Chest Swelling And Sharp Pain, Already On Antibiotics For Chest Infection

So spent night in hospital for chest infection on Tuesday night. Been on 50mg steroids and 500 mg Co amoxiclav three times a day.

Pulled my back muscles coughing yesterday so taking diazepam as doctor prescribed for it as asthmatic so can't take ibuprofen.

However today when woke up my lower right lung area is swollen and have acute sharp stabbing pain when cough and constant pain which is dull. Anyone any idea what it is? I'm wondering if diaphragm or maybe need to see doctor for 3rd day this week.

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Knot Under Jaw, Swelling/spots Back Of Throat, Swelling Under Tongue

About 2 years ago I noticed a knot pop up under my right jaw bone. I thought it was a swollen lymph node, and it only really hurt when I swallowed and would start swelling back up every couple months on and off. Recently the knot had been swollen up more, I can always feel it, but it will swell up bigger when I am eating at times. Along with that for the past couple months you can see a sort of swelling or lumps and redness  in the back of my throat ( I don't have tonsils) but that is also on the right side. This hasn't gone away at all, even when my throat isn't hurting. I also have swollen glands under my tongue that sometimes swell more and hurt when I eat. My family doctor has put me on two antibiotics, and I did test and was treated for type C strep, but no swelling went away after that.

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Heart Disease :: High Blood Pressure / Slow Heart Rate

I have a heart rate most of the time from 42 to 50 BPM , my blood pressure is usually 145 to 160 over 75 to 80.  My cardiologist has me taking  75 mg, of Lopressor, 360 mg, of verapamil, .4 mg nitroglycerin  patch. And now he wants to add 10 mg of Ramipril ( Altace ) a day, my recent cardiograms have have shown sinus bradycardia. That's before starting the Ramipril , I'm just very leary about starting the Ramipril in first of all the highest dose there is, and second of all it could further lower my heart rate and send my heart into an AV Block that could lead to many things not good !

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Heart Disease :: Amphetamine Addict - Possible Heart Attack?

I'm going to be completely honest and as thorough as possible, I'm an addict, and I've had an addiction to stimulants for the last year and a half (consisting of about 95% amphetamine usage, never used methamphetamine). I usually keep my doses anywhere around 10-60mg cause I never wanted to over do it. Unfortunately, last week I dove in deep to my addiction due to a recent break up, about 4 days ago I did around 130 mg spread out through the day, I felt fine until I took my very last dose (30 mg about), at that point it only increased negative side effects.

After a while of feeling odd and stuff, I began to have trouble breathing and chest pains (I can't remember which started first), it kind of felt like they coincided, but I still would get very minor and infrequent pain without breathing, it felt like I couldn't take a full breath of air, and when I did the chest pain would kick in (more), it felt like a tightening pain. My left arm soon became somewhat numb and tingly, not numb like when you accidentally sleep on it, but just a little numbing that felt like it stretched down my arm through a single vein, the numbness was generally more intense under my armpit and bicep area, and would intensify when I rubbed certain areas. I had a very sore/stiff neck, especially around the area between my shoulder blades and neck, it wasn't on one side, it was mostly in the middle (my neck and back are still sore after this experience, as well as the tingling sensation in my arm but its not at all that bad, and it comes and goes). I had anxiety during this event, and I felt like when people would talk to me I wasn't truly comprehending what they would say, but yet I still was able to reply to them, I just didn't say much or think about what I was saying, I only could pay attention to what was happening to me. I felt like things were kind of slowed down and I was very fatigued and zoned out. I felt as if I was slowly meeting my demise. I believe I got cold sweats a couple times, but not much. I had some heart burn later that night, and the next but its gone.

It came across to me that maybe this was a panic attack but the pain lasted 2-3 hours, after that it wasn't horrible, but it was still somewhat there, and the mental aspect of a panic attack wasn't that intense. I also do think that my left arm may just have "mouse arm" (cant remember medical term), cause I use a computer a lot, a part of my muscle/tendon in my hand has been sore for a while, and it is somewhat acting up now as I type. I really am not sure if a lot of this is me overreacting, or just a placebo effect (I hope so). I've had minor chest pains since I was 13 (I just turned 18), and every time I went in to get my heart checked out, they said I was fine, and that I had a slight irregular heart beat but it was nothing to worry about and a lot of people have it but don't know.

I also have this weird problem with my thought process either that started the night of the incident, or I haven't noticed before. The only way I can explain it is as if my brain buffers for a moment when I go back and forth between two thoughts, it's like I over excite the neurons responsible for those thoughts and I end up overriding my brain for a brief second with confusion, then it's fine. I do have some chest pains now, but it isn't very often, and honestly happens mostly when I think about it or worry about it (same with the left arm), which is why I think I could be conning my self about this entire incident, because I've had panic attacks before but they weren't as bad and were more mental than physical.

It's dumb of me but I never went into the doctors cause 1. I was too paranoid to go in, and 2. I don't want to worry my mom or waste her money just so the doc's (possibly) find nothing. I haven't lately because all I've been doing is researching about this stuff, off and on I think I'm fine and then I don't. So I came here to settle it once and for all, I have a doctors appt. next week anyways so if you guys don't think its serious (I don't, but it could be denial) I'll just wait until then, if it is then I'll go now. I know everybody says "If its your heart then don't risk it", but every time I go in for my heart, it's always nothing.

My family nor myself have a history of heart disease, diabetes, or just flat out obesity. I'm very fit, just oddly muscular for my age, but I don't work out as often as I should now-a-days. I also smoke cigarettes, and my heart pains/arm numbness do come back a bit when I have a cig, but then again it could just be my head. The last time I had any form of a heart test was probably about a year or two ago, it was an EKG and I believe a blood test, but my memory is a bit foggy in that area. My heart rate is normal, I don't know about my blood pressure, but I believe I got a test for it lying somewhere around my house. My last dose of amphetamines was today, yes I know its stupid, but it's literally my last dose (I weaned myself off).

Oh and I did have sex last night, being in the moment I may have over did it (I usually get this feeling just without the numbing), my heart pounded like hell, I got heart burn during it, my left arm and leg became pretty numb, I was kind of tremor-ish, and that's it. Once I orgasmed the numbing went away (except for under my armpit area), and my heart was fine, but beating pretty fast (110bpm).

So do you think I likely had a heart attack? Or do you think it's something else? Or a combination of things? Or simply nothing but a placebo affect or panic attack? And by the way how long does numbing of the left-arm and chest pains last after having a heart attack?

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Cardiovascular :: Trembling Heart - History Of Heart Disease

Recently my heart has been trembling a lot and i find it hard to sleep because i can feel it beating. I used to feel pain in my heart on occasion before, but i have not had that recently. When I drink coffee the tremors are more noticeable and more frequent. 

On my mother's side, she has history of high blood pressure and heart disease, her father died at 50 from a heart attack and my cousin (32 female) has a pacemaker. 

Other symptoms include: 

Redness under my eyes 

Pitted and grooved nails 

Personal profile: 

25 y/o male 

Smoker - 10 a day 

I used to use cocaine infrequently for around 2 years (a heavy session once a month)

I don't drink alot maybe once a week

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Anxiety :: Heart Palpitations And The Feeling Of Heart Attack

Has anyone experienced heart palpitations throughout the day and a fast heart beat that wakes you up in the morning. I'm going to the doc to make sure its nothing serious but i have suffered with panic attacks and hypochondria for years this is just new symptoms.

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Anxiety :: Heart Palpitations And Nausea - Heart Attack?

hi for about 8 weeks now i have been having what feels like heart palpitations,i have visited my gp and 2 said they thought i was having panic attacks and 1 thought a stomach ulcer i have ended up in hospital twice due to me going light headed feeling sick and having numbness down both arms and racing heart both times i was watching tv when it happened! its driving me insane i have had 3 ECG's all came back normal i sometimes have pain in my left shoulder or in my upper back around shoulder blades or in my upper stomach both sides, i have sat and taken my pulse when it happens but my heart rate doesn't seem to change, i have another appointment with the doctor on monday but feel like im being laughed at and not listened to!

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Heart Rhythm :: Heart Palpitation And Skipped Beats

I'm a 32 year old female and about a year ago I started with what felt like skipped beats so I went to the doctor who listened to my heart and said it sounded ok so she sent me for a 24 hour heart monitor which showed my heart beating faster than it should at times and also in places there was extra beats which she said would of been what I felt as skipped beats, anyway she said they seemed to be benign but is sending me to a cardiologist to see if there are any mess to control it as it happens daily and just recently I've started to get a feeling a bit like my heart is vibrating but I only notice it when I'm sat down doing nothing. Does anyone else have this problem? I feel like I'm going made and it's taking over my life it's all I seem to think about now.

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Heart Catheterization And Heart Attack Chance

I had a heart catherization done in may 2014 and all was normal thank god now my question is what are the chances are for a person with mirmal heart cath to develop a heart attack , and can it happen withen a year from the cath please ?

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Enlarged Heart Classed As Heart Failure?

Is an enlarged heart classed as heart failure?

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How Often Are Antibiotics And PPI Given Along With Prednisone

I have general questions on those 3 above.  Recently I have experience side effects ( I think) from the above medication and would like to decide if it is worth taking anything in addition to prednisone.  Side effects are mainly with stomach and lately with cramps in the leg muscles. First I had constipation for month or so; lately it is soft stool, and frequent bathroom visits.  I think side effects are caused by complete change in the bacteria culture in the intestines killed by antibiotics. What also does not help is PPI interfering with mineral absorption and ( most likely) causing low potassium and magnesium levels and thus muscle cramps.


- How often are antibiotics and PPI given along with prednisone?

- How necessary is PPI if I take split dose, 5 mg each, and with lots of yogurt?

- After taper, at what level of pred one does not need antibiotics and/or PPI?

I have my monthly appointment with rheumatologist this week and would like to prepare for it.

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Pleurisy :: Five Day Course Of Antibiotics And Ibuprofen

Had the symptoms for over a week, went to the doctors to be diagnosed with pleurisy. been given a five day course of antibiotics and ibuprofen. How long does it normally last for before the symptoms ease off. Also can going to work make my condition worse? sorry if this has been asked before , new to this site.

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Prostatitis? Fever Can Antibiotics Help?

I am 32 years old male. I was diagnosed with prostatitis. What does it mean? Anyone have prostatitis? I also have fever. Can antibiotics help me?

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Sore Throat - Cannot Take Antibiotics

I have had a mild sore throat for 2 weeks. Last night I gargled with warm salt water and this morning it is twice as bad. My ears are popping a little and it is now a little difficult to swallow. No Other symptoms. I can not take antibiotics because they make me very sick, no matter what kind the doctors give me. What can I do?

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Rosacea Antibiotics :: Been Given Oxytetracycline

I have been given oxytetracycline for my rosacea if you find out any more about if it works i would be very grateful if you let me know.

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Heart :: Vibration To My Heart Cause A Attack?

I'm now, 44 years old had my first heart attack at 30 years old. Doctor has no idea why. Lately I'm having the pains again. But seems to be a few days after I do big jobs. " I drill holes in steal with a drill, put the drill against my shoulder and push in to the wall." Never hurts until 2 to 4 days later, Also hurts in long drives from bouncing cars and trucks it bothers me too get me sleepy. When I was age 30 I ran a lot bounced as I ran or running. If this could be true what would be good questions to ask the card. What test to ask for. Is their a test for this? The card says Vanes should look like cheetos, but mine are smooth/no problems. They give me more meds. Then on my way. Would muscles in my chess also be permanently damage too? I know heart damage happens every time their is a attack. No more vibration near my chess. Been doing my job for 25 years. Does this sound to crazy? What other info you Docs need. Where could I find more info for this. I heard truck driver have the same thing bouncing in trucks all day.

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Ear Problems :: 11 Lots Of Antibiotics But No Effect

My 14 month daughter has had an ear infection since december, she has been given 11 lots of antibiotics, otomize spray, and drops, we have visited ENT 3 times and have been to doctors virtually on a weekly basis, nobody seems to be helping, she is in constant pain and i am now worried she has some hearing loss, if anyone has any advice on what i can do i would be very grateful as i am at my wits end

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Penis :: Peeing A Lot After Antibiotics For Balanitis

Recently had balanitis and have just finished my antibiotics i've found myself peeing alot. Maybe twice an hour, and then when i sit down i feel like there is pee about to Come out. Is it just my body getting rid of the antibiotics

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Blood Pressure :: Losartan And Antibiotics

I currently take losartan to lower blood pressure and have been taking amoxicillin for a sinus infection for 10 days but now my Dr. wants to switch to augmentin. Does anyone know if this will increase my potassium levels? I think augmentin contains potassium. Also, does prednisone raise your blood pressure?

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