Penis Disorders :: Small Bulb Like Structures Opposite To Glans

First it seemed like filled with fluid but it wasn't. Actually they are very small and when I tried removing them I couldn't because the seem closely embedded to the skin . what can it be?

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Small Spot On The Underside Of My Scrotum?

I'm 13, approaching 14 later this year and I have a small, singular spot on the underside of my scrotum. It's toward the right side, and looks similar to an acne spot. Keep in mind I already have pubic hair so it can't be those spots. When I say small, it's pretty much the size of the tip of a slightly blunt pencil.

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Penis :: Light Black Colour Spots On My Glans Of Penis

I got some light black colour spots on my glans of penis . I m not getting any Itching or other problem with that spots .

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Small White Bump On My Clitoris Due To Masturbation?

I have had a small white bump directly on my clit since I can think of I have had a yeast infection before im not sexually active (virgin)but I do masturbate frequently I've experienced pain in my lower stomach area and if I touch my clit not directly bcs i can't its to sensitive but if i rub the hood (sometimes) Ill get pain the bump never itched or hurt so i assumed it was okay however I got a kind of a sore right by it like bumps but so tiny an if i touch it it hurts a bit it goes away but now its not I was masturbating the other day and I started to get pains in my lower stomach and pelvic area my clit direct looks kind of swollen do you think that I could have irritated my clit masturbating too hard will the doctor be able to tell? I don't want them to know i masturbated

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Hemorrhoids :: A Small Painless Bump Outside My Anus

I Don't drink soda, Only water every day. But I do Have constipation, but it's not painful. I also don't bleed when I do use the restroom. I Do Exercise often (Army JROTC pt) but I have a Small bump on the outside of my anus. (it's not painful)it also doesn't hurt when I sit down, but it is visible. Do you think I do?

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Vaginal Health :: Small Bump Near Clitoris

I'm 7 months pregnant with my first child. My husband and I are quite sexually active and faithful to each other. I noticed a small bump on near clitoris. It's the same color as my other flesh. And burns only when I touch it. I'm not actually certain if it's on my labia or my clitoral frenulum. It doesn't burn when I urinate. I'm thinking it may be from friction during sex or I've wiped too hard. But I wanted to be sure. My husband snapped a photo of it but I'm not sure if that's allowed here. What does it sound like to you?

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Herpes :: Small Red Bump On The Right Side Of My Vagina - No Pus

I have a small red bump on the right side of my vagina, there is no pus and it isn't crusting.

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Skin And Hair :: Small Bump From Tick Bite

14 months ago I was bitten by a small tick. A few months later I still had a small bump looking like a pimple and it was itchy. I went to my skin doctor and he said it's nothing to worry about. He looked at it and had no further suspicions.

It is still there looking like a small pimple with fluid inside. Very Very small ! and not really red.

Should I test for Lyme ? Is there a possibility that the Tick's head is still there?

Is it possible that it is simply a scar from scratching it ? (can scars look like small pimples?)

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Men :: Extremely Small Testicles And Small Flacid Penis

I am 30 years old.

Well as the topic mentions i have really small testicles, so small that when my penis is erect they most likely go in me. 

My penis is extremely small when flaccid , prob 2-3 inches top if its a good day, but when erect it is about 6 or so ( apparently what they call a grower)
Now i have been suffering from this since i can remember, It has taking a huge amount of my life away, i feel as i would of been a more successful man if i didn't, i avoid at all cost going OUT yes it sucks that bad, i go out only when necessary. 

Here is what is weird i guess the good part? i have never been ashamed in the sex act, i mean i wouldn't pull it out until my penis was erect but never had a problem besides a girl saying i had small testicles.

Now i am married and have beautiful children, apparently extremely small testicles does not affect this :) Grateful for that, as in the back of my head i was always concerned if i was going to be able to produce children.
Ok so the problem the big huge problem....

The bulge in my pants... yes many of you might think this is stupid but this is the reason i tend to hide from public. I have considered shoving a sock or something down there but i think it would be worst or maybe it is just the fear of looking funny.

Please do not say people do not look or don't notice because believe it or not they DO, some are even loud and shameless to say "did you see that guy"  some stare and some laugh, this goes without fail every single time i am out.  Well i will not drag any longer, simply saying that i am suffering in this body i was giving. I wear baggy clothes ( don't like them but have no choice)

Please please !!!! Any solution is welcomed , i have tried using... pumps, stretchers, pills etc nothing does the job, you might be thinking im stupid for trying any of these things put i am desperate and willing to try it all.  Sadly i was thinking in my head while someone was staring and laughing that i would gladly give an arm for a normal package ( i know that sounds extreme but it is true)

So again any help? i can not seem to find much information about the subject , i guess my main goal is the testicles since this would give me the bulge i want.

Money wouldn't be a problem, and surgery is very acceptable if it is an option, like i said there is just not enough info about anything.

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Penis Glans Getting Blue

My penis glans getting blue what is the reasons.

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Penis Glans Has Red Dot And Looks Inflammed

I am a 25 year old male. I have a red dot on my penis glans and a few more showed up. I get pain at times when I am erect and urine drips after I urinate. My skin on the glans looks inflamed. Diagnosed as a skin issue 2 years ago. Testices turn red after in warm water. I am a virgin. What can cause this.

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Penis :: Black Spots All Over The Glans Appear Again And Again

Everyday nowadays, I notice weird black dirt spots around my penis. They are accumulated whenever I pull back my foreskin and they are all over the glans and I have to remove them but they appear again and again. What is the reason? It has never happened before.

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Penis :: Purple Patch On Glans

I'm 16 (almost 17) and have been able to masturbate for the past 3-4 months now, yes I'm a late bloomer. My penis hasn't changed significantly in size or shape however I am worried because over the past couple of weeks (2-3, maybe even longer) I have noticed a patch which is grey/purple in colour on the glans (?) and it has actually been getting larger. There are also a couple of bumps on it. (Note: needless to say, I haven't yet had sex.)

Is this normal and just a part of the penis growing, or is it something I should be worried about as much as I am at the moment? I would really appreciate reassurance because I'm worried about what this could be as I don't know what may have caused it. The only thing I can think of is that as I have masturbated and used a tissue, the tissue has removed moisture and caused this.

Should I not masturbate to see if it goes away? Is it something serious or should I just leave it?

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Penis :: Constant Tingling On Glans

For about a year now I've had this incredibly annoying sensation inside my penis around the top area going down to maybe just below the glans. It's almost as if I feel that I need to pee even though my bladder feels completely empty. It never goes away. I've had my self checked. First time a doctor said that there was a "little bit of an infection", then he gave me antibiotics. I came back after the symptoms hadn't gone away. Sometimes it stings very slightly when i urinate but not painfully. The doctor said the infection was gone in the urine test. I then went to a urethral doctor and they performed a cystoscopy but didn't find anything wrong. after that I went to std clinic where they did tests for the typical stds but didn't find anything and they didn't have a clue of what it could be. I really can't relax with it, but it's definitely not psychological. i have also noticed since i got this sensation i can last anywhere near as long during sex or masturbation, so badly that I don't even bother, but I wouldn't care if i could just get rid of this sensation/irritation/ TINGLING.

Oh and one thing is that the std clinic they said it could be nonspecific urethritis if the std tests came back negative which they did. so they gave me zithromax 1g(1 day) and cipro for 5 days, it did not eliminate this feeling. So they concluded that it wasn't nonspecific urethritis because NSU would have disappeared with the zithromax.

I've searched the internet and I can't find anything relevant, and was hoping that maybe you guys know something. I'm 21 years old.

if anyone could help me find a solution or what I have and remove this feeling I would be so incredibly thankful, id even pay a damn reward (that's how sick and tired I am of this).

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13 And Foreskin Still Attached To Glans Of Penis

I am starting to get worried with my penis. I am 13, and I know I am not fully into puberty. I can't cum yet. I have some pubes, and I am about 4 inches while hard. I am also uncut. So, I know that by this age, I should be able to get my foreskin back behind the glans if I wanted too, except my foreskin is attached to the glans of my penis. It is not attached by the frenulum, it is attached by the synechia. From reading, I have learned that this should be dissolved at a young age. But it is still there. Even with my foreskin still attached, I can pull my foreskin back about halfway the length of the glans. When will my synechia dissolve? The synechia is almost connected all the way around my glans, except for a small gap which is about 1 cm long. I pull back every time I shower, and I also masturbate at an average of 2-4 times a day. I am really worried about getting circumcised.

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Penis :: Foreskin Is Not Detached From My Glans

i am 22 years old. When i pull my foreskin back it does not detach from my glan completely...I have not had sex yet..would it be fine after my first should i try to pull it back completely ?

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Sexual Health :: Glans Of Penis Wet And Smells

So over the last year I have found it almost impossible to keep the glans of my penis smelling clean. It used to be quite dry to. However now it's quite moist area.

My girlfriend, seems to have a problem with smells too. Both hygienic and both try our best to wash our genitals to the recommended way no harsh soaps etc.

One fried. Suggested it could be thrush but we have no other symptoms.

I recently went for a nhs sexual health screen and came back clear.

Would love to know what's causing these smells.

I could go for days with no smell down there as long as I had no sexual activity. Just really don't get what's happening.

I've been with my girlfriend for 3 years and had no other sexual contact with anyone else except from her in that time.

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Burning On Penis - Swelling On The Edge Of The Glans

On 26 Jan 2011 night i feel bad burning in my penis urinary tract and swelling on the edge of the glans, i went to doctor he ask me any sex with girl i told him yes only oral sex she performed then he took urine culture test and HIV, VD also all normal so he gave some medicine but not clear my problem. i went to urology he took urine culture test also but normal he gave some medicine also but still my urine yellow colour if not drink water frequently. still burning but not bad swelling also not bad now im taking (cranbe 300mg & Epitril 0.5) medine please what is my problem advice me. but my urology say nothing to worry.

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HIV Prevention :: Touching Penis (glans) With Anus

Yesterday i played with a man. I used condom. I tried to penetrate his anus but my penis was soft and the condom went out. Then i rapidly pulled out my penis. I noticed there was no penetration but my glans (glands) penis touched his anus. Is there any transmission if HIV?

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