was prescribed various drugs for long term use, including a daily aspirin tablet. As I have had gastritis and stomach ulcers in the past, the cardiologist put me on lansoprazole to protect the stomach lining, even though the aspirin is the enteric-coated kind.

I've had lansoprazole prescribed in the past, or the alternative omeprazole, when I've had an outbreak of ulcers and/or gastritis, but the dosage was only for a maximum of two weeks, as I recall, and the medication did wonders to cure the ulcers. Now, however, I've been taking lansoprazole for over 2 years and I'm beginning to notice some of the side effects mentioned in the patient leaflet.

Does anyone else take daily aspirin as protection against heart attacks and strokes and if so, how do they handle aspirin's tendency to cause stomach bleeds? Maybe I could stop the lansoprazole now?

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Acid Reflux :: Gastritis And Heartburn/ H.pylori Infection?

So about two weeks ago I had Mexican food. 1 burrito (cheese, beans, rice, meat), 2 tacos (carne asada) with salsa (green/red sauce..spicy). The food wasn't really that good at all. Fast forward to 3AM later that night and I wake up to feel my heart pounding. Felt nausea, dizziness, had sweaty feet and hands. I try to take #2 but that didn't work so I rushed to the kitchen and squeezed a few lemons, mixed it with salt and that helped a little. It takes a long time for all this to go away. I hate the feeling of puking, so I always try not to.

So, just to tone down what usually happens to me...

After I eat and depending on what I eat, I ALWAYS get the urge to burp but I cannot! This worsens the situation and makes me feel helpless, and I start to feel the same way as I felt that night at 3AM. If I do burp, I feel relieved.

Heart rate increases and it feels TERRIBLE! I feel my stomach all mixed up, like if I went on a spinning ride from a caravel 10 times in a row. I get dizzy, sometimes lightheaded, and nausea. Feet and hands sweat and feel chill/cool. I start to salivate a lot too. I feel a burp coming out but it just "sinks" back down to my stomach. My stools are normal, no black/coffee bean kind. No blood.

had 3-4 serious occasions since October 13 to today.

-First one after the 3AM night was when I was having a heavy meal at Zankou chicken. It consisted of: Pita bread, hummus, garlic spread, salad, chicken kabab, ground meat, rice. I started to feel really lightheaded, dizzy, with nausea, so I rushed to the restroom and again, out of instinct tried to do #2 but that didn't help so I just washed my face, breathed in and out deeply and have no choice but to take it like a man. Luckily nothing happened. I just rushed home and laid down.

-Second time was in the morning (btw, it's worse in the morning). I had coffee and a P&J sandwich before going to class. During my test started to feel dizzy and that horrible feeling on my stomach and THAT need to burp!!! The stress over the exam didn't help either.

*Since this time, I decided to ask my father for help (he's a Doctor). He recommended I take prilosec for 14 days, take mylanta syrup at night. I also take TUMS when I start to feel it and wow do they help!

-Third time was a semi-serious given that my wife so happened to have TUMS in her purse. I had a Chinese chicken soup (the soup itself is pretty greasy just by the taste of it, lots of salt..). All I had was that and a boba milk tea. I ate really light and I still felt sick in the end. Again, that horrible feeling in the stomach, that need to burp, increased heart rate. Same thing as the above.Sorry if I type it out differently or forget to input the rest.

Fourth time was today. My wife was hungry and wanted to eat at P.F Changs. I already felt my body telling me "hell no, but if you must, get some tums!" We didn't have any on us, but I just ignored my intuition and went ahead. We had spring rolls (veggie egg rolls), almond/cashew chicken, and shrimp lo-mein. I literally had 10 bites before I drastically started to feel sick again. Same symptoms as the above but more like situation #1. Also, I felt pretty sleepy/tired. All of the sudden, I started to feel REALLY anxious like "Oh my gosh I'm dying" kind due to the high heart rate freaking me out, you could feel it! You could feel your heart racing, no? I thought I was going to faint. I went to the restroom twice and tried the same as situation #1. Didn't help, needed tums quick. As we left, we found a CVS/Walgreens and I bought tums. This time it didn't help me as much, but then again I only took two I usually have three. Oh, I also had Gas X prior. As we were on the freeway, it all of the sudden the frikken freeway shuts down for 5min due to CHP doing something, so I panicked. I was feeling all the symptoms as the above italicized. I swear, I was this close to get on the shoulder just to rest. As we got home, I started to feel hungry. Good riddance.

What the heck is going on with my digestive system?!

Any medical professionals or those who have experienced what I mentioned that can give me solid advice will be MUCH appreciated. I'm this close to doing a endoscopy but I want to know if this could eventually go away with some simple medication and perhaps eating lightly for a while.

I've never had any problems with food. I used to be able to take anything. I also don't eat unhealthy at all.

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Gastritis From Reflux Or Drug-induced (aspirin And Penicillin)?

A few days ago I was diagnosed with gastritis. I admit I did take a messy course of self-prescribed antibiotics for a tooth infection, it included aspirin and penicillin, which I discontinued 4 months ago.

My question is, if the gastritis was a result of those drugs, shouldn't I have recovered after discontinuing the drugs? Or could it be bile reflux and have nothing to do with the drugs?


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Best Supplements To Treat Hemorrhoids?

What are the best supplements to treat hemorrhoids? I have a few suggestions I am willing to compare.

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Prostate :: How To Treat Prostatitis?

It has brought so many problems.

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Herpes :: HSV 1 - Blisters And Ulcers - May Have Contracted It?

I recently had some irritation following sex with a girl who I know gets cold sores on occasion.  On the shaft of my penis, near the head there is an abrasion of sorts that is mostly painless and I never saw blisters.  It doesn't seem to heal, but I've had similar problems in the past; once that skin tears, it seems to take months to heal.

My question is, should I be the slightest bit concerned that I may have contracted HSV1?  I went to my doctor and I find that most doctors really have no clue about STDs; she said it could be herpes, but it wasn't typical.  Anyone else have an opinion?  Do blisters usually show up and hang around for a while before they begin to look like ulcerated skin?  Is the pain from these sores usually obvious?

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HIV :: Through Food - Ulcers In Mouth - Non-sexual Way

About 7 weeks ago I had been to a roadside food stall. The guy preparing the food wasn't wearing any gloves while preparing the food. Within a minute of preparing the food, I consumed it. I didn't notice any cuts, or bruises on the guy's palms but I couldn't get a close look. Also, I had a very very small ulcer in my mouth (Otherwise my mouth is in good shape) .

I'd like to know if this was a low risk situation and I need to get tested for this?

What's worrying is that I had a very small ulcer then and the food wasn't heated to kill the possible HIV if at all present.

Also, have you ever heard of, even outside your organisation, of any HIV infection through food or through any other non-sexual way?

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GERD / Gastritis Affecting Tummy, Throat, Mouth And Bowels?

I'm not entirely sure whats going on with my body any more..

(Diagnosed with gerd, gastritis and hiatal hernia after endoscopy a year and a half ago)

I've changed my diet completely. Sleep raised in bed. Do light exercise 5 days a week.. basically before someone suggests these sorts of things I have tried everything that I know of.

I've been on pantoprazole for a year and was on omeprazole for 5 months prior. Completely changed my diet. Haven't touched alcohol nor a cigarette in 18 months. I don't eat anything deep fried.. No onions no tomato absolutely nothing spicy. Actually pretty much all I can eat is bread, potato and some veg and some fruit. I can barely eat meat any more either. Anything I eat burns my stomach when it goes down, my stomach burns for hours after.. then I get that infamous 'gnawing pain' which wont go away until I eat.

Anyway, about 6 months ago 2 of my teeth crumbled away, I've only had the fillings in for about 5 months and they are both brown and stink.. Im sure its due to reflux.. My gums bleed every time I brush my teeth, no matter how soft the toothbrush is. They even bleed when I eat food.

A couple of nights ago my throat became inflamed, it burns even when drinking water. It feels like there is pressure in my throat near the top of it. It hurts to swallow.. my tongue is coated with yellow stuff. My mouth is dry. My breath absolutely stinks and has done for months, even before the teeth incident.

I'm always nauseous. Some weeks I'm only getting about 10 hours sleep over the entire 7 days because all these symptoms keep me up. My gp is at a loss.. they don't really listen to me anyway. My consultant at the hospital makes me wait a whole year for my next appointment, thats after the last one had to be brought forward by my gp calling him and telling him it was urgent.. He saw me for 5 minutes, said I had reflux.. gave me some anti sickness then asked me to leave. I'd already been diagnosed with reflux and given anti sickness by my gp?

Guys, I'm only 20 years old.. I'm 20! I was never ill before this and now my entire life has been turned upside down by something my doctors seem to think is 'simple'. 

It's past the point of affecting my 'quality of life'.. it has literally taken my life away. I can't do anything anymore. I'm always in pain, feel sick or am being sick.

If you got this far down and managed to put up with all my moaning then thank you,

If anyone has any idea what is going on with me then please feel free to comment..

Also, if there is mistakes in here or it doesn't make sense in parts, I've had 1 hour sleep in 48 hours so I'm not at my grammatical best right now!

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Pregnancy :: How To Treat Pinworms In First Trimester

How can you treat pinworms in first trimester , I'm 6 weeks now ? Also I have never had any vaginal infection before , it doesn't smell but I am itchy and irritated , I have a white thick discharge that gathers in the folds of my vaginal and clit area! :( I am very hygienic and bath and wash regularly, so I don't know how I would get either of these :( can someone help me as to what treatments are possible ? And and these harmful to my unborn baby ? Or my husband ?

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Pregnancy :: How Do They Treat Gestational Diabetes ?

I'm 29 weeks, and just failed my glucose test. According to my sono the baby is almost 4lbs already. Is that high? And what is the likely hood that I have gestational diabetes? If it turns out that I do have it how will they treat it?

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How To Treat Clitoral Pain After Rubbing?

I was just rubbing my girlfriend down there, and my hands weren't probably completely clean (I haven't really done anything like this before). I was mainly stimulating the clitoris, at times using her wetness to lube her up. She didn't seem to mind and at that time, she wasn't in pain or anything, in fact according to her she was enjoying it. After going back home though, she felt that the area around her clit became really sore and that it hurts horribly while trying to pee. It also itched when soap touched the area while trying to take a shower. It feels uncomfortable in general, and aches when trying to move. Most importantly, she says she has discovered some sort of a 'hole' beside her clitoris, which does not look like a scar, but is red. This has freaked us out both, and although I haven't seen the condition myself, I can't describe it more precisely. She says it's like the type of 'fold' we get when we apply pressure on our skin with the nails, except that it's round, tiny and deeper. She is also having pain in her tummy (in fact this happens when she masturbates too much) which makes it all the more worse. She is really mad at me and I know I have done something careless (especially when it is the first time we have been doing something like this), and I probably don't even deserve to be her boyfriend, but I feel really guilty and I want to help her in every way possible but I don't really know what to do about it. She hasn't spoken to anyone about it yet although she is suffering and all I care about now is that this condition goes away as soon as possible. She is not ready to go the gynecologist because she is too ashamed to talk about it as she is from a conservative family.

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